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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 04/16/11 Many Dreams, No Lucids

      by , 04-16-2011 at 11:12 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I am at Subway, it seems I have found a job working there. I am cleaning up some things in the back room, and I notice the ovens where the cookies are being baked. The timer goes off on one of the batches, so I open it up and look inside. The cookies smell wonderful, making me instantly hungry. I look around and confirm I am alone in the back room before taking one of the hot cookies and eating it very quickly, eating it before anyone can come in and catch me. It is delicious! I take another cookie and eat that one, as well… and a third. I decide I'd better stop before I eat the whole batch. I continue cleaning and then I find a fresh batch of fudge. I get myself a drink, the drink looks like one of the slushies sold at Eegee's, and then I drink a bit and help myself to some fudge. I am eating my third piece of fudge when I hear someone come in. I stick the fudge in my drink to hide it. The man who entered is the boss, so I am glad I hid the fudge. He is suspicious, though. He says he will taste my drink to be sure I'm honest. He tries it and then gets annoyed. He asks if no one had told me that he checks the drinks to be sure there isn't any stolen fudge in them. I say no, no one said that. I'm in trouble. He says then he will tell me how things work. I had better make sure to have my drink acceptable when he comes to test it, and that means more fudge! Put two more pieces in there, at least. I add fudge. He drinks some more, then gives the rest back to me. I finish my shift and leave. I decide to jog home, to work off those extra calories. I hate to jog…

      A World Without Hope
      I am in a dark place, I look around and it seems like everything is just animated, everything is just painted onto a fake background. There are people around me, but they are all just robots. They move like robots, talk like NPCs from video games, saying the same things over and over and over again. They never change their behavior based on what I do or don't do, it seems like nothing I do makes any difference at all. As I explore this place, all of the fake painted backdrops start falling down and breaking apart, leaving me in the middle of a vast empty void. Nothing exists in that void, nothing there is real. I am not real, at any moment I may completely cease to exist…

      Bottomless Abyss
      I am in a cold and dark place, there is only darkness in all directions. I am floating in the center of an infinite dark abyss, there is no sky, no ground, nothing at all to get my bearings from. I can't tell which way is up or down or to the sides. I move a bit and find it is like I am underwater. I figure I can find the surface pretty easily. I blow a bubble to see where it goes. It doesn't go anywhere. It floats in the endless darkness and pops, which seems weird. I start swimming in what feels like the upward direction. It feels like I am getting absolutely nowhere. I try to swim faster, but the idea of getting anywhere is seeming completely hopeless. I try to keep swimming but it seems as if I don't even have a physical body. As if I am completely dissolving into the surrounding black water, into the black abyss. I am nothing, I am the abyss.

      End of Days
      I am at the dinner table having dinner with several people I know have passed on. My brother and my grandmother are both there with us, we are eating what looks like a Thanksgiving dinner. We are all eating and talking in a happy way, things are like they always used to be when all of us were together. I don't notice that this is odd, but I am happy with the situation, enjoying their company. After dinner we go our own separate ways, I leave in the car to go visit Tigress. My brother is taking my grandmother somewhere, and my mother is staying home. On my way to see Tigress the entire place starts shaking, it is a massive earthquake… in Tucson?! The ground is cracking open, buildings are collapsing… everything is in chaos. I turn to head back home to check on my mother, but I am almost to Tigress' house by now and I stop by there. Her house and family are ok, though their neighbor's house has disappeared into a huge crevasse. Tigress comes with me when I head back home. Cars everywhere are in wrecks, I have to take the long way to get home. I get pulled over by cops. I am told that my brother and grandmother have been in a wreck and are dead. My house has fallen into a crevasse and been submerged in lava… my mom is dead. My kitties and puppies are dead. Everything is gone, what is the point in going on? I look up and see the moon is out during the day, it looks huge. The cop says that's what is causing the quakes and disasters everywhere, the moon is going to collide with the Earth. Is anywhere going to be safe? He says probably not.

      I am in my house, my mom and I are quickly gathering everything we can into the cars to head for a shelter. There is a giant meteor heading for Earth, and the shelter is the only chance we have to survive. We get the animals all loaded into my mom's car somehow, and mine is full of a bunch of our possessions. I am driving after my mother towards the shelter. I happen to think I need to check on my friends in the area to be sure they are getting to safety. I head towards Tigress' house, since it is closer to where I am right now. I find she has gone up to Mt. Lemmon for a hike. I head up the mountain, wondering what she is doing up the mountain when there is a meteor coming. That's the worst place to be at a time like this! I am driving up the mountain to try to find her. I see the meteor in the sky, it is getting closer. I wonder if there will be time to get to the shelter. I have to find Tigress first and also check on Alicia, do I have time to do that? I have to have time, I will make time.

      Deadly Beauty
      The Earth is host to visiting aliens from outer space, or maybe from another dimension. No one is entirely sure. These aliens are truly beautiful to look at, they are ethereal and floating in the air, formed up of a substance that looks simultaneously liquid and crystalline. They move with a fluidity and a grace that is practically hypnotic. They communicate mostly telepathically, but they sing in an auditory manner. Their voices are beautiful, as ethereal as their forms, as hypnotic as their forms. There is one man who is trying to communicate with them more than anyone else, he is a sort of liaison between humans and their race. Everyone looks to him to find out what the aliens are up to, what they are trying to communicate. He also seems to be totally mesmerized by the aliens. He is responding to the aliens as if he was their servant. He starts cutting the tips off of his fingers, crying out in pain as he does that. He asks the aliens verbally why they want him to cut off his fingers… they sing as a response, he keeps cutting himself. I try to make him stop doing that, he stabs himself in the gut and proceeds to disembowel himself. He lies on the ground coughing up his own blood, dying. The aliens are singing to me, telling me to cut my toes off. I figure I can block their music with my own. I use Metallica at high volume. It is effective. It also seems to disorient the aliens. I head back and tell others what I have seen, they don't seem hesitant to believe. Everyone will now use loud music as a defense, the deaf are naturally protected, and we will be able to fight back against these intruders.