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    Keitorin's Dream Log



    Dream Palace:

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! ヾ(´¬`)ノ



    I discovered lucid dreaming June 10th, 2008. I was actually reading the Wikipedia entry on Sleep to find out what the average amount of sleep needed for my age was. From there, I followed the link to Dream because I suddenly realized I hadn't remembered my dreams in years. I'd forgotten about dreaming entirely. Once I got to Lucid Dreaming, I didn't look back... especially since I remembered for the first time in a long time a couple of special dreams I'd had in the past.

    Old forum DJ.


    DILDs = 9~

    (I need to go through my old journal and current one and get the exact number.)

    My Dream Signs:

    Vehicles (particularly accidents)
    School/old class-mates
    Fandom-related stuff
    Immorality (stealing mainly)
    Old places or people (school, residences, family I don't see often)
    Dirty bathrooms
    Wandering around (buildings and such)

    Past Dream Signs:

    Disasters (most often tornadoes or something I can't remember)


    Apparently I can't settle on what to call the people I know in my dreams from WL, but here's a tentative list (I'll probably go back and edit past entries later):

    Sister = Rane
    Sister's ex-boyfriend = Matthew
    Aunt (older) = Sarah
    Aunt (younger) = Melly
    My best friend = Pillywiggin, though I think I use her real name (Nicole) more often...
    Old school friend #1 = Ella
    Old school friend #2 = Liz
    Old male classmate (crush) #1 = Jake
    My cat = Jazzy
    Our grey cat = Smoke
    Our white/orange cat = Spice

    1. Garnet, spider, dye and music class

      by , 03-22-2015 at 06:32 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      new here :D-avatar_3afcbb41af4f_128.png

      1. Steven Universe dream, it ran like a typical episode, but all I remember is Garnet saying some motivating line.

      Inspiration: I’m up to episode 23 now!

      new here :D-boompardosascan.jpg

      2. There’s a ~deadly~ cave cricket (jump spider) in the (not WL) kitchen, and it will.not.die. I smash it with a broom a number of times but it keeps coming back. I finally smoosh the broom over it and think I get it, but then Smoke (passed away IWL) comes over to check it out. I panic and kick my foot towards him.

      I wake up, kicking something at the foot of my bed. Once I realize what happened, I try to figure out what I kicked, because I definitely felt something solid. I worry that I kicked Jazzy but I think the door is still pulled two from last night. Then it creaks open and answers my question for me.

      Inspiration: There was one in the house last week, and me and my dad fear them sooo much that I was worried I’d have a bad dream about it. Welp.

      3. Melly, me and Rane are getting our hair dyed. It’s in our hair and we’re just waiting for it to settle into how dark we want the colors to be.

      Mom is with me and points out Melly’s, she says it’s too much, so I need to be careful. I look at my hair and see the purple and pink dye on each side of my head. I can’t remember if it was my hair or someone else’s but the right side was way too much pink, but I thought that maybe different hairstyles would fix it.

      Inspiration: Thinking about dying my hair yesterday.

      4. I’m in a class. The teacher starts handing out papers. I look at the heading on the top of mine and it has ‘Christian’ in the title. I think to protest that I’m not even Christian, but for some reason give up on the idea.

      We’re supposed to fill in information on this guy. The teacher comes over and leans over me, and starts to explain how I need to fill out certain answers. As she does, I worry that the other students can’t hear her, so how will they know what to do?

      She says that his website has changed to the .com extension. I look at what it was before – something like .co.mt. She points to where he went to school and tells me what to put. I look at what’s written (in pencil) but can’t remember what it says.

      She’s back to where she started and talking about how she changed a few things about ‘the song’, because it was a ballad, and she didn’t understand why he had to include a curse word. I think that it isn’t right.

      She goes around watching over the students, and suddenly starts singing. The class joins in, me especially loudly, though I don’t remember the lyrics now.

      Then I’m working on the second worksheet, it’s something about health. We’re supposed to answer what foods have certain things in them, like GMOs. I’m stumped.

