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    1. Mexican Wrestling.... ??

      by , 07-27-2011 at 11:41 PM
      I am at school, in P.E lesson in the school gym, it has a very high ceiling and has a wooden floor, with different coloured lines to signal courts for different sports... It also has a load of equipment lined up along each of the four walls.

      The P.E teacher was an older man called Mr Robb.
      It is the end of the lesson and mr robb gathers us all together and explains that P.E was not what he wanted to teach, he wanted to teach mexican wrestling, but because it is dangerous the school won't let him. He tells us that he has had enough and will be holding classes for it but it will have to be held in secret.

      I don't know whether to go or not but i really want to. I speak to some guys who say they are up for it and they head off to the secret lesson. I waslk across to the other side of school and on my way i am just looking around, i see a classroom window above the cafeteria... Suddenly someone in a mexican wrestling mask appears to get slammed into the window, i recognise this as lex. We continue onto our lesson but i can't stop thinking about trying out for this class, i find Lex and ask him if they are good he tells me "its mental! and i aint going to go again!" He tells me not to try it. This only makes me want to try it more.

      I find Robb and tell him i wanna take his classes. I then go to find Joe to tell him im gonna go, i know he will want to as well. We enter the gym and Robb arrives and tells us that it is all high flying manoeuvres so we have to be in t op shape and able to lift our own bodyweight easily. he walks away from the group and i see he is walking towards two trampolines, one red, one blue and i get excited. Instead he pulls down on a cord and 4 ropes are pulled across the room by a mechanism on the ceiling. He asks for volunteers and a random DC steps forward, Robb tells him to climb the rope as high and as fast as he can, the DC doesnt get very far, another DC tries too but does the same. Robb is getting angry and says "for god sake! Is there nobody that can climb up!?" I step forward "Ah ben" he says "get up there lad!" i walk toward the rope and climb it easily... Robb cheers, as i reach the top i look down and jump off, everyone gasps as it is quite high up but i land & roll. I get up and wink at Robb, he laughs and says "looks like we found our star pupil" i rejoin the class. We carry on training doing an obsticle course. After some time i tell Robb "im going for a quick lap around the school if thats ok?" - He nods at me and i exit the gym, turn left down some steps and onto the tennis courts... I leave the tennis courts from the left exit and start jogging and i reach a grass bank... As i am jogging i see a pile of rubbish, desks and old chairs etc... I leap with all my strength and jump much further than i thought possible, i see that i am heading straight towards the old desks... Not wanting to get hurt i twist 180 degrees in the air and curl up, when i land i land in-between the two desks. I smile to myself and carry on running.

      I head towards the field where the small bank is... It dips down quite steeply and there is a road passing between the end of the grass and a car park on the other side. On my right there is a large bush, as i reach the bush and the top of the hill i jump again, again i jump much further than i expect and from where i jumped its a lot higher of the ground from last time. As im in the air i notice a large group of girls to the right of where i will land... I land, commando roll, once on my feet i look up and smile at them, then continue with my run.
      I enter the gym and robb starts me on training, i am running around the gym and doing different exercises as i go. The students in the class are split up to the four corners of the room doing different workouts in each corner, i am pushing them out of my way as i go.

      Next i am standing on a raised platform, hobbs is below me standing on the floor, i jump & flip in mid air, landing on his shoulders/chest in a crouching or sitting position, he goes down hard.
      Suddenly a teacher comes bursting into the room and marches straight towards Robb, he starts shouting and we all know we have been caught.
    2. 12/07/2011 - School tour.

      by , 07-12-2011 at 06:08 PM
      Somebody has taken me on a tour through my old schools, first primary school then secondary school.

      I know a DC brought me here, i was walking through the fields of my primary school, eskdale, from the field we strolled onto the concrete/basket ball area. Everything is as it used to be there, the only thing is that its completely different these days so i should of known!
      Im telling The DC that brought me about where i used to play etc.

      Its really cloudy and quite dim lighting. I walk from the concrete up some steps that leads past a classroom, there is a long wall to my left, i used to play on it, i turn to this DC and explain the games we used to play. It is a very low wall, red bricks on the bottom and blue on the top, its only about 2ft high.
      I walk a long the path and round the corner, took a left and headed towards a path, the path is going up a hill but also splits off to the right, in the middle there is a wall, in front and behind it are paths, the path from behind is higher up, and the path in front is below the wall.

