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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 10/11/10 Shadow World

      by , 10-13-2010 at 05:05 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: Tonight I pulled a Walms! FA, get out of bed, RC… continues to have a nice lucid dream… *does the happy dance* I just wish I could make myself do a RC every time I wake up in the night or in the morning, I would catch a lot more FA's… Yay for FA's!

      I woke up in bed, got up to use the bathroom, and for once I thought to do a RC right away… and it turned out I was dreaming! Awesome! I was in the middle of a real FA!

      For some reason this idea seriously excited me at that point in time, almost as if I had never had a FA before, and I had to focus to calm myself down a bit before focusing on remembering what my goals for the night were. I remembered that one of my goals had been to go meet Erik's guide with MoSh, but that was already done. So what was my next goal? I didn't have any other goals for the night, so that meant I was free to figure out what I wanted to do. I thought I could check out the house in Oblivion, the one in Skingrad, and even though I hadn't been in contact with Tigress I could still do something there on my own. Hmmm… instead, maybe I would try to just try to open a portal to get somewhere I was needed. I focused on Through the Never and on opening a portal, then I went through that portal…

      I found myself back in MoSh's inner world, which took me by surprise since I had already completed the goal I had with MoSh. So maybe there was something else I had to do with MoSh tonight, which was fine, but first I had to find him. I looked around MoSh's inner world for a bit, taking real notice of it for the first time, and realizing things there were far from normal. Things were quite dark and creepy, like used to happen quite often, but it hasn't happened much recently, so what might have happened to create this problem? Since I thought that might be why I was there, to clean up the place, I started focusing on cleaning up the dark energy and replacing it with light energy. I went into MoSh's house and started cleaning up in there, I saw Asuka in there as well. She was clearly not well, she was cackling like some kind of a mad woman, and her eyes were solid black. She was throwing some kind of strange energy bolts at me, they seemed to be made of solidified dark energy. I could tell she needed serious healing, so I focused on the song Silver and Cold to pull dark energy out of her and Touch My Heart to replace it with light… and she disappeared.

      I didn't know where Asuka had gone, but I figured I would find her again soon, as long as she hadn't left MoSh's inner world… and if she had left MoSh's inner world, I would track her down then. I continued through the house, absorbing dark energy from the place and replacing it with light, then I went back outside and continued doing that. I walked around for a bit absorbing dark energy, I wondered where MoSh might be, and where were the kinds, Data, the EMH he recently installed? Was this really MoSh's inner world? Or could I be in the wrong place? Well, no matter where I was, Asuka had been there and she had been seriously infected. Maybe I should find Asuka next, then check to see if I was really in MoSh's inner world or if I might be in the wrong place somehow… after all, I hadn't focused on reaching MoSh's inner world, I had just focused on going somewhere I was needed.

      As I was about to open a portal to track Asuka down I saw that I wasn't alone, there was someone else there standing not too far from me. I went over to investigate and see who it was, it looked like he was surrounded by an aura of dark energy, but it looked stable and I didn't sense hostility… So I went over to investigate the person closer, to see what he was doing there, and when I got closer to him I recognized him… it was Walms! I went over and said hello to him, I asked if he was here to clean up some of this dark energy, after all it would be just a midnight snack for him… He didn't answer me, instead he looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, if it wasn't for the fact that he is lucid in 99.9% of his dreams, I would have thought he wasn't lucid there. But then he does have a few non-lucid dreams… occasionally. I told him he was dreaming, maybe he should do a RC, check out the gravity of the area or whatever it is he does for a RC. He looked at me strangely, making me have serious doubts that I had identified him correctly, I was having serious doubts that it was Walms at all…

      I felt I needed to clean the place up, so I continued absorbing dark energy, and I saw that Walms, or the person I had first thought was Walms, was doing the same. I continued cleaning up dark energy, Walms and I got separated while I was cleaning the place up, and I ended up wandering into the garden area out behind MoSh's house, where I found Asuka. She looked just as nuts as she had before, she attacked me with dark energy bolts again, I dodged the attacks and jumped up into the air, sending a couple of tendrils of Witchblade to hold her and keep her from disappearing again. I looked around, and the area that might or might not be MoSh's inner world was much cleaner than it had been, it looked a lot brighter and was clear of dark energy, so now I had to get Asuka healed. I focused on the songs I had tried to use before, Silver and Cold to draw dark energy out and Touch My Heart to put light energy in, and this time it seemed effective. After the song spells had completed, Asuka looked like her normal self and seemed quite confused at the fact she was tied up, so I let her loose.

