• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Hyu's Adventures

    I've been lucid dreaming all my life. But it is only in late 2010 that I was introduced to what lucid dreaming actually is,
    and that it is possible to induce lucid dreams. Soon after, I discovered Dreamviews.
    These are the adventures and the curiosities I experience in my dreams.

    Last edited on 2014.07.31

    ~ Recurring Locations ~

    • The Beach (Image)
      A place I often end up in if I get lost, or if I use a means of teleportation without thinking of a destination.
      It is always dusk whenever I am there. Usually the beach is empty, but occasionally something of interest can be found.
      The beach is a place of serenity. A place where I can be alone and safe.
    • Teraluna - Riven (Image) (Image)
      Teraluna is an inhabited moon within a binary star system.
      It is orbiting a blue gas giant. It is only sparsely lit by both suns, which are quite far away.
      Riven is a hidden sky city, hovering over the seas of Teraluna.
      It is a safe haven to all it's inhabitants, and home to Yuya.
      The city is lit entirely by colorful bioluminescent plants and creatures, giving the place a rather surreal and vibrant look.
      Riven is my favorite place to visit whenever I am lucid.

    ~ Recurring Characters ~
    • Yuya (Image)
      She has been in my dreams ever since my early teens.
      Formerly a goddess of water, she now lives in Riven.
      She is my spirit guide (although she does not like to be labeled as such)
      The connection I experience with her is incredible.
      She is my friend, my companion, my love, my ecstasy, my guide and my teacher.
    • Faye (Image)
      She is my dream guide, and often changes her appearance.
      But for some reason she has recently turned evil, and now haunts my dreams.
      She is no longer the same person, and can seemingly no longer be reasoned with.
    • Silver (Image)
      A character from childhood dreams.
      He used to be my rival, but is now my dear friend.
      He is not a man of many words, and I do not encounter him very often.
    • Liv (Image)
      Liv is a succubus, a kind of demon.
      She is young, inexperienced, shy, but immensely kind and compassionate,
      even though at first glance she looks demonic and dangerous.
      Nowadays she lives in Riven. Yuya and I guide her on her path towards adulthood.
    • Shinave (Image)
      Formerly a goddess of ice. She is a wise and intelligent person.
      She is Yuya's mother.
    • Ifrit (Image)
      Formerly a god of fire. A being of terrible force and power, but also incredible wisdom.
      He has lived for many hundreds of years, and still upholds old and conservative ideals.
    • Selene
      A character from childhood dreams.
      She has fallen to the templars a long time ago.
    • Templars
      A vile force of darkness that has threatened my dreams in the past.

    1. Dance in hell

      , 03-16-2011 at 06:41 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I'm on Teraluna with Yuya and Liv.
      Liv is here for the first time.
      The gates would usually prevent any demons from getting into the city, but they let her through because
      she has no dark thoughts.

      Even though everyone is super nice to her she's still extremely shy and clearly feels out of place.
      But she's happy to be here.
      We're sitting at the table in front of Yuya's place talking about all kinds of things.
      There's a bowl with sweets on the table, and I keep sneaking stuff from it because everything is so delicious.
      Lemon marzipan surrounded by black chocolate, yum!

      During the conversation I notice that something is on Liv's mind.
      There's something bothering her, she wants to ask something, but she's too shy.
      I offer her a cookie from the bowl.
      Yuya realizes that there's quite a bit of stuff missing from it.


      I chuckle as she throws something at me. (I think it was a hairpin)
      Liv realizes what's going on and laughs out loud.
      There we go, loose some of that shyness.

      "So Liv, what is it you want to ask?"

      She turns red.
      It takes some time to actually convince her to tell me.
      She finally ends up explaining that she is going to a ball.
      She has to for some reason, and her sisters will be there.
      But she's very uncomfortable going there, because it is common for succubi to seduce someone
      rich or powerful to go with them. She doesn't want to do that though.
      She's known for being shy, which is a bit ridiculous since she's a succubus, and she'll be laughed at if she comes without a 'date'.

      "I don't really see where the problem is."
      "But... I don't..."
      "You could just ask someone to go with you, you know."
      "Nobody would go with me..."

      She's not biting, but I can clearly see it in her face.
      She wants to ask me to go with her.

      "You could ask me for example."
      "Would you.... go with me? ..."

      "Yes, absolutely."

      Yuya says: "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

      "So, where is this ball anyways?"
      "... it's in hell."

      Wait, what?
      I look at Yuya. She doesn't seem concerned, so it probably isn't as dangerous as it sounds.
      Whatever, it'll be an adventure, it's probably going to be awesome...

      ... Liv and I are standing in line... to get into hell I suppose?
      I'm wearing a red and white kimono, as is tradition for dragons according to Yuya.
      Liv's dress reminds me a bit of a prom dress, it's cute, it looks nice on her.
      We're at the entrance... it says "Club Hades".
      I ask Liv:

      "Seriously? Hades?"
      "You know him?"
      "No... he... what?"
      "The club is named after it's owner, he's called Hades."

      I find it funny, but Liv obviously doesn't know about Greek mythology.

      The inside of the club is actually quite awesome. It's in a huge cave, and the place is lit up by pools and fountains of lava.
      I hide my energy at first, because there's a lot of demons here, but that quickly attracts the attention of some predators.
      Some bird-like creature looks at me with an appetite.
      I quickly change my aura and emit some energy to show that I'm a dragon.
      The creature quickly looks away.
      I decide to act confident, as if I have nothing to fear here.

      There are all sorts of creatures here, most of them look humanoid.
      Not all of them appear to be demons though, some clearly aren't and some may very well be human.
      During a conversation Liv explains that this club is some sort of a neutral zone.
      Hades is insanely powerful, nobody would dare to cause any kind of trouble here.

      At some point she introduces my to her sisters.
      There's 3 of them, they're all older than Liv, and clearly not as nice as she is.
      They seduced some men to come with them. The men aren't even aware where they are, they're under complete mind control.
      Her sisters are extremely surprised that she's with a dragon.
      The oldest of them asks how she managed to seduce a dragon.
      I say in a serious and dark voice:

      "She didn't have to."

      That's gonna leave an impression.

      ...I'm a bit surprised that nobody's causing trouble, some creatures look quite aggressive.
      I suppose this place is quite safe indeed.
      Liv is still very shy, but she doesn't show it to the other guests.
      I ask her for a dance. She's quite happy and we go to the dance floor...
      memorable , lucid
    2. Concert on Teraluna

      , 03-03-2011 at 04:00 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I haven't had any 'memorable' dreams for some time.
      I strongly believe that this is caused by a lot of stress in waking life.
      So when I finished a project yesterday, I was quite relieved and decided to take the rest of the day off.
      I still have quite a few things to do, but I figured I could afford to relax for one day and sleep properly for once.
      I chatted with some friends on teamspeak and played some sc2.
      When I went to bed I wondered if I'd be able to recall an awesome dream this night.
      I started thinking about what has happened thus far, and tried to go to the whole 'teraluna' plot again, from the very beginning.
      At some point I fell asleep.

      This is the second dream of the night.

      I'm at some kind of open theater:

      It's not as big as in the picture, but the stone seat arrangement is quite similar.
      Some sort of concert is about to start.
      There's a girl with a violin, one with a cello, one with an e-guitar, a guy with a bass and another on drums.
      Quite an interesting arrangement, I like violins and cellos.

      I know I'm on Teraluna, but I don't think about it very much, I'm just happy to be here and wonder where Yuya is.
      Then I remember that she went to get drinks. I look around.
      I'm sitting in the second row, there's not really that many other people here, maybe around 50?
      It's nice because we're all spread out, so everyone has a lot of space.
      I admire the sky for a bit. Since Teraluna has no artificial lights you can see the stars and nebula in the sky very clearly.
      I suddenly remember that I should probably stabilize the dream, I feel like I'm out of practice.

      I rub my hands, but then I remember that I have a more effective way of doing this.
      I gently activate my dragonic aura, which causes a warm and fuzzy feeling all over my body.
      I wish all dreams would start on Teraluna, it is such an obvious dream sign, I never missed it so far.
      Yuya joins me and hands me a rather strange but interesting drink.
      There's a blue and a green liquid inside, but they don't mix, so it looks all swirly.

      Yuya sits down the exact moment I'm stretching my arms, and she sits very close so I automatically put my arm around her.
      I'm not entirely sure how that happened. Smooth Hyu... very smooth...
      I'm happy to see her again, it feels as ecstatic as it always does.

      "You're awake!"
      "Yes! Can you always tell?"
      "Mostly, yes."

      The band is starting to play so we stop talking.
      I take a sip of my drink. I'm quite surprised by the taste.
      I thought it would taste like lemonade, but it actually tastes like champagne.

