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    AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures

    What do these clouds mean?

    by , 10-15-2016 at 02:57 PM (818 Views)


    I woke up at 4:15 for a WBTB. I read through some of the dreams and posts on DV. I played Zelda OoT on the Emulator and explored Kokiri Forest. I incubated my dream for a bit and then went to bed at 4:55, and tried MILD and WILD. At 5:20 I still hadn't fallen asleep an was worried as I worked in the morning. I lost consciousness between 5:25 and 5:55, then fell asleep

    I was walking down the street, FaceChatting with a friend from Edmonton; he was complaining it was snowing over there, whereas it was nice and sunny where I live. I went into a McDonalds and bought a burger. I was watching TV with my brother and my dad eating my burger. I spilled my drink and went to the kitchen to grab something to wash it off. My house looked like the apartment I used to live in when I was a child. The kitchen was undergoing a renovation and I couldn't find what I was looking for. I went outside and my brother came with me. We were on a backyard looking at the sky. He pointed out a cloud that looked like a raccoon. I couldn't see it but then I saw one that looked like the gamecube logo. I was finally able to see the raccoon. My brother looked at me and told me "You know what those mean, right? They are dream clouds". I was trying really hard to understand what he meant when it hit me.
    I became lucid and thanked him. I took off and started flying. I saw a forest far away and assumed it was Kokiri forest. I had forgotten to stabilize, so the dream started fading.

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    1. RelaxAndDream's Avatar
      i love it when DC´s give a hint. but dont happen too often with me.

      interesting you do your wbtbs so active with going on DV and playing a game... dont know if i could fall asleep after that^^ i just go to the toilet and lay down on my back, setting intention doing mantras recall previous dreams and do ssild. turn aronnd and hopefully fall asleep quickly