      Set up behind this wall is a table, and two chairs. Sat on them are a small child and a teacher, the child looks angry/upset. He has glasses and a bowl haircut. The teacher is an older woman, kinda chubby i guess?
      I walk over and as the child what is wrong, he replies "I've been naughty, i have to sit here".... I laugh and reply with "Don't worry kid, i used to get in trouble all the time, ive spent ages on that wall" - the child giggles and smiles at me. the teacher seems to know me, she chuckles and nods.

      I carry on, from this point on i am no longer with the DC/guide. I head up over the path and the scene changes into my secondary school.

      I am walking up through the tennis courts, towards the technology block, now it is quite sunny and bright. I follow the path and walk through the red double doors, i turn left and walk up a few steps, i turn and knock on a read door, there is a sign on it that reads "STAFF ONLY". I hear shuffling and then a teacher opens the door, he has longish dark hair, brown shoes, black toruses and a blue shirt with a tie. I smile and say "Mr BRUCKSBY!!!" and offer out my hand for him to shake. He smiles back at me "Come in, Ben." i follow him through the door towards another classroom, i smile as i start to realise where i am. I open the classroom door and peak my head around, a few students that are close by turn and look at me. The room is full of computers, its the I.T classroom. The teacher is leaning over a student helping him out. He notices me, looks up, recognises me and then groans "oh god, what're you doing here?!" He laughs after he says this and i giggle to myself, "thats not nice Chan-man" i say. - It is a teacher i used to have called Mr Chan, he was quite a decent guy tbh.

      I start to walk into the classroom. We begin to talk about our old lessons and he says that i was a brilliant guy, but i just never tried, i tell him that i didn't try because what he taught us wasn't I.T - he looks confused so i feel like i have to explain. I tell him "if i worked in I.T and i was asked to make a website, if i opened up Microsoft Publisher , i would just get laughed at." he agrees with me, im happy that he does.

      Suddenly i look around and all of the Dc's turn into my old I.T class. This confused me at first but then we began to talk to them all.

      Then i wake up.
      Tags: class, school, teacher
    3. classes, ex's and..... how i met your mother!?

      by , 07-05-2011 at 04:14 PM
      First dream:
      im at home living with my parents again, its night-time, pretty late and my parents are in bed. I have andrew, soph and some other DC round my house and we are watching tv, i am under my quilt cover its black on one side and silver underneath. I am sat on one of the reclining chairs my parents have, andrew is sat on the one next to me, soph is on my lap and the other DC is over on the sofa, i dont really get a good look at him/her.
      (soph is my ex)

      Soph keeps kissing and teasing me, trying to get me to make the others leave but for some reason im really into the tv program we are watching, she doesnt give in though. At one point she gets under the covers and Gives me some sneaky oral. I remember looking at her, shrugging and thinking "sweet!" (lol).
      She is hiding it from the other Dc's.

      Eventually i cave and decide its time andrew and the mystery DC leave so i can get down to it, i lead them to the door and they leave. My dad comes down the stairs and asks me what im up to. "Just had some friends over and they've left now" I tell him - there is a noise from the living room. "who is still here?" he asks, "oh thats soph, shes here too" i reply. He looks at me and says "thats not good ben, shes bad for you - she shouldnt be here" i sigh, "i know." dad goes back upstairs and soph comes rushing out of the living room, now she has to go. And she leaves.

      Second Dream.
      I am living with some of the cast from how i met your mother, Ted, Barney and lily. For some reason i am very close with Lily. We live in an apartment that is alot bigger than it seems, we are in a front room theres is a sofa, a couple of arm chairs and a tv. We are just lounging around and my mum comes round for a while. We are in a deep discussion about something but i cant remember what.

      We decide to go outside and help a neighbour with her washing, This DC appears to be an elderly lady that i used to work with. The rest of the crew are helping her and i am standing in the road, i kick some litter about until they tell me she is my neighbour and i must help her out. So i do.

