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    1. Games and chilling at westy's

      by , 08-19-2011 at 03:26 PM
      I have a room at my mate westy's house... Well hes more of an acquaintance but in the dream, hes my mate. Im sitting on a sofa with a sofa to my left which is facing the tv screen, westy and a couple of other people are sitting on that sofa. Me and joe are on this one. we light up a spliff and put on the xbox... It turns on and shows a clip that westy has edited... I watch a few and find them really entertaining... They all start the same, westy wakes up from a dream, describes his dream and solves a problem, then he edits it just to make it funny towards the end and even adds effects etc.

      I pass out in the dream and wake up again later, everyone is looking at me, i tell them that "the video made me trip out HARD man!!!" everyone laughs.

      I watch a couple more of these videos and tell westy that they are really cool, its amazing how he goes to sleep, dreams and solves a problem when he wakes up. He smiles and tells me he thinks so too, and that it is a useful skill to have. I agree and tell myself i want to make a video dream journal as well.
      Westy skins up a beast of a zoot and we all smoke another joint and watch another video. Kate & darvz come through a door shouting "yooooooooo!!!!!" and sit next to me... They skin up straight away and i notice its my turn to so i begin to roll a fathead.

      A woman i do not recognise enters the room, she is much older than the rest of us and is quite plump. She calls me by my name and says something along the lines of "Hiya Ben, Just lookin for my skins, love." she comes over to me as if she is searching for something and i snap out of my trance, "sorry, what are we looking for?" i ask.
      "my rizzla, duck. Have you seen it?"
      "no" i say and then she finds it, right next to me... Picks it up and walks back over to the other side of the room from me.

      Westy says its time to play a game, its a really cool game like a mix between halo and command & conquer. I play around with the sniper class and decide that i like it as im getting quite a few headshots. We play a few round on this weird purple-ish level with loads of grav-lifts, i keep going up the grav-lifts then using a jet pack to keep in the air and sniping people, i get tons of headshots with this method.

      I am suddenly on a gaming rig set up in the middle of the room and joe is just behind me on another rig... And we are playing PC not xbox any more. Me and joe are joining the same server, for some reason it doesnt let joe join but i am already playing.. I am trying to snipe but the enemies are too far away and look like little red blobs... Im hitting them but not killing them, if i kill them it seems to be pure luck.

      We decide to watch another of westy's dream vids on youtube and i decide to make my own video dream journal. Suddenly everyone is leaving, and we are at my parents house, i walk keirnan and frenchy out of the front door, up the drive and i sit on the wall next to our driveway... Keirnan tells me that people want to go to town, he asks me to come, i say i cant afford it and he seems a bit upset. He tells me that he doesnt think the girls will want to go town but he wants to start drinking ASAP. He tells me "maybe the girls will buy me a few drinks, quick lets get them to a bar"

      I wake up.
      Tags: game, video