• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Dreams, notes, and other experiments to assist in achieving high-quality lucid dreams on a regular basis.

    Reality Check (RC): Action used to evaluate if one is dreaming. Common methods include plugging the nose and testing whether it can be breathed through, as well as inspecting one's hands for irregularities compared to waking reality.

    Memory Lapse (...): Where memory ends for a given stream of consciousness. For example, going to sleep in a dream and waking up in the dream later with no recollection of the sleep.

    Dream Initiated Lucid Dream (DILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer regaining awareness from within a dream.

    Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer maintaining awareness from waking near-directly into a dream.

    Wake Back To Bed (WBTB): Sleep cycle interruption technique used to achieve lucid dreams.

    Blue: Denotes regular non-lucid dream recall.

    Purple: Denotes lucid dream recall (formerly Orange).

    1. Night of Tuesday 4/9/24 (Comp Night 12)

      by , 04-12-2024 at 08:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      My dad is being investigated by a stereotypical gumshoes style detective.

      Champion of Farore:
      I’m in a volcano area. Similar to Death Mountain Crater from Ocarina of Time.
      There is a game mechanic where you must choose one of the three goddesses to support. I’ve chosen Farore.
      She has a large wizardly looking hat. This outfit that has the best stats, but there is another more simple one with tan cloth.
      There is a menu screen similar to Final Fantasy. I’m using an item called token and it teaches a move with very high special attack called Prometheus. But it won't be active until tomorrow. I understand this to mean tomorrow, real world time (not game time).
      To progress, you have to equip and unequip specific gear to show support to your goddess and then talk to npcs by doors leading deeper into the mountain.
      My point of view is similar to Pokemon now, where there are trainers that must be defeated with the gear equipped.
      Din’s trainer is a bulky looking bald guy, and he is the last one I need to defeat.
      The doors have opened pre-emptively but I go to defeat the last trainer anyway for the experience points.

      I’m in a park area, and there is a bulletin board in front of me. There is a war happening. Chaotic scene.

      Updated 04-14-2024 at 01:23 AM by 99808

    2. Night of Saturday 1/13/24 (Comp Night 8)

      by , 01-15-2024 at 05:16 AM (Dreamlog)
      The Legend of Honda:
      I'm driving a 2018 Honda Accord EX-L in Hyrule Field from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I'm testing out how fast I can go. The dream is in first person.
      I accidently drive into the Lord of the Mountain deer spirit, and immediately feel bad about it.
      I get out of the car to look around and notice some arrows that I shot earlier.
      I'm surprised that I can still pick them up.
      I've been transported into a high-resolution version of Ocarina of Time's Water Temple.
      I'm admiring the graphics as I descend into the lowest floor underwater.
      I'm remembering where I need to go to progress into the dungeon essentially off mental memory.
      As I go, there is some narration about what I am doing, similar to The Stanley Parable.

      Nintendo has a new partnership with Honda to help sell used cars.

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 05:59 AM by 99808

    3. Night of Saturday 12/2/23

      by , 12-04-2023 at 06:25 PM (Dreamlog)
      Seeing Guilt:

      I'm at a waiting area with my sister. Looks similar to an Optim-Eyes building.
      There is a girl my age there playing Pokemon Green on a gameboy.
      Later I'm at the girl's house.
      It's a bit dark, low lights. Somewhat gloomy feeling.
      She's showing me her Pokemon in the game.
      We kiss, and my sister sees it.
      I'm driving my sister and I home.
      I'm concerned that my sister will tell my girlfriend about the kiss.


      I'm at a spring-time college setting, somewhat similar to the campus from The Magicians.
      The 'popular kids' are playing tennis on a court nearby.
      I'm sitting on a bench and it deforms strangely to accommodate the way I am leaning on it.
      I'm watching a speech being given by a person on stage.
      The person is somebody I had met recently. He calls me out as his best friend in front of the crowd.
      It's night-time and I'm on an initiation mission. It's winter now.
      There is a target home I'm supposed to enter. I find it and there is a basement window from below.
      It's covered in snow but I can see it and begin to clear it, but the glass breaks.
      I see the Durselys from Harry Potter eating dinner in their dining room.
      They panic, thinking I'm a monster, elf, or something magical.
      Later I'm back at a base. Still the same winter night.
      The base is in a park lit by some torches. The torches show the Triforce insignia from The Legend of Zelda.
      Green Arrow from DC Comics is the leader of the group.
      He's calling out another member for messing up my mission.
      This individual has essentially set me up to fail.

