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    The Dream Journal

    Digital version of my dream journal. I leave out the names and events that have to do directly with me.

    1. 111015: Long Trip To The Terrace

      by , 10-11-2015 at 09:17 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm out in a place in the desolate north, a motel of some kind. The sky is grey and there are tree and gravel around. I'm with my family, like a family trip from back in the day. I go inside and see my cousin and my sister. It is as if this is our last day here and we are about to leave. My sister pulls out a Go board and want to play a game, to my complete surprise. I agree and we start playing. My sister is playing black and we play, I'm able to get a strong opening going. I've always wanted a Go board. A thought flickers through my mind, doesn't Go have a white starting stone?(it doesn't IRL) My sister captures stones incorrectly and I yell out lightheartedly, you have to surround the groups before you can take them!

      She asks if she can take the board with her, I say yes. I'm with my bike and I want to ask my sister if I can get a ride back with her in her car. She is passive-aggressive and just walks away. I ask my mom when she is leaving and she says Thursday. I'm shocked, that's almost a week away! I can't wait that long here! With little preparation I have to make the long journey home on bike. I mentally prepare for it, I've done this before, I can do it again.

      After thinking about the trip, going through the whole trip in my mind I find myself in the center of a city, as if I just transported there from playing the route in my mind. I enter a clothing store, a fancy one you'd find in a shopping mall and I see a friend of mine working behind the counter. There is a window behind her and I can see the street and cityscape through it. I begin talking to her and I mention the crazy trip I'm about to take on the bike. There are a lot of nail products in front of her and I reluctantly show my nails, thinking they are going to be full of grime. Showing them I'm amazed that they are very clean, almost pristine. It must be my diet or something. MY friend shows some new nail products.

      A woman with dreads come in. She's from St. Petersberg. She tried to call my friend a few months ago for work. They walk off to talk business and I'm not sure what to do, should I handle the register? I would want to but I'm not too sure as to how to handle it. A bunch of her friends from work, fancy cultured types dressed in hipster garb, come in. I'm swept along with them.

      We are in a fancy car going down a gravel road lined with large, decorative trees. Are we going to a spa? My friend is there with her other friend and Dr.Christian Jessen from those British medical shows. Our rich patron, fat and in a suit, sits somewhere. in this limo. They all begin to talk about the state of the world. Each person gives a vox pop style snippet of what they think is wrong with the world, my friend mentions ecological issues and Dr.Jessen mentions health (I think?). I begin to talk about how the Western world exploits poorer nations to get cheaper raw materials and labor costs. Dr.Jessen asks me what "exploits" means and I explain it to him, I feel smart and a bit surprised why he wouldn't know it's meaning.

      We stop and get out of the car. We are at some kind of sunny terrace, cobblestone street, very French. Jim Carrey is sitting at a table and gets up. One of his friends is in the car. His friend has a red clown nose on and he gives me a black curly hair wig I put on. In my reflection I look like a teacher I know. How odd.

      As they talk I try to get a table to the left in the shade. Two people I know sit there. There is no more chairs and I turn around to ask the people sitting there if I can take a free chair. An elderly African American woman is sitting there with her grandchildren and I ask if I can take one of the three free chairs. She corrects me and says they are not her chairs and that I can't take one, but I can borrow one from the restaurant. I politely thank her despite this snarky response. As I take one and turn I realize it's a children's highchair and turn to take a normal chair, the elderly lady looking smugly at me.