      The first thing Asuka was wanting to know about was MoSh, she said she didn't know where MoSh was, she might have done something to MoSh, she said she should have known something like this would happen, she knew she would never be able to keep control if she tried to fight, why had everyone insisted she try to fight when we all knew she would lose control again? Why? I told her I thought Vegeta and Tuvok had helped her with that, but she said there's no way either of them would ever understand the force inside her, that there is no way she could control it… I saw she was crying, saying she was sure she'd done something horrible, and it was MoSh she had done it to, so what now? I told her MoSh can't be seriously hurt in a dream, but let's find him. I opened a portal, focusing on finding MoSh, and then I led Asuka through the portal.

      On the other side of the portal I found MoSh was there, and he was there with Kaomea, he looked quite worried about something. He seemed glad to see me, he said Kaomea needed healing, he said he had tried to heal her as best as he could, but she really needed to be taken to the healing glen for healing there. I said Asuka could probably use the extra positive energy, too, as she had been really badly infected somehow. I focused on opening a portal to the healing glen, and then all of us went through it, MoSh, Asuka, Kaomea, and me. I telepathically contacted Basara even as we were going through the portal, so when we exited into the healing glen, Basara showed up there soon after. The Crystal Golem was there, and we did a group healing spell, Basara, MoSh, and I did healing spells along with the Crystal Golem, the entire area was filled with golden energy. The golden energy was very relaxing, and it is here that I woke.
    2. 09-11-10 Of Mice and Futures Told

      by , 09-20-2010 at 02:45 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I fell asleep with the goal of meeting up with MoSh, who said he wants to get in contact with his guide and ask him a few questions, but before that MoSh had said he would help out in an attempt to heal my ailing pet, Frodo, who is a guinea pig who seems to be suffering from a serious illness. I don't know how much chance there is of doing a dream healing on that, but I figure there is nothing to be lost by trying. I fell asleep, aiming for a WILD, but epic fail…

      I got up out of bed, annoyed at myself that I had been unable to successfully enter a WILD, I wondered what is going on with me that it seems to be so much trouble getting into a WILD. It either works wonderfully or epic fails, and I am getting pretty tired of it. I went into the bathroom to use the facilities before going back to bed, somewhere around the bathroom door I thought I had better do a RC , I did that, and discovered I was already in a dream! Now that I was lucid I completely forgot my need to use the bathroom and considered what my goals were, I didn't remember everything clearly, but I remembered MoSh was part of it, so I would start by getting to MoSh's inner world. I tried to open a portal, but nothing happened, wtf? I knew I was dreaming and that I should be able to open a portal, but it wasn't working, which was just another annoyance. I saw the closed door to my game room and focused on it leading to MoSh's inner world, but when I opened it, all I found was my game room. Frodo was in his cage making some soft noises that sounded more like groans of pain that purrs, so I went over to check on him, he didn't look good at all. That was when I remembered the goal of healing him, and I remembered MoSh and Pablo had both offered to help, so maybe I could do that first if I wasn't able to open a portal to find MoSh… um… but I still had to find MoSh…

      I decided maybe if I could just get out of my own inner world I might be able to go find MoSh and Pablo, but I wasn't even sure how to do that… I cursed out loud at the fact I was lucid and yet I didn't seem to remember how to use my abilities that I have been using for so long. How to open a portal 101, sounded corny, but that's what went through my mind. Step 1: Decide on a destination. Done, I was going to Pablo's inner world. Step 2: Focus on the image clearly in my mind. Done, I had a nice image of the forest I have seen repeatedly in Pablo's inner world. Step 3: Use Through the Never by Metallica while tracing a circle in the air to indicate where the portal will open. Through the Never, that was the problem, I didn't have any way to play music. I went back to my bedroom to find my purse, I needed my iPod, that would have the song I needed… but I couldn't find it, there was nothing but $20 bills stuffed in my purse. I finally found a music player of some kind… it was weird, but I knew it would do, and I somehow knew Through the Never was on it… so I played the song and opened a portal, which I went through.

