Possible Shared Dream and the TotY
, 02-10-2012 at 07:07 PM (1015 Views)
(This entry was actually this morning, the last one was from two nights ago but I wasn't able to get on my computer yesterday)
I was in a classroom of some sort which I couldn't recognize as any I had ever been in before. It did look like one I had seen on t.v. though, but I wasn't sure from where. I was sitting in a desk in the front left corner right by the door and there were about 15 other people in there with me. My history teacher walked in and set his stuff down on the table in front of the class. He looked at me and said, "Do you have your wings?" I didn't know what he was talking about but I instantly got up and ran out of the classroom. I burst through the door and ended up in a narrow corridor which was high above the ground. It didn't have walls or anything, just guard rails. I looked over the edge and could see that I was about 30 feet in the air.
I ran down this path and at the end there was a small, sqaure room with an opening on the right. I turned and jumped right off the edge which at this point was only about 8 feet. This brief section of the dream turned into a fixed view point from about 20 feet in front of the room which I had just jumped out of and was facing me. I saw myself round the corner and jump off, then continue on off to the right. The dream then returned to a first person point of view and I continued to run through this strange complex. It resembled a plant store, like the gardening section of home depot, with some parts outside and others indoors.
I ran into the building again and turned right into another hallway but this one was completely enclosed. I ran down the hallway and got to the end which was just a dead end with a small rope. I was on the second floor again somehow. I looked over the edge of the rope and could see a small cliff drop off into a rain forest type landscape. Off in the distance it looked like a hawaiin rain forest which are very mountainous. I turned around and dashed back down the hall. About halfway through I saw an opening on the left and dashed through it. This led me to another outdoor area which was filled with various plants and tables. There was a middle-age women standing there and turned at me saying, "You haven't gotten your wings yet?"
I still had no clue what she was saying and ran around to one of the tables. I looked on it and saw two metal cups/bowls. They resembled a harmon mute for a trumpet. I grabbed two of them and went over to the end of another table. I took one of them and started to tear it up into little pieces. I spread those pieces on the table and when I put them down they all proceeded to melt. The liquid covered the end of the table and for some reason I felt like I had accomplished what I wanted to. I turned to my left and did the same thing only to a wall which had seperated this side from the other side I had ran through. For some reason I got very suspicious of things and preformed a couple RCs. They all passed! I was in another dream.
I quickly calmed down and rubbed my hands together to stabalize it. There were a ton of kids running in, all about late teens in age, and I recognized a few of them. One of them who I had previously mentioned lucid dreaming to, walked over to me. "Hey burke," She said. I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Liz, calm down, don't get too excited, but we're in a dream right now." Her eyes got really big and she gave me a funny look as if she was saying are you joking. I told her to follow me and we crouched around the tables and gathered with the crowd. We were all surrounding this middle aged women who had a top hat in her hands. "Okay, lets see who won their wings!" She said. It must be some sort of raffle!
She reached in to pull a piece of paper out and ended up pulling a large card out which was about 10x20 inches. She looked at it and smiled, then turned it around to show us. All it said was "You Won." I felt excited for some reason and just tried to calm down. Then, the TotY popped into my head. I only needed one more: Titanic. I turned to my friend and asked her, "Is it alright if I head out now?" She gave me another funny look and said, "Yeah sure, see ya." I imagined being on the deck of the Titanic right as it was about to hit the iceberg. "Bye," I told her, waving my left hand and snapped my right. In an instant I was on the titanic but in the back of it, not the front where I had wanted.
I was walking around along the edge of the ship when there was a very loud bang, accompanied by the ship shaking violently. I figured this had to be the iceberg. I ran around to the bow and could see eveyrbody on the deck panicking and running towards the life boats. Just like I had learned in history class the boats were being deployed with only about half occupency. I got to the very tip of the boat where the famous scene from the movie had occured. (You know, "I'm king of the world!") Right as I got to the railing I heard a veyr loud creaking sound like metal being forcefully bent. The nose slowly started to rise up into the air and I looked back. I could see the ship tearing in half just like in the movie.
I climbed over the railing and got on the very tip of it and planted my feet on the railing which had become the ground. Everybody who was on the ship and didn't make it into a lifeboat was falling into the water. The half of the boat that I was on was slowly making it's way down to the botton of the sea and about a couple feet a second. At this rate it was taking some time for the ship to go down but I remembered I had to "experience" the sinking so I just waited it out. I looked around and could see the various people in the lifeboats and a lot of people clinging to wreckage in the water. After a good 2-3 minutes of slowly sinking the ship was finally about to go completely under.
I climbed up as high as I could until I was at the very highest point of the ship and the water was coming up faster then I had thought. My feet dipped into the water and wow, it was cold! I jumped up out of the water and just levitated a few feet above the surface but not before the water had gotten up to my waist. Wow, it was seriously cold. I felt bad for those people. I felt very satisfied, knowing that I had completed the TotY and figured I could have my own little celebration. I snapped my fingers and teleported myself to a room with a large bed. I proceeded to have quite some fun with a few pretty ladies (thanks sexy hawt females thread
). I'll leave the details to your imagination.
I talked to the person in my dream whom I had told was dreaming about what had happened and asked her if she remember any of her dreams. She said yes and I then asked her if any of them involved me. She said she didn't think so but she wasn't sure. It could've been a shared dream but I'm not 100% sure.
EDIT: I get it now! My "wings" from the non-lucid part were for completeing the TotY![]()