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    Dream Goals
    1. Listen to Music 2. Fly through the Power Lines
    3. Play an Instrument 4. Smoke Marijuana
    5. Trip Acid 6. Help a DC in Need
    7. Paint 8. Run with a Pack of Wolves
    9. Talk to my deceased Grandmother 10. Go to the North Pole

    1. Why am I always so fiesty in my dreams?

      by , 05-29-2011 at 03:03 PM
      I was fighting, as usual, with T and my oldest sister for some reason. I can hardly remember anything except me telling my sis, D, to punch me in the arm as hard as she could and she did and I made some joke afterwards, trying to mend the tension. It didn't seem to work.

      I do remember saying something to T, like I was tired of it, and if I leave and he doesn't stop me, then I will be gone for good.
    2. A dream, yay.

      by , 05-28-2011 at 08:27 PM
      Okay, I did pretty good today. The first time I woke up I remember I was in my in-laws basement. I was talking to my brother-in-law about ping pong balls or something. (we had been playing beer pong last night over there, so... yea.)

      Then I went back to sleep and had a few dreams that I cannot seem to put in order at the moment. I remember I had traveled somewhere, Florida, I think. I was thinking of picking someone up that was there, well, that I thought was there. Then I told someone I was heading to Canada to hang out with someone. I think I was talking about the member and a very good friend, Seroquel. =)

      Anyway, I had also been with a bunch of people in this house that seemed to be in a woodsy-type area. I remember my husband standing across from me and I was wearing my swimsuit and dancing. One of his friends had come up beside me and had his hands on my hips and I kept dancing. It pissed T off pretty bad and he called me a name and told me to leave. I got upset and tried to hold him. I didn't mean anything by it, I was just dancing, those were my thoughts. He didn't want me, and I threw a few punches at him for some reason. Then I went to leave.

      Well, my brain doesn't seem to remember more, it might flash at me later, because I know I probably do know more. OH well, I'm happy to have remembered something.

      Just edititing because I remembered another part. Yay.

      I was driving in my car with my son in the backseat. We were heading to Island Park. I got there and was excited to go play with him. I was getting ready to get him out of the car when I realized the weather had went from nice and sunny to a bit cloudy and chilly, like it was going to storm. I was disappointed and got back into the car to leave.

      Updated 05-28-2011 at 09:56 PM by 38721

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month
    3. Florida on my mind

      by , 04-08-2011 at 08:29 PM
      I was on vacation somewhere with quite a few people. I think I was in Florida. I was going to go swimming with this guy I met. We were excited because we were going at night and it would just be us in the pool. Something distracted me while getting ready, but I eventually made it to the pool. I remember girls talking to me.

      In another fragment, I was working at Hooters. I have a friend who works at Hooters, so this is probably where it came from. Anyway, I don't seem to remember much about this part, just that I was working there.

      I woke up around noon and tried reverse blinking to try and LD, but I fell asleep and was with my family. My dad had his semi truck parked outside of the house and he had two other people with him. A young man and a young woman who worked with him. Dad had some kind of gauge hooked up to the inside of the house to his truck on the outside and I was messing with it. He told me it was an improvement and that the girl was checking it right now. I stopped messing with it so I wouldn't mess her up. She came inside and crouched down to look at something and everyone could see her crack hanging out of her pants. This part was strange to dream about. The younger dude just turned away sort of smiling, my dad, being the conservative man he is, giggled and turned to me and said, oh my gosh, her crack is hanging out. lol... So we all turned, I don't know. Anyway, my grandpa showed up, and he and my dad and the two people he lived with were leaving. They were traveling somewhere. They had luggage and everything and I told them I loved them and to have a safe trip.

      My mom came up to me then and she had stuff packed too, she said, let's go to Florida. She had brought me some of my stuff, but I wanted to make sure I had all of it, so I asked her to hold on while I went back and checked to see if I had everything. She became really annoyed with me. As I was getting out of the car I yelled at her, not in a mean way, but I said we're going to florida and we're going to have fun so you stay put and Ill be right back. I felt semi-lucid when I said this. Anyway, she got pissed about it but she seemed like she was going to wait for me.

      That's when T came in and woke me up, lol. Strange. I'm so glad I remembered as much as I did.
    4. Why is he always getting hurt?

      by , 03-31-2011 at 05:17 AM
      Took a 4 or 5 hour nap earlier, if you call that a nap. Feels like I woke up in a different year. Anyway. I'm getting brief flashbacks of my dreams from then.

      I remember my mom and dad were babysitting my son[W] (my mom had just left with my son before I fell asleep.) I was hanging out at home when my mom and dad call me and then they appear outside with W in my dad's arms. My dad has this extrememly worried look on his face as he's handing W to me. W seems fine except he's got a bright red scar on his forehead. My dad tells me that he hit his head really hard, so I yell at T and tell him to hurry that we needed to go to the hospital. Flash to the hospital and the doctor's telling me he's okay and that there is no brain damage. I am thankful but still pretty upset about it.

      My son, W, appears a lot in my dreams, maybe I can use this as a dream sign. But I'm worried what these dreams mean when he's always getting hurt and everything's always okay in the end.