      On the other side of the portal I was exactly where I wanted to be, I took a step forward as I scanned the forest for any sign of Pablo, I tripped, and I face planted right there in the grass. What had I just tripped over? I turned to look and I saw there had been a fox right at my feet, and he was what I had tripped over, now the fox was just eyeing me with a mixture of amusement and concern. I got up and dusted myself off, since I had landed in the grass it hadn't hurt at all, and I asked the fox if he had somehow planned that. The fox shook his head, but I hadn't really meant it seriously anyway. I said I had come looking for Pablo, he had said he would help me heal my pet, which triggered the fox to transform from an adult fox to an adorable little cub and then jump into my arms. I caught the cute little bundle and gave him a hug before returning to my inner world through the same portal I had used to get there in the first place.

      Once I was back in my own house, still holding a cute little fox pup, I saw MoSh was already there and seemed a bit surprised to see me back. He asked me where I had been, I just responded by holding up the fox, he said he had thought I was going to come see him. I said I had tried, but my portals weren't working very well. He said ok, then said he wanted to visit his guide, I said he'd agreed to help me heal Frodo, he said ok to that. We went into my game room where Frodo was in his cage, still huddled in the corner making some noises that didn't sound good, so we did a healing spell on him, then Nomad showed up and we did it again. I wondered if the healing spells had any chance of working if the little guy had cancer… I didn't want to be thinking like that, but I couldn't help it. MoSh said he hoped the little guy got to feeling better soon, I said I also hoped for that. MoSh asked if we could go meet up with his guide now, I said sure, I was not sure if I could open the portal, but I tried it… nothing happened. I still wasn't getting anywhere towards opening a portal, so I grabbed my music player and opened the portal as I ignored MoSh saying he would do that. I didn't want to admit I couldn't do it myself, it was too annoying. MoSh and I went through the portal and exited into his inner world. I looked around to see if I could find his guide, but I didn't see anyone else anywhere around. MoSh said he knew where his guide wanted to meet up, so he would open the portal. He did that, we went through, and we met up with MoSh's guardian.

      It turned out that MoSh wanted to know if his guide knew anything about what might happen in the year 2012. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, but Victor and MoSh were talking about it for a time, and this is what I remember. Victor said that the year 2012 doesn't indicate the date of some kind of fire and brimstone / rapture type end of the world, he said the end that could be beginning in 2012 is caused by much more mundane sources… people. And it's not something that will happen overnight, rather it is something that is already in progress, but will be more apparent after 2012. It basically has to do with consuming more resources than can be replenished, leading to some serious issues, basically if people don't start being more careful with how they take care of natural resources, there won't be anything left. But there is still time to change things before it's too late, so there is not necessarily anything serious to be started after 2012…

      Victor talked about the different things that people are doing to self-destruct as well as destroying the rest of the world. Using too many resources will lead to shortages worldwide, famines, droughts, war… As he was talking about all of the negative predictions my mind wandered, and I realized I wasn't paying as much attention to that as maybe I should have since I have basically heard it all before, and I have little hope that anything is going to change before it's too late. The next thing I noticed was that MoSh was asking me if I was hearing anything Victor was saying at all. I said sure, I was, but I've heard it all before, and nothing is going to change, so what's the point? Victor was now talking about music, he was talking about remembering dream music in waking life. This was something I was quite interested in, so I was paying attention again.

      Victor was talking about remembering the first part of the song being the most important part, because if we make sure and remember the first part then the rest of it will be much easier to recall. MoSh and I were practicing on a song I didn't recognize, he was playing his guitar while I played on an electronic keyboard. I tried the song the first time… epic fail. I thought I heard MoSh laughing… I was going to be annoyed, but I didn't allow that since I really had epic failed at the song… I tried again, and this time I did a bit better. MoSh was doing very well on his guitar, my keyboard playing still left much to be desired. We tried it one more time. I still thought that while his music rocked, mine was still second rate, but at least it seemed to be passable.. I was happy at the improvement I had accomplished, MoSh was talking to Victor about what else helps. Victor said that it is important to play the song ourselves instead of just listening to it. It can be done with just hearing it, but playing it makes the tune stay in the mind much better. I continued playing the song on the keyboard, and MoSh was playing along with the guitar, and I was wondering if I might be able to remember this IWL. I was hoping I could, then I woke.
    3. 09/04/10 Asuka's Mystery Stalker

