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    1. A Beautiful Beach, Cool Water, and…Almost Kicking Someone

      by , 02-07-2017 at 08:17 AM
      Morning of February 7, 2017. Tuesday.

      I become intensely aware and feel cheerful, though I am not lucid, during what seems to be the last stages of someone leaving an area that he had been caught trespassing in late at night. I am not regarded by any of the characters in this situation even though I am fully physically present. The owner of the land remains at the rear of a guard’s large building, giving warnings to the other male who had trespassed. This other male however, is now with a guard at the front of the building. I watch him and the guard through the window from outside (on the left side of the building when looking at the front). Each time that the owner of the property shouts something at the trespassing male, the trespassing male then “interprets” and relays to the guard (on his left and not close enough to the window to hear the owner) what the other male had supposedly said.

      The property owner loudly informs the other male that a helicopter will be coming with people to arrest him. He will also be fined a large sum of money; at least a thousand dollars. He gives a number of minor details. This results in the guard being told (by the trespassing male) that a helicopter will be coming to take the trespasser to his home and that someone will bring money to give him (rather than him being fined). Everything the property owner shouts is changed by the other male to become a beneficial event for him. The guard does not realize this at all and writes down the instructions on a notepad. Even though the situation is hilarious, I am only mildly amused.

      I turn around to see an amazingly beautiful beach and nighttime scene. I walk towards it, thinking that I might take a helicopter from an island not that far from shore (which I may be able to walk to because of sandbars). I notice an orange beacon in the center of the island. There also appears to be a park shelter or some sort of small utility building on each corner of the island.

      Still, once I am on the beach itself, my perception and clarity becomes extreme. The scene is so beautiful and blissful, I become distracted and forget that I had been thinking about getting on a helicopter or going to the small island.

      I notice two sandbars just off the beach. I go to the closest one and roll around and slide with the incoming waves in the wonderful cool water and white sand. Two other people, an unknown male and female, are also enjoying themselves. I first think that they may be playing with some sort of sea creature such as a dolphin or octopus, but this is not the case. As I walk past them, I am somewhat annoyed. I would like to enjoy the beach more without strangers around.

      I see a large park shelter. There are three pairs of picnic tables, each pair touching end to end and the ends perpendicular to the front opening of the shelter. Two couples sit at opposite sides of the building. I walk in from the right side, having enjoyed being barefoot in the cool water and sand, but I soon notice a lot of crumpled empty packages from vending machine products and other rubbish strewn on the floor. There is a puddle and it looks like someone had even peed near one wall.

      I decide not to go fully into the park shelter and absentmindedly say aloud, “this is a real pee place”. The other male in the water looks up and asks me what I said. “It’s a pist-place!” I say.

      “You can’t expect people not to take their stuff out to enjoy nature,” says the male (which also seems to mean that he thinks it is okay to throw trash everywhere as well as put various recreational junk on an otherwise isolated pristine beach). As he says this, I notice an equidistant series of small yellow cube-shaped plastic boxes across the front of the park shelter (which I am certain were not there moments earlier), each overflowing with various items. Some of the items are for sports and recreation on the beach.

      “I prefer water, sand, and rocks to this junk,” I say. I start to become really annoyed and kick an oversized green Monopoly house (about the size of a football) from the top of the contents of one of the boxes as it flies at the other male, almost hitting his head. I kick a couple of the small storage boxes, also missing him. I then decide to kick him directly in the head with my right foot.

      Just as I somehow lift my foot high enough to kick his head, I wake up with my right leg thrashing out like a real kick (while on my left side). (Thankfully, I did not kick anyone or anything in reality.)

      • A beach in a dream is liminal space autosymbolism, a typically heightened stage between sleeping and waking, similar to bridges, parking lots, and porches, all of which represent a liminal link between the dream self and conscious self identity during the dreaming and waking process. I usually become much more aware in liminal space (especially as it links directly to the waking transition and emergent consciousness factor). In this case, I was only one step down from ordinary lucidity and at the highest level of (non-lucid) liminal dream state awareness, with full-body awareness.
      • The first situation in my dream is some sort of comedic transmuted “return flight” precursor where another male takes on my dream self’s role. (I never actually see a helicopter and my dream is altered into a sustained increased awareness rather than ending here as it should which is likely why the waking prompt was more extreme than usual.) From here, I deliberately sustain my dream without lucidity and even the personified preconscious element shifts to another scene (not that common). Water and its dynamics symbolizes sleep in real time, which is how I am able to additionally sustain my dream by focusing on the beauty of the beach and ocean (known as reinduction). The fact it is nighttime is a circadian rhythms factor of the deeper unconscious (which delays the emergent consciousness factor).
      • A waking prompt is a biological necessity, typically brought on by the dream self or something else falling, flying, collapsing, rising, and so on. In this case, my hypnic jerk actually seemed changed into a semi-conscious act, as if I knew I had to do this to fully wake (and as usual, the personified preconscious was the focus of instigation).

      Updated 05-18-2018 at 12:36 PM by 1390

    2. Ocean View Replaces Cubitis Backyard

      by , 12-02-2014 at 06:02 PM
      Morning of December 2, 2014. Tuesday.

      Once again, I travel back into “history”, though my Cubitis backyard becomes part of a fictional composite; this time there is an ocean that is mainly south and east instead of the backyard itself, though our house is still there, otherwise looking the same somehow. A high commercial concrete bridge seems to extend east of the carport (with highly ambiguous access plausibility), continuing easterly as far as the eye can see (taking on the implication of my recurring “eternity bridge” regarded in my note below*). I am with my wife Zsuzsanna. Our youngest son Oliver had been playing near the water at one point. It is almost as if we were originally going to go see the ocean (several miles away to the south at first) but instead, the ocean “came to us”.

      (*Note: This more commercial bridge has something in common with an equally fictional wooden bridge in the exact same location and orientation from a childhood dream, where it was above a prehistoric swamp, which also seemed to be my backyard at one point though the overall setting was ambiguous as if bilocated.)

      I am not sure where our son is at one point, but I do not think he is in any danger. I get the impression that he may be under the bridge on a sandbar. Several items are floating south on the ocean’s surface, each of which our son had been using but had abandoned. There is an inflatable raft, two empty green wheelie bins mostly submerged diagonally, a half-deflated inflatable mattress for a swimming pool, and at least two other items I do not recall. The items are far apart from each other.

      Our view seems about thirty feet above the water at this point as I continue to gaze southerly. The floating items seem quite far away to the south as well as far below. I am annoyed at the prospect of having to go out and somehow bring all the items back, especially as they are drifting farther away. My perspective is quite skewed however, as it would be impossible for the view to seem that far away while still supposedly in range of our implied backyard.

      In a short time from this point, my dream quite drastically changes the bridge area where I am standing and mostly enjoying the view from - into then being a low section where my wife and I are lying down on a regular mattress floating on the water but our mattress being somehow fixed in position to the rest of the bridge as if it was a part of it. I do not even seem to notice this rather extreme change in height or the silliness of the design. Looking at the water, which is very realistic, I am aware of the approaching shadow of a very large fish about two feet under the surface, which I take to be a shark and which slowly swims easterly, past us. There seem to be a few larger fish, one possibly a tuna, but I mostly see only one at a time. I tell my wife about the shark and move back from the edge in case it comes closer to the surface (but it does not).

      I am eventually somewhat concerned for our son, but I seem to realize that he is probably not in the water at this point. Interestingly, I am eventually vaguely aware that I am creating the shark and the other shadowy submerged forms though I am not at all lucid. (This has often happened before, where I had a subtle awareness that I was creating my dream - even the eerie or threatening aspects - yet was not remotely lucid at any point - in a sense that I knew I was manifesting everything but did not actually know I was in a dream state and did not contemplate taking conscious control at any point. It sometimes seems more about “making a movie” or even avant-garde art.)

      My wife is to my right, though beyond that side of our mattress is a far less defined environment, which I am not sure is water (the ocean continued northerly) or a half-wall of the old shed (which would occupy the space in reality). I have a vague concern about the shark going in that direction but sense some sort of “barrier”. There is nothing nightmarish about any emotions I hold, even though the perspective is quite vivid. I turn on my side and wake from my dream (in the same position implied in my dream) though I had not moved at all in reality.

      Updated 09-10-2015 at 12:01 PM by 1390
