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    1. Finals are done!

      by , 05-11-2011 at 08:45 PM (The Vault)
      I'll finally have time to start doing some dream journals. Here's a bunch that I wrote a while back while I wasn't posting.

      Sitting in my civ teacher's class. This girl who really dislikes me (who got "shitlisted" in class in an earlier dream) comes up to me and starts kissing me, right in the middle of class. Suddenly I'm the DJ for the class, as if its some sort of event. I have my iPod and I put on something by Timbaland. Then I realize I'm not supposed to be the DJ. I'm very embarassed and a scramble to find my ipod and turn the song off, then I wake up to someone calling me irl.

      Had a few false awakenings. I had a lot of important stuff to be doing that I kept thinking I was missing.
      Later in the dream, I'm in some dark castle dungeon-like place. I have a sword and I'm fighting this large armoredl bee thing. It's an epic battle somewhere between a video game and a movie. The bee then turns into a huge mechanical ant. I'm slicing away at it but it's doing nothing, so I go into some sort of super form. I look like Twisted Fate from League of Legends

      Except with a sword instead of cards. I'm moving lightning fast and I cut right through the ant's armor. Victory.

      There's a part of the dream that happened later but I can't really understand what I wrote in my DJ. It looks like "puppy/fish, it goes in goldfish bowl w/ dead fish, drinks half coke half water." Then I had an argument with my dad about shadowing doctors.

      Updated 05-11-2011 at 08:53 PM by 42157

    2. Raiding Osama bin Laden's Base

      by , 05-10-2011 at 02:59 AM (The Vault)
      I've been writing down a bunch of my dreams lately but with finals week I've been so busy I haven't had the time to put them up.
      But here's a fun one I had last night.

      I'm in some military base like place. I'm with a couple of my college friends and it seems we are assaulting the base. There's also this australian ranger kinda guy with us. Through some blur of events, I end up killing Osama bin Laden. However, we still have to clear out the rest of the base. I start walking towards my new suped up car (i dont know where this came from because I don't even have my car up on campus, nor is it new). Suddenly, australian guy jumps out from behind a crate and starts shooting at me with a pistol. I draw and fire at him and kill him.

      I jump in my car and my friends open a hangar door and run inside. I drive in after them in my car and the room is filled with armed terrorists. A massive gun battle ensues as my friends spread out across the hangar. Luckily my car has gatling guns mounted on the front. I proceed to swerve around the hangar, running over terrorists and spraying them with my rail-gun firepower. We manage to finish them all off and I wake up, triumphant.

      Definitely up there with my most ass-kicking dreams of all time.
    3. Old Dreams

      by , 04-18-2011 at 08:43 PM (The Vault)
      Oldies but goodies.

      I remember a few specific dreams back from when I was a child all the way up until before I started keeping a journal. I feel like they should be recorded to facilitate dream growth. Here's some of the more interesting ones.

      When I was a kid I had a dream in which I was in a motorcycle race in a pixelated world. It looked like Road Rash if anyones ever played the game. I remember getting off, wandering around the course, and suddenly being in a commercial. There were these people who wanted me to select which item I wanted to buy and they were advertising them to me. One was called the "Shower Brick Wall" and I watched a video of myself opening the closet in the bathroom, taking out a giant brick wall, and putting it in front of the shower curtain before taking a shower.

      One more recent one involved me somehow transforming into this giant donkey-kong like monster thing. I was trying to get away from the police or something and I was on the top floor of some apartment building. I remember jumping between these big colorful buildings, going in through windows and zip-lining or jumping into the next window in an effort to get away. It was kind of awesome. Then I was back in my house as a human again and it was the end of the world or something. I was looking through these secret documents in some effort to stop it. Last part of this dream, I was in some giant futuristic space ship. I'm in prison for something and have to walk onto some platform I believe is a teleporter. It launches me out into space at hyperspeed and I die, then like a video game, I respawn somewhere else in the ship.

      I also had a dream recently where I was on the ocean city boardwalk. We were going between casinos and we saw a shop with TV's in it. I realized I was with some mafia-like group. We were all in suits and had tommy-guns. We started taking TV's and loading them into our car. Then, once we were driving away, the world seemed to turn into Mario Kart. The track we were on seemed like a combination of rainbow road and some snowy place with snowmen and igloos. My perspective wasn't in the car though. I was just kinda floating around the track and observing it.