      by , 09-06-2010 at 02:05 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Notes: After successfully recalling a couple of nonsensical non-lucid dreams last night, I had a positive outlook for remembering more dreams this night… and I did! A few weird non-lucids, a couple of lucids… compared to my recall of late, my recall last night was downright epic! I am sooooo happy I seem to have broken my dry spell! On a side note, when I was about to go to bed, I checked my kitties' food dish to be sure they had food for the night. I found they did… but it was covered with ants! I was very annoyed at that, since I had to stay up long enough to clean up the ants before I could go to bed, and I think that influenced a couple of my unpleasant non-lucid dreams. I had some good recall last night, but when I fell asleep, I was not successful in slipping into my WILD…

      FA - I rolled over in bed, not realizing that I was in a dream, and I felt I had a lot of itches all over my body. I tried to scratch a couple places, I didn't want to have to get up and wake myself up… I remembered cleaning up ants from my cats' food dish before bed, and I thought how strange it is that after seeing ants I often get the sensation that there are ants crawling on me even if there are not. Scratching wasn't working… and I thought I felt something. I reached for my lamp to turn on the light and see if there might be a few ants in my bed, which was really going to piss me off since now I would have to change my bed in the middle of night… The light came on and revealed that my bed, and I, was covered with ants! Hundreds of them, no, thousands of them! My first response was to get up, and try to brush them off, it wasn't working, I went to call for my mom to help and I got a mouth full of ants, I spat them out and finally did call out for my mom… and that woke me up.

      FA - Wow… that had been a disturbing dream… I was still feeling the ants on me from my dream, crawling all over me. I sat up and turned on the lamp by my bed… no ants, thankfully. I sat there and thought about the dream I had just had, I heard something on the floor beside my bed. It sounded weird, but I figured it was most likely one of my cats down there doing something, most likely getting into something that she shouldn't be. I looked down to see which cat it was and stop the cat from doing something she shouldn't be… what I saw was the bloody carcass of a cat that was teeming with ants! The bloody cat moved, looking up at me and giving off a pained meow, as I was paralyzed by the sickening horror of what was happening to my poor kitty… A scream welled up in my throat and burst out, which woke me up.

      FA - That was too much… I had to go check on my kitties! My poor kitties! I sat up quickly in bed, disturbing and chasing my one cat, Midna from the room. I saw a dark form of her as she ran from the room, well, at least she was ok, but I wanted to see my other two cats before I could go back to sleep. I left my room and went into my game room, my black cat, Shadow, met me at the door with a meow. I scooped her into my arms and cuddled her for a bit, then I left that room, looking to find Princess, my fluffy white cat. She wasn't in the living room or the kitchen, she was most likely in my mom's room sleeping with my mom… I didn't want to disturb my mother, but I couldn't go back to sleep without seeing that Princess was ok… I carefully opened the door to my mother's room, allowing just a small amount of light in, since Princess is white I would see her easily… I saw that the bed was moving, the whole bed was moving, it was nothing but a mound of ants! Ants! Why so many fucking ants?! Just like in my dream… wait… dream… I did a nose pinch RC and found out I was dreaming… just a dream… whew.

      So I set the mound of ants on fire and burned them away without touching my mom or the two dogs and one cat on the bed… my mom looked over at me and sleepily asked me to turn up the air conditioner, she was hot. I said sure, then closed the door and moved away. Hmmm… enough playing with DC ants, my DC mom, DC dogs, and DC cats. What was my first goal? I remembered that my first goal was to go meet up with MoSh, we had wanted to see if Asuka knows anything about the enemies who most recently attacked her, to see if there was any connection between the attacks that happened earlier and the most recent attack, it seems like there are too many attacks for it to be random. So I opened a portal to MoSh's inner world and went through…

      On the other side of the portal I found I was outside of MoSh's house in his inner world, MoSh was outside in his yard with a large black dog, I headed towards him and the dog. As I approached MoSh, however, the dog disappeared, MoSh looked a bit disappointed, though he didn't look like he was upset at me. I was hoping I hadn't interrupted anything important. MoSh said he was glad I was there, he gave me a big hug, I was a bit surprised, but I hugged him back and we went into the house. Asuka was inside the house, and we went into the living room, and there was a comfortable place to talk. MoSh wanted to know if Asuka knew the people who came after her the most recent time, she said no, she didn't know them, in fact, she didn't know any of the people who had come after her the first time they had done it… except those who had stolen her flame… and of course if they were trying it for a second or third time, of course she had recognized them. I asked her why, since she has been training with Vegeta and Tuvok, why she hadn't been doing more to defend herself… she said she thought I already knew that, she didn't want to lose control. I said I thought Tuvok and Vegeta had been helping her with that. She seemed a bit irritated about me asking that… She said she wasn't certain she could keep control.

