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    Timothy Paradox

    16-08-01 Pâturages de la Kys

    by , 08-01-2016 at 04:54 PM (393 Views)
    Some background info. When I was a kid (and a few times as young adult) my family and I often went to the south of my country (Belgium), across the language barrier, where people speak French instead of Dutch. We stayed at a farm, the "Pâturages de la Kys", in the hills of Wallonia. The farm was quite large and had several lodges and even apartments on the premises. A couple owned and ran the place, Arsčne and his wife Annie.

    In the dream, I had arrived there - but in the present. It looked a bit different, and I didn't recognize it at first. Then I saw I had approached it from a different angle. There were new buildings and other changes, which is why I didn't immediately recognize it. I spoke to a woman, who I thought was Annie (she must be close to 60 at this point). I think I asked her if she recognized me. I think she did. Anyway, while we were "walking and talking", she eventually became someone else. She was now a young woman, a very pretty one at that, called Marie. I think she was Annie's daughter/granddaughter. I was quite attracted to her. She led me into a small barn I still remember from reality. She pointed towards two small (dog-sized) demonic creatures that looked like they came straight out of the "The Thing".
    lunagoddess and Nebulus like this.

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    Updated 08-01-2016 at 06:07 PM by 17412



    1. lunagoddess's Avatar
      What an interesting dream. For such a short dream, it seems to hold a lot of symbolism.
      Timothy Paradox likes this.
    2. Timothy Paradox's Avatar
      I'm not surprised. I was looking though old family photo's two days ago. There were pictures of this place among them.
    3. Nebulus's Avatar
      Not demonic dogs like the original ghostbusters?
      Cool though ^^
      Timothy Paradox likes this.
    4. Timothy Paradox's Avatar
      They did not resemble dogs at all. They were just about the size of a dog. They had legs, I think, but the rest was a shapeless mass of pure horror.
      Nebulus likes this.
    5. Nebulus's Avatar
      Ah ok, I can see that would kind of halt proceedings, nvm.
    6. Timothy Paradox's Avatar
      They didn't seem to want to harm me. And the girl was strangely chill about it, as if these were her pets and they were ugly but harmless. I never got to find out, I woke up =(