      Another one I had a long time ago started in the sunroom of our house. I look out the back window into the field behind our house and all hell is breaking loose. There are tornadoes and volcanoes and the ground is shaking in the field. I run into the living room and see my whole family just sitting around oblivious. I yell at them and tell them we have to get to the basement. Nobody pays attention. I go to the basement door and urge them to follow me. My grandpa walks by with a dumb smile on his face and says, "Okay, just a minute, we're waiting on the cappucino!" Silly dream characters...

      Updated 04-18-2011 at 08:47 PM by 42157

    4. Weird shit in the bathroom

      by , 04-18-2011 at 08:16 PM (The Vault)
      The dream starts down the shore. I'm vacationing in a beach house and I decide to leave to go to the bathroom. However, there's this guy following me who I recognize as one of my dad's patients (by dream logic anyway, I've never seen him in real life). He keeps trying to ask me questions, he asks "if im having fun?" and I ignore him because I really have to piss. I get to the bathroom and go up to the urinal, start peeing, and he comes up to the urinal next to mine. He starts peeing and I notice that even though he's a white guy he has an enormous black dick (bleehh). I leave immediately to wash my hands, and looking for a towel I look into a stall. There's a girl in one with the door open trying to cover himself up. The towel dispenser is for some reason above her head. I question why she's in the men's room and decide to leave without drying my hands to avoid being rude. However on my way out I look back over the stalls and I can still see her head. Some guy walks into the stall with her and they just stand there looking at me. I leave.

      When I woke up I also remembered a noteworthy dream I had about a year ago and haven't really thought about until now. I feel like this would be a good place to keep track of dreams like this so I'm going to make a post with some old dreams.
    5. More random stuff

      by , 04-14-2011 at 07:59 PM (The Vault)
      I had my first dream where I actually became someone else the other night. Non lucid, but still interesting.

      Me and a bunch of my friends were getting into my parents car. Only it was strange because the car looked disgusting, I remember it smelling really bad, and it was all run down and blackened. Then two classic dream signs hit me. Amazing I didn't notice them. I was in my high school with my college friends J and B and we were late for class. We went into a room where our class wasn't at and sat down for some reason. They get up and leave and suddenly I realize I've become E (a girl). As E I start flirting with my friend K from my high school. But at the same time I still know that I'm not E on the inside and I feel bad about doing it because I know I'm only leading him on.

      I leave the class and I'm myself again. I find B. He's with a crowd of people and I go to the center to see what they're all watching. There's a tall black guy with glasses in the middle of the crowd and hes dancing in the weirdest way I've ever seen. It's also incredibly cool the way he's moving around. Dream dancing is quite interesting. When they're done B talks to the guy and his friends. B gets pissed off because apparently they have a tape of themselves waking us up at a sleepover by surprise or something. That's all I remember.

      Then last night I had a pretty vivid dream with a lot of recall. But when I woke up I snoozed and went back to sleep so I only got a little bit of it. At some point I was on facebook in something that looked like my parent's office. I look out the window into the window of another building and I see M making out with her roommate K (also a girl). I'm just like "typical..." and leave. I find myself in a park from home. People are playing tennis. I go onto the court and watch. The people playing on my court are good, but on the other courts everyone sucks. I watch for a while and make my way out.

      'sall I remember. My classes end in 3 weeks though so my journalling should get a lot better.
    6. Fffffuuuuuuu!!

      by , 04-03-2011 at 09:49 PM (The Vault)
      Had a long lucid last night, but when I woke up for some reason I didn't journal it.

      I recall going lucid in my basement, being in a spaceship, cutting an outline in the wall of the ship and then punching it out, walking out onto mars, then being back in the ship, trying to go outside to fly, but ending up in my basement again.

      Since I fell back asleep this is all the detail I can remember. But it does confirm that this all-day awareness thing is working.
    7. Lotsa fragments.

      by , 03-28-2011 at 03:27 PM (The Vault)
      Haven't recalled any long vivid dreams lately. On a dry spell as far as lucids as well.
      Lots of little fragments in my journal though. Some I don't even remember writing.

      I was with some redneck family from the south. We were watching Youtube videos while they questioned me about my perseonal life. I felt very uncomfortable.

      I got kind of absorbed into one video. It had someone playing football with a guy from my floor. He's just a regular gay guy, but in the football game he was dressed as a complete drag queen.

