Hello, 911, What Is Your Emergency?
, 06-08-2010 at 09:45 PM (666 Views)
Black = AwakeBlue = LucidRed = Dream
Location: My kitchen
I was sitting in my kitchen and my mom told me something that made me call 911. Right as the operator answered, "Hello, 911, what is your emergency?" I hung up. My cell phone then vibrated and when i looked at it, it said "1 new txt message." When i read the message it said something like, "Police and ambulance on the way. Hung up on 911" I then redialed 911 but hung up after 2 rings, and then woke up.
The reason this is important to me is because when i was little (like 5 or 6) my dad told me to call the next door neighbors to see if my sister would come home. When i finished dialing the number a woman with the same voice in my dream answered, "Hello, 911, what is your emergency?" I said nothing, I just stood there scared (Granted i was 5) and she kept saying, "Hello?" I then hung up and they sent a police car to my house. The police officer asked me if i called 911 by mistake and i nodded my head. He then had a long talk to me about abusing 911, which i remember nothing of. (My parents told me that part)