      The beginning of the first song reminds me very strongly of the Morrowind Theme:

      After some time it's very different though.
      It's very special, I can't classify it into a genre of music, but I absolutely love it.
      I notice the guitar part isn't very hard, I think "I can do that".
      I concentrate on it and try to remember it, I want to play it in waking life... (Sadly, I can't remember it at all)

      ... We're sitting at the table in front of Yuya's place.
      For some reason the music is still playing.
      We're talking about waking life. I complain that I'm stressed lately and that I want to visit her more often...

      ... For some odd reason I think of 'dream fruits', there was something about them, but what was it?
      Yuya takes one of those blue lemons from a basket on the table and hands it to me.
      Then I remember, it was the advanced task of the month on DV! (It's the basic one actually, I confused it)
      I can't believe I remembered it, I only read about it once.
      I take a big bite out of excitement. It's very sour, I regret taking such a big bite.
      Yuya laughs.
      We talk some more before the dream ends.
      (I can't remember what we were talking about though)
    3. I am not alone.

      , 02-07-2011 at 07:24 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I can’t sleep. The thought of shared dreaming is keeping me awake, the thought of going to the moon and meeting WakingNomad, Selene, and possibly many more people.
      A million questions are on my mind, none of which can be answered.
      I can’t clear my head, so I start reading. After some time I finally become tired and manage to fall asleep…
      I wake up a few times during the night but can’t recall any dreams.

      I’m driving my car. I don’t know the road, but for some reason I know where I’m headed. A girl is accompanying me. She touches my arm resting on the middle console.
      I look at her. It’s Faye… she smiles. It takes me a few seconds to understand what her being there means. I become lucid.

      I immediately want to go to Teraluna to visit Yuya, I want to go there now, and I know how.
      I unplug my seatbelt, the car starts beeping. I summon the wings on my left arm and prepare to teleport to Teraluna.
      I take Faye’s hand and apply the brakes. Our bodies lift up and go through the front of the car.
      When my feet touch the ground, we are on Teraluna…

      … We hang out for a bit (I can’t remember many details) and at some point Yuya is playing with a water sphere.
      For some reason I suddenly feel the urge to freeze it, just to see if I can. When I create fire I try to create vibrations, this time I do the opposite.
      The sphere freezes and falls into Yuya’s hand. She smiles.
      But then I get it: the reason I tried this. I remembered what WakingNomad said. How I transformed into different dragons. As a dragon I can use more abilities than just fire.
      But this is not what is on my mind right now.

      “Yuya… we were hanging out yesterday, right?”
      “Yeah, sure, we were hanging out in the pool, you remember!”
      “I do… did we do anything else?”
      “You were posing on your desk naked!”

      She laughs, there is a small pose.

      “... And... you went to the moon.”
      "What? The moon? THE moon?"
      “That’s why you’re asking isn’t it?”
      “Yes… So it’s all true? He was here?”
      “Of course. Are you going to visit him?”

      Even though this is exactly what I wanted, what I was hoping for, it feels so weird.
      I don’t understand what I currently feel, am I afraid of it being true? Am I afraid that shared dreaming actually works?
      I contemplate teleporting to the moon right now. I need to know. But something is holding me back? Why?

      “But… what if I can’t see him? He sees things so differently than I do. I don’t understand it, I will do something wrong. He knows me as someone so confident. What if I freak out? I…”
      “Relax… I’ve told you about the layers of the dream plane before. I know it’s complicated, so I will explain the very basics of it only.
      There’s an infinite amount of layers to the dream plane. Unfortunately, you can’t experience all of them at the same time, only a very limited amount.
      If two people look at the same thing in different layers, they will experience it differently, but usually their experience will be somewhat similar.
      Should the layers be 'far away' you'll need to alter your perception in order to share your experiences.”

      I understand what she says, it makes sense, but for some reason I’m still afraid.

      “Why am I afraid? … I don’t understand… I want to know! so why am I so afraid?”

      Faye answers this one:

      “For all your life you have been thought it is impossible, that what you experience right now is fake, that even the idea of shared dreaming is absolutely ludicrous. What you are feeling right now, it isn't fear.”
      “Then what is it?”
      “You will know.”

      I summon the wings on my left arm and lock onto the moon. I’m shivering. She’s right, I’m not afraid to find out it is true, if anything it’s the opposite. But it is indeed not fear I am feeling.
      Screw it, where’s my sense of adventure? I’m going now!
      I take a step through the fabric of space and end up on the moon.

      It is dark, barren, there is nothing here. But then I remember about the layers.
      I close my eyes and try to alter my perception. I hesitate to open them for a moment, but I finally do.
      And here I stand, on the green moon, and in front of me a man who has been waiting for me.
      A man who stands there absolutely confident and calm.
      My mind goes blank, I cannot think. I know that this person in front of me is WakingNomad, there is no doubt in my mind.
      But I don’t know what to say, I’m just standing there.

      “What are you acting all weird for?”

      I open my mouth, trying to say hi, but the words aren’t leaving my mouth. I’m shaking, not of fear, but of excitement.
      I feel so stupid. I can summon a fire dragon capable of destroying a whole city yet right now I can't even say a simple word.
      My vision fades, I am way too excited and I can’t get it under control. The dream is ending.
      Not sure if WakingNomad can still hear me so I project a thought onto him.

      “I’m sorry…”

      I wake up in my bed. My mind stays blank, I don’t think.


      It’s Yuya, she’s standing next to my bed.
      I was sure I woke up, obviously I didn’t.

      “He must think I’m an idiot. One day I’m all confident and the next I can’t even manage to say something.”
      “Don’t worry, he’ll understand, and it won't happen again.”

      Yuya joins me in bed. I immediately calm down, take her into my arms and fall asleep soon after.
      lucid , memorable
    4. Transforming into a Budgie

      , 02-06-2011 at 07:07 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      After waking up again, I decide to WILD.
      It can't fall asleep, the last dream was too exciting, so I get up and write down more notes.
      I listen to some ambient music and try to WILD again.

      "Get up already, you're dreaming!"

      I open my eyes and get up.
      Yuya and Faye are sitting in my couch in front of the TV. Awesome!
      I sit down on the couch as well. The TV looks very weird.
      We start talking about transforming, something I've never done.
      Yuya says I'm not very good at it.

      I get the urge to try it out and hopefully show everyone that I can actually do it.
      Faye says I should try transforming into a familiar animal, it's easier if I have a good idea on how they move.
      I decide to transform into a Budgie since I have one and I've seen it fly many times.

      It feels VERY WEIRD just shrinking like that and the feelings of my limbs disappearing, and some senses clearly changing.

      "How cuuuuuuute!"

      I believe that I have properly transformed and try to spread my wings.
      It's surprisingly difficult to figure out which muscle moves which part of my body.
      I want to fly so I approach the end of the coach in preparation of jumping off.
      Yuya states that this may not be a good idea.

      I jump and start flapping my wings.
      Jesus fuck, this is not going well, I barely manage to stay in the air.
      How do birds fly? this is absolutely ridiculous.
      I approach the TV... shit, gotta dodge that somehow.
      I try to gain some height to fly over it, but it's not enough.
      I crash against the upper frame of the TV and fall down onto my keyboard which is in front of the TV.

      This is way too difficult, I end the transformation.
      Yuya starts laughing out loud, quickly followed by Faye.
      It takes me a moment to notice they aren't laughing about my miserable flying skills as a bird.
      I'm lying completely naked on my keyboard and my desk.

      "Well... this has not gone well..."

      Yuya laughs so hard she can't manage to sit properly anymore and she falls onto the couch.
    5. The Dream Plane and Dream Guides.

      , 02-06-2011 at 06:41 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      After all of those non-lucid dreams I did a WBTB.
      This is the first lucid of the night.
      I can't really remember the beginning, or maybe the dream started out in the pool? I don't know.

      ... I'm in a whirlpool with Yuya, somewhere on top of a skyscraper, presumably on earth. It's night.
      We're just hanging out, talking about dreams, about life etc.
      I must have transitioned into "deep dreaming" at some point since the dream feels perfectly stable.
      The feeling of the constant stream of bubbles tickling my back is helping this even further.

      I'm asking questions about the dream plane.
      I don't understand everything Yuya tells me, and some answers she gives me are a bit vague, but I feel like I get the basic idea.
      A normal dream always starts within a dream bubble, the content of which is created by ourselves, our imagination and expectations.
      When you become lucid and leave the dream bubble, usually by teleportation or portals, you enter the dream plane where you can meet
      other dreamers or different beings.
      I don't fully understand what she tells me about layers of the dream plane though.

      I tell her about my Sucker Punch dream and ask her if it was within my dream bubble or not.
      She can't give me an answer, she doesn't know.
      Suddenly another person enters the whirlpool... it's Babydoll from the Sucker Punch dream.
      She says hi and acts as if her being here is the most natural thing in the whole world.
      My mind is blown, why and how is she here???
      Yuya starts laughing and tells me that I still have a lot to learn.
      She tells me to examine my feelings, I have the answers for everything.

