One vs. Many and Telekenesis
, 01-04-2012 at 03:54 AM (852 Views)
(Note: If you don't snowboard or ski, you may get confused with the wording)
I was snowboarding at Whiteface Mtn. (Which i had just been to over this weekend) And was riding through their park. I was just going around things, not hitting any jumps or rails, and just looked around at the people. I noticed someone standing right at the end of a box talking to what looked like a friend of his, completely oblivious to what was going on around them. Right as I was about to pass them I saw a skier hit the box. He rode through it and nearly hit the two people at the end. He must've ridden over one of their skis because the two people got very angry and stormed after him. They sped away faster than i was going and I didn't feel like following them.
I continued to ride through just avoiding most of the features when I noticed a ride on rainbow box connected to some sort of dragon box, all wavy and totalled to what looked like a good 40 feet. I stopped a few dozen feet above it and waited for the people before me to go before I went. Most just rode on and off, doing 50-50s and most slipped off to the side. The person before me to go, another boarder, did a (sorry for the "boardspeak")front board on to 5-0, back 5 off. I didn't know how to follow that up so I sat there waiting for something to pop into my head. I finally came up with something and dropped in.
I rode up towards the box on the left side and hopped up onto it doing a front board, just the person before me. But I continued through with it and did a 270 off. I rode down to the bottom like nothing happened, trying to be cool and what not, when I noticed something strange: I can't do any of that. I didn't really think much of it and got on the chairlift after waiting for only like 20 seconds. While on the lift the fact that i did that kept popping into my head. I finally figured, the heck with it, and did a quick nose-plug RC. I took off my gloves and pinched my nose. I tried to breath in and, for some reason, it didn't work. Just to be extra sure i checked my hands too. The left one was fine but the right one had an extra finger between my ring finger and pinky. I found this extremely strange and did another nose-pinch but questioned everything much more. This time, it worked! I could breath in through my nose, and there was an extra finger on my hand. This had to be a dream.
Not wanting to get too excited (like I did a few nights ago) I took a couple deep breaths and took in my surroundings. The sun was out and it felt warm on the back of my neck. The snow was melting a little bit and there was a stream running down the middle of the mountain. It seemed very loud and was quite vivid for a dream. I could also smell the wet grass beneath the snow as my dad made a face next to me since he doesn't like that smell. The dream seemed unusually vivid, as if it was waking life. Wanting to be completely sure, I asked my dad who was sitting next to me. I turned to him and said, "This is a dream, right?"
To which he replied, "Only if you want it to be." And I did want it to be. I hadn't had a long LD in a while and felt a bit overdue, so I wanted to be a little more cautious with this one. That idea didn't last long. One thing that I always wanted to do was feel immensly powerful through the use of telekenesis and force. So, i snapped my fingers and pictured a huge battlefield with thousands of enemies all coming at me. In a second, I was in a large open field with some tall grass, but there was nobody else, just me. I noticed I was still wearing alll my gear from boarding and was getting very hot.
I stripped down out of my layers to shorts and jeans. Not wanting to have my movement restricted, I took off my jeans to find some athletic shorts beneath. This seemed fitting since I did have gym in school today and nearly forgot my shorts. I stodd in the field for a minute waiting for something to happen. After about 15 seconds I noticed a large breeze coming through. All the grass waved in the wind and it was getting very ominous. Once the wind died down I swore i heard a sound of yelling off in the distance. I payed close attention and noticed that it was getting louder. Not only was there yelling, but there was also a low rumbling too, like a stampeded of elephants. I looked over the horizon only to see a massive sea of movement.
I got ready, and, wanting to fit the "badass" theme, just stood there as chill as I could. I waited some more and after a good minute the crowd was only about 100 yards away. They neared and I was getting mentally prepared, picturing large waves of "force" (i guess that would be the best way to describe it) that resembled a shockwave pushing everything back. Once they were all about 15 yards away, they just stopped, staring at me. I payed no attention to them, and looked down at my hands, focusing. I could tell a few of them were scratching their heads, confused at what I was doing.
After a short while i turned at one of them, and pushed my hand forward, imagining a wave of energy pulsing forward at one of them. It wasn't until now that I noticed they were in all black, thin suits similar to what a ninja would wear, but they didn't have any weapons. Once I pushed my hand forward, I saw a faint distortion in the air (like when the pavement is very hot and oyu can see the heat waves rising up). Through that distortion I saw the one I aimed at and those behind him fly backwards. All the rest of them stared at the hole in their circle they had formed around me, and some looked terrified, while others looked furious.
At this moment, my point of view went into 3rd person from a bird's eye type of view about 15 feet above me. I could see myself and I truly did look like a badass. At this moment, they all charged, but in just enough of a broken up maner that I could get a good flow going. Being only my second or third attempt at 1 vs. a lot, I just pictured what I thought could be a possible fight scenario. Still being in third person, I could still sense all of my senses, just my sight was a bit different. The first enemy that got to me i ducked under and sidestepped under his legs, flipping him into one behind me.
I continued to step sideways, spinning and kicking each who came after me. I had defeated not 10 of them when several dozen all jumped on me at once. I felt very squished beneath them all, and could feel them trying to punch/kick me. Not wanting to loose this easily, i crouched down and took a second to charge another energy wave. This time I forced upwards with all my strength causing a shockwave to radiate from me and blow those on top of me back several hundred feet. I also ended up a goodd 50 feet in the air. Those still on the ground beneath me looked up with a look of fear on their faces. I flipped upside down and dove into the ground head first. I kept my arms at my side and hit the ground with just my head at full force. It cause a decent sized crater (~30 feet in diameter) and blew back another hundred of them.
Unfortunately, there was still thousands of them. I decided that I might as well go all out since I likely won't be getting a chance like this any time soon. I once again jumped straight up into the air, only this time I had nobody on top of me, and I flew much higher. At about 200 feet i stopped and hovered for a second, and got into a crouching position again, much like before. This time, i took a few more seconds and really tightened up, figuring that this would give me a bigger boost in power. I could picture in my head an extremely large force racing away from me at the crowd of enemies.
Before I could even blink, I outstretched my arms and legs as quickly and strong as I could, imagining the wave I had just pictured. When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing left of the army that stood just a moment before. All I saw was the same field that I had been in for the majority of the dream. The crater I had made was still there, but none of the enemies were. I figured I must've gone full blown crazy and obliterated them all.
Not really thinking much of it, I started to think of what else I could do. A sex dream came into my mind, but I had been wanting to stop having those, since it was almost always the first thought that popped into my head during a LD. I continued to focus on something and eventually the TotY popped into my mind. However, I thought of last years tasks. I figured I would save Janet from the movie psycho. Not remembering that it was now 2012, I continued on with my dream, not thinking anyhing of it.
In order to get to the bathroom where the movie took place, I closed my eyes and said to myself, "When I open my eyes I will be in the same bathroom as Janet." When I opened my eyes, however, I found myself lying in my bed, awake. Damn, I had to go to school in less than an hour![]()