      Someone asks me if I would rather "bring an honors baby?" I remember going somewhere with this infant who was apparantly in honors classes and very smart.

      Later I'm in an audience in a bunch of fold out chairs in a large well lit room with a speaker walking around in the front. It's a casual environment and I leave to go up a large set of stairs. There is a ping pong ball bouncing around and I'm trying to chase it. I finally return to the bottom of the stairs and go back to the audience, and everyone seems to be deeply affected by something. Some seem like they are about to cry. I ask "if I missed anything earth-shattering?"

      At another point I find myself in a building like a mall mixed with a hotel. M is here. She decides to leaves and for some reason I follow her. She walks into an area with lockers, presumably not knowing I'm there, takes off her shirt, turns around and looks at me, laughs, turns around and keeps walking. I leave and go outside. I wander around the streets in the dark. I believe I went somewhere after that but I can't recall any more.

      Anyway, I'ma go flood my brain with a lucid subliminal messages video and take a nap. Wish me luck!

      Updated 07-17-2011 at 06:40 AM by 42157

    8. Shitlisted

      by , 03-24-2011 at 09:33 PM (The Vault)
      Very little dream recall last night. But I'm going to start putting my journals up whether they're long interesting vivid dreams or... not so much. I think just staying in the habit will be useful.

      So I was in a classroom with some of my college friends and some people I know from home. We're supposed to be naming state capitals and there's a few on the board. According to my dream logic Miami is the capital of Florida, Iowa is the capital of Kansas, and Normal is the capital of DeMichael.

      So this girl J tries to answer a question and the teacher is not pleased. He tells her she is "shitlisted" and nobody is allowed to talk to her (or something like that). That part of the dream ends.

      Some other thing happened where I was with my friend E at the mall. I've been seeing her a lot lately and we talk about dreams together so it's no surprise I'm dreaming about her. But that's all I can remember.
    9. WILD Attempt

      by , 03-22-2011 at 09:02 PM (The Vault)
      Over spring break I had a lot of short dream fragments, some really interesting, but I don't have my dream journal from home so I'll have to put em up later.

      Yesterday I was taking a nap in my dorm and I experienced something like the beginning of a WILD. I've been reading a lot about them lately and really want to try it but my fucked up sleep schedule hasn't really allowed it.

      I remembering half waking up but unlike usual, I didn't open my eyes or move. I had full consciousness but I was still in a dreamlike state. I remember focusing on not moving and not getting excited. With my eyes closed, I began to see what looked like static from a TV channel not coming in. It slowly began to turn into pages of a book, one by one flipping in front of me. I tried to relax and watch it as if it were a movie, taking me into my lucid dream, as I remember reading in a WILD guide.

      Then I heard my roommates playing video games and talking. I tried to tune them out as best I could, and for a few minutes I could maintain the state I was in, but it began to fade.
      My mouth was drying out as well so I decided to open my eyes and wake up. Very interesting experience. Wonder where it could've went if my roommates hadn't been making noise.
    10. On Stage

      by , 03-12-2011 at 08:00 PM (The Vault)
      I don't remember much of this one, but it had to do with my college friends, my home friends, and playing in a band on stage.

      I used to jam with some of my friends (I play guitar but just as a hobby) and we would joke about making an actual band one day. In this dream it had come true and we were standing in front of an auditorium of people. However, my friends who were in the band kept changing around into different people between my college friends and my home friends.

      Anyway, I suddenly realized we hadn't practiced or prepared any songs to play. I panic and ask one of the band members about this. We agree to just improvise.

      So, the band starts playing and I just mess around with some chords and scales and it actually sounds good. I get into it and keep playing as it sounds better and better. We sound like professionals and I'm having a blast. This continues for a few minutes but then I realize everyone else in the band has stopped playing. I stop, we all look at each other kind of funny and then the singer jumps back in and we start playing again.
    11. That's some inception shit right there.

      by , 03-04-2011 at 06:57 AM (The Vault)
      To add to the weird dreams I described in my last entry, just last night I had a very vivid and more or less insane dream.

      It starts in a busy city. I'm standing on a cobble road and it seems sort of like an olde english setting, except there are skyscrapers. There's a lot of people standing around.