      Unfortunately I can't come to a good conclusion, except that Babydoll can't be a normal DC.
      So Yuya explains it:

      "She's a Dream Guide silly."
      "... My Dream Guide? ...I mean..."

      Babydoll speaks up:

      "Yes, I am your Dream Guide. You've been searching for me, so you found me."

      I'm confused. What they say makes sense, but I still feel like I haven't fully understood it.
      Yuya tries to explain it:

      "Well, obviously I ain't your Dream Guide. I'm a spirit, I am your friend, and even though I will help you and I will guide you, I am not what you call a Dream Guide.
      She on the other hand is. You needed a Dream Guide so you have found one.
      She can help you with some things I cannot."

      Meanwhile Babydoll is playing with the water in the pool. She's trying to create a water bubble like Yuya can, but she's failing.

      "So... tell me, what is you name?"
      "Seriously? You want me to call you Babydoll? Isn't that a bit... weird?"
      "Call me Faye then!"

      She's energetic, not as energetic as Yuya, but I feel comfortable being around her, she seems nice.

      Yuya looks away:
      "Hey Liv, stop hiding there and join us in the pool! It's nice and warm!"

      Liv comes out of the shadows, wearing nothing but a thin towel.
      Her devil's tail is looking out of the towel.
      She blushes and enters the pool.
      She's really shy. I find it funny considering that she's a Succubus and all, but it's kinda cute.

      I suddenly realize that I'm sitting in a whirlpool together with 3 extremely hot girls wearing nothing but a thin towel.
      I don't even know if Yuya is wearing one.
      How on earth did it take me until now to notice?
      Yuya looks at me... she read my thoughts. I start blushing.
      She gives me a bit of a 'sexy look' and starts lifting herself out of the pool until she's showing some cleavage.
      I'm not sure what I look like right now, but I bet my face is as red as a tomato.
      She drops back into the pool and laughs.
      Faye does a facepalm and Liv has no idea what's going on.

      I have to laugh myself and lean back to look at the stars.
      For some reason I love it when she is messing with me, it makes me feel really good...

      Updated 02-06-2011 at 07:09 PM by 37117

      lucid , memorable
    6. Yuya meets Liv the Succubus

      , 02-04-2011 at 04:16 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      Couldn't write this one down after waking up because I had to attend an exam. :/

      I'm somewhere with Yuya, following a path crossing a forest, I forgot why.
      I feel a familiar presence hiding behind a tree, it's the succubus.
      She's following me out of curiosity, but she's quite scared.

      I stop.
      "Hello, young one."

      She's a bit ashamed that she got caught following us and comes out, undisguised.
      Yuya doesn't seem concerned that a demon is approaching us, she just says hi.
      This gives me the final confirmation that this succubus is not evil.

      I make the introductions and ask the succubus what her name is.
      She says she's called Liv and she seems extremely relieved that we're friendly.
      She joins us with what it was we were doing.

      I'm curios as to why she wants to hang out with us, so I direct the conversation that way.
      It becomes clear that Liv doesn't seem to have many friends.
      She's very friendly and respectful though, and Yuya does seem to enjoy her company as much as I do.

      At the end of the dream, after accomplishing some sort of thing, I touch Liv's face with my left hand and
      transfer a small amount of energy to her.
      It's a small amount for me, but a huge amount for her.
      She's very grateful that she doesn't have to 'leech' for a few weeks and asks if she can hang out with us more often.
      Yuya tells her that she's welcome to join us on our adventures, but notes that they can be dangerous at times.
      Liv is very excited, she can't wait to hang out with us again.
      Tags: liv, succubus, yuya
    7. The Leviathan

      , 02-01-2011 at 12:59 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      After writing down my last dream I go to the toilet and then back to bed.
      I'm still super tired but decide to attempt a WILD.
      I fall asleep somewhere along the way.


      Darkness. Where am I?

      "What? Where am I?"

      I'm confused, and talk to this weird voice some more until I notice my eyes are closed.
      I open them.
      My vision is blurry, I can't feel my senses.

      "What are you doing?"

      Suddenly I feel a splash of water, which "wakes me up"
      My senses work now and I can see much more clearly.

      "Thanks... that helped."
      "I hope so, because we're in a bit of trouble."
      "Why's that?"
      "Someone is pissed that we destroyed his crystal I assume."

      I try to focus and check my surroundings, where I am and what just happened.
      I'm in yet another world, there is snow again... I hate snow, it's a good thing I don't feel the cold due to my energy.
      But it looks completely different from where I was in my last dream.

      "Well, shouldn't we bugger off?"
      "Can't open a portal, the area is protected by some sort of spell."

      I want to summon the wings on my arm to teleport us away, but I'm interrupted by a red portal forming in front of us.
      A person wearing a black suit, MIB style is exiting the portal and closing it behind him.

      "Ooh, cute little Yuya."
      "Fuck you!"

      Well... it seems she doesn't like him.
      I probe his aura. It's dark, and very strong. Yuya is on her guard, he must be strong indeed.
      I try to focus even more on my surroundings, if a battle takes place I need maximum clarity.

      "Who's this fellow? You have a boytoy now?"
      "Shut up!"

      He smiles.
      "This is going to hurt!"

      He forms a big fireball over his head and launches it at Yuya quickly.


      My body reacts without control. I instinctively short range teleport right in front of Yuya and aim my right hand at the fireball just before impact.
      I'm completely powered up without knowing how. The fireball hits and I simply absorb most of the energy and it stops, I'm practically holding it in my hand.
      It's hot, but it doesn't hurt me.

      "WHAT THE FUCK????
      Nobody shall stop my balls of fire! I am **** *** *****, demon of ****!!!"
      (I forgot the name)

      "And I am Hyunkell fucking Anassasi, Dragon!"

      i reply as I launch the fireball back at him with some added energy of my own with a strange sensation of power.
      It sets him on fire and it takes him a second to put it out.
      I feel an immense amount of energy coming from Yuya right behind me, what is she doing?
      It feels like she's preparing some sort of spell.

      "WHAT THE FUCK!"
      "Don't you play video games? attacking a dragon with fire? retard!"
      "All real dragons are fucking dead! They've been extinct for years!"

      I plan on launching a fireball of my own at him but I am interrupted by Yuya.

      "Fucking piece of shit, show me what you got!"

      She's angry... she's furious, she really hates him.

      He draws fire between his hands, trying to create an even bigger fireball than before.
      But I've noticed what Yuya has done, and there is no need to intervene.
      He doesn't stand a chance... none whatsoever.

      Yuya just turned a whole fucking lake, which was rather close by, into a huge Leviathan which is going to ram our opponent any second now.
      I looks strangely beautiful.

      He looks up at his fireball, and sees the absolutely massive Leviathan rushing towards him. All hope of life leaves his eyes.
      The Leviathan crushes him, and fills the air with humidity.
      She's completely overdone it, I can tell that she went all out.
      The clarity of the dream greatly decreases as the humidity turns into fog.

      "Thanks Hyu! He caught me off guard."
      "Glad I could help... so... what's the deal with him?"
      "He tried to hurt you in your dreams before."
      "Is he a dreamer?"
      "No. He's a demon... or rather, he used to be..."

      I've never seen Yuya this angry.
      The dream ends.
      lucid , memorable
    8. Fighting wooden samurai and a giant stone golem. Someone tries to contact me?

      , 02-01-2011 at 12:14 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      Went to bed early because I was tired as hell, I didn't get enough sleep the past few days.

      I'm in the classroom I'm taking most of my current exams in.
      An exam is currently in progress, my Game Design teacher is there and I have a paper with exam questions in front of me.
      I study the questions, I have to write 3 concept papers given a few basic ideas within 3 hours.
      That's cutting it very short, I'm a bit scared I may not be able to finish this in time.
      I let my mind wander, trying to find some inspiration about a massive multiplayer game, where the players take the role of fruits.
      Making such an idea work really requires a lot of creativity.

      I have trouble coming up with any ideas which is unusual, I decide to take a one minute mental break.
      I play with my pen saying with my inner voice: "This is a dream"
      This gets me thinking, which set of rules currently applies, which world am I in?
      The answer I come up with surprises me a bit. I'm in the dream world.

      I'm surprised how easy it was to come to this conclusion.
      I stand up. My teacher looks at me surprised.
      "What's up?"
      I grow my wings out of my left arm. I have a specific goal: visit Yuya.
      I'm happy that I quickly remembered this goal.

      "Sorry, I'm afraid I may have to bugger off"
      "Excuse me?"

      I lock on to Yuya's aura and prepare to teleport.
      The wings start glowing in rainbow colors.

      "I've taken this exam a few days ago!"
      "Oh.... right..."

