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    Pokémon Tracking, Rolling At The Theater

    by , 04-14-2012 at 09:54 PM (952 Views)
    #1 - Pokémon Tracking [Non-Lucid]

    I was in a bay area of some unknown location and I was testing the migration patterns of various Pokémon. There was also a small Phantasy Star Online-like mini-map displayed in my vision like it is normally on the screen. I was using the orange dots that display different creatures in the area to watch the Pokémon moving around and I was trying to capture a Pelipper. My parents and my aunt were also there just in the background talking about something, and I remember thinking that I was trying drugs that had various receptor affinities in combination, with one being 5-HT2A/D2 agonist and the other being a CB1/D2 agonist.

    #2 - Rolling At The Theater [Non-Lucid]

    I went to a movie with my family and D. D and I abandoned my family and found our own seats. I could tell he was really fucked up, so first I asked if he was drunk and he said no, so I asked him if he was rolling next (on ecstasy). He had a huge grin plastered on his face and shook his head yes. I asked him if he bought the tabs there at the theater and he just looked around and pulled out a HUGE pill, like 500+ mg at least. My jaw dropped, and then I took it with some water but it never kicked in before I woke up. It also made me notice my mouth was full of strange gummy candies that were sticking to my teeth for some reason.... I think the movie we were watching had something to do with Hogwarts (though it looked much more normal, like a campus but still fancy) and taking some special "Blu Ray" transportation line to get there. But that's about all I can remember.

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    1. sinoblak's Avatar
      Please, go and learn pharmacy, Aly, don't make this world lacking your insights.
      Alyzarin and Dreamprofesser like this.
    2. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      I will never be able to enjoy gummy bears the same again.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    3. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Sinoblak
      Please, go and learn pharmacy, Aly, don't make this world lacking your insights.
      I think I'm going to.... I don't really know what else to do at this point. I sort of want to get into chemistry, too, but I'm not sure if I'd rather be on that end or if I'd rather just know a bunch of chemists who I can work with. It'd be pretty cool to be up at the top of business ladder and have my own drug designs being made.

      Quote Originally Posted by Dreamprofesser
      I will never be able to enjoy gummy bears the same again.
      Why not?
      Dreamprofesser likes this.
    4. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      I think I'm going to.... I don't really know what else to do at this point. I sort of want to get into chemistry, too, but I'm not sure if I'd rather be on that end or if I'd rather just know a bunch of chemists who I can work with. It'd be pretty cool to be up at the top of business ladder and have my own drug designs being made.

      Why not?

      Well, after reading that part about the gummy candies being stuck between your teeth, makes me afraid to even eat gummy bears and gummy worms again. But i will stick with chocolate twix candy bars and kit kats in the mean time!
      Alyzarin likes this.