      A girl comes into the class late and sits across from me. I wonder if she’ll get into trouble but the teacher doesn’t seem to care.

      new here :D-androssi_portrait.jpg

      The girl had short (almost chin-length) light brown hair that had a bit of a static electricity problem. She says that she was fixing it up. I feel like I should complement her even though it’s pretty plain looking and strands are sticking out. As she starts working on the papers, I wonder how she’ll know what to do.

      Inspiration: the ‘mt’ part of the extension comes from a reviewer of a manga I linked to somewhere. The censoring is from me thinking about this song I was listening to while exercising yesterday. The girl is definitely inspired by Androssi in the Tower of God webtoon. The school part might have come from me thinking about college. ‘Christian’ may have come from me thinking about the radio station dad listens to.
    2. Teachers leave them kids alone

      by , 03-08-2015 at 06:19 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      A school dream where a lot of students are upset, because new students are taking over some of the old ones duties without any say.

      The old ones decide to leave.

      The setting is my old school. I sneak off with my phone and call Ella, but she’s in trouble.

      We’re in some game-type dungeon and I’m trying to help her escape, but there’s a bear. We manage to circuit around it. There was a bit more but it’s fuzzy.

      We’re back at school and trying to escape. We come up to a big garage-type door. Suddenly, I smell gas! We have to get out. I find some tool and bash on the door, but it only comes loose a bit. I see where the gas leak is coming from – the building is going to explode!

      We make it through a crack in the door to outside where some other students are standing around. We run away, and I look back and yell, “Get back, get back, there’s going to be an explosion!” After a moment they respond in realization and start moving.

      …But nothing happens, leaving me confused.


      The students who are leaving are transferring to another school. A guy with a girl is talking about his plans, and I wonder if they’re not worried about splitting up if he’s the only one leaving.

      A taller African American boy wearing glasses who comes across as smart is going on to the teacher at the checkout about how relieved he is to be getting away. I’m watching off to the side, maybe omnisciently.

      There’s an African American man behind him who interrupts. I feel that’s a bit rude even if the boy was rambling. He tells the checkout woman that he just wanted to drop off some charity thing before he was done for the day. I change my mind about him.

      Just before he leaves, he turns and says to the boy something like, “And if you were really happy to be leaving, you wouldn’t keep going on and on about this place.”


      We’re sitting down at tables and eating. I glance to my left to my friend. She’s looking at me as well so I start to smile. The other people look up at me too, and then suddenly everyone is roaring laughing at me. My smile quickly falls off my face and I cover it. I must have something on my face??

      I jump up from my spot and start leaving, trying to think of how to cover my face up with this jacket thing I have and still see, whilst thinking resentful thoughts like, ‘If you’d told me what was so funny you could laugh with me and not at me, but you didn’t!’.
    3. Delinquents rise above & repentant son

      by , 03-18-2014 at 02:18 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Dream 2. I’m on a bus and say ‘this is why this character was written, for people like you’. I’m looking at a part of the Eyeshield 21 manga with Habashira Rui in it. The ‘people’ I’m talking about are to the right of me. They’re supposed to be delinquent types, or those without a purpose. When I look at them, they’re the Oujou White Knights, with Sakuraba in front.

      Must Plug Site...-55377.jpg Must Plug Site...-43339338_p.jpg

      People around the bus start chiming in their agreement, and the person to the right of me is holding up a paper. It pretty much felt like they (and the paper) were all saying “This!”. I asked if I could hold onto the paper too, and held up the right side.

      There’s an announcement about some death.


      I’m in a classroom, and there’s a dire discussion going on about how my old classmate, Ron’s, dad ‘Jack’ was found out to be a killer. There was something about a dead raccoon. Ron is up front talking about how he should have known, and how he let his sister(?) ‘Amanda’ blind him. He is seeking forgiveness from us.