      I teleport.
      This is the first time I don't black out during a teleport or by traveling through a portal.
      Even though the teleport lasts only a split second, I can feel how I travel through the fabric of space.
      It feels like there is a near infinite amount of entities all over the universe, I can feel so many aura's!
      It's a very good feeling.

      I'm on Teraluna, hovering a few centimeters over the ground.
      Yuya is standing right in front of me, waiting.
      I stop hovering and drop onto my feet, the wings disappear.
      Yuya is wearing a different outfit than usual. She's wearing something much more comfortable, something you have an easy time fighting in.
      She immediately jumps me, giving me a big hug.

      "Hey, I missed you!"

      As we hug I remember how I got into a deeper dreaming state last time.
      I already closed my eyes for the hug, so I try to concentrate on my other senses.
      They become clearer, but I don't have anything to eat.
      I let go of Yuya and open my eyes. I don't think I'll ever get used to it, it's as overwhelming as it was the first time.
      I'm confident I managed to anchor myself in the dream world.

      "Let's go!"
      "Where to?"
      "I promised you an adventure, didn't I?"

      She forms a portal behind her, without making any gestures. She takes me by my hand and drags me in.
      I form a protective layer over my skin because the tunnel we're traveling through causes a lot of vibrations.
      No wonder I blacked out the last time, this is not a very comfortable way to travel.
      We get ejected from the other end of the portal, into a different world.
      I barely manage not to fall onto my ass yet again, I don't like portals.

      What a crazy world! It is made mostly out of sand and stone, but everything looks very clean.
      As my vision becomes sharper I notice the beautiful sky.
      There are many close moons and even a planet visible in the sky.

      "You better prepare yourself, we're not welcome here."

      I change my energy into my dragon form and power up. I feel ridiculously powerful, with a slight urge to set stuff on fire.

      "That's better!"
      "Why are we not welcome here?"
      "Can't you feel the dark energy surrounding this place? It's everywhere. This world is full of demons
      I'm curious as to why that is."

      She's right, as I widen my sense of presence I can feel many dark aura's. I'll try to remember that they are easy to distinguish from other entities.
      I'm excited.

      "Let's head to where the energy is strongest then?"

      I suddenly notice it's snowing. I'm not wearing a shirt or shoes, yet I'm not cold at all.
      My own energy is keeping me hot. Yuya doesn't seem to feel the cold either.
      I feel a dark presence approaching over a close by bridge, I look at it.
      It seems to be a big samurai, wearing many layers of worn down and broken cloth and a typical samurai hat covering his face.
      He's drawing his katana and approaches me carefully.
      Yuya takes a step back.

      "Don't be afraid... you have all the weapons you need." (I don't even notice the Sucker Punch reference)

      I focus on the inevitable combat, I'm ready.
      He charges, but I am so focused on him I have an easy time slowly dodging his attack.
      It doesn't feel like time slowed down, more like my brain is working much faster.
      As he cuts past me I punch him in his side, and release some energy whilst doing so.
      He shatters into a thousand pieces, it seems he was made out of wood.

      "A wooden samurai?"
      "Someone must have summoned them, they don't have a free will. Let's head for the tower"

      I see the tower on the other side of the bridge, the dark energy is strong there.
      As we run over the bridge I take on a few more wooden samurai. Yuya doesn't intervene.
      Even though they don't pose a challenge, I start getting a better feel of my energy, how much I need to release in order to do a certain amount of damage.

      We stand in front of the tower and a huuuuge stone golem is summoned right in front of us.
      It's at least 100 meters tall, full of dark energy.

      "Errrr.... Yuya?"
      "What yes? giant golem???"

      He starts approaching us, every step he takes causes massive vibrations in the ground.

      "What do I do?"
      "Kill it?"
      "Like what, punch it? are you kidding me?"

      She positions herself between the golem and myself, facing me and thus turning her back towards the golem.

      "A punch didn't kill the samurai."
      "No... my energy did, but this thing is huge... how do I?...."

      The golem is now very close.
      Yuya creates a bubble of water in one of her hands still looking at me, she really doesn't seem to care about the golem.
      She compresses the water into a very tiny bubble and holds her hand towards the golem.
      She shoots a high pressure water beam out of her hand, cleanly cutting the golem in two.
      Both pieces fall to the ground. This is absolutely ridiculous.
      "Are you kidding me?"
      She chuckles. Exactly how strong is she?
      "Yeah, I may have overdone that one a bit"
      But she thought I could take on the golem? How strong am I?

      I feel a dark presence behind me and turn around.
      The bridge is filled with at least 100 samurai.
      They simultaneously draw their katanas.
      I want to take them on, but it's too many to kill them one by one.

      A punch didn't kill the samurai...
      I point my right hand towards the samurai. I can't do a water beam, but I must know some way to project my energy.
      I power up, the dragon tattoo becomes hot. The samurai charge.
      But it's alright, I remember now, one of the dragon techniques.
      I release my energy as two tunnels towards the enemies, a big one and a small one inside.
      I turn the inside one clockwise and the outer one counter-clockwise, grabbing onto space as they turn.
      The release of energy vibrates strongly through my body, I feel the fire wings on my back and the tattoo very clearly now.
      All the samurai are crushed into pieces instantly and their remains whirl around until I stop my spell.

      I turn towards Yuya, extremely proud of what I just did.
      "Did you see that???"
      She starts laughing highly amused.
      "Seen you do bigger ones than that."

      I finally begin to understand how things work, how to release energy, what amount of energy to release.
      I'm very excited.

      "Do you hear that?"
      "Hear what?"
      "I think someone is trying to contact you?"

      I try to listen, but there is nothing.
      Then I notice that she didn't mean a typical voice, rather a telepathic one.
      Yes, I can feel it, but I can't understand what he or she says.

      "I can't understand it."
      "It's weak, seems to be from another plane."
      "Plane? like, dream plane?"
      "Yes. There are many different planes. It's hard to communicate across planes if they are far away from each other"

      I try to communicate back.

      "I can't hear you properly. I'm Hyu, who are you?"

      After a small pause I can hear what I think is a name, but it is too unclear to understand.
      I think it is a female voice, I think she's a dreamer.

      (I can recall the rest of the dream only vaguely)
      After the failed communication attempt we enter the tower.
      There is some more fighting and we find some sort of dark energy crystal inside the tower responsible for summoning the monsters.
      Yuya destroys it.

      I feel like I'm getting better at remembering details and conversations which is awesome.
      I woke up at the end of this dream, at about 6am (went to bed at 2am).
      I immediately transcribed the dream after waking up because I was afraid I'd forget if I went back to sleep.
    9. Yuya explains a few things about energy and magic.

      , 01-27-2011 at 02:06 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I've been working on a project, programming all day.
      I'm very tired and take a short break.
      I remember that last time I was so exhausted I managed to WILD during a nap quite easily.
      Sounds like a good idea.
      I turn on some ambient music, set myself an alarm clock for 30 minutes and lean my rather comfortable chair all the way back.
      It takes little time for HI to appear, though I didn't even notice any of the usual SP signs.
      I can't really remember how I transitioned, but I was trying to visualize Yuya and Teraluna.

      I fall on my ass.
      Yuya is sitting in a chair close to me, looking at me slightly confused but mostly amused.
      I get up, slightly amused myself, but try to block out any thoughts related to waking life.
      Yuya looks different than usual. She's wearing more casual clothes, and her hair is shorter, dark blonde, and kept in place by some sort of bandana.
      It's definitely her though.
      I greet her and ask her about her appearance.
      She explains that she likes to change it when she leaves Teraluna.
      I notice I'm indeed on a different planet, but it is confusing the hell out of me.
      I try to focus on Yuya rather than on my surroundings, which aren't very clear.

      I take a seat next to her wondering what I should talk to her about. A thought suddenly pops into my head.

      "Hey Yuya, tell me about magic."

      She looks at me, slightly surprised, but she also seems quite happy about the question.
      She shows me her hand, as if she was holding something, but it's empty.
      A small ball forms over her hand and starts growing.
      It's clearly water, but unaffected by gravity, it just hovers over her hand.

      "There's an infinity of different kinds of Magic.
      Magic is basically a manifestation of energy."
      I make sure I don't focus on the water bubble too much, but rather on what Yuya is telling me.

