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    Hopeless Wanderings

    "Hold me fast, 'cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
    I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I'm under"

    lucids(new style)
    lucids(old style)

    Completed 2015 Lucid Goals:
    [X] fly
    [X] walk through walls
    [X] ask a DC the meaning of life
    [X] visit space

    Completed 2016 Lucid Goals:

    [x] summon someone(summoned M)
    [x] get an answer(kind of, but want to try again)

    2018 Dream Goals:

    [x] reach 200 entries
    [ ] reach 50 dream entries for the year(CURRENT COUNT: 9)
    [ ] Meet M again
    [ ] ANSWERS
    [ ] Meet someone dead IRL
    [X] Be ES
    [ ] Have 10 lucids(CURRENT COUNT: 8)
    [ ] Memorize a good chunk of a song playing in my dream and write it down
    [X] fly(why not I guess)
    [ ] build something(like a mini-world, house, bridge, etc)

    Current re-occuring dream themes: being in high school or college

    Total LD Count(only counting the ones recorded here): 67

    Happy dreaming!

    1. The Voices Told Me To (Kill A Man), Dizzy Moutains, Drowning Doll

      by , 10-17-2011 at 04:28 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I've just sort of given up on keeping a dream journal and attempting to lucid dreams but I wish I could get better dream recall like I used to have. So I probably won't write down dreams in here unless they are interesting or I actually remember them, which lately has been about once a month.

      ...and here is my monthly dream journal entry:
      (since my dream recall has gone to shit, my entries are getting smaller and smaller . I did remember this when I woke up but was too lazy to post it till late the next night so all the details are gone)

      Someone was after me, maybe trying to kill me, I don't remember. We were isolated in the woods and I was getting scared. Once in awhile I heard voices and other sounds, not knowing exactly knowing where they were coming from. I thought that I might have schizophrenia because I knew this wasn't normal. Anyway, I'm not sure how or why, but I turned the tables on this guy and ended up killing him. It was fairly easy, and afterwards the cops started coming. I wasn't scared of them at all. I was just sitting there, waiting on a patch of grass in the woods. I think I might have killed more than one person in this time. As the cops were on the way, I thought to myself that if they find out I killed these men then I would probably plead insanity in court because I was schizophrenic.

      In another dream I was climbing down from this really tall mountain. There was a base camp at the bottom and a group of people watching to make sure everyone was getting down safe. They told us to be careful because the rapid altitude change could make us dizzy and disoriented. I made it almost to the bottom where this helper lady was standing and asked if I was okay. I said I was fine, but then started leaning forward off the face of another cliff. I couldn't control it and felt dizzy. I tried my hardest to keep my balance and I think I got it.. but then passed out again when I was back at the base camp because I'm a loser like that.

      In another fragment, I was drowning in a pool, then I turned into the person saving another person drowning, but then the person drowning turned into a doll, which I brought to the surface and pushed on it's chest until water came out, "saving" its life.