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These are the oldest dreams that I have ever recorded, before I knew about lucid dreaming. I recently found them tucked away in a folder. I was around 13 when I wrote this journal type dream entry. They are actually quite embarrassing.. My grammar wasn't the best.. 1-25-06 I have all kinds of dreams. A lot of my dreams are about flying, some are just about school or friends. Here are some dreams I've had in the past. In one of my dreams, I was in my school when I tripped and dropped a bunch of books. The boy I had a crush on came and helped me pick my stuff up. I was staring at the floor when he whispered "I love you" into my hear. I looked up slowly but it wasn't him that whispered that! It was one of my friends, Allie W. I was so grossed out when I woke up! In one dream, I was jumping off high buildings and landing safely on the ground. But after a few times of doing that, for some reason my ankles started to hurt. All of a sudden, I was on a train. It looked like a train on a computer game that I used to play a lot called Tomb Raider. For some reason I jumped off the train and landed on the ground right in front of it. I watched as I fastly slid under the train. The, for some reason, the screen turned red and the words "game over" showed up. It was really freaky because that's what happens when you die in the game Tomb Raider. Me, my mom, my dad, and my friend Rachel were in a car driving somewhere through a beautiful forest-like landscape surrounded by green. Then, we came to a road that was over a lake and it was about a 1/2 mile drop down to the lake. We were going really fast, when we realized that the road was going to end right there, in the middle of the way over the lake. It was too late. We flew off the road and started falling down to the beautiful lake. The scenery was wonderful. Before we crashed, my mom said "I love you." then everything turned white and the next thing I knew, I was in Heaven. It wasn't like I had expected and it wasn't all that beautiful. We were in a building the whole time. I didn't see my mom and dad after that, but I did see Rachel a few times. In Heaven, they had some boring activities planned out for us, but all I wanted to do(and all I really did) was try to fly. That's all I remember. Killer animals. Yes my friend, this story is about killer animals. It was a normal morning, except for one thing. Someone left open a window and animals snuck in overnight! There were a few bugs and small creatures, but when I went to the bathroom, I saw chickens! And when I walked into the kitchen, there was a very fat cat and an evil growling cat. It was 7:35 and time to leave for school, but when I looked out the window, I saw a monkey holding a cactus and ready to throw it at us, but when he saw us he quickly hid it behind his back and acted like he didn't have anything. But then, my dumb alarm clock woke me up.
Updated 05-30-2011 at 05:52 PM by 23237
So I had a dream about me dying... actually I've had several in the past few months. Also, my mom always has dreams about me dying/getting hurt. This kind of freaks me out... Something happened before this.. but I don't remember what. I looked out my bedroom window and saw my friend. Then, I appeared to be looking at myself through my bedroom door. I was standing by my bed, then I just collapsed and died. A second later, I was sitting in an old car, looking out the window. The car was on a grassy hill, with tons of trees in the background and a sunny blue sky. There were people surrounding the car, or atleast they looked like people. One of them came up to the window and said something like "Come on out, It's okay." I didn't know what to do or think. It finally sunk in that I had died. So I rolled down the window and began to fly out of the car and up towards the clouds. Soon after this the dream faded
Originally Posted by ElsiaStar 6-2-10 Well, I got back from up north monday. I stayed home sick today and had another lucid dream. I have been having tons of DILDs lately! I think it is because I'm reality checking so much and constantly trying to think of lucid dreaming and stuff. I'll post some of the entries from my journal on the next few entries.
Originally Posted by ElsiaStar Ugh I was lazy so I haven't posted my dreams in awhile. I will try to pick it up again..
Originally Posted by ElsiaStar i dont remember ANYTHING at ALL from last night. nothing. not one single part of a dream.
Originally Posted by ElsiaStar I'm sick of writing all my dreams, so I'm going to type them up instead. Lucids=this color Non Lucids= this color or this color (I am colorblind so they both look the same to me) Dreams which I'm Elsia Star=