      Third Dream:

      I am at school, in the line for the dinner queue, im starving and planning what im going to have. there is a second queue over the other side of the hall, which doesnt seem to make sense, as i am wandering about this, a teacher walks over and tells me in this queue i can only buy one item. I begin to argue with her. "thats bullshit! I'm starving" she just repeats herself to me. I try to argue my case and tell her thats just ludicrous and nobody told me before i got into the queue. Eventually i just say to her "fuck this anyway, ill go over to the college cafeteria, there i can just push in the queue." She smiles and says "yeah, thats right."

      I leave the queue and exit the hall, walk across the tennis courts with a random DC, i remember turning to her and saying "i can't believe that, i stayed in the queue with you all the way to the end even though i couldnt get anything!!" we both laugh.
      I walk out onto the tennis courts and start to get really confused as to where i want to go or what i want to do.

      I head over to a class room, enter and realise im late, i walk up to the teacher and he says something to me, that i cannot hear - i am suddenly aware that i am listening to my ipod. i take out one earphone and ask him to repeat what he said, he does and i still have no idea what he says. I take out the other earphone and say "im really sorry i couldnt hear you, got my deathmetal on full blast" and smile. He looks at me and says "thats cool, take a seat" and offers me his fist... I bump it and find a place to sit down.

      Someone has saved a seat for me, i sit next to them but never really look at him/her.
      After a while it seems we are cooking some sort of pudding, i find £15 in the bottom of the tray when we take the pudding out. a £10 note and a £5 note. i take the £5 note and offer the £10 note to my partner, who declines and says "thats not fair, theres only £10 there!" i am about to argue and draw the £5 note out of my pocket and its disappeared, and somehow a ripped up £5 note is in the bottom of the tray. "we could just split the £10?" my partner agrees.

      Fragment of a 4th dream.

      I see a school-friend Aimi come running out of some girls toilets in a bikini, her body was smokin'... I watch her until she is out of sight. We are in a club or something.
    4. Back to school.

      by , 06-04-2011 at 01:47 PM
      I am in the town where I grew up (bramcote, nottingham) I remember rounding a corner that was on my school route and seeing my old school, people were flocking to it, soooo many people, it was mental. I watched a car drive up and struggle through the masses, i think to myself "how does someone drive through THAT!?"

      I look down and realise i am in my car, i instantly wish i wasn't. i didnt want to try and drive through all those people.

      All of a sudden i am on school grounds i enter through two red double doors and walk through another set of doors to the foyer. Im looking around as i walk, i can see the hall and i can see people sitting in reception, they are talking about me. i make my way over to the college students common room, nobody is there. i walk to the art block and there is a class filing in as i arrive, i wander if it is mine?
      I find the teacher and to my surprise she is smokin' hot, Bright red, long hair, glasses, pale skin... Petite body. I look her up and down and smile, and start asking her who is in her class. I realise that this is not my class and make an excuse to get away, she follows me outside smiling and asks me to do a favour for her, to get get something. I tell her "if i have a free period, and it turns out i have no lesson i definitely will" She smile and winks at me, I think to myself "omg!", smile and walk away.

      I decide to head over to the other side of school. i walk past the science block and over to the tennis courts, im walking really slowly... i dont think i care how late i am. I bump into somebody that i do not know, he tells me im in his class and we are late for english, we'd better hurry. I tell him to "chill out". At this point i suddenly remembered a game that would be played at our school. Where an entire year (grade, or whatever) picked one person and chased them, when they caught up. they usually just piled on them (it was horrible and mean, i always hated it.) just as i was thinking about the game, a fight broke out up on the hill, just pasts the tennis courts im in now. I could see it clearly. One of the girls broke off from the group and within seconds was being chased by a huge crowd of people. I giggle and follow this guy to our class.

      To get there we must walk up soooo many stairs, it was just like my school. although, our english class was taking place on the maths floor, which i thought was strange at the time.

