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    1. Huge Walleye

      by , 03-18-2016 at 09:18 AM
      Morning of March 18, 2016. Friday.

      This is a typical and easily decoded fishing dream (though my views on this common dream situation have changed somewhat over the years with new realizations and additional evidence) where I “expect” to catch a very large fish and do hook one but wake before fully reeling it in. I am near a bridge in an unknown region. The bridge is fairly high from the area near the shore where I go to fish. (A bridge typically represents either deeper dream entry or waking, but I do not utilize it here in any way.)

      I soon hook into a giant walleye, which is between twenty and thirty feet long (which is of course, ridiculous, especially as it stays on my line the whole time). I slowly reel it in and it splashes near the surface, filling spectators with awe. Its tail sweeps up from the surface, whale-like.

      An unknown man and his annoying large dog appear on the scene. I am not sure of what breed of dog it is, but it is possibly a Doberman. The man seems oblivious to the large fish I am reeling in.

      Soon, feeling amused, I deliberately reel the fish towards the dog, which is splashing in the water a few feet from shore. The big fish rises up from the water and swallows the dog in one gulp (the fish directly facing me as he does so). The man looks bewildered. I feel no regret and actually have to hold back laughter. In a short time, the water starts to lower somewhat, which represents the instigation of the waking process (and has as such since very early childhood, the first documented instance being in 1965).

      As I have found even more evidence that well serves the meaning, I will still note that fish have different meanings depending on the situation, as does a whale, even transitory meanings - for example, a large fish is the essence (and projection) of the dream self until caught by the dream self where it then becomes the emergent consciousness in being pulled from the dream state. This dream uses the “swallowing the dream remnants” transition and is analogous to the “Pinocchio” story on one level. Carefully considering the elements, I typically see a large fish or a whale as a dream self projection while it is in water (especially going deeper into a body of water). However, the giant fish in this dream is actually my emergent consciousness rising from the dream state (body of water) to swallow the dog (dream remnants and dream self projection, which are rendered as annoying and “intrusive” concerning my dawning awareness in getting closer to waking). This relates directly to the “Pinocchio” story, confirmed by the fact that Pinocchio is “not a real boy” (until the end of the story) and is thus solely the dream self rather than a thread or projection of the conscious self (the latter as with apex lucidity where the conscious self is almost completely aware, fully in the dream body, and fully in control). The whale or emergent consciousness swallows the dream self, instigating the waking transition. Swallowing is a form of coalescence of dream self and waking self and if you believe the theory of how complex cells came to evolve (through engulfed bacterium) then it makes even more sense.

      This pattern of dream meaning can be seen in a few dreams; the boa swallowing Danny (as he was on a scaffold which also represents getting closer to waking), the miniature lion swallowing our daughter, a very large catfish swallowing an unknown male, and so on, all during the waking transition, including even the one where each larger box “swallows” each smaller box in a series.