      Asuka added that someone had been trying to nab her off of Voyager one of the times she was there with Tuvok… but Q had interfered with that. I asked if Q had said who the asshole was. She said the guy had been hired by someone, but he hadn't known anything about whoever had hired him, just that he was going to get paid well and he was supposed to infiltrate Voyager to get someone. Great… more mysterious enemies. I was thinking it might still be a good idea to open a portal and try to track down and see if there might be any commonality that connects the various assholes who have gone after Asuka. I was about to say something about that and open a portal when everything faded and I woke.
    4. 06/17/10 The Birth of a Planet

      by , 06-19-2010 at 09:25 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was floating in space next to Q. I was already lucid. I'm not sure how I had gotten to that place, but I felt perfectly at home floating in the vastness of space. I looked around to see where in space I was. I saw there was a binary star nearby. It was very bright, so I didn't want to look directly at it. Both of the stars in the system were yellow stars. Q told me that one of them was about the size of Earth's sun, the other one slightly smaller. I could see a planet not far off. It was a terrestrial planet, a large round chunk of rock in space. I could see it was covered in craters and it didn't look habitable. I asked Q if that was a planet I could go to. Q said since it is a dream, I could go wherever I wanted. I thought for a minute… I had not asked the question I wanted to ask. I asked if there was any chance life could develop on the planet. Q looked at the planet and shook his head. He said he didn't see life forming. He said the planet is considerably hotter than Mercury, no atmosphere, temperature on the day side averaging around 1000° F and the temperatures on the night side averaging as low as -500° F. He said there was another planet I might want to take a look at, though.

      Q teleported both of us instantly farther away from the pair of stars. This was another terrestrial planet, and it had a ring around it. I could also see a somewhat dusty atmosphere. Q pointed at the planet. He said that one was closer to Earth, with the temperatures being just a bit warmer there on average, it had a thin atmosphere so the temperature extremes were more than on Earth but not as extreme as on the first planet ranging from -110° F on the coldest nights at the poles during winter to 247° F in the hottest regions during the summer. He suggested we go see the surface of the planet. We flew down to the planet, through the thin atmosphere and landed on a ground made of soft dirt. I was surprised the dirt was so loose. Q said it was loose because there hadn't been any rain to wet it so it could be packed down tightly. I looked across the barren landscape. The dunes of dirt everywhere… there were rock mountains not very far away. It didn't look like it could support any form of life as it exists on Earth.

      I asked Q if this one would have life develop on it. Q said unfortunately it is sterile. Completely sterile. He said a massive solar flare from one of the stars had irradiated the planet and the building blocks of life were no longer there. I asked if he couldn't restore life, or the possibility of life. He said he's not supposed to interfere like that. I asked what if I could figure something out. He said I have free will, so I can do whatever I want there. I looked around. The only thing there seemed to be plenty of was dirt and sunlight. I asked Q if some plant life could get the process of evolving life going here. He said plants would be a good place for life to start here. It certainly wouldn't be fish… I looked around some more. Whatever plant I put here would have to be able to live through anything, in the harshest conditions. I asked Q what the air was made of. He said carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen primarily. Carbon dioxide… plants can use that… release oxygen… Oxygen bonds with hydrogen to make water… it seemed like that could start a cycle of developing life. But what kind of plant could live in this kind of harsh environment long enough to get that process started? I thought more, I found myself thinking of Walms. Why was I thinking of Walms? I remembered he planted some plants in the biodome. For some reason I was thinking that a plant created by Walms should be able to survive anywhere. I suggested that plant to Q, and he said it sounded like an excellent choice.