      Suddenly the ground starts to rumble. Somehow I know that there's a massive amount of water welling up beneath the city. Fuck. I look at a fire hydrant and it blasts open, shooting water high up into the air. I look down the street and like dominoes every fire hydrant (theres one every building) does the same thing. I look up at a window and it explodes open with water gushing out. Everything starts breaking apart and every window in the city is blasted out and floods water onto the street.

      Next thing I know I'm in the aftermath. Everything is broken down and people are chaotically running everywhere. I am with my parents and we are trying to figure out how to survive. For some reason I have a large handle of vodka in my hand. Huh. I toss it into a shelter which happens to be on fire and the entire place blows up. We go inside after said explosion and everything seems to be just fine. There is a large cooler of Coke Zero in this shelter and over the course of the dream me and my parents survive off of these sodas, but eventually begin to run out.

      However, before we can run out, the dream changes around. I am now tied to a chair with my friend being fed strange objects by three witches. I know that at least one of them is supposed to kill me. I have a flashback to how we were captured and I recall me and my friend getting knocked out in front of a staircase and the witches coming and pouring some strange blue liquid out of Erlenmeyer flasks on us.

      I then remember that the whole thing was actually a PLAY that I am watching. I leave the theater and see a dance major in my college whom I have never talked to. He looks like a tall african god (as he does in person). We have a conversation about the various people coming in and out of the theater, and after this point the dream ends.

      I wake up only remembering the very last part, and think, bleh, thats not worthy of even putting in my dream journal. But I started writing anyway and when I did ALL the rest came flooding back (excuse the pun). I'm glad I decided to start writing.

      Updated 03-04-2011 at 07:00 AM by 42157

    12. Some weird ones.

      by , 03-04-2011 at 06:47 AM (The Vault)
      Had a few interesting dreams the past couple nights. No good lucids for the most part but I have a faint memory of gaining lucidity for a minute or two and trying to fly but ending up just jumping up and down.

      Anyway, heres how the first one started. In my dream I'm trying to sleep and have an FA at 3 in the morning by M calling. She is having sex with another guy while ON THE PHONE and just wanted to tell me. She is acting like she expects me to be excited for her.

      This puts me in a shitty mood and I walk outside (in the middle of the night, the place looks different) where I meet one of the last people I want to see, a frat boy who lives a door across from me. I go back inside where there's a few more of my friends. We talk for a while and M comes over. She wants to apologize to me.

      Later in my dream I am in some sort of police building. M has falsely accused me of raping her (this is strange because we've never had sex, even in my dreams) and then went back and tried to drop the charges but it is already too late. I get interrogated and after a long long process someone finally comes and tells me I'm free to go. I leave and once again walk back to my dorm, seeing the frat boy and a good friend of mine hanging out in the same place outside. We have a funny conversation about pointless dream things. The dream ends.

      Updated 03-22-2011 at 09:13 PM by 42157

    13. Sex, Video Games and a lot of WTF

      by , 02-28-2011 at 06:47 AM (The Vault)
      Interesting dream the other night.

      The dream starts with me in my room at home. An attractive female friend from college is there, and we begin to hook up, as we often do. It begins getting intense and clothes start coming off. I do just about everything with her except sex and for a while it's great, but then I notice she is suddenly pissed off. She refuses to reciprocate and instead leaves me and goes off to help my dad fix a light bulb. Most definitely the strangest rejection I've ever received, even for a dream.

      This part ends and the dream turns into a video game I had sunk a lot of hours into as a kid. The game is Final Fantasy 7, except not only am I in the game but everything about it is better and more exciting. I'm only in the beginning part and I'm getting all these cool abilities and leveling up obnoxiously fast. Then I realize my guys are down to very low health. I try to heal them but they get killed before I can do anything. This leads to me being in some huge square room underground with some shirtless guy running around taunting me. I begin to chase him because my dream logic tells me that's what I'm supposed to be doing. Definitely a WTF moment. Unfortunately that's the last thing I remember.
    14. Lucid... in SPACE

      by , 02-28-2011 at 06:32 AM (The Vault)
      I watched this subliminal lucid dream induction video the other night in hopes of increasing my chances of having one, and the night after I had the longest most vivid LD I've had in a long time. Unfortunately I barely had any control the whole dream, but it was still pretty sick.