      Inspiration: So weird to dream about Ron and Eyeshield 21 out of nowhere! The killer part comes from me watching the new episode of The Walking Dead and thinking about it before bed.
    4. Holes in the floor, looking for Spice

      by , 03-18-2014 at 01:46 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Fragment 1. Being forced to make a pancake dish. Someone wonders what I’ll do (to make it stand out). I crack an egg over the pancake in the skillet.


      I’m looking for the pancake in the fridge. I ask dad if he saw it, because I wanted mom to try it, and he says he ate it. I find it anyway, because apparently he only ate the egg part.

      Dream 1. I go into a mostly unused part of a school, but there are people around. I ask a maintencance man what’s going on, and he says it’s being put out of use. As I walk around, I see that the floorboards are missing in many areas so that there are holes.

      I carefully navigate over/around them. I’m looking for Spice, I’m afraid he’s going to fall. I see him at a few points, as well as Smoke at one point. At another, I look into a small room to the right and see him sleeping on a chair across from someone.

      I’m reaching the end of the hall and my sister is with me. She falls through the floor but manages to catch herself on a ledge. That’s when we see that the floor isn’t far down, because we’re up on a hill now. I see a map in my head of the area, which looks like a dark field with a hill and flat part.

      -Jump- (Or maybe takes place in between looking for Spice and Rane falling.)

      I’m sitting in an audience watching someone talking on stage. I see the curtains moving behind them clumsily and I shake my head, because I know who’s there. A minute later, two girls(?) come out and start talking.

      There was something about a ‘stamp’ that people wore to identify them (or who they belonged to?). One of the girls had an almost see-through portion of her top as hers.

      Inspiration: Spice has been sleeping on the kitchen chair lately. Map from Pokemon stuff most likely. I have déjà vu for the beginning when I’m wandering the unused area of the school.
    5. Wandering buildings, no food

      by , 03-06-2014 at 01:06 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I think if I have one more dream about wandering buildings after this, I'll add it to my dream signs.

      3. I’m wandering around a neighborhood and buildings. I run into a guy, and I ask him what these two letters in my ‘interests’ box stand for. In my mind I see a column with my ‘interests’ such as fandoms, hobbies, etc, written in it. I think the last letter was ‘f’. It’s how people find each other there I guess. He tells me the media name and I say ‘oh yeah’.

      I wander into a building and am lost. I find a room and think it could be an exit. There’s a young African American girl standing there. I ask her about the room, and she says her mom is in there sleeping because she’s sick. I ask her if that’s all that’s in there, because I’m still hoping for a way out. She silently closes the curtain(?) over the room.

      I feel like that scene repeated, like I went through there before. And that I’d seen the girl outside at my old school and talked to her.

      Inspiration: Two letters part comes from my PAO system.

      4. In a school cafeteria with my friends, the lunchlady tells me the food has already been put away. We manage to find some cookies(?) to eat though.

      Lunchlady reminded me unfavorably of Miss L, an old teacher. Or Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. I swear I’ve had a very similar dream before, that or my déjà vu is just on the fritz again. @_@
    6. Misery Contest

      by , 03-04-2014 at 12:56 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I’m sitting in class in the front row on the right. The teacher puts down a sheet of paper on my tan desk. I pick it up and look it at. I got 800 points on my math homework. I think that sounds good.

      My [old] friend Liz looks back at me from the desk in front of me tells me she got a 400 (or was it 600?) and that higher is bad. I ask how low you have to get for it to be good. I can’t remember what she said.

      Suddenly, my cat Smoke jumps onto my lap. The teacher, who’s handing out papers to the row right of me watches as I obediently put him down on the floor.


      There’s a sign-up sheet for “Misery”. Apparently you submit a picture with the theme and whoever wins gets something. I point it out to Liz. There’s a picture on there someone drew directly in a box of a face with pierced lips. I find it more funny than ‘miserable’ looking. Sitting back in our seats, I tell Liz I want to join but don’t have any pictures with me. She gets up and says that she’ll sign me up as a placeholder as I go get a picture.