      (I don't remember the conversations exactly word for word. I remember the content of the conversation and some snippets. I filled in the holes with what I think seems right)
      "If you use your energy for something, that's magic.
      You've opened a portal before, you've teleported, you've reinforced your own body, all of that is magic.
      But everyone has a certain affinity for different kinds of magic.
      Creating water may be very easy for me, but it may be very hard if not impossible for someone else."
      "So, considering that you used to be the goddess of water, it makes sense that you have a very high affinity for water based magic?"
      "Yes, exactly."
      I ask her about music based magic, but she says that she's not very skilled with it.
      "So what about me, what did I use? I've recently remembered that I can use dragonic powers?"
      That puts a smile on her face, she's excited.
      "Yes! You're a dragon! ... I mean... you can use the same powers as a dragon, which is quite rare.
      You see, most dreamers use shamanic magic. They transform into something stronger than they are, often an animal, and acquire more powers that way.
      What you usually do is different though. Although the basic idea is the same, it couldn't be any more different.
      You understand on the lowest level how a dragon uses his energy and you adapt your own aura so it mimics that of a dragon perfectly."
      "You see, many people can transform into a dragon, fly and spit fire, but they cannot discharge energy with the same brutality a true dragon can.
      Although this is very powerful, being able to quickly transform into a set of other creatures has it's upsides...
      By the way, you can use more powers than just those of a dragon, like the wings you use to teleport."
      She asks me excited:
      "Can you awaken the dragon within?"
      I focus on the core of my energy and try to change it into that of a dragon.
      The energy flows faster through my body, it starts to vibrate and the power discharge feels dirty and slightly uncontrolled.
      I feel the dragon tattoo on my back growing over my right arm and parts of my face.
      It's not really visible, it's more like heat inside of my body.
      I feel insanely powerful and get very excited.

      Yuya looks at me amazed:

      "Next time, let's go on an adventure, just like in the old days... you are ready!"
      I get super exited at this point... too excited, and I wake up.

      There's another 3 minutes until the alarm clock is supposed to go off.
      I'm surprised since the dream felt quite short, less than 5 minutes for sure,
      yet so much time has passed in the waking world.

      Note1: I clearly remember creating a story for a manga when I was much younger, inspired by the dreams I had at the time.
      It followed a similar set of rules, and the hero learned to use dragonic powers at some point in the story.
      Even later in the story he learned to use special wings to travel through dimensions, which strongly remind of how I teleport in dreams.
      No-one was able to transform into other beings in this story though, but I know that I did modify quite a few things so the story made more sense.

      Note2: holy shit! I want to have insane dream battles, now!
      Tags: dragon, energy, magic, yuya
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    10. Spending a night on Teraluna

      , 01-22-2011 at 05:53 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I've been trying to prolong my lucid dreams lately.
      I noticed that lucids featuring Yuya have lasted much longer than other lucids I've had.
      I'm assuming this is because these dreams were much more immersive and just felt "more real".
      I've experimented with this tutorial: (Tutorial for extending Lucid Dream Time. Hours of LD. by Gary - Dream Journals - Dreamviews Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource) during normal lucid dreams, and although it definitely prolonged the dreams, they still didn't last much longer than 10-15 minutes.
      I feel like the immersion, such as in the dreams with Yuya, is a necessary aspect to have very long lucid dreams.
      This is my first attempt at having a long lucid dream in the company of Yuya.

      (I can't remember exactly how the dream started. I think I teleported to Teraluna and I've talked to Yuya for a few minutes)
      I'm walking through some sort of flower garden with Yuya.
      The flowers and plants are quite high, about 2 meters in size. Most of them are very colorful, blue, green and a few yellow ones.
      There are small trees of the same size growing those blue fruits Yuya likes to make tea from.

      I told Yuya that I want to learn how to prolong my stay in this world, and she's been explaining a few basics to me.
      She explained that the most important aspect would be to anchor my senses in this world and not to think about waking life at all.
      So as I walk through the garden, I try to absorb my surroundings as well as I can.
      For some reason I close my eyes to do this. (I think I wanted to focus on my other senses, not only vision, and I thought doing this would help)
      I listen: I can hear the flow of water through the garden, small animals making all kinds of noises, the sound of my feet touching the ground...
      I smell: The air smells very fresh, the pollen from all the plants give the place a very strong and distrinct odor.
      I taste: I bite into one of the mentioned blue fruits which I'm carrying with me. It's very sour but also immensely refreshing.
      I feel: The consistence of the fruit as I bite into it, the slight breeze of air as it touches my skin, the texture of the ground I'm standing on...
      I note that the simple experience of just being somewhere and just analyzing my own senses is actually quite a strong sensation.
      I open my eyes...

      It feels different from before, it feels more real.
      It didn't feel "unreal" before, but there is a clear difference, I really feel like I'm actually standing in the garden right now.
      The visual detail of the world has also increased.
      I can now see tiny glowing fireflies flying around the garden, I couldn't see them before.
      My 6th sense is active as well, I am fully aware of my close surroundings, even if I don't look at them.

      (My senses were more precise than in waking life. My complete field of vision was sharp, not only the very center, The texture of things I touched felt much more detailed etc...)

      "This is real..." (I think I said this without a real reason, not because I confused the waking and the dream world or something like that)
      At this point I know that this dream is going to last for a very long time.

      Yuya approaches me and looks into my eyes acting quite serious:
      "Welcome, to the real world."
      After an awkward moment of silence she starts laughing.
      I notice she was imitating Morpheus as a joke and I have to laugh as well, she really got me there.
      We keep walking through the garden.

      "Do you know all of the movies I have seen?"
      "No, I know the overall plots, and scenes you found quite memorable, but I haven't actually seen them."
      This makes sense, she knows them from my memories, and you can't memorize a complete movie, you memorize the plot, the characters and a few key moments...
      We walk out of the garden arm in arm...
      (We talk some more, I can't remember the topic of the conversation though...)

      ... We arrive at some sort of stage?
      It's not really a stage, more of a platform with some instruments on them.
      I immediately notice something that resembles an electric guitar.

      "Do you want to play?"
      Although it resembles an electric guitar, some features are quite different. I see frets and strings, the overall shape is the same, but the whole electronics are completely different.
      "No... I don't think I know how ti play it."

      Yuya grabs my hand and starts dragging me towards the instruments.
      "Come-on! It will be fun!"

      She fiddles about with some stuff and hands me the guitar. I sit down and she sits right in front of me facing me.
      "Try it!"
      It feels different from a real guitar. It's lighter, the strings are much softer, they're clearly not steel, but not nylon either.
      The strings are very easy to bend and don't cut into the fingers a all.
      The electronics are... organic?
      The pickups seem to be replaced by some sort of plant, and veins feed into an amp which consists of some sort of glowing organic bubbles.
      It's quite a sight. I grab one of the stone picks attached to the guitar and try to play an F powerchord.
      It's barely audible, and it doesn't sound right at all.

      She turns what appears to be the volume knob on the guitar up.
      I take a closer look at the guitar since it sounded quite wrong and notice it has 8 strings.
      How on earth is an 8 string guitar tuned? I haven't even played a 7 string one...
      I gently pick the first few strings individually. The first two sound quite deep, the third one seems to be tuned to E, the fourth to A, aah, suddenly something familiar!
      I try to play a few simple chords on the lower strings, assuming they are in standard tuning, and it works just fine.
      The guitar sounds more like a combination between a cello and a violin rather than an electric guitar, but I love the sound.
      Yuya proceeds to explain some more parts of the guitar. There are actually some sort of distortion sliders directly on the guitar which is quite cool.
      I'm still not really confident, finger positioning feels really easy on the very thin neck, but I'm afraid I won't be able to play very well.

      I have no idea what to play, and she's staring at me...
      For some reason I start playing Stairway to Heaven, not sure if I should feel like an idiot or not.
      As my nervousness decreases I begin to play surprisingly well considering it's a very unfamiliar guitar.
      "There's a lady who's sure..."
      Oh god, how cliche is this?
      I feel stupid for singing and decide to stop, though I keep playing for a bit.
      Yuya seems quite impressed that I seem to be doing ok with the guitar.

      She grabs a guitar herself. It looks different from mine, I think it has even more strings.
      I feel quite uneasy, she's going to want to play something together, and somehow I don't feel I have the skills to do it.

      "Let's play something powerful"
      "I'm not really that good..."
      "Right... What do you want to play?"

      She starts to search for some chords, trying to figure out a song she's heard before.
      Is she trying to play the Nightwish version of Phantom of the Opera?
      I try to remember the riffs and crank the distortion on the guitar.
      I play a few notes.

      "Yes! That one! Let's play that one!"
      I have to try around quite a bit until I remember how to play the full song, but I get there.
      Yuya plays lead over it, she mostly improvises, but it fits the song very well.
      Then at one point, after starting from the beginning, she completely surprises me.

      "In sleep he sang to me... In dreams he came~"

      Her voice is so overwhelming, she's an absolutely phenomenal singer. Her voice is very powerful, yet very emotional.
      I stop playing for a bit because I just can't believe how awesome her singing is.
      Once I notice I've stopped I resume playing, completely focusing on her fantastic voice.

      "That voice which calls to me... And speaks my name
      And do I dream again... For now I find
      The Phantom of the opera is here... Inside my mind"

      My mind is blown, it's a good thing you can play guitar "on autopilot" or I wouldn't be able to keep going.
      And then she looks at me, giving me a very clear sign with her head.
      She wants me to sing the other part...

      "I'm a very bad singer..."
      "Believe in yourself, you can do it!"

