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    Burke's Nightly Escapades

    Peanut Butter Ice Cream

    by , 06-10-2010 at 09:01 PM (4619 Views)
    Black=Awake Blue=Lucid Red=dream

    Location: Some sort of supermarket

    Me and a few of my friends were in a supermarket of some sort in the mood for some sundaes. We start looking around in the freezer seciton. We see some frozen meats and other foods, but no ice cream, so we decide to leave and come back later. We end up walking to the exit, then turning around right as we got there thinking that it has been long enough so they must have restocked the shelves. This time we decided to split up to try and find everything we needed faster. 2 of my friends went to go get toppings while I stayed back and tried to find the ice cream.

    I walked over to the freezer section once again and this time I say some peanut butter ice cream. I decided that this would work so i grabbed it and went to the check-out counter. I get in line behind a woman buying several different things and unfortunately, she is just a few cents short of what she needs to buy it. So, the cashier gives her some coins and she continues to buy the things she needed and left. While they were ringing everything out, i noticed a peanut butter cup egg, something you would get for Easter. I decie, "Hey, this will go good on top of the ice cream. Let's buy it." So I did. I grabbed the egg and set it and the ice cream on the ring out counter and the cashier proceeded to ring them up. Once he was about to tell me the price,
    I woke up.

    Turns out that later that day, my parents randomly brought home peanut butter ice cream and we made sundaes.

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    Updated 06-16-2010 at 09:17 PM by 31951



    1. INeverWakeUp's Avatar
      Hm...that's spooky how you got peanut butter ice cream that day after the dream. I've had stuff like that happen before.
    2. Burke's Avatar
      Yea, another one is i had a dream where my band teacher told me that, when i go back in time, to throw him a birthday party. Turns out his birthday was 3 days after i had the dream...
    3. Keitorin's Avatar
      That made me crack up. XD You only had to go to the exit before you turned around. And the Peanut Butter Easter Egg topping. Mmm, I've had that before on vanilla ice cream. Now I really want some peanut butter ice cream. Or a sundae. *drool*

      I'm reading this book from the library called 'Our Dreaming Mind' (by Robert L. Van De Castle) that's super fascinating. It talks about a bunch of dream topics, including precognitive dreams. It has a section on lucid dreaming at the end as well.
    4. Burke's Avatar
      Hmm, I just might have to check that out. I've been looking for a book about dreaming in general, not just LDing.