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    My world, my rules

    Well, it may be strange that I'm the only one who writes in portuguese in DreamViews. Thats because I'm brazilian and, well, I could record my dreams in english, but it would take some time and I'd probably forget some details while writing. So, it's easier, faster and safer for me record them in portuguese.
    I know that many of you can't read in portuguese, but I only record my dreams to keep a DJ. If you manage to translate, read and comment my posts, I'd be really glad

    1. Long Library

      by , 07-30-2010 at 02:21 PM (My world, my rules)
      [PT] Consegui induzir um sonho, mas acho que não foi completamente lúcido. Sonhei que estava na Long Library, do jogo Castlevania: Sympony of the Night. Fui pegar alguns livros, e eles estavam completamente vazios. Havia apenas a capa deles, e nenhuma página. Andei muito, e achei um exemplar de Brisingr, dividido em duas partes, de capa dura. Ainda estava dentro do plástico, o que significava que era novo. Fiquei muito feliz por ter achado o livro, embora a biblioteca fosse enorme, e eu ainda teria que andar muito...

      [EN] Could induce a dream, but it was not lucid. I dreamed I was in Long Library, a place of the game Castlevania: Sympony of the Night. I went to get some books, but they were completely empty. There was only the cover of them, and no pages. I walked a lot, and I found a copy of Brisingr, divided into two parts, hardbound. Was still inside the plastic, which meant it was new. I was very happy to have found this book, although the library was huge, and I still had to walk a lot ...