      I know just the one I want to use. It’s a picturesque landscape scene with a cabin in it, the whole thing is drawn in blue, and it’s raining. I find it lovely, but some might find it miserable.

      Liz is worried about posting pictures up there without credit though. I say that I’ll make sure it has the source written on it.


      I’m looking through booklets with sheets of paper, and point a spread out to Liz as a good candidate for ‘Misery’. It’s lineart of Gamzee and Karkat dressed up as hoodlums looking glum, and Gamzee has a cigarette in his mouth. I stop and consider if it’d be allowed as a submission because of that.

      Inspirations: Maybe because of the Ella dream. The drawn face reminds me of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. Gamzee and Karkat because I’ve been thinking about Homestuck lately since getting back into method of loci, as I used to use Homestuck flash game maps for mind palaces. 'Sourcing' from fanart issues in fandom.

      Updated 03-07-2014 at 05:07 AM by 20026

      non-lucid , side notes
    7. 3-02-14

      by , 03-04-2014 at 12:01 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      1. Two animal-like creatures scuttling north along a road. Then they turn into Gon and Killua?

      Inspiration: Maybe my previous road dream. And Gon & Killua because I recently saw one of my old goals with them and have been watching Hunter x Hunter.

      2. Me and mom are in some woods. She holds back as I spot some pretty aquamarine colored marbles on the dirt ground and I start picking them up. To the left, I see a heaping pile of dirt, and realize that the ‘main piece’ must be there. I go over and kick the top off. I uncover a smaller bowling-pin shaped marble. There’s something small stuck inside of it but I didn’t get a close enough look to remember what.

      3. I’m outside at grandma’s house. I walk up to the back porch and see a younger girl with longer, wavy blond hair sort of crouched underneath it at the back. For some reason, I think she’s mute, but then I realize she’s just deaf when she starts talking, and her voice is kind of loud. She starts writing her number down on a slip of pink paper.

      I’m inside at the stove cooking, something about marshmallows and flour. There are people in the house that are similar to the family in Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

      I’m talking to my [old] school friend, Ella, (I think at different times it was on the phone and seeing her in her room omnisciently, it’s confusing), it’s in the future. I’m upset with her because I called her twice and left messages but she never called back. She sighs in exasperation and says that it must have been her dad; he apparently has a habit of meddling with the phone or something.

      Inspirations: Maybe because grandma’s house is a memory palace. Number from my PAO system? Mute/deaf from blind dream? Cooking from WL cooking (recently made a S’mores with marshmallows and peanut butter cookies with flour). Recently talked to mom about Honey Boo Boo. Phone probably comes from previous dream with a phone.
    8. Tri tagoj kaj sep fragmentoj

      by , 09-25-2013 at 04:21 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Still going, but my period started and it's been rough. Stress/moodiness, tiredness, waking up too early and not being able to focus on recall, etc. :/ Still doing DILD stuff as I can.


      1. Walking up to a strange house

      2. Some kind of contest where everyone is given something to use. The last person got cement and poured in on top of the other people’s stuff into a ziplock snack bag. She did that so she’d have some advantage.

      3. Being chased through a house, I make it to a basement (at grandma’s?) (chased by Annie from SnK?),

      Inspiration: Watched a certain episode of SnK with Annie.


      Something about a girl.


      1. Someone who looked like Cher but that I just ‘knew’ wasn’t was singing a song that I thought was out of her usual genre.

      2. People getting kidnapped, including Jenna ‘Brown’ from my childhood. Rane was in disguise as she talked to the Mansons, Jenna’s family.

      3. Pouring chicken noodles over the singing scene. There were so many we only filled a few white containers full and left the rest for others,

      Inspiration: #3 probably comes from me thinking about chicken & dumplings since they’re so tightly linked in my head.
    9. Who is that girl I see?

      by , 09-17-2013 at 11:26 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      1. I walk up to a big light-brown bag and scare the shit out of the people in it. Similar to this in size (but still bigger).