      So Q teleported both of us to the biodome. I looked where he indicated. There wasn't just a few small flowers… it was a miniature jungle of flowers. Apparently Walms' flowers had done very well in the biodome. Of course the biodome has very favorable conditions for plants, unlike the dead planet Q and I had been on… I went to the jungle of flowers and looked at a fairly small one, but it looked big enough to be well developed. I started carefully digging. The dream was still very vivid. I was noting the feel of the soil as I dug carefully around the plant's roots, making sure not to damage any of them. The root system was well developed… and it was moving on its own… and it bit me! I pulled it off of my arm and held the flower in such a way that the roots couldn't bite me again. I looked at the active roots… I should have expected something like that on a plant created by Walms… I asked Q if he was sure the flower could survive on that dead planet. He said he could guarantee it. He said if it couldn't, he would have told me when I suggested the plants. I carefully collected five more plants, being careful not to get bitten again… and then went back to Q. I was ready to go back to the planet, the six were about all I could keep at once without being bitten.

      Q teleported us back to the surface of the planet. He said there were places to put the flower so it wouldn't get buried in the drifts of dirt. He said it would most likely still survive and pop out after the wind storm passed, but this would give it a better advantage. We were in an area that was sheltered by rock mountains, and there was very little wind here. I got down on my knees and dug at the dirt. It was very dry and very loose. And it felt so very real. Of course it was real. I set one of the plants down beside me to dig the hole to plant it in. As soon as I set the plant down, however, the roots dug into the dirt on their own. The thing had just planted itself! So there it was, one pretty flower in the otherwise barren dirt. I went to plant another, but Q said to spread them out to make things move along more quickly. I got up and was ready to leave. Q said he thought the plant could use a bit of energy to get it started… like plants on Earth would use a bit of fertilizer to get started… I was going to use normal healing energy, but Q stopped me again. He told me not to forget who had made these flowers. I got the idea, and I gave the plant some dark energy. It immediately looked stronger. I saw inside the flower the name 'Walms' was now clearly visible. I got a brief image of a race of people developing on the planet, discovering this flower was where life had started, calling the flowers the flowers of life and worshipping Walms… and that image was a bit disturbing… oh, well. Odds were any people developing there probably wouldn't even recognize those marks as letters.

      Q and I went around the planet and planted the other flowers, or rather I let them plant themselves… gave them some dark energy, and then Q and I stood and looked at the sixth flower. It seemed six flowers weren't nearly enough to populate the planet with plant life. I told Q maybe we should bring some more. He said it wasn't necessary, but if I wanted to… Q said the planet already had a bright future… but for one problem. He teleported us to space near the planet. He said it was on a degrading orbit, and would fall into one of the suns soon. Great… nice time to tell me that… He reached out towards the planet. From my perspective it looked like he was giant and he was moving the planet with his hands. He shifted it a bit farther from the suns and said that looked good. He said that was a stable orbit for the planet. I said I thought he wasn't supposed to interfere. He said tapping it into a stable orbit is nothing compared to bringing life forms to it… He teleported us back to the biodome.

      I looked at the jungle of flowers again. I saw something farther in… it looked like a light. I wondered what that was. I crawled into the jungle of flowers, pushing towards the light. It seemed to be moving as I approached it. I kept crawling and finally I reached the edge of the flower jungle and fell out, about two and a half feet down to the floor… I was awake now. I looked back at my bed. I had been crawling through the blankets instead of the flowers, and I had fallen right out of bed. Ow… I now believed I was awake, so I lost lucidity.

      FA - I got up and went to the other room. I picked up my fluffy white kitty Princess and went into my mother's room to say good morning to her. She asked what had happened, she had heard the thud. I told her I had been dreaming and I had fallen out of bed. I sat down in the desk chair and turned to look at her… and noticed for the first time she was holding and stroking a chicken. A white chicken. Wtf? I asked her where she had gotten the chicken… she said we had always had the chicken. I asked her why she was petting a chicken. She said it had gotten stressed out, and she was trying to soothe the chicken into laying an egg. She said she wanted eggs for breakfast, but the chicken was too stressed to lay an egg now, so she was trying to get the chicken relaxed enough to lay an egg. She said if I wanted eggs, it would be up to me to soothe the chicken enough so it would lay another egg. I was just sitting there staring at my mom, with a cat in my arms, as my mom stroked the chicken and spoke soothingly to it… It was here that I woke for real.