• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Last edited 10/02/2021

    These days I tend to write mostly on my phone's DJ initially but I tend to go through periods where I alternate where I'm DJing.

    I am writing the dreams almost as I would if I were writing only to myself. The only exception is that in this DJ I only name people by their initials at most or a nickname's initial, unless it's relevant to the dream context, since I still like the dreams to be understood/readable by anyone; even if you don't know who my friends are or people I know by name, I still want you to understand the immediate contexts as much as possible.

    Comments on the DJ are welcome. See my dream signs in the general notes under my profile avatar on the sidebar. Note, I don't update the dream signs section very much anymore. Over the last two or three years I've come to realise that some symbols are quite constant but many change too much or are just variations off a theme, so it has stopped making quite as much sense to keep a long-term list of what the signs are.

    Click to see all DJ entries with images that I made for them

    Click to see all DJ entries that may involve dream-like experiences but are not technically dreams

    I don't often make images for dreams because I've usually forgotten most of the details I wanted to depict.

    1. cclxxii. Intermission, Alien hive/creatures

      by , 05-22-2021 at 03:42 PM
      21st May 2021

      Not a dream:

      Couldn't recall any dreams for this day made a note that I tried thinking about lucidity in general and about recent dreams where I might have had an opportunity to become lucid. I had hoped to go through the recall of several dreams in my head but ended up getting a bit stuck on this; eventually my focus drifted and I must have fallen asleep.

      22nd May 2021


      (left recall a bit late) Some bit in a town in the style of my old home town, hilly. I'm with some dream friends, a woman and a man both younger than me. They are getting rid of some stuff, office chairs or sofas?

      Some other bit, I'm with someone but can't recall who. Entering some kind of hive building which is in the middle of an otherwise normal city (larger than any I've been to in waking life, NY style). The entrance to the hive part is high up, but I think I just run up it. Inside, there's a sort of rounded off eight point star inner shape and there are cocoons or eggs, they're dark? And the place is dark overall but there's some kind of light. Everything is very geometric.

      I shoot or open the eggs by getting too close? DRG-like creatures come out and so on. I end up leaving but with an intent of returning later. For whatever reason, the creatures are unable to follow me out.

      Some other part, I'm in a building with mom. Don't recall much of it but it's kind of a semi-circular inner area? Like a control room around a central and cylindrical room. It's generally dark. There are other people around, we're walking through the place?
    2. clxxxviii. Concrete subway

      by , 11-09-2020 at 10:14 PM
      9th November 2020

      Initial note: Some parts of the dream were clearly about having to get ready in the morning but other parts felt more random. I didn't sleep through the whole night, having struggled to fall asleep and to stay asleep for most of the night, but only recalled the morning dream.


      The entirety of the dream takes place in what seems to be a subway and in some parts there's a feel of it being mixed with the layout of my old home.

      I remember being naked and at one point there's some kind of mini game thing happening and
      Spoiler for semi-graphic:

      And then the egg thing would hatch and a prize would come out of it, like a kinder-egg prize toy or something, but the prizes were completely random. As I kept doing this, things like bathroom spray cleaner bottles and other mundane objects would be "spawned" by the hatched eggs I was using. I think to myself very clearly "wow, it's almost like magic, but how do the companies make them appear as if they spawn from thin air from these comparatively very small eggs?" I add to the irony of this by then thinking "it must be some kind of quantum gateway tunnelling, I think", completely missing the cue.

      Then I remember getting dressed with my usual clothes, the ones I'd be wearing today basically. I don't remember putting socks on but I know I hadn't put on a top just yet. I recall an escalator which I go down on, it goes a long way forward and not very far down so it has a very small degree of elevation per step. The subway area itself is very much like the ones I've been used to from my old home area but far more vast and of incredible depth/height. For a while I'm the only person in the entire place.

      Then I hear dad calling for me and telling me about how we had to get on with it and get ready. (prior to this whole dream I had a waking moment where I had checked the time and it was still more than an hour's time away from my alarm going off) Mom is also here now and she's telling me about how T lost his citizen's card/ID in the subway just recently. I comment that I couldn't possibly lose something like that out of my wallet because it's all stuffed in quite tightly.

      Dad seems disappointed that we (me and T or me and H?) weren't ready sooner, but I tell him it's not even 8AM yet and he doesn't really change his tune, insistent that we should be more prepared or something to that effect.

      My recall faded a bit but eventually I had to go back to get a hoodie and I'm trying to not get lost in what seems to be an Escher-like maze quality that the subway seems to have. The entire underground area is very well lit but I'm left with an impression of darkness and recall the construction was primarily concrete, so it felt like a recent or cheap construction.

      I recall that at some point, there were some more particular things that had hatched from my eggs; one was a bony black creature with wings, like a dragon, but not. It had a frayed look, worn. At first I genuinely thought it was a toy because it started out inanimate and in a sort of fetal position? But when it started moving around I began to hope it wouldn't cause any chaos or mayhem while we were away for work today (pre-lucid thought).