      Updated 12-04-2023 at 06:27 PM by 99808

    4. Night of Monday 9/25/23

      by , 09-27-2023 at 06:39 AM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:00PM.
      All recorded at around 4:45AM. I lost a lot because life was busy today and had to wait until the evening to write this.
      Plus, my nightstand notes were not very detailed and I underestimated how dark my room would be in the early morning.

      I'm at home sitting on the couch with my girlfriend S.
      My neck is killing me. She comes over and reveals a red neck pillow she has made for me.
      It feels godly when she puts it behind my head.

      I'm playing a 2D video game that resembles something from the SNES era.
      Point of view is from overhead, like The Legend of Zelda.
      There is a plot-line that involves time-travel, and when the player traverses eras, the 'future' has a blue-purple styling compared to the standard green-grass look in the present time.

      Something about World of Warcraft.
      I might be playing a new expansion.
      My friend Z is there.

      Something about my Grandma P and Uncle J.

      Updated 09-27-2023 at 06:47 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Night of Friday 9/22/23

      by , 09-23-2023 at 04:13 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:30PM.

      New Life
      I'm with my family at a hospital. I recall Grandma P and sister-in-law K in particular.
      There is a glass viewing case that has the newborn baby girl in it.
      The baby is "K Junior". I bring my Grandma P over to make sure she gets to see the baby, and she tells me she already has.
      We are rushing down a hall, and at the end of the hall there is a room similar to the small band room from high school.
      There is a group assembled here. My friend H is part of it. I think the subject of the dream has changed at this point.
      H has a new girlfriend and it is an exciting mystery about who it is. There are other members of our friend group there too.

      Later I'm rushing outside to a car. It's a downpour of rain.
      I'm carrying my saxophone case. My Dad is driving the car.
      He won't pop the trunk so I can't put it away. I'm frustrated because he won't help me.
      It seems he wants me to bring the saxophone case in the car with me.

      Recalled from earlier in the night.

      Random Dancing
      I'm at a dance studio. It resembles the one my girlfriend and I went to a few year back.
      I'm with my friend H again and we are in a line leading to the front desk.
      I'm nervous because I'm bad at dancing.
      There is a screen behind the desk and it has a randomized list revealing who will be dancing with who.
      H is paired with someone else, and I don't recall who my partner is.

      Recorded around 7AM.

      I'm playing a Zelda game. It resembles Tears of the Kingdom. My girlfriend S is watching me play.
      We are in a lava-themed area. I'm currently fighting a tall monster.
      There is a new partner (similar to Navi, Tatl, KoRL, Midna, Fi etc) that has the ability to steal enemy weapons mid-strike.
      In a dramatic and exciting moment, I execute this ability just as the monster is thundering down a massive axe toward me.
      The axe gets a green glow (similar to how the ultra-hand works) and teleports to Link's hands. S thinks it is awesome. We're both excited about it.
      At that moment, the game slows down, and the background is red. The silhouette of Link holding the axe and the action lighting makes the moment all the more epic.
      I strike, the monster falls, I win.

      Recorded around 7AM.

      Updated 09-23-2023 at 04:34 PM by 99808

    6. Night of Saturday 9/2/23 (Comp Night 2)

      by , 09-03-2023 at 09:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      The REM rebound is real

      The Stylin' Spider Boss
      I'm in a Zelda boss arena that reminds me of the Wizzrobe battle in Stone Tower Temple from Majora's Mask.
      The boss is a large spider-like creature, and the solution is to shoot it in the eye.
      It drops arrows periodically, in case the player runs out.
      Later I'm in another Zelda boss arena. This time it is like Stallord's from Twilight Princess, but with a forest theme.
      The boss is a spider-like creature, with long spindly legs. It might be the same one from before.
      My girlfriend S has painted the legs purple and put converse shoes on the legs.
      Zoro from One Piece is resting against the locked boss door, watching the battle.
      He's saying something to Usopp, also from One Piece.

      It's night-time on a modern-military boat.
      Jiraiya from Naruto is leaning over the railing on the front of the deck.
      Some conversation has just happened, had to do with passing responsibility on to the next generation.