      My part is coming up, I ponder whether or not I should try it... fuck it.

      "Sing once again with me... Our strange duet."
      Well shit, if I'm attempting this I should try to do it right.
      I put a lot of power into my voice, try to get into the correct mood and let my emotions flow into the singing.

      "My power over you... Grows stronger yet
      And though you turn from me... To glance behind
      The Phantom of the opera is there... Inside your mind"

      It doesn't sound nearly as bad as it should.
      In fact it sounds rather good, I'm quite impressed.
      It's miles away from Yuya's singing skills obviously, but I have the confidence to keep going.
      We keep singing and playing music for some time, I'm really enjoying it.
      A lot of time passes as we try a few more songs.

      As it starts getting dark we decide to stop and Yuya takes me to some sort of restaurant I guess?
      In the city there's a few large tables outside, with dishes on them.
      We sit down and have dinner, continuing to talk about all kinds of things.
      We mostly talk about my life, about decisions I've made...
      The food is quite good, very spicy, it reminds me of the Greek kitchen a bit.
      I'm not really sure what it is we're eating though, it's some sort of animal with vegetables.
      Everything tastes quite exotic, but I like all of it, except some weird potato like thing which just tastes weird.

      After we're done eating we walk back to Yuya's place.
      She's obviously tired, and she hangs on to my arm as we walk.
      It's quite dark in her bedroom, which is completely open on one side.
      You can see the sky and a waterfall quite far away.
      As I stand there looking outside, Yuya takes her dress off.
      I'm quite surprised by this, she's standing half naked in the same room with me now, though she has her back turned towards me.
      There's something on her back? A tattoo? It's glowing in the dark.
      As she puts on a dress for the night I remember that those are actually some sort of small animals.
      They attach themselves to the back of a person and live of our body heat for some time until they are old enough to fly away.
      Everyone living in Riven for some time has those. I wonder if I do.

      Yuya gets into her bed, which I am standing rather closed to.
      I'm a bit confused as to what to do.
      She's holding up the blanket.

      "You coming?"
      I take off my shirt and get into the bed.
      I'm surprised by how normal this feels, I think I have slept with her in the same bed before...
      She puts her right arm around me and rests her head on my right shoulder.

      After just a few minutes she's asleep. I on the other hand have quite some trouble falling asleep.
      I can't stop being amazed as I feel her breathing in her sleep.
      At one point I do fall asleep though.

      (dream within a dream)
      I see a younger version of myself in third person, probably about 15 or 16.
      I'm with Yuya and Selene. Yuya looks the same way she does nowadays, her hair is a bit shorter.
      We're in a huge battle. We're fighting some kind of daemon wielding an unnaturally big sword.
      Selene is wounded, leaning against a pole and the daemon is attacking her.
      I have wings of fire and a burning fire tattoo on my body. On my back the tattoo forms the face of a dragon.
      I mimic the way dragons use their energy, allowing me to use their powers.
      I manage to get between Selene and the daemon just in time.
      The view switches to first person. I block the sword with both of my hands and put all of my energy into stopping the attack.
      My back hits the pole and the blade cuts a few centimeters into my shoulder before I manage to stop it...

      I wake up from the dream.
      Yuya is already up and has made breakfast.
      I sit down at the table and we drink a glass of juice. I'm not really hungry yet but I grab a slice of bread anyways.
      Suddenly I realize I've just woken up and I forgot to RC.
      (I think I'm in waking life since I woke up and I RC every time I wake up to catch FA's)
      I do the nose pinch RC but it doesn't work, well, obviously it won't because I'm awake.
      It takes me a few seconds to remember that I actually am dreaming, and I am very confused.

      Then I remember that I went to sleep within a dream, I've never done that before.
      My real body is still asleep in my bed...
      The vision fades.
      Ah shit, I'm a fucking idiot thinking about that...
      I wake up.

      I'm slightly confused for a few seconds after waking up.
      The pieces quickly fit together though.
      I RC and get up.

      Updated 01-22-2011 at 06:25 PM by 37117

      lucid , memorable
    11. Riding a Gryphon through a canyon with Yuya - Who was Selene?

      , 01-17-2011 at 02:38 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      (I can't remember the beginning of the dream.)

      I'm standing on a bridge with Yuya (I'm assuming on Teraluna). We want to go to another planet, and she projected the location into my mind so I can take us there.
      My attempt to create a portal to this location is interrupted by Yuya breaking out in laughter.
      I turn around to look at her.
      She is laughing so hard, she barely manages to avoid falling to the ground.
      The way she expresses her emotions impresses me every single time.
      She doesn't hold back at all, she just lets them out unrestricted.

      "Did you just try to... open a portal?
      Is that how you got here the first time?"

      "Yes... ?"

      She has to hold on to me to not fall over due to all the laughter.
      She looks at me, tears in her eyes:

      "You're one of the only guys in existence with the ability to teleport to any location you clearly remember...
      using only a little energy... and you... opened a portal, stretching over a few million light-years?"

      It did feel weird every time I opened a portal, I always assumed this was not the way I used to travel.

      "Uuuuh, yeah... I forgot... I guess?"

      After catching her breath she puts her arms around me and her forehead against mine.
      She's projecting images into my mind; memories on how I used to travel.
      I have the ability to summon wings which allow me to quickly travel through the fabric of space, basically resulting in very fast teleportation.
      I summon my wings, focusing on the place she has shown me, and try to move both of us to that location.

      (I remember teleporting, but not what happened immediately after arriving at our destination)

      We're on a different planet; a lot of stone, rock and red sand.
      I'm riding on what resembles a gryphon. It's quite big, I'm sitting on his neck.
      Yuya is sitting right behind me. She's holding onto me for additional support.
      We're flying through a massive canyon on said planet.
      It's probably a few hundred meters wide in some spots, but very thin in others, where the gryphon needs to turn fully vertical to pass through.
      There are habitats on each side of the canyon, built right into the walls.
      Some primitive bridges are connecting the left and right side.
      Yuya and I have been talking for some time. (I don't remember the conversation prior to this moment)

      "Oh! and I remember someone else from the past! Or... at least I think I do?
      A woman called Selene... I think she was a goddess?"

      There we go again: Yuya breaks out in laughter.
      I hold onto her arms because she's starting to let go and I'm afraid she might fall off.

      "Selene, a goddess?
      How on earth did you get that idea."

      I tell her about the painting I drew as a kid.

      "Selene... yes, of course I know her, but she ain't no goddess.
      You and Selene were fighter buddies, even before you and I met.
      She was very playful, whereas you became more serious as you grew up, and also much stronger.
      We were hanging out sometimes, but you became so much more powerful than she was, so she couldn't really join you on your adventures anymore."

      What Yuya said feels right, maybe I wrongly combined my memories because of that picture and reading about an other Selene in WakingNomads DJ.

      "But you are the goddess of water, right?"

      "Well... yes, I used to be, but I am no goddess any longer, that was a long time ago.
      I still have all the abilities I had back then, so nothing really changed, but I am no longer officially a goddess"

      "I see..."

      I have a lot of thoughts on my mind. I remember incorporating Selene in a story when I was a child, I think about some of WakingNomad's adventures, whether I'll be able to share dreams one day, and many more things.

      "You're going to loose it..."


      "If you don't focus on where you are you'll wake up..."

      I notice the clarity of the dream has greatly decreased. My vision is blurry and I can no longer feel the wind.
      I try to focus on my surroundings, on Yuya holding me, on the feathers of the Gryphon, but it doesn't work.

      "You're thinking too much. You need to be asleep in your dreams, not awake.
      You need to understand that this is real. As soon as you let go of that, your mind will let go of the dream."

      She's right. The only really long lucid dreams I've had were with her, and they were so overwhelming that I indeed knew every bit of it was real.
      And these are waking thoughts yet again... My vision is gone, I can barely feel Yuya's presence anymore.

      "I'm sorry..."

      I wake up.

      Updated 01-17-2011 at 02:46 PM by 37117

      memorable , lucid
    12. How long have I known you? - A friendly fight with Yuya.

      , 01-14-2011 at 03:39 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I wake up from a non-lucid dream in the middle of the night, but I do not automatically open my eyes.
      I remember this is a good thing, but it takes me a few seconds to recall why I actually want to keep them closed.
      I'm happy that I managed to keep my eyes closed, though I have no idea how I managed to do so.

      I try to gently move a finger; it doesn't work.
      Great! I try to enter a dream, thinking about Yuya and Teraluna.
      I try to recall the unique smell and the humidity of the refreshing air.
      At one point I realize I have entered a dream and open my eyes.

      I'm standing on one of the bridges of Teraluna, facing Yuya's place.
      I try not to get too excited, but it's hard to control my emotions.
      It's daytime, the city is alive and active.
      I start walking towards Yuya's place, trying to focus on each of my senses to make the dream as stable as possible.