      Another peculiar item that spawned from the eggs was a very authentic/official looking piece of scrap paper telling a military person who he should be looking at and what he should be doing when activating a nuclear arsenal. The paper had Spanish writing but it was mostly in English. The other military person mentioned was a "Dahlia" something or other, of an enlisted rank (sergeant comes to mind?).

      At the top of this thick paper were two groups of Hebrew or Jewish 6-point stars and taking up the right half of the document were some watermarked bald-eagles or something, but the paper was torn around this area. I couldn't make up my mind on where this document could possibly originate from, thinking about Mexico, the USA, Israel and other places. But I remember being amazed by the document and trying to tell H about it in the dream.


      - In the dream, I don't recall any of the "subway" area actually having any rail tracks. It just had the same feel as some stations I've been in, but on a bigger scale. I never did reach a terminal at any point in the dream, nor did I see any trams/trains. The whole place was very bare. Although subways used to be a common dream sign for me, they rarely feature quite as much as they used to a few years ago, probably since I don't use them currently.

      - Apart from how it felt physically, there was nothing particularly sexual about the mini-game thing.

      - I think part of what brought about the small dragon-like creature was the fact that H's cat had to have some emergency care very recently and so was looking quite "patchy" and ruffled when I saw a picture.

      - Part of what brought about the very peculiar military document was probably because I was reading about colonising of the Americas in general last night and also looking at different maps about the subject. Dahl and its variations is a name I find interesting but apart from the similarly named Borderlands fictional military-arms company, I'm not sure what would have prompted a character to be called Dahlia in one of my dreams, but it's not the first time a random word has been put together.

      - Although I don't recall what it was anymore, something did happen if I didn't use the eggs and just allowed them to hatch by themselves and from my perception (with it being a mini-game of some sort) this was "bad".

      - At the time of this dream I had recently been speaking to a transgender friend of mine, whom I hadn't spoken to for quite some time.

      Updated 11-14-2020 at 06:47 PM by 95293

      memorable , side notes , non-lucid
    3. clxxviii. Eggs in the fridge, Family gathering at a mall, Casino, Bone dragon hunt and twin sister

      by , 10-10-2020 at 01:04 PM
      9th October 2020


      Something about eggs and cooking or baking with them. Remember looking in the fridge and either taking or leaving four eggs. (this felt quite accurate to how the kitchen area actually looks and feels in waking life)

      There was a long dream but I left it too long and the recall faded.

      10th October 2020



      Was in some mountains. That place I had built on creative had appeared, the mountain area. I remember being of unproportional scale and trying to cover it to prevent someone else from seeing it? Something about lewd stuff being in there?

      L and S and talking. Then in a mall, aunt I was also there. Something about a mini sand castle building kit? This is back in my old home area. Vague discussion with the three of them about people and how people had lost their jobs with the pandemic. I remark on how society has set itself up for failure. My point seems understood, but not accepted, by the others.


      (still the previous fragment's dream) Roaming the town, looked like the capital. Some guy from a group or gang? In a jeep or SUV with them and my old friend JC from school. I go somewhere with them. I'm riding with them in the back but my position seems elevated. A casino. Discussing the level of peoples' intelligence. A powerful and rich woman owns this casino. I remember she wore a pearl coloured dress. She makes offerings out of kindness; food or currency? Not sure.



      Some fantasy realm. I am a female character near the end of the dream and fight a bone dragon. I trick it with a fake hostage and it hesitates, I think it was a child cooperating with me. Then I trap the dragon with a vine plant of some kind (the word heron came to mind as I wrote the notes) and I start cutting the dragon's sinew and bone methodically, using a long slicing sword.

      Before I am done, it starts to glitch or something and disappears. Then I climb up or use a platform elevator of some kind and there's another female character. She's my twin sister. She has a vivid red silk dress with gold trim, and I have a silk vivid green dress with a similar gold trim. The coloured areas have a subtle patterning but in the dream the dresses appear more western than I expect for their style.

      She had been the dragon all along and thanks me for releasing her. She tells me about how I'd set up traps in advance and other things and comments on these things. But I don't remember any of it and start to come to the conclusion I'd made myself forget for some reason. Before I could dwell on it, we jump down to the stone courtyard where the fight had occurred, and we're about to go somewhere together, but the dream ends soon after. This area had a tinting like a bathing of sunset and I remember godrays and distant castles and such-like fantasy style structures.

      - The castle areas in the last fragment remind me of Lothric from Dark Souls III, but with a more cheery look.
      - It's been a very long time since I thought about bone dragons, and it's probably the first time one has appeared in a dream.
      - The woman at the casino seemed to look like a pin-up model or just had a general style of 50s/60s to her. I think she was blonde, which matched her pearl dress.
      - There were a lot of dresses featured in these dreams, compared to normal (which tends to be 0).
      - It's not the first time I was a female character, but it's not too common either. It felt as though the character was just me though, and not that I was in a role of some kind.

      Updated 10-10-2020 at 03:31 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes