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    1. Unusual Wall Induction

      by , 02-21-2017 at 08:21 AM
      Morning of February 21, 2017. Tuesday.

      Although many of my dreams begin with water induction (which includes water sometimes flowing from a wall or ceiling), I do not bother to include that detail unless atypical or unusual, or in this case, sustained, with no main dream body or waking prompt that I can recall and already in the dream state indicator phase (being in bed).

      I am in a very relaxed state. Zsuzsanna is sleeping with me to my left. I focus on the wall to my right. It is of a light teal color. I notice that there are “fringes” at three different heights on the wall. I reason that these “fringes” (similar to an association with a hippie fringe jacket) might indicate that the paint is peeling off in an unusual uniform manner. (Still, the bedroom we are in has only a bed.

      I eventually confirm that water is slowly flowing out from each height of the fringe feature (each of which is horizontal along the entire length of the wall), but not enough to cause actual flooding, only minimal depth on the floor of only about an inch. I try to focus and consider if this is presently because of rain or perhaps some of the pipes leaking. It does not bother me at all; I remain only slightly curious (probably because water induction and reinduction triggers some degree of liminal dream state awareness).

      A wall is autosymbolism for the division of liminal space, that is, the barrier between the incomplete dream self (the very limited subconscious self, typically rendered in a fictitious scenario and without viable memory from either the unconscious or conscious self) and the conscious self identity. This is a correlation with RAS mediation that otherwise renders a door or doorway as an exit point out of the dream state. I liminally am in control in this case, and I am using water to reinduce and sustain my dream (validated by the waking autosymbolism being to my right). Interestingly though, this dream became literally prescient, when an unexpected storm tore our roof of in November of 2017 and paint actually did peel in an unusual way as here, proof that liminal dream control can correlate with literally prescient threads, which is very unusual to say the least. (In other cases, I mentally paint a wall to initiate dream state reinduction to “freshen” and sustain the dream state. Additionally, although the room was mostly featureless otherwise, it had an atypical feeling of being in our real home. At any rate, this dream is a composite of water reinduction and wall reinduction.)

      I had thought (for no particular reason) about an unusual model kit I built as a child just prior to this. It was a show car with fringes around the bottom and bullhorns on the front; the AMT “Hero” Lincoln Continental kit. (I had many model kits when growing up.)

      Last reviewed on Friday, 18 May 2018.

    2. Imposing Renovators (Recurring)

      by , 07-30-2015 at 01:30 PM
      Morning of July 30, 2015. Thursday.

      This recurring dream situation is not remotely symbolic in any way that I can tell and is mostly only literally based on real-life annoyances as well as environmental scripting (for example, light hammering and weed whackers very early in the morning). I had previously posted similar environmentally-scripted dreams, including the “inferior decorators” theme. This one is not quite as surreal and the noise was not quite as intrusive. As I have said, when there is environmental noise during sleep, I sometimes also dream of exploding credit cards, playing cards, and other smaller items that disappear in a bright flash, leaving me somewhat puzzled unless I am lucid and even then it causes a brief shift in in-dream perception.

      In my dream, it seems to be the present, though we are living in a different (unfamiliar) residence. It seems like a large two-storey house. The room I am “sleeping in seems to be L-shaped and on the second floor. I am at the "foot” of the “L” back against an area where I do not expect the renovator to approach. He mostly remains in the “stem” of the “L” though I hold the sheet almost fully over me in case any paint flakes go flying in my direction. He has some sort of vacuum-cleaner-like machine he is carrying around (like a suitcase) and seemingly sucking up all the cracked and peeling paint that I guess is mostly on the ceiling in the “stem” area. However, at one later point, I look up and see that not only is there loose peeled paint everywhere, the wood of the ceiling itself seems to be fused into the paint and splintering down somewhat, though looking almost like plastic, yet the unintended “design” is very even and regular across the whole ceiling. This seems a bit odd, as I am fairly certain I heard him scraping the layer of paint off (as well as some sanding, I think, or vacuuming off any chipped paint) and assumed it would be fairly smooth by now. I get the brief impression that someone might actually try to paint the ceiling in this strange condition.

      In another scene, my wife Zsuzsanna and I are embracing near a window on the second floor. A cherry picker is just outside and at least two men are staring into the window from perhaps ten feet away. (Strangely enough, this brings to mind a recently reviewed dream from all the way back to 1967, about forty-eight years ago - “Ferris Wheel at my Window” - which also has people using an unfair advantage to look in through my second-storey window). As I am noticing this, my wife somehow goes straight out the window and is suddenly on the ground below yelling at the work team (without being injured in any way, and in fact, not even seeming to climb out but just teleport or go through the wall and drop vertically and perfectly). I am slightly startled by this and then go to look for her.

      From here, I go outside and I start yelling at any other male that may be within hearing range. A friendly male comes from around the corner of the house and asks me if I am talking to him but I say “no” so as not to hurt his feelings or alter his friendly nature.

      I then go to some sort of warehouse-like building with no external walls (similar to the look of the unfinished house my wife lived in as a child). There is a lot of junk, which is probably related to the renovation work. Not much happens after this though I am thinking I will probably end up doing much of the painting myself.

      Updated 08-01-2015 at 06:40 PM by 1390