      As I reach the house I'm slightly confused as I want to knock on a door, but there is none.
      The house is missing outer walls.
      I do not want to intrude, and I do not want to yell to ask her if she's there.
      Suddenly I realize that I'm an idiot, we communicate telepathically all the time.
      I search for her aura, find it in the house and project a thought onto her.
      She comes running out of the house and jumps at me giving me a big hug.

      "Hi Yuya!"

      She's smiling the way she always does, I don't know any people who are able to express their happiness the way she does.

      "What do you want to do tonight?"

      That is a good question, I have hundreds of ideas, thousands of questions, but I don't know what to say.
      I think about WakingNomad's DJ. I want to go to visit unknown places, experience things I have never experienced before.

      "I can take you anywhere you want. But first you must remember something important!"

      "What is it?"
      "You need to remember how to fight!"
      "Riven is safe, but if we visit other places, it's possible that we will be attacked."

      (I don't remember what happened in between)

      We're standing on a stone foundation in the middle of a sea.
      The stone foundation is basically a big circle, probably 30 meters in diameter.
      It's a few millimeters below the water surface, so it's actually covered by a tiny bit of water.
      There's nothing around it, so if you step over the edge you'll just fall into the sea.

      Yuya explains that I should reinforce a small layer of energy around my skin to protect myself from any hits.
      She also says that we're not going to use any energy based attacks so that we don't hurt each other.
      We're standing in the middle of this circle, face to face, ready to fight.
      I'm excited. I know that I have fought in dreams before.
      I feel safe, like I'm more powerful than she is, I'm confident...

      But wrongly so. I am startled as I notice Yuya is holding my throat.
      We were a few meters apart but she got to me within just a split second, I could barely even see it.

      "You can't afford to think about your waking life while you're in a battle."

      This makes sense. I get back into a combat ready position, and try to completely focus on her and her movement.
      She comes at me again, she is extremely fast, I can't keep track of her with my eyes.
      However this time my body instinctively reacts, and I manage to block a series of hits.

      "Good, you remember a few things"

      But I didn't. My body reacted by itself.
      Of course! I know it from playing guitar: Muscle memory!
      That must be it! Of course my body will remember how to fight if I have done it before.

      "Try to remember, just because you can't attack me with energy doesn't mean you're not allowed to make use of it"

      What does she mean?
      She attacks me again, I can just barely block her attack.
      And then I realized what she meant.
      I can tell where she is by locating her aura, even if she is light years away, so why wouldn't it work if she's this close?
      Trying to feel her presence more clearly I start to see her aura, and the energy flowing through her body.
      It's a thin net of fluorescent strings, a bit like the veins in our body, except pure energy flows through them.

      She attacks yet again, this time I can see her much more clearly, and time feels slower.
      I manage not only to dodge her attack, I even attempt a counterattack though she easily blocks it.


      I think I finally understand. I can just tell my body to do something without going into the specifics.
      If I play an F cord on the guitar I don't think about finger positioning, I just tell my left hand so grab an F cord, and muscle memory takes care of the rest.

      I decide to attack this time. As I do this, I instinctively enlarge the area covered by my own energy so it reaches her.
      I notice that this way I'm even more aware of her movements, and time slows down even more.
      We fight at an absolutely ridiculous speed, but I manage to keep up, and with each hit I get a better understanding of how to use my body.
      I'm absolutely fascinated, and don't think about waking life at all.
      This goes on for a few minutes. Water is splashing up with every step we take.
      We're not really exhausted but at one point we stop.
      It's only then that I remember my goals from waking life, and that I wanted to ask her more questions.
      I also notice that the dream seems to loose vividness, am I going to wake up soon?

      "So... longer than I think?" (I refer to what she said last time we talked)
      She smiles, but doesn't say anything. It doesn't feel like she's avoiding the topic though so I ask her more clearly:
      "I can't remember, when have we actually met for the first time?"
      This time it does feel that she's not entirely comfortable answering the question.

      "A long time ago... a very long time ago, it's normal that you cannot remember"
      I get a feeling that last time, she hinted at me knowing her for longer than I have actually lived.
      I'm not sure if I should ask even more, I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

      "I cannot answer that question clearly."
      "We live in different worlds, time is relative"
      She thinks about how to phrase her next sentence.
      I want to tell her that she doesn't need to tell me, but she feels my urge to know.

      "We have met in your dreams when you were a child... but... we have met before that... before you were born."
      "In another world?"
      "Yes. You can't remember, that's the way it works."

      "Hey, don't worry, I'm happy to be here, what matters is the present, not the past right?"
      There's that beautiful smile again. She's relieved.
      It's not like she wants to hide anything, I can feel that. It's just uncomfortable for her, because regardless of what she does, I won't be able to remember.

      "I can show you one day, if you want to."
      "Next time, I'll take you on an adventure, what do you say?"

      (I think we talked some more but I can't remember)

      The dream fades away.
      Tags: teraluna, yuya
      lucid , memorable
    13. A quick visit to Teraluna at night.

      , 01-09-2011 at 10:33 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I'm sitting in front of my pc, been playing starcraft 2 for hours and programming afterwards.
      I'm tried, my head hurts, the problems I'm working on atm are very complex.
      I nearly fall asleep twice.
      I decide to set myself an alarm in 20 minutes and take a powernap.
      Lying in my chair, which I put all the way back to maximize comfort, I put on headphones and listen to:

      I think about Teraluna, about Yuya, I recall how beautiful the city is.
      I don't really intend to WILD, but at one point I ponder if I just entered SP.

      I open my eyes. I'm no longer in my chair. I'm in a bed, it's dark.
      I feel the silk bed covers. I remember those. I'm on Teraluna, I'm dreaming!

      I turn to my right, because I feel a presence.
      Yuya is in the same bed I am in, she's sleeping. She looks so peaceful.
      It's pretty dark though, I can't see her very well.
      I don't want to wake her up, she seems to be enjoying her sleep very much.
      I get out of bed and walk outside. It's night. Teraluna has a day/night cycle, but the difference in light between day and night is actually very low.
      However, at night, most animals are asleep, and they provide most of the light during the day since most of them are fluorescent.
      Most plants are only fluorescent during the day as well.

      There's no-one outisde. A few animals fly by, you can barely hear them.
      The city is very peaceful at night. I spot a girl not too far away playing some sort of instrument.
      It's something between a violin and a harp. I don't understand how it works.
      She's playing very passionately, with her eyes closed.
      I don't want to interrupt her, so I'm just walking by, enjoying the refreshing air.

      I'm woken up by the alarm I set.
      Tags: teraluna, yuya
    14. In which I finally meet Yuya

      , 01-07-2011 at 04:57 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      Continued from: The path to Teraluna

      Don't open your eyes...
      Don't open your eyes...
      Don't open your eyes...

      I wake up.
      My eyes start opening, but I manage to interrupt it.
      I want to go back...

      I empty my mind and try to find an anchor to remain conscious.
      I use the pc fan which is spinning slowly.
      I gently try to move my right index finger. It doesn't move.
      Good. This will work.
      I try to remember the last scene.
      I was on my knees, on Teraluna, in the city... She was in front of me.
      So close...

      As I inhale I taste the unique air of Teraluna.
      I open my eyes. I'm back!
      I'm very excited, so happy.
      But I try to control myself, I don't want the dream to end prematurely.
      I look up.
      Where are you?
      I can feel her presence. She's standing to my left.
      I stand up and turn around.
      There she is. Smiling. A truly happy expression on her face.
      Is she happy to see me? I think she is.
      I know I am.

      She grabs my left hand.

      "Lets go!"
      I don't think. I just let her guide me. I trust her. I always have.
      I am overwhelmed with happiness, her presence makes me feel so insanely good.
      Just a few meters from where we were standing, there's the end of the bridge we're on.
      The city floats over the sea, it's a good 500m down.
      But I have no fear. I know we're not going to fall, she wouldn't do that.
      She takes a step over the cliff, looking at me and smiling.

      My vision rushes by, in a split second we are on the other side of the city.
      Short range teleportation. I know how to do this, I have done it before.
      She lets go of my hand and smiles:

      "Wait here"

      "But... I have so many questions" I think to myself.
      She runs into a house. This is where she lives.
      I look around, and get another déjà vu, the strongest of the night.
      Her house is integrated into a mountain. It has no side walls, you can walk in from any direction except the mountain.
      It's so beautiful. One of the flying animals flies by closely, leaving a trail of fluorescent particles behind it in the air.

      Don't get distracted.
      I turn back towards the mountain.
      She comes out of the house and projects a thought onto me:

      "Take a seat"

      There's a table with 4 chairs.
      I sit down. I've sat here before.
      Together with her... and 2 other people.
      A man and a women. I can't remember.

