Side Notes
So, often I have these memories from when I was little and I just can tell if they are real or fake. I think I might have gotten them mixed up with dreams that I've had but I can't be sure. They just seem so real that I believe them. I guess I'll never know for sure.. I'm not going to make these purple because I believe they actually happened.. Please! Don't Take Me Away! I was really little, maybe even a baby, not really sure, and some stange man was taking me away from my mother and he put me in a black car. I kept screaming for my mom and wondering why she would do this to me. I don't remember where he took me. Once in awhile, I ask my mom about this happening and she's like "That never happened." but I don't really believe her.. Barney Peed in the Sandbox?! I was watching Barney(just like all kids did!). He was outside at a playground or something and there was a sandbox. He just.. peed in it. Then some little kids came around and were like "Barney! You're not supposed to pee in the sandbox" or something like that. To this day I still believe that I saw that while I was watching tv. My Favorite Episode of the Little Mermaid I was wathing the Little Mermaid(tv series) when Ariel got sucked into this hole in the ground with Flounder and they had to try to find a way out but it was really hard to swim against the current that was keeping them in it. They eventually got out, but I don't remember how. This became my favorite episode, but when I recently looked it up, I found no such thing! But this couldn't be a dream, I remember it so clearly because it was my favorite episode! So.... is it reality or just a dream?