      Basement Fort
      I'm in a large basement, fully completed. A young boy is using it as his room.
      It reminds me of Grandma P's current basement.
      The boy has built a fort out of blankets, sheets, and chairs. He reminds me of S's cousin J.
      There is a set of locks in the sheets, where the keys would open the door. There are 5 or 6 of them.
      My sister's boyfriend N and my Dad are there.
      They are hanging out on a large sitting area, with half-circles of leather couches facing a TV.
      This section of the basement looks like the one from the home I grew up in.
      My brother A has just returned from travel. He is carrying a lot of luggage and seems overbeared.
      But he is handling it.

      Fun commentary here...my brother has a young boy due any day now. I don't really believe in premonition, but maybe this dream is saying that he will be OK?

      I'm at a wedding ceremony. Anju and Kafe from Majora's Mask are getting married.
      They are thanking me for helping them with jobs around town that got them to this point.
      There is another person at the wedding who is trying to have me arrested for meddling.

      The Arcade on Top of the Hill
      I'm in a big hilly place. There is an arcade-hotel at the top of a large hill.
      I'm now at the arcade. Lots of lights and sounds.
      I run into Arin Hanson from Game Grumps.
      I tell him I'm a big fan and he decides to hang out with me.
      We walk around the arcade a bit and then leave through a back-door.
      We're outside, back in the hilly area. There is a concrete floor, with a hole and a ladder leading down.
      He says we have to go down there.
      I tell him I can't because of my knee.
      The hole shrinks, such that a person could just barely fit.
      I try to squeeze through, but I can't.
      I think that maybe using some oil would work.
      I remember there is a train I need to catch.

      I really am recovering from knee surgery, so I was aware enough to reflect that here.

      I can recall a fleeting image of a sky palace area, where paradoxically, the hole from the previous dream would lead.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:00 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    7. Night of Monday 6/12/23 (Comp Night 12)

      by , 06-14-2023 at 07:02 PM (Dreamlog)
      Constructive Jealousy
      I'm at my Grandpa R’s house back in Wayne. My brother A and I are playing Zelda ToTK.
      My brother has the white Switch OLED and is playing in handheld mode.
      His game is running at 120fps and I’m jealous.
      He is controlling one of the guardian constructs using motion controls in a deep valley area. The camera is following the construct he controls.
      We get into some argument. It’s heated and emotional. I don’t think it is about the game.
      Tags: brother, valley, zelda
    8. Night of Sunday 6/11/23 (Comp Night 11)

      by , 06-14-2023 at 06:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      Day-time (Nap)

      Lucid in the Manor
      I'm outside a manor looking place. It’s rainy. I go around the side and find the front door. I open it and it has a Mario Sunshine style doorway to jump into a level. I jump in.
      I'm in my living room, but it is wider and has a tall ceiling.
      Much bigger than normal. I put my hand out in front of me and starting counting fingers out of habit. Six fingers per hand.

      That’s not right…I’m dreaming!
      I do a nose RC several times to verify.
      I keep my hands out in front of me to look at as a sort of lucid anchor.
      I walk down the hall, but my dream starts to fade before I can save it.

      Night-time Sleep

      The Secret 10th Dungeon
      I'm playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I'm walking on the surface and I get the "new location" HUD text for a new dungeon.
      It tells me that it is the Secret 10th Dungeon.
      I can see that there is air rising out of nowhere so I jump and activate the paraglider.
      It takes me all the way into the Sky with floating structures all around.
      I land on a larger structure and the HUD confirms again that this is the secret dungeon.
      I'm very excited about this and start to explore.

      The Dragon Roost Cup
      I see Toon Link (Windwaker Legend of Zelda Style) fly by on some vehicle.
      I understand that this is for a Zelda-themed Mario Kart game.
      Characters are all riding Sky vehicles.
      On the HUD, there is a Dragon Roost Cup title, and others, similar to how Mushroom/Flower/Star cups work in Mario Kart.

      Not going to say this counts for Dragon Theme, since it was just a title and reference. Not an actual dragon.
      I wouldn't be mad if I'm wrong on this though...

