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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 01/16/10 Acid Trip Testing Lab

      by , 01-17-2011 at 01:08 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: I have been feeling pretty shitty today, it has been going on all day. There have been a couple times when I perked up a bit, but not much, so I don't know what effect this could have on my dreaming. Plans include meeting Dakotahnok to confirm a shared dream at the Halo 3 Warthog Run mission, completing tasks of the year, meeting MoSh for a Harry Potter dream, and to meet up with Tigress to kill stuff… probably monsters from DDO.

      I am in a strange room, it looks like a doctor's office, though I'm not sure what I am there for. Or rather I don't want to think about what I am there for, because I am there for my gynecological exam, which is something I really dread, since it usually hurts. I am here because my guardian, Hetfield, bullied me into it, and now I am silently cursing at him for my being there even though he continues to say I have done the right thing. So I sit there for a while longer, now I am annoyed at the doctor for taking her time in getting to me, the last thing I want to do is sit there waiting for something I dread. Finally the doctor comes into the room and greets me with a smile on her face, I don't feel like returning the smile. She pulls out a syringe and says she will have to give me a little shot… a shot? I thought she was here to look at my nether regions, not give me a shot… I ask her what it is, she says it's nothing harmful, she just wants to give me the shot, then I can tell her what I feel. I don't like this, and I don't understand it, either. She comes over to me and gives me the shot, and I immediately wish I had protested more… because now I am feeling dizzy. I tell her that, and I see she is taking notes on a tablet computer. Things look strange for a bit, then my vision clears, and I feel ok again. I tell her that, and she sits down in a chair and said she will wait.

      I wonder what she is waiting for… then I notice the wall is moving??? There is a huge bubble forming in the wall, not just one of them, there are several of them. It looks like the wall is rapidly developing a bad case of acne, though the "pimples" aren't red, they are rainbow colored, concentric rings of color starting at the center of each "zit" and then fading into the white of the wall at the base of the zit. They keep growing until they have a yellow head on each one that looks tightly strained and ready to pop… and then they all pop at once. I cringe back, expecting a wave of grossness in the form of pus, but that doesn't come. Instead, each "zit" spews forth waves of colorful confetti, colorful and sparkling. So now I am sitting in a doctor's office in the middle of a colorful and sparkling confetti storm… what kind of a hospital is this? I am about to do a RC when the doctor distracts me and asks what I see, so I tell her. She says that is good, the shot was a hallucinogen, so the effects would wear off shortly. She said if things get creepy, just remember, it is a hallucination. Now that I have an explanation for this, I forget about doing a RC. (D'Oh!) Also due to this, I just watch with mild interest as all of the pieces of confetti turn into bugs that crawl all over me, though the itching is rather annoying. I see my reflection in a mirror, and now my entire body is covered with colorful and sparkling confetti… rather interesting, actually.

      Soon the confetti illusions fade out and I am in the normal doctor's office again, though I feel slightly dizzy again now that the hallucination is over. The doctor comes back into the room, with two large men. She says they're nurses, but they look more like hired goons. She takes out another syringe, but I have had it with the shots. I tell her no more shots for me, I'm leaving here. She said she thought I might say something like that… and the goons block the door. She comes over to give me the shot, but I knock her hand away, knocking the syringe out of her hand and onto the table. A drop leaks out and eats its way into the counter, leaving a small smoking hole. I ask her what the fuck that was, some kind of acid? She says she needs to see what it would do to the inside of my body. I point at the smoking hole on the counter and ask what she thinks it will do… it burns through the counter, so she can draw some pretty good conclusions about what it would do inside my body! I get up now, determined to leave this crazy place. She reaches for the syringe, I push it onto the floor. She leans over to get it, and I kick her in the face hard, knocking her across the room, I think she was unconscious.

