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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 03/09/11 A Deluge of Dreams

      by , 03-10-2011 at 12:16 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: Right now my primary plan is to recall some dreams since it has been quite a while since I have done so. I also have plans to meet up with MoSh in a Hogwarts dream, and there are many more tasks on my list that I won't bother listing here. But my main goal is to remember some dreams.

      Window Stealing
      I am at a swap meet with Tigress, and we are just browsing the stalls looking for something interesting. I have it in the back of my mind that I should steal something before we leave the swap meet. It doesn't have to be much, but I have to steal something. So as Tigress and I browse the stalls I am on the lookout for something I can easily steal. I would also like it to be something I want, but I won't be picky.

      We leave one of the stalls and it turns out Tigress has already stolen something. She stole a golden bracelet with green gems in it. Pretty. I wonder if the gems are real or if she just stole a cheap piece of costume jewelry. Either way it's pretty. I go back to the jewelry store and look around. I find a golden ring that is on a stand not visible from the checkout. I take it and try it on as if interested, then when I see no one is looking, I slip it into my pocket. I wonder if there are cameras. No matter as long as I leave quickly. Outside, Tigress hands me a drink. She says it's really good, but drink it slow. If I drink it too fast it is poison, but taken slow, the body can take care of it. It is really good, but I make myself sip it. I look at the bottle and see it is 98 proof alcohol! I know I have never had any alcohol that strong before… no wonder I am feeling tipsy. I know Tigress and I have to catch a plane. Well now that neither of us can drive, we'll have to catch a cab.

      Aliens on an Alien World
      I am viewing this dream as if I am not actually in it, more like I am watching a television show. I am looking at a living room, the room looks pretty normal, but the family in it are not human. They are clearly an alien race, their skin is a bright color orange, their eyes look different… the eyes look quite strange, rather reptilian.

      Other than that it looks like a normal family. A mother and father, an older boy, a younger girl, and a baby. They are all arguing with the older boy, who looks to be in his teens if I can judge by human ages, they are accusing him of being a drug addict. He is drinking a glass of milk. That is the drug. He gets really angry whenever someone tries to take it away from him and hisses to announce his discontent. While they are arguing, more aliens come into the room. These look much like the first ones, but their skin is blue. The visitor tells the other aliens to back off of the boy, he has something better. He hands the boy a bottle, which the boy skeptically takes a drink of. He clearly likes the new drink and tosses away the milk. He seems to no longer crave the milk. The visitor says the new drink will cure the addiction. It works so well because the replacement has a small amount of milk in it to heap wean the boy off.

      The Puppets of the Puppets
      I am in what looks like a pretty normal looking city, or at least I don't notice anything strange about it right away. Everyone is wandering around and going about their normal business, though I am not sure what I am doing there. I curse my own memory for not remembering what I am doing, what's happening? Early Alzheimer's? That would suck giant mutant monkey balls! It seems people are pushing each other around and being especially rude about now. Some asshole pushes me out of the way and tells me to get back to work. Work on what? I see a paper on the ground and pick it up. The writing says, "OBEY" in big black letters. I throw it in a trash can. I find more papers that say similar things. "Obey." "Conform." "Assimilate." "Comply." Um… what the hell is going on? It is reminding me of an old 'B' movie about aliens controlling the human population, the movie was called "They Live" and the aliens and the truth could be seen with special sunglasses. The aliens looked like zombies.

      Well, in the movie, the truth could be seen with sunglasses, so I snag a pair off of a shelf and put them on. Nothing changes. Well, I guess it wouldn't be just any pair. I find one in the trash and put it on. Now I see the aliens. They don't look like zombies, but like puppet masters. You can see them controlling people with strings. And they are also being controlled by strings by reptilian aliens. I use Liberate on everyone in the area, freeing both the people and the puppet masters at the same time. The reptilian aliens go on a killing spree. I multiply myself using the Divide song by disturbed and fight off the aliens using an acid that proves pretty harmless to humans (it might create a slight skin irritation) but is deadly to the aliens. After being sprayed with the acid they really do look like the aliens in "They Live" except they are also dead.

      A Weight Loss Dream
      I am in bed, but I don't have much room. I try to roll over but I just roll out of bed and onto the floor with a thud. I am glad I didn't hurt myself as much as I thought I would. I look back on the bed, and it turns out I was sharing the bed with my mother for some reason. She is sprawled out and taking the entire bed. Since she is quite overweight, this leaves absolutely no room for me. I go to the living room to watch television. My mom comes in and says she's sorry for hogging the bed, so she got me a present. She takes out this really nice shirt and says it's mine.

      I can tell right away it's too small for me. I tell her that. She says to try it on first. I try it on and I look at myself in the mirror. It fits perfectly! Not because it's larger than I thought, but I am smaller than I thought! My stomach is almost flat! My weight loss has really paid off! I am so happy. I am in the bathroom looking at myself, so I sit on the toilet to take care of business. For some reason the thing won't stop flushing, and each time it does, cold water sprays my bottom.

      Harry Potter and the Demon Parasite
      I am at Hogwarts, and we are all preparing to start on the next challenge of the Tri-School tournament. There is only one problem going on… Harry Potter has gone stark raving mad. He is yelling and spitting curses at everyone in the vacinity, and it is clear that he also wants to claw someone's eyes out. His current target is Ron. I have seen Harry get mad at Ron before, but this is ridiculous! Hermione tries to get him to back off, and Harry attacks her, grabbing her hair and violently pulling at it. MoSh makes Harry let go of Hermione, then Harry goes for MoSh's eyes. MoSh uses astral tentacles to hold Harry at a safe distance from everyone. Professor Moody, who I know to be a fake, is there trying to use spells on Harry. I wonder if that is the cause. It is not. Moody is actually trying to calm Harry down, but his attempts are all epic fails. Harry is now trying to claw at Moody and succeeds in grabbing Moody's magical eye, and pulling it out. A couple of people watching that back off a couple paces with a collective, "Eeewww…" MoSh is saying that Harry has a parasite, and Moody is just pissing it off. Moody says that's absurd. I go over to them, and MoSh and I manage to hold Harry and take the parasite off. Harry passes out, and is taken to the hospital wing. I take the parasite and look at it.

      What happened that Harry picked up this parasite? I focus on finding that out. I get images right away. Draco, I see Draco with the parasite, placing it on Harry's back as he walked by and made a stupid remark. This annoys me. I leave the scene and go to find Draco, taking the parasite with me. I find Draco and take him to a place where I can talk to him alone, where I pull out the parasite and ask what he know about it. He says nothing. I add that liars really piss me off, so try that one again. He says he knows nothing about it… it looks like a common worm. I say ok, that means it's harmless. I walk past Draco and put it on his neck. He freaks out and pulls it off, throwing it on the ground, and stomping on it. So it's not harmless, I say. I ask where he got it. He says he found it, I can tell he is lying. I tell him to try that one again. He says nothing, he appears afraid of whoever gave it to him. The image I get is of a creature hidden in the darkness of the forbidden forest. I tell him I will find that creature, and take care of that, but I am getting sick and fucking tired of all this cheating!

      Portal to Doom
      I am in a long hallway with dim lighting. I hear strange growling and snarling all around me, it seems I am in a video game. I look around the place to see what is going on, am I in a virtual reality setup? Nope. I'm dreaming! I do a RC and confirm that. I am in a game of Doom, but it is in my dream. I remember I had intended to do at least one of the tasks for the LPTC. I decide to go ahead with the Doom task I posted. I try to remember that… I need to find the portal and stop the flow of creatures from the other dimensions. So I start exploring the passages. I am being attacked almost constantly.

      I defend myself using my Witchblade sword and energy blasts. I fight my way through the halls, I find a blue key card. But when I finally find a blue door it has been blasted down from the other side. I thought that wasn't supposed to be possible… I go through the door into a large room with a portal in the middle of the room. It looks a lot like a stargate. It is being kept open by an energy field coming from the surrounding equipment. So I blast the equipment, and that makes the portal also collapse. I am now blocked from the only exit. There are monsters there, all trying to get into the portal room. I fire a single energy blast into the group and chaos breaks out. It seems a zombie thought it had been attacked by an imp… so the zombie attacks back. It is so crowded that the zombie hits a large floating eyeball, which attacks the imp (who was the closest creature)… and soon chaos breaks out as the enemies all start fighting each other.

      While the fighting is going on I fight my way through the group without anyone even realizing that I'm not one of them. There are a few more monsters in the halls, but no more huge groups. The keys are scattered, there are many doors of each color… It seems totally random as to where I find the keys and the doors. I finally find all the keys and unlock the doors so I can get out of the passages.

      Ghost Hunters
      I am in a house of some kind, I am there with Tigress and a couple of guides I don't recognize. We are looking through the place, I am looking to see if I can find evidence of real hauntings. I have a camera and I am taking pictures of everything, making sure to take pictures in sequences so I can compare the sequences later. I can sense that there is something out there, but I can't see anything. I am hoping I will be able to find something on the pictures I am taking. The house seems to be getting creepier as we go up to the higher levels, which seems odd to me, but I notice that the presences I sense seem more malevolent as we go farther up. Something up there is evil… or at least nasty… and it is downright cranky.

      We reach the top floor and the feeling of hostility is downright palpable. There is something up there that is definitely not friendly. Tigress wants to get out of the place, and I can't say I blame her. But for some reason, even though I understand the desire to leave, I am not afraid… I am excited. With a presence this powerful I am sure to be able to see something on my pictures. As Tigress is wanting to leave the room I take a rapid series of photos all around the attic, which is where the presence feels strongest. I take photos until Tigress finally pulls me from the room, I hope I got enough to get the proof I want. I figure that with photo manipulation it might not serve as proof to anyone else, but it will be proof to me, which is what I really want. So now I go with Tigress and I am looking for an exit so we can both find our way out of this old haunted place.