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    1. Healing rings of light, and some very weird vermin

      by , 09-12-2013 at 03:12 PM
      Morning of September 12, 2013. Thursday.

      I am living in an area that seems to be right near a larger parking lot (to the north), almost as if my family and I live in a shopping mall or at least a one-storey house of such a size. It seems fairly late at night. A few cars are in the parking lot, but only one car has people near it.

      A man (Giovanni Favia?) and woman with a younger daughter (who changes, alternating in ages a few times, even being a baby at one point but as old as thirteen or fourteen at another point) are in the middle area of the parking lot. The family is Italian. Overall, this dream offers a different scenario than usual even though I have dreamt of healing light emanating from my fingers or hands before. I have several Italian and Latino cousins and in-laws but I do not feel a stronger of family connection or personal “cause” of any kind in my dream. There is no emotion other than wondering what the real (full) story is. People are always doing things and engaging in beliefs and conflicts I have absolutely no clue about; I am mostly passive in this dream for some reason.

      It turns out that everyone is dividing into groups - not based directly or entirely on race or culture, but seemingly more in an ongoing situational way. Still, I seem (by situation only) related to them somehow, so I choose to go with them (although I do not actually see anyone else around or anything threatening even though the family seems somewhat frightened of something), as we all supposedly need to go somewhere. This may possibly be related to a natural disaster or some sort of fighting in one region - it is not clear. I will probably have a lot of family members I would eventually be an “enemy” of during these times, but that is not the main issue or theme.

      Soon, we are riding with the family heading west, but it now seems to be daytime (the ol’ “Ed Wood” style of dreaming, continuity never a concern). It seems we almost run over a male teenager who had fallen off a bicycle just prior to us passing him, just missing one of his feet by an inch or so. Perhaps it is actually MoVimento 5 Stelle (Five Star Movement). (It was actually Beppe Grillo involved in involuntary manslaughter by car). However, even though the car is going fast, I seem to have a deep trust of being driven without incident, yet, I also somehow understand that we may have already died and am even pondering that “fact” for a short time (this has happened in a few other dreams as well - this exact same perception - I even sometimes get that awareness riding in a car in real life, especially with a taxi) - wondering about the awe of it all, even a sort of “destiny” of sorts - or playing an important role in the “mechanisms” of time or eternity by just being still.

      Eventually we reach an area we are going to be living for a few weeks, I think. No one was annoyed by us becoming a part of the (survival?) group or had mentioned that my name did not sound Italian. There is only light mention of the obnoxious-sounding “V” Day (Vaffanculo Day).

      Later, it seems the daughter is very sick as well as a few others and they do not do much other than sleep. My dream changes more to a focus on my own physical awareness and movement as I then have the ability to project rings of blue light from my fingers and palms. This is where my dream is the most vivid. The rings of light, although mostly two-dimensional (not like a torus) have healing energies. I also notice that they sometimes are not always rings but are sometimes comma-shaped and more greenish as they turn about (although sometimes coming close to a green/blue Yin/Yang shape), moving to the intended “target” (some sort of odd mix-up of comma and coma, as a couple of the people are supposedly in a coma). I seem to mostly cure the people. A toddler becomes so strong that she almost seems stronger than me in movement and energy after a time. There is also a point at which the daughter of the other man is somehow a “twin” or “copy” of my oldest daughter (or rather, twins or copies of each other). I sometimes add a mouth movement, somewhat like blowing into a balloon, I suppose, to give more momentum to the rings of light, without breaking them apart (as with a smoke ring). This goes on for quite some time in various scenarios of helping people.

      There is a very odd part that is quite creepy (in thinking outside of my dream). It involves an older boy where a larger section of flesh is separate from the right side of his head, but not in a gory way - and it does not even seem to hurt him or be likely to cause a more serious infection or serious medical problem. It is almost like a ring of bacon and jelly, but not fully a ring anymore - but is now C-shaped because of some sort of “erosion” from not being on the head for almost a day or so. I think about how it should probably be placed back on his head before it becomes even more uneven and difficult to keep on. After this, there are some people I actually seem to heal by adding more flesh to them (such as from missing fingers or ears).

      In the next dream, there is a scene I have had before, but not that common - old bird seed that had sat around in bags in a dark or damp area. In this case, a younger woman (unknown) is somewhat annoyed that she had let the store (public area?) get that way over time. She begins to clean up. For some reason, I had eaten handfuls of the seed (it also seems to be some sort of human food, used as part of a dessert, I think) and had thought the taste was actually not bad. The two bags had been there over a year, perhaps two years.

      She cleans more and more of the area. My wife Zsuzsanna is there after a time, seemingly reading at first - later watching a video. I notice, after more things (including the bigger cloth bags) are cleared out, that there are deep, dark holes under the floorboards - in the ground as well as farther along within the wood or supporting beams - almost like various little caves.

      I notice more and more “strange creatures” and vermin moving about, some of them bugs, but I also notice a beautiful but dangerous-looking snake. I watch the snake move about the beams under the floorboards and then slowly begin to wonder if it will come out and be a threat. About that same time, I then see it moving towards the direction of the opening in the floor that I am near, but it is no longer a snake, yet still very serpentine. It almost seems to have no legs, as I see it is now some sort of mongoose (though it really was a longer snake before, unless it was a different creature that moved out past the snake - as the anaconda-like pattern does change) with beautiful snake-scale-like design and bright colors all around, then I do see the legs that are so smooth, they are almost like wheels in the way the body moves. I warn my wife about the “snake”(?) which becomes more mammal-like near the end. It looks like it might attack her (I get the idea this sort of creature spits venom prior to a more aggressive weasel-like attack), but it seems not quite certain of its “prey”. Instead, it just sort of “grins” - looking somewhat like a Chesire Cat. I get the idea my wife might see it as a pet or at least not be alarmed by it being in the room.

      Additional notes:

      I am not that familiar with Italian culture, or with V-Day as a political campaign in Italy - the first being around the same time period as this dream - On 8 September 2007, he (Beppe Grillo) organized a “V-Day Celebration” in Italy; the “V” stood for vaffanculo (“f–k off”). This dream also includes a somewhat recurring aspect of the “clone” or copy of a familiar person (often a relative). As already mentioned, blue healing energies from my hands and fingers have been in my dreams fairly often. There actually is a larger parking lot across the street from where we live presently, and I have also dreamt several times of living in an actual shopping mall.

      The beautiful and bizarre serpentine mongoose in this second dream may relate to my “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” persona - which I and a friend had used in the past on forums, as well as obvious sensual overtones, including those implied by the old joke “Do you like Kipling?”, answered by “I don’t know, I’ve never kippled”. However, a mongoose also attacks and kills cobras in the story, so it also possibly represents totality of (combined) diverse personas (dominant and passive?). Also, I should note my wife was likely reading “Jungle Book” in my dream, followed by later watching a movie version, as this connects with recent real-life scenes.