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    1. Coming Back

      by , 05-14-2015 at 04:21 PM
      Morning of May 14, 2015. Thursday.

      My wife and family and I seem to be living in our present home on W Street though I get the vivid impression that our house is rotated completely around by 180 degrees (there being a very clear in-dream awareness of the real-life “kitchen space” now as the rotated living room in relative directional awareness), thus our front door faces the south into our implied backyard and alley beyond. However, I cannot be certain how the rest of the neighborhood’s layout has been altered by my dream’s rendering as I am never outside at any point. The front wall, where the window otherwise is, is different in that it has the potential to be a portal into another world. This portal (or implied inter-dimensional gateway that could give access to several different alternate worlds depending on the setup) is seemingly controlled by at least four bricks that are arranged in a line and used with some sort of incantation I think or at least by having each brick in a particular special position in contrast to every other (it may even relate to four bits in the construct of half a byte though it seems like some sort of ancient technology related to a lost civilization).

      At one point, I place the four bricks on the floor near the sofa. I put them in a row of four and each brick in its specific place, though in lieu of instructions someone else gives me, but the portal still appears in the wall, revealing an outside area beyond (where our front porch would actually be seen through the window). It almost seems like some sort of wharf immediately beyond (though does vaguely cause me to consider that part of it is “still” our porch). My older brother Earl (deceased) and an unknown male are going to go into this other world, supposedly for a short time, to explore the area and possibly take notes for a possible later documentary or book. My brother only looks to be in his late twenties here. Although it was decided that they first visit the culture that invented the system, there are no organic traces of that society apparently, due to so many thousands of years having passed (though some buildings, including temples with religious motifs, are still there).

      A short time later, it is realized that the wall has closed up, possibly due to someone accidentally moving one of the control bricks on the floor. A few other unknown people are visiting and want to make sure my brother and the other male are able to get back. I try a few different arrangements of the four bricks, but the wall remains “doorless” (or without the portal to the other world) for about twenty minutes. Meanwhile, I discover that by touching a brick a certain way or tapping it on the floor, it doubles into two bricks. This seems problematic, as the more bricks there are, the more possible patterns that can be made, complicating the potential to implement the right arrangement by chance. Somehow, I end up with about ten bricks, a couple of them being slightly smaller.

      I get rather annoyed and throw a brick so that it hits the side of the sofa. Oddly, it turns into a can of Sunkist Orange Soda. A few other bricks also transform into drinks when I throw them, including a few cartons (half pints) of chocolate milk, which are shared with the visitors. I sit down on the couch on the right end to drink from my Sunkist can and I end up drinking rapidly emerging foamy soda. The detail and sensations are quite vivid and realistic. I worry about wasting too much of it, but am able to drink it quickly enough so that most of it is consumed. In afterthought, the augmented sense of touch in this case (and even the associated slurping sounds) is somewhat amazing though I do not become lucid. It is possibly one of the most vivid and realistic drinking sensations I have ever had in a dream to date.

      I carelessly attempt different positioning of the bricks, throwing a couple more at times in frustration, including at the front inner wall. Eventually though, the portal appears (via a random experimental arrangement of the bricks on my part, of which there are about six left) and my brother and the other male walk into the living room. The area behind them looks exactly like the same “wharf” from earlier in my dream. My brother says that he and the other man had been in the other realm for nearly a year, though he looks about ten years older than before. I tell him that the portal had only been closed for about twenty minutes.

      Later, there is some sort of shift where I look out from a different “porch” of some kind from the west side of the house. There is a vague concern of a giant creature (perhaps King Kong) or large stylistic dinosaur (or Godzilla) appearing from over the eaves somewhere. This never occurs and I am not that fearful of the potential. I eventually cannot quite place where I am. In fact, I seem to be in two different locations at the same time, yet both of which are nearly the same - and in addition, while being disembodied in perspective of a third location that is also very similar. I continue to ponder on the three different “same” places and whether or not a monster will soon appear in any of them, though again, nothing happens as I slowly wake.