      As we entered the classroom the teacher was distracted, we slip into the room undetected and find seats. I see a really nice looking girl who smiles at me, shes really pretty but nobody seems to notice her. I smile back, she blushes.
      The teacher introduces himself (this wasnt my old english teacher, somebody else, a man, around 45ish)
      I zone out and do no work for the entire lesson and all of a sudden its over, hes coming round to check everyones work. I panick. He comes to me and i flinch as he picks up my workbook. "You've done nothing all lesson!!!" he shouts. I quickly reply "i know, but i was planning on doing this at home".
      He lets me off and i look up and see the girl again, this time i smile first, i say goodbye. She just smiles at me.

      i left school and it was suddenly night, i was at a house party and i was trying to score some weed. All that was available were harder drugs and i didnt want to take them.
      I walk inside a house, the room is small, with a little railing, i notice that there are stairs going....down? this whole house it turns out, was a HUGE underground complex, though the floor was sometimes un-level like a funhouse or something, there were many sections to this house and the deepest one was the size of a shopping centre. It was crammed with people. i manage to score some weed, im really happy about that and just want to leave this weird place now.

      I walk out of the door, its dark and raining... On the way out i see a girl, she introduces herself and is quite friendly at first. She begins preaching about god and christianity... I didnt like this. ( i believe a person believes what he or she believes and you shouldnt try to change their minds). After a while of me arguing against her random rants she seemed to be convinced that i was evil. We were walking on the pavement, i see the bricks of the houses we are walking past. ive finally had enough of this girl, and she seems to be getting more and more frightened of me. I decide to scare her a little so she will go away.
      I say calmly and quietly so only she can hear, "Evil am i?..." i grin savagely and take a step towards her. She is startled by my sudden movement and backs out onto the road and looks terrified. at this point i cannot see myself but wander what i look like to make her look this scared. i think to myself that should be enough to make her leave me alone, but in the distance i see a huge SUV speeding up the road towards her. I take a step forward to try and pull her back to the pavement, back to safety. But she screams and jumps backwards. Right into the SUV's path... It hits her and there is blood everywhere. I didnt mean for this to happen and i was upset. I think to myself "OH SHIT!!!..." .... Then suddenly i don't care any more, i decide im taking too long. I want to get back to smoke my prize, and i need to meet someone.

      - Suddenly its the next day, im at school again. This time i see an old school friend, lets call him S.F. i am so shocked to see him here that i instantly walk over and sit next to him. He is having an argument with another old school friend, B.F. (no relation) about some girl at that party i was at. I sit down and say hello.
      I turn around and see the girl who always smiles at me, is sitting right behind me. She smiles, seductively at me this time, i smile back and wink but she blushes instantly. I smile again and turn around, not wanting to cause her embarrassment.

      The lesson starts and we get into a debate (like we used to in my classes.) I notice that the teacher is getting really preachy again and it annoys me. I notice the similarity between him and the girl from after the party. The debate continues and i try to stay out of it (often my opinions are not the same as everyone elses in the class, which is true in the waking world, i tend to keep my opinions to myself)

      The teacher starts pressing me about my beliefs and i tell him i do not want to discuss them, also that i shouldn't be forced to. The teacher angry and presses me further, i tell him "i dont believe in god!" - this is not entirely true, i believe in some higher entity but i dont think of it like the bible would describe - i see how angry he is at my statement, i smile and decide to take it further. "thats right, i dont believe in god and i think that religion is the main excuse when someone powerful decides that people are in his/her way and needs them dead! i admire religions like Buddhism and Hinduism as they are inherently peaceful.
      Another kid in the class asks me "surely though, you dont think Christians are evil" i reply with "of course not, thats just the kind of generalisation i am dead against" i explain that im against the religion or its followers, i am against how the text can be perceived and used to slaughter thousands, just like in the crusades. Then i finish it off with "Besides, none of this matters, this is a dream anyway!" I look back at my teacher and give him a smug grin.
      He screams with rage and lunges towards me. I have no clue what to do so i just LEG IT!
      I smash through the classroom door, the teacher hot on my heals. I can hear him behind me. I shoulder-barge my way through the double doors that lead to the stairs. i think to myself " i need to get down the stairs quickly" i note that each flight of steps is quite high up. I reach the first step and leap, grabbing the railing for stability in the air. I land and turn, ready for the next set of steps. This time i decide to use the wall and run down that, so grabbing the railing again, i throw my legs from under me and use the wall to run down. I get down the stairs SO quickly, i can hear the teacher screaming in the distance. I get to the bottom of the stairs turn, and head for the red double doors i came through. i push my arms forward and the doors swing wide open, a bright white light blinds me and i wake up.

      Even though in this dream i Said it was a dream, i wasn't actually lucid but was slightly aware the whole time.