      Apparently it’s a vehicle. I had gathered a sack of BL manga to read while in the ‘vehicle’. They were bigger and heavier than normal. I sit them on the floor inside the door. Melly is there and shows me some candy she brought. Twizzlers was one. I brought some too and lay them out. One was really long multicolored Twizzlers (red and green), one was small twist Twizzlers. The multicolored ones were half and half and the red and green blended into each other in the middle where they met, and they were almost translucent.

      We’re waiting for a horror movie villain (think Michael Myers). I see in my head like a movie scene the figure standing on the road. He’s walking funny as if injured, and I see a car pass by him as if they’d run into him.

      Inspiration: I got a bag of Twizzers a couple of days ago. Horror movie thing probably inspired by Friday 13th.

      2. I hold my breath as a vehicle with a bad guy in it passes me by. The lady inside with blond-hair just past her ears smirks at me. I remember her, she’s a woman ‘I’ helped in a hospital when I was a doctor and some crisis was happening. She fell down the stairs and I rushed down to help her while everyone else was just trying to get away. “Look at me.” I urged her, checking to see if she had a head injury. Her hair was longer and in a pony then.

      She turned out to be a stalker.

      3. In a school (TTU)? Brought Sarah clothes, she was feeling down about something so we didn’t think she’d join in on what was going on (others were wearing them too). But she appears wearing jeans and a purple sweater with writing on it. We’re happy and walk out of the building, me quietly singing a song.

      Mom is already getting in the car when we step out, and I burst into song, ‘Reflection’ from Mulan. Sarah stares. As we get in the car, she compliments me and says she gives the performance a four. I say something about how I love to sing when the weather is like that (‘windy’).

      “Who is that girl I see
      staring straight back at me
      when will my reflection
      show who I am inside?”

      (I sing the last world as I get into the car.)

      4. As I was getting up for the day, I saw my mini flashlight by the laptop and remembered something that happened. At some point during the night, I crawled across the bed and over to my desk, scrabbling around on it until I found the flashlight. By then, I realized that I had dreamed that there was a big spider in my bed. By then I already had the flashlight so I checked for ease of mind. x_x

      It’s really weird when I react to something in a dream in WL. I think last time this happened, I walked over and got a sweater from somewhere, put it up on my bed with me and went back to sleep, lol. No wait, I think the last time was me coming to to find myself standing up on my bed…

      Notes: Woke up half an hour early again. Two songs with dreams, seems like listening to music before bed might be the cause. :3 Also, one of my dream goals I’m trying to remember for if I go lucid is to sing a song (not ‘Reflection’ though!). I can’t do that IWL because we live in an apartment and I have a high voice.

      Updated 09-18-2013 at 01:30 AM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    10. Card lesson

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:45 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      -Something about dad putting a bunch of kittens in a car, but pausing to ask if that’s where they needed to go?

      -Something about mom and a pile of clothes…

      -In class, an old elementary school teacher, Ms. Owin, is standing up front teaching us something about these cards.
      ~A student is drawing lines on a business card sized paper. Apparently only slow classmates would be doing that.
      ~Something about calling people to test a theory? ‘I’ am talking on the phone. Ms. Owin says something about an ‘Ayeesha’ and a ‘John’.

      -Woke up once with something about a boy, but Spice was puking all over my floor so I couldn’t focus on recall…

      Notes: Used too much keywords again, but I am working on getting better sleep so I’ll be up to waking up enough during the night to type up more. How do you even spell ‘Ayeesha’?
    11. Stolen project idea

      by , 09-05-2013 at 05:19 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      In (elementary school) class, I’m sitting at a desk at the front of the room. We’re assigned a project where we have to make a music video based on a topic the teacher gives. I write down ideas on a slip of paper, but see that Nikki (5th? grade classmate), sitting to my right, keeps glancing at it. I ponder songs I could use for it - it needs to be perfect.

      The paper is sitting in the top right corner and Nikki has it. I get really upset, because Nikki stole my idea. I leave the room in tears?

      I wade my way through the crowd in a mall. Miss S., the teacher (from 3rd grade), is trying to find me?

      -Sitting at a table with her and her friends, they’re younger.

      I’m outside on my Asian friend’s porch (in the dream only). There are two pianos standing together. I move the front (wood?) one forward and say something about how I miss it (playing), and press the keys of the big, but thin, black piano. My friend starts pressing them too and we just play it for a bit, no particular song. The notes are a bit quiet but it sounds nice.

      -Something about rice.

      -Going to stay the night again(?) if it’s okay with her family.

      -Impressions of other dreams.

      Inspiration: The topic for the project was something to do with the book I’m reading (The Book of Earth/Dragon Quartet #1) but I can’t quite remember what. I was getting really worked up reading it last night because it has so much injustice and sexism in that world. :/
      Tags: piano, school, store
      non-lucid , side notes
    12. Flying lost

      by , 09-01-2013 at 02:25 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Going down a tube, and looong windy stairs.

      Entering a field where there are a bunch of people cosplaying The Hobbit. I don’t think they were actually wearing accurate costumes though.

      Eating food with Melly and her group. There was a $2 piece of some small food, I took a bite but didn’t like it (too bland). I ate a piece of Hershey’s chocolate with marshmallows (didn’t taste like anything). Something about a pearl. Melly was going to show me a way out but I knew one?

      One of the girls there looked like someone I knew in elementary school. “Becky, is that you?” But it couldn’t be her, she looked too young. There were a few other girls that looked like her too.

      I was trying to find my way home and was flying around the town.

      I’m inside a foreign school whose gate gets locked with me inside, but I think the gate opens and I get out. I remember carrying around a bottle of flat pop (it was unopened, I just felt that it was).

      I fought the same monster twice (as if the scene were replayed, except the second time there were others fighting it too), using quick slots like in Dragon Nest, if I were a swordsman maybe. I was worried someone would call me out, either because of my powers or for using a hack (hacking reality?).

      Notes: I used too many keywords instead of phrases this time and didn’t elaborate enough, so couldn’t recall everything properly later.

      Updated 09-01-2013 at 04:46 AM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    13. Drowning will & fanart school

      by , 08-24-2013 at 08:04 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      9:45 A.M.

      I’m on the school bus sitting on the left side (as I did IWL).

      Two kids in the front seat pass me a petition with a small list of names written on it. When I look at the top section, I see it’s actually a will for one of the kid’s (can’t tell if they were a girl or boy) mother who drowned herself. Her last name was the same as mine. I wrote my name down as the fifth signature. I think the will was something about taking care of the kid.

      Later, a little boy is cheering about his signatures and how he’s close to be getting something. Apparently there’s a program where he gets new things the more signatures he receives, and he was close to getting some new toys/candy.

      I had passed the petition over to the two kids in the seat next to mine, but when they were done with it, they passed it back to the original kids. I hear one say “only a few”.

      There’s an old guy sitting in the seat the original kids had occupied. He’s telling a story or something. I’m wondering why an old guy was there and concluded that he must be a helper.

      I’m in a school classroom, looking at a frame at the front of the room. There’s a shipping fanart drawing from The Hobbit, but there’s something off about it, something missing, and there is a scribbled comment nearby. Perhaps something that makes me think someone is against the ship. I get worked up and say, “I hate this place.” As I look more around the school. There are more fandom drawings, and I saw a few things that made me think ‘it looks the same as it used to in some ways’, like a blue piece of something sticking out from behind a frame that had apparently been there in the past as well.

      -Helping a disapproving guy out with something in some kind of basement room(?).

      Possible inspiration: For the signature part, I was looking at a competition thread on DV IWL that day where you had to sign up, and once there were enough people it would begin. For school, I had just been thinking earlier in the afternoon about old classmates. For drowning, the only thing I can think of is that on Wednesday, the newest episode of Free! revealed (though I had already known) that Rin’s dad died in a drowning accident. As for the old guy, one of my old bus drivers was one named Earl, and his son later took over.


      I just realized two of my biggest dream signs (vehicles and children) both appeared in one dream. orz I’ve been thinking of them lately, so I can watch out for them IWL to remind myself to be aware of them in dreams.

      Also, I want to make sure I note any emotions I feel in my dreams, since I don’t normally feel them unless it’s a bad dream (such as fighting with my mom). In the school dream, I was getting pretty irritated! But the feeling only lasted for a minute.

      Decided to split longer dreams up between posts.

      Updated 08-26-2013 at 11:08 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , side notes
    14. Dancing with royalty

      by , 03-16-2013 at 05:44 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Yesterday morning I did remember some dreams and tried to store them in my dream palace, but I wasn't really awake enough to make it stick, so I forgot them the next time I woke up. :/

      I lost some of today's dreams, I wish I had tried to store more before they were lost. I need more practice coming up with imagery on the fly. (I can think of some now that would have been perfect!)


      I turned in homework to an old teacher (Ms S). It was two pieces of artwork. I had to cut one to a smaller size, which was a headshot of Eridan from Homestuck. I cut a little too much on one side and had to cut the other to match. When I handed them in, the other piece turned out to be Eridan too. I said the headshot was from years ago, like it was a punchline. The headshot piece starts falling apart in her hands and turns into curly fries with bacon bit pieces. She acted like that was what she figured was supposed to happen.

      The scene changes.

      There was some kind of aristocratic-like party going on, the style reminds me very much of From Eroica With Love, with the more grayscale coloring - including the gay aristocrat figure. There was something about a guy who found the main DC attractive, I think someone was pointing it out to him...

      Fragment: Ordering coffee with someone and sitting down together.

      Updated 08-23-2013 at 10:20 PM by 20026

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Two Sides, Mmm, Donuts

      by , 10-29-2010 at 04:17 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I don't know if it's me going to bed earlier or what, but my recall has been uber high. Still want to get it a little better - I don't want just long and many dreams, I want to remember more details.


      Two Sides (Non-lucid)

      Anime-style. There's a girl who has two sides. In teal-haired mode she can summon her minions. A boy (brown hair) is friends with the light pink-haired side of her.

      The teal half wants the boy's soul or something and sends her minions after him. At one point he's hiding in a closet clutching the door shut as hard as possible.

      - At one point he(?) is in a dark place like a chamber, blindly searching for pink girl. His hand touched a little lock on a grate on the floor.

      Mmm, Donuts (Non-lucid)

      I was in class. I stacked some books on my desk and put them under the chair. They were heavy and it hurt my hands, but I made sure not to show anything. An angel walked around the room and stopped at me. She came up close, clutched my fists in hers and said a special message to me - general uplifting things, and she healed my hands. It did seem to make the pain almost disappear.

      Dad was at the front of the class ahead of me (I think I was on the second row to the right, three or four desks down). I believe some kids were talking about roleplaying games, and dad started talking about Nascar and the gestures to indicate driving. I followed him out of the room and glomped him. I told about him about the angel.

      He ended up dragging me to the doctor's office in the school(?). We were sitting on a window-seat type area, me kind of hidden behind him. The doctor came in and dad made a joke about me, something about being dead that was supposed to mean that I was invisible. He asked if it was okay for me to be there. The doctor asked him to strip down, and he did, down to his gray boxers which he owns in real life.

      Suddenly there's a kitchen area in front of us and people are making donuts in a big deep friar. She sees me eying them and gives me a tiny piece, saying that she 'can share her donuts'. As she gives me a bigger piece, dad leans over to the side and snags his own. The donuts are like glazed ones, but with chocolate on top.

      - Jacob was sitting beside me in class.
      - My hands began hurting again soon.
      - When Dad was talking about Nascar, I turned to Jacob and said 'that's my dad', but he didn't seem impressed.
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