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    Turquoise Dreams

    And animals came one by one

    , 08-02-2013 at 08:14 PM (214 Views)
    8/2/13 Friday

    Last night bed 2am (working) - 6:47

    DR 6:47 - I'm in a large, one story house, with some people I know from my past IWL. Lots of rooms, lots of doors to the outside. Every time I walk outside, I see animals.

    There is a cute, brown bunny with big eyes, sitting on some wood pieces. I don't want to scare him away, but I want to see him up close. A lake or rather a pond is less than 10 feet away. There is a small ibis type of a bird. Never saw anything like that before. He is so cute. A pair of regular, brown ducks come closer to the shore, and another pair of fancy ducks, with some kind of a hat with hanging brim, like mother goose? They are hurrying to come closer, flapping their wings and splashing the water.

    I go inside to look for my camera. There are cameras everywhere. I pick one up, turn it on, only to realize, it's a digital Polaroid camera for instant pictures. It's not mine. I keep looking. All kinds of cameras there. I finaly find one I think it's my Canon. I take it outside and try taking pictures of animals. I snap a few, then I notice some grinding sound. After closer inspection I see, that the objective is crooked and out as when zooming, and screen is cracked. I get mad, that someone must have knocked it off the table.

    I open the door to the outside again, and see some larger animals. Size of a wild pig, but they look alien. Then I decide it's a family of warthogs. I let the kids look, but then I close the door, so they don't attack us.

    The strangest animal I found in one of the empty rooms. It looked like a very large beaver, with flat tail. But his body was shiny as a slug, and it played with colors, like you see on water with some gasoline on top of it. Or a soap bubble.

    I normally don't see animals in my dreams, other than my cats. So this was very unusual. And most of the animals were in pair, or in family group.

    Back in the house. I'm chicking someones homework. There is a bunch of papers around and homework gets mixed up. I spen rest of the dream sifting through papers trying to find that homework.

    Very detailed and colorfull dreams. Thank you.
    saleh salehi zadeh and NyxCC like this.

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    Tags: animals, lake, water


    1. saleh salehi zadeh's Avatar
      This dream remind me of Movie from Ang Lee name "Life of Pi"
      Suggest you to see it:
      Life of Pi (2012) - IMDb
      gab likes this.
    2. NyxCC's Avatar
      That sounds like a really nice dream! I love animal dreams especially if they are well behaved.
      gab likes this.