      Time to get out of here… I pick up the syringe and hold it threateningly, telling the goons to stand aside unless one of them wants to get stuck with it. One of them dares me to try it. So I move towards the two goons, I twist aside when the one on the right grabs at me, and I come up behind him and stick the needle of the syringe in his neck. There is a small amount of burning there, but not much, and the thug tenses as if expecting me to inject the contents into him. Instead I just keep my thumb on the plunger, and tell them no one has to die here, just get out of my way so I can leave. The one I am threatening sounds terrified, he tells the other one in a quivering voice to do what I say… he calls me an 'it' when he speaks. The second goon seems hesitant to comply, then the one I am threatening gives out the most pathetic "Please…" I have ever heard, only made more pathetic considering it is coming from a big guy who is about to cry. The second thug finally moves aside, I move with the thug I am threatening to the door, then I pull the needle out and shove the door closed. I really wish I could lock it… but no such luck.

      I head down the hall quickly, and of course I haven't gotten far before the thugs come to the door and shout that the creature is loose. Creature? Why is he calling me a creature? Never mind that, I have to get out of the hospital. I run down a hall and I hear footsteps behind me. I look back to see more of the hired goon style nurses following after me, so I turn into an examination room and shut the door. This time I am able to block it, I wedge a chair under the knob, which will at least slow them down a bit. So now to find another way out of there, I go to the window and look out, but I am on at least the third or fourth floor, so that isn't promising. I search, but I find no other exit, so I end up back at the window again. Someone is pounding hard on the door. The chair gives way and a large goon enters, though it looks like he is alone. I figure they didn't see which room I went in. I try to get the window open to climb out, but the goon grabs me by the neck. He says he has a test… let's see how long the thing can go without oxygen, and if it doesn't need to breathe, let's see how it responds to a broken neck. He squeezes my neck hard, I stick the syringe needle in his arm. He ignores that and squeezes harder. No choice, I inject the contents of the syringe into his arm. He gets a strange look on his face, releases me immediately, and grabs his arm… which is rapidly being eaten away by the acid. He is screaming in pain now, I don't feel like watching that, so I run out the open door and away from the hall while the goons are searching other rooms. They will surly come soon to the man's screams.

      I use the stairs and reach the bottom floor before I meet any more opposition. I am heading down the hallway towards the emergency exit, almost there, when a uniformed guard steps in front of me and aims his gun at me, ordering me to stop. He knows that guns will still hurt me, so don't try anything. I am not lucid, so I believe guns will hurt me. He asks if I'm going to come peacefully or does he have to shoot me in the kneecaps to ensure cooperation. I back away from him, now feigning a fear that for some reason I don't actually feel, I crouch down in the corner, pretending to be crying, I tell him he can't let those doctors take me back, they're trying to kill me. He comes over to me, he looks pretty proud of himself, he says their goal isn't to kill me, it's to run their tests on me. He says if it kills me, that's no big loss… no one will mourn the loss of one of my kind. Since I am cowering, he is being careless. He reaches for the neck of my shirt and tries to lift me by it, saying it's time to go back to the doctor. I grab him by his family jewels and give a hard and fast twist and pull to them. He gets a shocked look on his face, then doubles over in pain. I grab the gun and point it at his head, but then I see he is no more of a threat right now than a small kitten… actually the kitten with its claws would be more of a threat.

      I grab the keys from the guard just in case I need them, then I run out the emergency exit onto the hospital grounds, out into the night. There are no locked doors or gates, but there is a fence topped with razor wire. I don't even think of electric fencing… when I grab it, the fence sparks… but I am not hurt. Must be a weak voltage? I climb the fence, slip through the razor wire while getting only minimal cuts, then I drop on the other side. The guard I kicked, or one just like him, is right behind me and jumps for the fence. He is instantly caught by the electrical flow, the smell of cooking flesh wafts over to me, then he drops dead. So much for not much voltage… No time to consider that for long, I head away from the facility into the forest beyond, intent on putting as much distance between me and the hospital as possible.