      Airship Dining
      I'm out for dinner with family. We're walking down the street together looking for a restaurant.
      It's a rainy night and my Dad is there with my brother and I.
      We are talking about diet, but still decide on pizza.
      We come across one, where there is an airship tied down. The restaurant logo is 1800s-ish looking gentleman with tophat.
      The quirk of the restaurant is that the airship lands at scheduled times and becomes available for seating, alongside standard ground-seating.
      There is a rope mechanic where patrons help secure the airship.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:03 PM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. Night of Thursday March 9th

      by , 03-10-2023 at 04:30 PM (Dreamlog)
      Earthbending Teeth
      Toph and Iroh from Avatar the Last Airbender are fighting. Toph is on the offensive and Iroh is evading everything. Toph realizes that teeth would fall under her earthbending's jurisdiction, so she starts to bend Iroh's teeth. Toph wreaks havoc on Iroh's mouth.

      Wall Kicks Will Work
      There is a shrine in a gloomy place. It is similar to the area after falling down the tree in Zelda: Majora's Mask. The shrine represents a somber memory. I can recall dream-me thinking about how I had created it in other places before and that others wouldn't recognize it. Personal memory, but I don't know what it means. It was some arrangement of a small tree and a big pink flower.

      There is a dead end after the shrine, with a large closed door. The door is also in the Zelda style (where pressing 'A' would typically raise the door up and away so the player can enter). 'A' isn't working. I think to try wall-kicks from Mario 64. It works. I go higher and higher up and away. I land on platform jutting off of the wall opposite the shrine and find a locked door. Luckily I have one key left. I press 'A' to open the door, and it rises to let me enter as expected.

      Inside, there is an expanse of blue beams sprawling out into the darkness. There are skultulas (spider monsters from the Zelda series) dotted throughout the room's ceiling. The monsters are on webs at different heights. I explore a little bit, but then I'm ambushed. A large skultula, the boss, attacks. I dispatch it with ease using a bow and arrow and start looking for my prize. Down a ladder there is a landing. Still in the rafters above, not down on the floor below where the shrine is.

      I find a sarcophagus. The lid on it is very heavy but I remove it. There is a mummy inside. This is apparently my prize. I start thinking through the logistics of having a mummy in the house. And how creepy that would be...what if it wakes up and wanders the house at night?

      Art made by Nightcafe AI.

      Updated 03-12-2023 at 10:45 PM by 99808

    10. WILD Attempt & Zelda Prediction: It's Bad

      by , 02-25-2023 at 06:01 PM (Dreamlog)
      Up at about 4:30AM for a WBTB. No recall from earlier in the night. I've just taken the supplements below for the first time. I'll be back to record later. First impression: Choline smells terrible. Like fishy terrible.

      Update: Laid in bed for a long time. GF's regular weekday alarm went off by mistake a couple times and messed up my rhythm. Eventually I relaxed enough to start feeling WILD vibrations. I got all the way through the process of "going through the wormhole", and I could see a dream in a tiny pinhole at the end. It was my childhood home. I could see my old PC monitor with Runescape on it, but the dream was black around the edges. I forgot that I needed to 'grab' the dream and I missed my opportunity.

      I find myself in my bed and I think to do a nose RC. I can breathe through my nose so I know I'm dreaming. I start to rub my hands together, spin, and demand that the dream stabilize. It doesn't do much, and it feels very unstable and groggy. I try to leave my bedroom but the dream fades. I have a few more false awakenings with similar results. At one point I did spin and see some marked improvement in quality, but not enough to try and pursue a dream goal. I was trying to go to a forest and explore the dream environment.

      I'm in something similar to a fast-food restaurant playscape. There is a pool resort nearby. Sunny day and all that. Looks like a dope vacation spot actually. I'm crawling through the tube tunnels, and eventually come out the other side. There is a group of people playing the upcoming Zelda title, Tears of the Kingdom, on an outdoor TV setup. It is lagging really bad. I'm upset about it being this bad. I wake or otherwise recall nothing beyond this point.

      Regarding the supplements. I did notice a bit of a headache during the attempt (and now still), as well as some stomach discomfort. I felt my heart beating faster but that is most likely attributed to the WILD experience itself. Nothing earth-shattering but thought I should note it.

      Hoping for better results next time. I will say that this is the first time in a long time that I've actually felt the WILD vibrations, tiny victories I guess.

      Supplements: Primary Trigger Combination (1st Attempt)
      Galantamine: 8mg
      Choline Bitartrate: 250mg

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid

      Updated 02-25-2023 at 06:05 PM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment