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    1. Driving off a Cliff (An Annoying Imposer’s Leave-taking)

      by , 10-16-2015 at 10:00 AM
      Morning of October 16, 2015. Friday.

      In my dream, my wife Zsuzsanna and I are living back on Stadcor Street in Brisbane. Our family is mostly as it is now. For some reason, my wife’s younger brother George stops by and hangs around for a long time, becoming more and more annoying. Sonny is with him, but not as annoying. Zsuzsanna is also annoyed, mostly by George as well. (In real life, we have rarely seen him).

      There reaches a point where I seem to have had enough of his loud imposing nature and patronization and cause the blade of a steak knife (not the handle, just the blade) to fly through the air and lodge in his left shoulder (I am not lucid). Sonny, I do not mind at all. However, they soon leave together.

      From here, I go outside and have the familiar sense of being in control and making my dream at one level, though still not lucid in any way. As I watch the truck, I am also aware of a nearby cliff (although there are certainly no cliffs near the area in reality). I get the sense that he is going to turn and drive straight off the cliff and I feel a sense of pleasant expectation. My dream is very vivid at this point with realistic imagery, sound, and distance perception.

      Indeed, he turns, going faster, and drives straight off the cliff on purpose, and as he does, I sense a gasping from numerous people as the truck falls to the ground below. Somehow, I am then seeing a view from ground level near the foot of the cliff, where there is a river (as if I am standing on the water’s surface). The truck is supposedly now underwater. My wife’s younger sister Judy and numerous other people immediately rush into the knee-deep water (though unrealistically, the truck cannot be seen) from being on the sidewalks above just seconds previously (typical illogical dream shift).

      Judy is the closest to where the truck apparently hit and sank and it looks like she may try to find them or try to rescue them, but my dream starts to fade from here.

      Looking at this dream closely, it appears to be another variation of the waking process metaphor. Oddly, one of my last waking-metaphor dreams also involved George driving around mountains near cliffs, except that we were actual passengers in that case - though we went back to find our real sleeping selves; that is, our real physical bodies before any potential of him driving off a cliff.

      The river is the dreaming process (and there is also a light mist above it in this case, although misty rivers sometimes appear at the beginning of apex-lucidity dreams in addition to the pop culture association “Tomorrow Never Knows” by The Beatles) and although the water was getting lower (a sign of waking), an aspect of the dreamer (driver) could no longer be seen. The scene with the knife blade was already “cutting off” the connection of dreaming or dream communication (as I did not “have a handle” on my “imposing” unconscious state or potential lucidity - an oh-so-obvious dream play).

      I am not sure why George is sometimes seemingly a facet of my non-lucid dream-self lately (not that often, just every now and then - and assuming it is not a subtle telepathic link as with my wife). One of the only other consistent “drivers” as such has been my brother-in-law Bob. This is curious in that both people have very low intelligence in real life and in the case of Bob, he cannot read (though the ability to read certainly does not denote intelligence or intellect). This may be some sort of play on the non-lucid dream-self lacking critical thinking skills or clearer awareness, perhaps even relating to failed borderline lucidity or even “hidden” lucidity. Since childhood, I have found it curious how I have often been aware of a part of me making my dream as it unfolds, and yet not being lucid in any way. This is especially curious as I have not read about other people with such experiences or particular recall and is one of many reasons why I no longer believe that the so-called subconscious exists; only various levels of mind; within and external (and beyond) - as well as Universal Mind (or non-local mind).

      The final scene loosely relates to having just seen “The Red House” (from 1947) with regard to the last scene where Edward G. Robinson as Pete Morgan deliberately crashes and drives into the river under the ice house. Note also the play on “knife blade” and “shoulder blade”.
      Tags: cliff, mist, river, truck
    2. A Most Unusual Pet

      by , 10-17-2012 at 04:17 PM
      Night of October 17, 2012. Wednesday.

      This first shorter dream, which is a lengthened and distorted version of the otherwise typical natural falling mechanism as the waking transition precedes my next longer one where I am more of a direct character in my dream rather than just a passive witness as in this one.

      In which I transfer the “I am falling” natural waking phase to an expanded “he is falling” scenario.

      My first dream here relates to an unknown male of perhaps around thirty years of age and who firstly seems to have committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. However, there are at least three scenes in a row (seemingly not dream resets or replays), seemingly at night, where he has to try a couple more times and then I think he gives up. Instead of going around and up the path, which is logical and convenient, he climbs straight back up the side. He is wearing some sort of motorcycle uniform meant for stunts, I think, like Evel Knievel; white with a black stripe down each shoulder, and wearing some sort of odd matching helmet, though which is quite angular. I am not sure who he is. I get the impression of his being a soldier at one point in the past. The night sky is an unusual dark blue and different from how the sky would look in reality. I am not sure, but it seems that it may be Grandad Bluff in La Crosse as it does look much like it.

      In which I seek to use my conscious self’s higher thinking skills in the dream state but the bookstore (conscious mind) is closed (and non-lucid). I then seek to simply watch my dream subjectively (movie theater, to watch a movie of a journey over the ocean of the unconscious; a “Titanic” sequel) but it too soon decays to become an essence of a memory (warehouse). A memory of my youth begins the waking phase, an amorphous shape from the unconscious (ocean depths), yet also sharp somehow, trying to get its point across perhaps.

      Next is a fairly long dream that seems to reset at least three times. My wife and I are going to Nundah (Queensland, Australia), though at one point it seems I am the only one going there, seemingly to the bookstore. It does not make much sense, as the bookstore is not open late at night. The area is quite different and somewhat like La Crosse in America. I get the impression of wanting to get certain paperback novels, but there are strange resets to where we are then going to a movie very late at night though at one point I “remember” it is a holiday and no stores are open except maybe for the theater. The movie theater is a bit odd and does not seem to have proper seats. An unknown unfamiliar boy has brought his pet to that part of town. It is a large creature that is somewhat like a cross between a jellyfish and a porcupine yet is also blob-like at times (seemingly able to get smaller or larger by quite a significant difference) which may be based on a reaction of the environment or the emotions of people in the immediate environment. Soon, I do not feel like watching a movie anymore (and I cannot even remember what it was though I think it was some sort of sequel to “Titanic”). I end up going home and then wonder if my wife is somehow back at the theater, then I realize she never left our house in the first place. The boy and his weird pet apparently were the only ones in the building, which is not actually a movie theater after all but more like a warehouse.
    3. Over the Cliff (visually precognitive)

      by , 04-19-2007 at 10:19 AM
      Morning of April 19, 2007. Thursday.

      My family and I are back at the apartment we used to live in about two years ago. However, our mentally disabled neighbor (to the south of us in real life on Barolin Street, in the halfway house) lives across the street in a semitrailer, but there is only a vague scene where he appears making some sort of loud animal noises as he does in life, but only for a short time. The semitrailer seems to be completely empty but he still lives there. (In real life, he had shouted gibberish at random times day and night , so it is possible he shouted once or twice and it became part of my dream.)

      There are not many buildings around other than the four-block apartment complex we live in in-dream. The other three units have not been lived in for a long time, and I get this strong feeling that the whole area is going to eventually become part of a new development project within a month or so (this aspect turned out to be precognitive as well as the other precognitive layer described below). The area is completely different to real life, though. The four-block set of units is actually right on the edge of a cliff in a sort of triangular section with our apartment seeming the most safe. Actually, the ground has fallen out from underneath a couple of them already, making them unsafe. The apartment we live in is actually closest to the slightly curved road and there is the idea that the other apartments are not even safe enough to walk around in now. There is also a newer road below, part of it going directly under the apartment complex area. I soon notice that I can actually look through the window of one of the empty apartments and look down and see through gaps in the floor and down to the road below, where I notice a truck passing underneath.

      I have a strong awareness that the owner of the place has not done any maintenance for a few years. I am also aware that there are stoves and refrigerators in the other apartments, but in poor condition. I put my hand on the outer wall of one of the apartment units, and there is almost immediately a rumbling, and dirt falling from everywhere around the unit. The whole apartment unit collapses down off from the cliff to the more solid ground below. It is about four stories down. This - from one brief touch of my hand.

      I start to become more concerned about our own living area. Surely it must be fairly safe? A woman of about forty appears at around the same time I start to wonder about our apartment. Sure enough, when I start to open the front door, our whole apartment starts to fall to the ground below.

      However, all is not lost. The woman has a cardboard box, and, with no logic or sense whatsoever, manages to safely catch all of our belongings in the box before the dust settles. The idea that even a small portion of our belongings would not have fit in the box (let alone being able to be caught as the whole building was falling) never even crosses my mind. I am just glad we still have all of our possessions with no damage whatsoever - and of course, we also managed to fall from the cliff (staying in standing position) without being injured as well.

      Interestingly, this dream has turned out to be precognitive on two levels and exact in terms of some of the imagery; a day later, there was something about houses in Canada falling in the same manner as in my dream, and it was something I had not been thinking about or had seen on television recently up to the time of my dream.
    4. "Hot Stuff’s Day Out"

      by , 11-16-1974 at 05:16 PM
      2 minutes 30 seconds to read.

      Saturday morning, 16 November 1974. (Reviewed Sunday morning, 28 August 2022.)

      Hot Stuff's Day Out"

      Dream # 2,889-01.

      My dream begins in an unrealistic version of my Cubitis bedroom. There is no west wall, so the room is open to the outside. The house sits atop a hill that overlooks a forest in an unknown region in daylight under a blue sky.

      I walk to where the floor ends. Instead of my feet slipping forward with me falling backward (as occurs in the first post-hypnagogic dream of every sleep cycle), REM atonia results in vivid vestibular-motor phasing with the blissful sensation of somersaulting down the hillside over the tall grass. The event has the essence of slow motion.

      After I stop somersaulting upon reaching the foot of the hill, my dream self’s imaginary body temporarily modeling my sleeping position at this point, auditory phasing initiates as one of the only “narrators” I have experienced in the dream state. (Otherwise, such a transition is typical, as vivid phasing responses often occur with linearity. For example, hallucinatory vestibular-motor phasing triggers hallucinatory auditory phasing here.)

      The unseen narrator, speaking in a loud unfamiliar voice with a British, Australian, or New Zealand accent coming from an unknown overhead source, does not express awareness of my presence. He seems to be engaged in a formal voice-over for a PBS documentary. I look up and see a statue several feet away that resembles an Easter Island statue, except it is only about eight feet high. The narrator talks about “African gods.” (Yes, I know Easter Island and Africa are in different regions of the world, but dreams often render falsehoods to prevent confusing dream content with real-world aspects.)

      In my dream’s final scene, I watch three unfamiliar male explorers (probably in their forties) ascend the hillside. They are wearing beige safari outfits. I am on a cliff without the implication of having climbed up (no slope navigation, otherwise regular in my dreams). I enter a cave with the men, though they seem unaware of my presence. (One of the men vaguely reminds me of Abel from DC’s “House of Secrets.”)

      An adult version of Hot Stuff the Little Devil (a Harvey comic book character) walks out from a deeper part of the cave to greet the men. The men appear terrified, remaining motionless, but I find the situation hilarious. The amusing “devil” wears a diaper (as in the comic book). There seems to be no threat, only a curious comedic essence. (A demon or devil would not otherwise appear in a lucid dream or most dream states with any level of self-awareness because of conscious bias, that is because I know they do not exist.)

      My vestibular-motor phasing response resulting from REM atonia has occurred throughout every sleep cycle since childhood. Managing this physiological event or integrating spontaneously into the phasing effect is unrelated to the misconception of “astral projection,” a term that a legitimate lucid dreamer would never use.

      Statues are a fundamental response to my intuitive, metacognitive, or lucid recognition of REM atonia that occurs throughout all dreams in healthy people. This attribute was one of the first natural and self-evident properties I recognized about “lucid dreaming” (or any mode of dreaming) at age 4, long before I heard the term. (On a side note, someone who “interprets” dreams in contrast to recognizing causality could not be a lucid dreamer despite any claims they might otherwise make.)

      In addition to statues being an intuitive or lucid response to REM atonia, caves also regularly appear. However, it is often in induction rather than an outcome (as in this instance). Caves are how I intuitively (or lucidly in hypnagogia or post-hypnagogia) perceive my entry into a deeper sleep.

      Updated 08-28-2022 at 08:06 AM by 1390

    5. The Cliff

      by , 01-11-1974 at 07:11 AM
      Night of January 11, 1974. Friday.

      Dream #: 2,580-02. Reading time: 38 sec.

      This dream scene has been recurring. I approach a cliff on a mostly flat mountaintop and contemplate jumping off. It is only when I am certain I am dreaming and expect to fly. Sometimes I fly horizontally, though in other dreams, diagonally. I sometimes land in a valley without flying as much, almost like a fall, though not alarming or perceived as potentially dangerous (as it is only a dream). Landing in a valley typically causes my level of awareness to change. For me, flying creates an enhanced experience of imaginary proprioception.

      In this instance, there is an orange hue everywhere, even though it seems late at night. I am facing east towards what seems like a sunrise, though it eventually seems to be more like past sunset (though in which case the sun would be behind me). I feel as if I am the only one around for miles. I feel a positive sense of “being where I should be.”

      Tags: cliff, orange