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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 01/16/12: Driving Drunk

      by , 01-17-2012 at 03:27 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Driving Drunk
      I am driving down an isolated street in the middle of nowhere at night. There are two other people in the car with me, and we are all drinking. (Drinking and driving? I don't even like to drink!) I am drinking a beer and laughing and telling bad jokes that I don't remember now. I feel drunk. I drink more of my beer and I see flashing lights in the review mirror. Great… cops… now I'm in trouble. I think I'll pull over, but instead I get the idea I can turn off the road somewhere up ahead and kill the lights so the cops will fly right by me. I speed up to put distance between the cop and me. I start going very fast and I am not able to make the sharp turn that's coming up ahead. Instead the car breaks through the guard rail and flies out into space… there is apparently a cliff beside the road. But the car isn't going down… it is continuing to fly… or am I just too drunk to know we're crashing?
    2. 06/13/10 Raging Fire

      by , 06-16-2010 at 03:49 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I have never actually been to Houston, but the pattern of my dream and what I saw fit pretty close to the paths I have marked on these Google Earth maps. It was a very vivid dream and I remembered it very clearly.

      I was sitting on the couch watching some kind of documentary on television. I watched it for a few minutes and realized it was about pilots involved in stressful situations such as equipment failure, bad weather landings, etc. They showed an airliner flying toward Houston. The plane was flying over thick clouds. It was a very calm scene, nothing seemed to be wrong there. I got closer to the television and touched the screen. My hand moved through the screen and into the show… uh… well, this should have been good reason for a RC, but instead I thought this was just a new form of interactive television. I pushed my way into the television and the next thing I knew I was flying outside in the air, keeping up with the airliner with no difficulty, and approaching Houston.

      The clouds below were what represented the dangerous situation for the pilot of the plane. The plane started to slowly descend through the clouds. I followed suit. I slowly descended into the clouds. This dream was so very vivid that I could feel the small beads of moisture that the cloud was made of. They were cool on my face and exposed arms. I was surrounded by fluffy whites and grays. I lost track of the plane in the clouds. As I descended down below the clouds I could feel larger drops of water. Now I was out of the clouds and into the rain. It was raining rather hard in Houston. The rain sprayed my face and arms, and it still felt good. I was thinking I had just come from a baking hot Arizona day into this pleasant rain storm, of course it felt good to me.

      I was able to pick up following the plane again. It headed in towards the Houston International Airport… which I looked up and found it to be called the George Bush International Airport… The plane circled the airport a few times and then came in for a careful landing. I didn't see any sign of problems at all. I wondered why that should've been stressful… but then again, I hadn't been on the plane. They might have had equipment failure along with the storm. After the plane came to a complete stop at one of the gates, I got bored of watching the planes and flew off in what I felt was north or north west. I flew in and around some small buildings, not sure what they were. I was just flying in the rain and having fun. The rain was beginning to slow down a bit now. My flight path carried me over an intersection where there was a rail road crossing.

      As I flew down over the intersection I saw a car in the middle of the tracks. Both of the gates were down, and the car wasn't moving. There was a train approaching in the distance. Now if that wasn't just a Murphey's Law moment… I landed near the car and looked over. There was a woman in the car trying in vain to start it. Ok… a cliché moment of a car getting stuck on railroad tracks with a train coming… and now the driver was really going to be too retarded to get out and just abandon the car to save her own life? She finally got out of the car as the train approached. I thought she had finally gotten a brain, but she instead went to the back seat and started struggling with something. What was going on? I went over to her and told her she had better get out of the way… a train was coming… She said she knew, but her baby was stuck in the car. Wtf? I looked in the car. There was a kid in a car seat. The kid was securely strapped into the car seat. The mother was struggling with the belts holding the car seat into the car and the belts holding the child in the seat. None of them wanted to come free. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my knife, popped it out, and cut several of the belts quickly… and then the mom took the child out. We both got out of the path of the train just before it plowed into the car with a loud CRASH! The car was dragged a short distance down the tracks and then tossed aside, a total wreck.

      The woman didn't seem to be able to stop thanking me over and over again. She wanted to know who I was because she said everyone would know me as a hero… but I don't want to be known by anyone… so I took to flight and left her standing there in the rain with her kid. I flew north, following some kind of a highway, the rain slowed to a stop.

      The air was still cool and crisp. I flew a good distance. I flew until I saw smoke that was not too far off. I headed in that direction, which involved turning to my left for a while. I flew over a lake, and then there was an area of forest. In the area of forest there was a fire raging. I wondered how the fire had gotten started. A bolt of lightning? I hadn't seen any lightning… a careless camp fire or a carelessly disposed of cigarette butt? Maybe, but with it being so wet I didn't see how the fire could have gotten started. Arson? Maybe, but why? I figured it didn't matter how the fire had gotten started… I was going to check it out and figure out how to help stop it.

      I flew down to an area not far from the fire. There were animals fleeing the site of the fire. I was hovering over them as they headed away from the fire as quickly as they could go. I could also see the fire approaching. I saw some animals had gotten trapped by the fire… I didn't want them to get burned. I flew in and grabbed a few small animals and got them to safety… but there were animals too big for me to lift. Deer… there were several deer… I flew back and lifted a fawn. It was surprisingly easy to lift. I took the baby deer to safety. I lifted mom… also surprisingly easy… and dad… a sizable buck… also easy to carry… I moved some more animals out, snakes, squirrels, deer… some animals I don't remember what they were, a few of which were rather ugly… but this wasn't helpful… the fire would still catch up soon… getting rid of the fire was the main goal.

      I wondered how that could be done. I landed near the lake. I could still see the fire from there. If only I could move water as easily as I moved the animals… I tried to lift up a section of water… and it worked. The water lifted in a small sphere. I did only a brief double take (and no RC) before gathering a much larger sphere of water and carrying it to the site of the fire. I dropped the huge sphere of water over the fire. The sphere immediately broke apart and doused the fire in a huge puff of steam. It never occurred to me that I was dreaming… I thought this was easily explained by the fact I had finally developed my telekinetic powers. That was enabling me to fly, enabled me to lift heavy animals, and transport water. I was flying away from the site of the fire when I woke.