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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 07/25/10 The Dragon's Flame

      by , 07-30-2010 at 02:03 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I woke from the previous dream and rolled over in bed. I had to go pee… damn. I didn't want to take the time for that, I'd just had a dream and I needed to take notes on it before I forgot anything. I sat up and grabbed my dream book, using my cell phone as a light, I took a couple rapid notes. Blake, moon bus, you're dreaming, bullshit. Ok… hopefully that would be enough there. I got up to go use the bathroom, patting the cute little kitty on my bed as I made my way around the bed in the dark. It seemed darker than normal. I opened the bedroom door to head for the bathroom… and there was someone standing there! I jumped about three feet, very surprised to see someone there at the door. I tripped over some crap on the ground and fell backwards onto my bed, great… there's an intruder and I fall backward onto my ass… not a good start. The guy in my doorway didn't hesitate at all, he seemed to be in a hurry. He called me Raven, said something about being in a hurry… the cat on my bed meowed… the man seemed to be staring at me for a bit, then he reached out and grabbed hold of me and pulled me through a portal. My first reaction might have been to resist, but in spite of the greeting, I wasn't sensing hostility, so I didn't resist.

      The man and I emerged from the portal in a desolate place, the only visible life in the area were a group of individuals right around me, one of whom was the man who had grabbed me. I looked at the others, one of them was a beautiful white dragon… that one caught my attention so much that I didn't really notice the others as well as I could have… the dragon was pure white and so beautiful that she almost seemed to be glowing with light energy. I was staring at her, I had the feeling it was a female, when the man who brought me there said I was dreaming, do a reality check, and choose a better form unless I intended to meet Xildron as a cat… I finally recognized the man I was talking to, it was Walms, and apparently this had something to do with healing Xildron, so I would be using a healing spell on… wait a minute… hat he just said something about meeting Xildron as a cat? Who was he calling a cat? I looked down at my own hands… um… paws? Wtf? I was, indeed, a cat… not a panther… a kitty cat… so I transformed into my Assassin form, not needing to do a reality check to realize this was a dream. Walms said something to a couple of the others and then he was gone.

      Ok… so what now? I looked around at the others there with me, none of them looked familiar to me, but they were clearly my allies now. I scanned the area for Xildron, and I found he was really quite close, he soon came into view, he was a dragon, and what a dragon! I can't really describe him, but here goes… I might be able to come up with a pic for later… he was a large dragon, shiny black scales that looked like flawless impenetrable armor, huge wings that looked like they were made up of many faceted jet black gems, four arms that ended in huge razor sharp talons, and heads… one, two, three, four, five… no more time to admire the dragon, he was attacking. I took flight and evaded the initial attack, as did everyone there with me, I remembered that I wasn't really here to help with the fight, I was here to focus my energy on the healing while the others took care of the attacks, so I just evaded the attacks and saved my energy to use on the healing spells I would use when the time felt right. Right now if I used a healing spell I knew he would just block it, and it would be a waste of energy. I could see the others had erected a force field of some kind around all of us, maybe to keep Xildron from leaving? Maybe also to keep enemies outside the force field from coming in, it appeared Xildron really did have an army out there trying to get inside to give him backup…

      So I was staying out of the way as the fight was going on, which seemed like kind of a waste not to be helping in some way, but I didn't want to deplete my energy fighting when I would probably need it to heal Xildron. So instead of attacking Xildron, I used my first healing spell, I focused on Silver and Cold by AFI, and its effect of drawing some of the unstable dark energy off of Xildron into myself. I was getting large amounts of the dark energy now, it certainly wouldn't deplete my energy, I would have more than ever, and I was focused on stabilizing the energy as I received it. At first I thought Xildron was going to respond to my energy drain, but he was quickly occupied by attacks from the others. Unstable dark energy was something Xildron had an abundance of, and I was well into a third rendition of Silver and Cold before it started to become too much dark energy that I was absorbing, I would have to get rid of some of it somehow because I was having trouble keeping up with stabilizing it all. I couldn't safely do that here, though, because while my allies, Walms' kids, could absorb and use the dark energy, Xildron could also absorb it back into himself which would be counterproductive to the healing process. I absorbed more of his energy until it was at the point where I couldn't control any more, and then I did a quick portal, focused on locating a Templar base. The portal opened…

      I emerged from the portal right over a Templar base, I could see the Templars below me going about whatever no good business they were currently up to, but I didn't take the time to watch the Templars for long. Instead, I just released a massive blast of the unstable dark energy on the Templar base, focusing it out as a blast of black flames that took the form of a huge fireball. The fireball descended on the surprised Templars, and before they even had a chance to fully register what was happening, there was a massive explosion of dark energy and their base was left as nothing more than a large crater in the ground. I wasn't sure if any of them had escaped, but if they had, they were surely looking at the crater gong, "What the hell was that?!" I had no time to survey the destruction of the Templars, I went right through the portal back to Xildron, which I hadn't even bothered closing when I had first arrived.

      The fight was still going on when I got back, and it made me wonder if anyone had noticed I had disappeared for a bit there. I closed the portal and went back to draining excess unstable dark energy off of Xildron, the less energy he had to fight the others, the better. Since I had vented a large portion, I was once again having no difficulty stabilizing the dark energy as I received it. Xildron seemed to finally be weakening, the attacks of the others were getting through much more often now. It looked like they were trying to restrain Xildron, most likely so he would be unable to block the healing energy so easily. I saw the beautiful white dragon again, flying in towards Xildron, she was using some light energy to try to bind the huge black dragon. The others moved in and managed to immobilize Xildron, but it didn't look like they would have him immobilized for long, I got a telepathic message to heal him already, the message was from a woman, she said she didn't know how long they could hold him.

      Ok… need a healing spell… but Xildron's base energy is dark energy, so the spell would have to just stabilize his dark energy, not purge it out, if anything it would be helpful to purge out any incompatible light energy for now… The first song I thought of was Touch My Heart off of the Devil Hunter Yohko soundtrack, but that normally uses light energy… so what if it normally uses light energy? Feed dark energy into the spell, it would use dark energy. All of those thoughts flew through my head in just a second or two, then I was focused on the song Touch My Heart and also on feeding dark energy into it. The song was playing loudly in the desolate land, spirals of energy erupted around Xildron… he tried one more time to get loose from the others before the spell had him surrounded in healing energy, and I saw one of Walms' kids, a male in a human form (I don't have them straight, so I'm unsure of this one's name), was hit by a blast of energy and knocked out of their formation, he was slammed to the ground where he made a large crater. I focused as much stable dark energy into the spell as I could do, and that energy, a dark flow of energy that looked like the normal golden healing energy with the one exception that it was dark instead of light flowed into Xildron. It looked at first like he was going to try to block it, but maybe he saw it was energy he wanted, or maybe he just didn't have the energy left to resist, but the healing energy got through.

      The healing song was over now, and the others I had been fighting with were standing around Xildron, who was still an impressive looking dragon even though he looked a bit worn out. I looked to see if I could find the one who had been nailed by Xildron during the healing, but I couldn't see him. I wondered if he had been forced to leave before the fight was completely over. I also wondered where Walms might be, he would surely want to know that the healing spell on Xildron had been completed, though there would be no way of knowing for sure that it had worked until Xildron recovered at least some of his energy. He seemed calm now, but he might just be tired… The feeling I had was that the healing energy had done its job and Xildron would be ok now. I didn't have a chance to even try to check to see what effect the healing might have had on Xildron, this was the point when I woke.
      lucid , memorable