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    1. ex and her family = UH OH!

      by , 08-24-2011 at 12:08 PM
      I am at my old house on Burford road with joe and josh. Joe has made us chicken & bacon gratin and mixed up some alcohol. We are saving some of the food for someone, though i dont know who it will be. We eat the food and have a few drinks, i ask joe if he would like some more, he says yes, i decide i would like more too, so i go back to the kitched to heat more up.
      I also pour some more drinks. There is a knock on the foor & my ex, soph come in with her parents, steve & julia. steve keeps offering me more alcohol and im getting really drunk. Somebody says something about julia and i reply "see? thats why i have always loved this woman!" we all laugh and soph mumbles something about me fancying her.

      There is another knock on the door and Chubbs, si and callum turn up, which annoys me for some reason. We go out to some shopping centre and are walking around drinking, during this time soph tells me she wants me back, i get annoyed with her and tell her that i dont love her any more, for some reason i fell the need to apologise to her parents and explain it to them, they tell me they don't care, they know what shes like and i didnt do anything bad, we just ended. I feel better about it.

      We decide we should go home, on the way out of the supermarket i see a load of old friends and start to greet them. Hayley tells me she loves me as she comes for a hug, but i notice she isn't looking at me, as i think about this she corrects herself "i mean i love YOU" I assume she is looking at si.

      When we get home Darvz and Kate are with us. I cant stop throwing up, but im not heaving, its like watery vomit is just pumping from my mouth, darvz is laughing at me in a shrug, there is literally nothing i can do to stop it. Kind of reminds me of that scene from Team America.