      She sits down next to me and smiles again.
      She's wearing a white dress, a necklace which seems familiar, and some earrings.
      She has dark hair, with blue highlights, but it looks very natural. The highlights are slightly fluorescent.
      She made tea and pours both of us a cup.
      I want to ask her her name.
      But as I open my mouth, she hands me the cup of tea.


      I take a sip. And another.
      It is SO GOOD.
      It's very fruity, sour even, like biting into a lemon, but without the discomfort of biting into something very sour.

      "It's your favourite"

      She's right. I remember. She has made me this tea before. It's from a fruit that looks similar to lemons, but it's blue.
      I put down my cup:
      "I have so many questions"

      "I know. But you already have all the answers"

      She's right, I do, I feel that I do, but I can't remember. Or maybe I do remember and have trouble accepting it? I don't know.
      "I want to hear them from you... I want to be... sure"

      She smiles:

      "Okay. Do you know where you are?"
      "Yes, we're on Teraluna, in the city of Haven. Or Riven like some people call it."
      I remember.
      "I've been here many times, haven't I?"

      "Many, many times"

      She moves closer to me, and puts her right arm around me.
      Her face is very close. Her eyes are so beautiful.
      I can't define the color, it's not a color visible in waking life.
      It's green and blue at the same time, with some white.
      Her eyes are bright, fluorescent, they have so much detail.
      Looking at them, it seems like there is a whole universe in them.
      I could get lost for all eternity looking at them. So beautiful.

      She laughs, she knows exactly what I've just been thinking.

      "Don't you remember me?"

      Of course I do... but... at the same time I can't... I don't know how to explain it, so I just project my current train of thoughts onto her.
      She thinks for a bit.

      "You do remember. You remember everything."

      I do?

      "You also remember my name. You've pondered if it was me all along.
      But your waking mind told you it couldn't be. You've even talked to someone about your thoughts, and he immediately concluded it must be me."

      (It's true, I talked to WakingNomad, and he pointed it out in a pm)

      "Oh Hyu, stop overthinking things. It's all simple. You know me, you always have. I'm..."

      And then I realized she was right yet again.
      I knew all along, but I was afraid in waking life, afraid of being right, even though now that I think about it, there was no reason whatsoever.
      Short bursts of memory rush into my head.
      Pictures that last no longer than a split second, of me being with Yuya.
      The memories are old, very old. I was so young.

      I concentrate on her again, I have so many questions, but I also have all the answers.
      But I want to hear it from her.

      "So... you're..."

      "No... and Yes... I am not a human being in the way you are, but I am human.
      What I mean to say is: I cannot go to the waking world, I live here.
      In fact, I have never been to your world, I can only experience it through your memories."

      There's a short pause, I'm thinking.

      "You're wondering if I'm a spirit. Yet you don't know what a spirit is.
      But your current thoughts are mostly correct."

      She smiles again. Such a beautiful smile.
      Music starts playing not far away.

      "Want to dance?"

      (The following part lasts very long, but I cannot remember details of the dance)
      We're dancing, on water. There's people around us playing music (I remember violins), and a few other dancers.
      I know the dance. I'm so happy.
      So happy that 2 tears flow down my face.
      I know the dream is about to end, it starts to feel unstable.
      It has lasted for possibly an hour.

      "It's time"
      "I know"
      "Don't be sad"
      "I'm not"

      I give her a very big hug and whisper into her ear "Thank you"
      She understands, and it makes her very happy.
      She approaches me, she gets very close, our faces are nearly touching.

      "I have a gift for you"

      She kisses me. But it's different from a kiss, so very different.
      Pure energy flows from her body into mine. It feels so good, so warm.
      All the nerves in my body are sparkling.
      She replenished my energy. I feel so good, so powerful, so... healthy.
      The dream will end any second now, I can only see her anymore, nothing else.
      I ask her one last question:

      "How long have we known eachother?"

      "Longer than you think..."

      I wake up. I feel amazing, refreshed, motivated to get up and live through the day.
      Longer than you think? Wasn't I thinking "all my life" in that specific moment?

      I can't believe how long this dream lasted, how extreme it felt, and how many details I remember.
      I remember every word she said, in her exact voice, it feels absolutely fantastic.
      Thank you DV, for making me able to dream again.

      Updated 01-09-2011 at 09:17 PM by 37117 (Added the name of the DV member I refered to.)

      Tags: teraluna, yuya
      lucid , memorable
    15. The path to Teraluna

      , 01-07-2011 at 03:24 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I wake up.
      The bed feels so good, so comfortable, I hope it isn't time to get up yet, I want to keep sleeping.
      The silk sheets are so soft.
      I remember I'm supposed to RC every time I wake up.
      I don't feel like bothering right now, but I do take a quick look of my surroundings.
      Wait... silk sheets? I don't have silk sheets. This isn't my room either.

      I get a VERY strong déjà vu feeling.
      I've been here before... "Teraluna"... in the Andromeda galaxy.
      This is where she taught me to walk on water.
      This is the place, this is where I want to be, this is where she is.
      I get overexcited and the dream abruptly ends
      (or so I think)

      I'm back in bed, at home this time.
      But I know I'm still dreaming.
      What I saw was the future, tonight I will go back to Teraluna, I know it.
      No need to waste any time, plus I don't like my dreams starting in the dark.
      I create a portal below my bed using the flicking trick.
      It immediately opens and I fall through, still on the bed.

      I end up on the beach I was yesterday, where I did the music experiment.
      There's a women with 2 children next to me.
      She's surprised to have seen me appear out of nowhere, on a bed, on an otherwise empty beach.
      I get up and greet her by saying "Cheers!"
      She doesn't care about the bed anymore.

      I start walking across the beach, but just for a few seconds which I use to get my mind focused on what I'm going to do.
      Teraluna, I will create a portal to Teraluna, I will go there, and I will meet her.
      I know it.
      It will work.

      I create the portal.
      I find Teraluna very quickly and set the exit point.
      This time I can't open the portal with a flick though.
      This will require a lot of energy.
      I start projecting my energy against the closed portal.
      The portal resists and slightly gives in to my energy, it deforms like a bubble.
      I keep pushing, with more and more energy.
      And finally the bubble collapses, and the portal opens.

      Since I was leaning forward to project my energy, once the bubble bursts there is no more resistance and I just fall in...
      ...I'm flying through a tunnel. I have a very hard time staying aware of my surroundings. I feel strong vibrations and I can barely see.
      I loose consciousness..

      ... I fall out of the portal onto a beach.
      But this is not the same beach.
      I look up into the sky. This is Teraluna. I've made it!
      Teraluna is a moon (but not a barren one like our moon, it has an atmosphere, vegetation etc)
      It receives little light from both suns in the system, since it's so far away.
      However, it is full of fluorescent animals, plants, and other things in the sky.
      This gives it a very special, slightly surreal look.
      The water creates a very fresh breeze, which feels really good to inhale.

      In front of me is a sea with a small temple in the middle of it. The temple is very small, and it looks out of place.

      I approach the temple.
      As I reach the water I start walking on it, just like she taught me.
      I walk up the stairs and enter the temple.

      It's bigger on the inside, but not by much.
      Inside, there's only a simple path, with a few more stairs, which leads through a doorway on the other side.
      In front of the doorway there are 2 massive statues.
      They are animal statues (not an animal you'd find on earth) with huge wings.
      Another déjà vu. I've been here as well.
      The statues face away from the path, so their wings create another pathway you have to walk through to get to the other side.
      I know what this is, or rather, I remember why these statues are here.

      You can only get to the city by walking through here, and the portal formed by the statues prevents any dark/bad energy from getting in.
      This makes the city a safe haven.

      I step through.
      The moment I pass the statues I feel strong vibrations in my body, but it doesn't prevent me from going in.
      Then again why would it?
      I go through the pathway and exit the temple.

      The city is HUGE, and SO beautiful.
      I experience another very strong déjà vu sensation.
      There is water everywhere. It is built on top of the sea.
      There are smaller ponds all over the place and waterfalls of all sizes.
      Buildings and bridges are made of smooth stone, and are overgrown with fluorescent plants.
      I love it. I have memories here, but I cannot recall them.
      They are old... very old.
      There are people walking around, animals flying in the sky. (They resemble the flying animals from Avatar)

      I am here to meet her, don't get distracted!
      I want to search for her aura, but suddenly the dream starts falling apart.
      I fall to my knees. Stabilize!
      It doesn't work, I can't hold on to the dream.

      I look up.
      There she is.
      Sitting on her knees right in front of me.
      She approaches me and whispers into my ear:

      "The night is not over, you know?"

      Yes! That's it!
      I'll just have to keep my eyes closed, and I'll be able to re-enter the dream!

      My vision fades.

      Don't open your eyes...
      Don't open your eyes...
      Don't open your eyes...

      Continued: In which I meet Yuya

      Updated 01-07-2011 at 04:57 PM by 37117

      Tags: teraluna, yuya
      lucid , memorable
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