      I gained lucidity in the lobby of my dorm building, possibly by an RC caused by a knuckle crack. The instant it happened, dream quality started fading rapidly. I thought, "Fuck, there's no way I'm giving another one of these up." I rubbed my hands together, repeating to myself the phrase, "I am lucid, the world is vivid." The instant my hands touched it was like an earthquake hit my dream and I heard loud static. I feel like I even peeked an eye open just a tiny bit and thinking I was rubbing my hands together in real life, wondering what my roommates would think if they saw me doing that asleep. However, through enough concentration I managed to bring the dream back and make a complete recovery.

      In order to come back into the dream I had to change the setting. I saw a spaceship flying through space and my perspective glided like a camera angle towards the ship until I was inside it. Then I realized I was in my body inside the ship. I still want to fly, so I try to crack the glass of the ship. Hitting it fails, and I try to exert some kind of control. Some sort of blue energy flows out of my hands and I think I crack the glass a little, but to no avail. Instead I decide since I'm in a spaceship I might as well attempt the TotM. The spaceship sort of turns into a flying bus and we begin to land on an alien planet. I look out the window on the way down. I see a foggy rainforest which I take to be an alien planet, followed by something that looks like a cat sitting in the grass. Then I see large orange scaly aliens in a Mayan-style civilization. They are walking around with spears and I can't wait to talk to them.

      The ship hits some turbulence on the way down and as I am standing up at this point, I fall on a female crew member. Seeing as she has large breasts, I can't help myself. I have some fun with that for a while and she seems to be enjoying it, but then I decide it's time to do my task. I walk to the front of the bus, and suddenly FA into my dorm room. I forget to reality check and this is where I lose all lucidity.

      The dream was still pretty interesting and vivid after this point. I was exploring some deluxe dorm room that my friend Melissa had gotten. It has different color spotlights and crazy 70's style stuff everywhere. Someone comes to the door and for some reason I answer it. It's some random girl I've never seen and we have awkward conversation while I wonder why she's there. At some point I end up back in my room, and there's a black girl I've never met before in my room. She shakes my hand and doesn't let go at first and I can tell she's interested in me. Then, out of nowhere, she leaves. The dream ends anticlimactically.

      Next time I have to try to keep my cool when I reach lucidity. Gotta work on dream control too. It's going to be hard to have a flying dream if I can't even get outside. Sometimes I just want to smash through the walls and go straight into flying, but I can't quite figure out how. It's definitely frustrating, but I'm sure it will come with time. I'm definitely going to keep watching that subliminal video though. That shit might just work.
    15. What would you do?

      by , 02-24-2011 at 03:50 AM (The Vault)
      Due to a completely fucked sleeping schedule, I haven't had a good dream recall let alone a lucid in a long time.

      This one was definitely memorable though. Not necessarily in a good way.

      After going on a starbucks run with my friend S (who has just gone through, yet another, serious breakup) I find out that the US government is after him. Why? For cheating on his girlfriend (which he did not do in reality). The sentence? He's going to be executed. Bit of a harsh verdict, but I don't think anything of it due to dream logic. I see him tied to a chair in the stairwell of our dorm building and suddenly I have a gun. I know that I have to shoot him or else bad things are going to happen. Not exactly sure what, but I believe the government was going to torture S. I aim the gun at him and question whether I can really do it. When I finally work up the courage to pull the trigger, I hear a click. The gun is empty. The whole time S sits there saying nothing. This makes me a killer AND my friend is still going to be tortured. I drop the gun and sit in the corner, almost crying.

      I find out that if I can find a key I can at least save him from being tortured. I spend a large portion of the dream looking for a key until I found out that my friend P has a massive tank of water in her room which i have to stick my arm into to get the key. I use it and unlock a little medicine cabinet on the wall near the stairwell and it's filled with poisons and various little weapons. I'm still reluctant, so my other friend Andrew grabs a knife and joyfully goes to do the job for me. I spend time ruminating about the US government and how all he did was cheat on his girl. I wake up in a pretty bad mood.

      Also, I think this dream was stuck somewhere in between my looking for the key. I'm hanging out with this kid from back in high school who I had absolutely despised. Me and him are going to the gym and then going to get jobs together at some place called Jelly Donut. I'm not getting along with him (as usual) but for some reason he's convinced me that we will both get jobs if we go together. Weird.

      Updated 03-22-2011 at 09:13 PM by 42157

      non-lucid , memorable
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