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    11/11 and 11/12/14 Awareness DILD, Fade Saved Once

    by , 11-13-2014 at 06:04 AM (1051 Views)
    11/12/14 Turning left and next thing I know I am walking and follow a group of people into a store where a few guys are looking at ties.

    I look down a stairwell and see a woman and turn away when I hear someone call my name from down there and it hits me I am dreaming. While lucid I think that this is a result of my recent adjustments to my awareness work but I notice the dream seems to be fading but I am determined to keep it going! I rub my hands and the rail as I go down and at the bottom is a cabinet with french fries and junk on it. I grab the fries and junk up and just start stuffing them in my mouth chewing them up for the sole purpose of stabilizing the dream.

    It works and as I turn the corner I am in a parking garage.

    To my left is a blue Volkswagen Bug. There are life size wood carvings/statues of two older women sitting in the front seat and two even older women in the back seat. I am studying the details and making a mental note to get a good guestimate of the ages of the women depicted in the statues. I settle on an age of late 60's for the women in front and 80's for the women in the back. I feel the dream fading again but much quicker this time...too quick and I think about the NREM conversations and try to stay in some form of sleep
    but quickly realize I am fully awake and have a strong urge to adjust my position in bed. I think it was too close to my normal time to get up. Now I have to consider if it is better to let the dream fade into the void and teleport since I have had some of my most memorable LDs that way or save the dream like this dream in case I don't get to the void but instead inadvertently "follow the normal path to waking" which I definitely don't want. Notes: previous awareness notes apply but also putting a larger sense of wonder in my RRC interaction statement leaving a hanging question as part of it and thinking about if it makes sense where I am at...where was I before...does that make sense? Did quite a bit of this while driving back from my league game. If CL is reading this, didn't you have a VW in a lucid? 231

    11/11/14 Sexual LD with older woman. A "hot young thang" in fancy but classy lingerie then seduces me. Some fading lucidity. Afterwards I whip it out for my Wife. 230
    NyxCC, ThreeCat, ~Dreamer~ and 1 others like this.

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    1. ThreeCat's Avatar
      Eating random dream food to stabilize--love it. Did the food look gross, or was it normal? Did it taste ok? Also, glad to hear that nREM stuff stuck for you; it hasn't even occurred to me yet in an LD.
      fogelbise and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    2. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thank you! Yes, hopefully I will remember it all the time and can "bridge the gap" on occasion! It didn't look gross but I had great awareness and memory and wasn't the least bit concerned and didn't focus on the taste though I probably should have. It was neither a good nor bad taste though.
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the lds! Awesome way to stabilize, we have to practice this more often.

      The life size statues sounded super cool!

      Also, I'm excited about your NREM experiments.
      ~Dreamer~ and fogelbise like this.
    4. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thank you Nyx! Well I learned that stabilization method from all of the great folks on here and was glad to get some practice. I am really excited to explore NREM more and bridge the gap between REM cycles as well. Eureka! I will always stay calm, pull out my stabilization bag of tricks and if it is too late for that dream, I will calmly float into NREM or the void and go from there to the next adventure!..that is the plan anyway.
      ~Dreamer~, CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ah, I've gotten behind, fogelbise! Congratulations on the lucid! I enjoyed you stuffing your face with french fries to keep hold of the dream... great work! Sure beats me trying to lick my own arm and the other nonsense I sometimes get up to trying to stabilize.

      If CL is reading this, didn't you have a VW in a lucid?
      You know, I had to think on this for a bit, but it did come to me! I had a lucid dream last year where I picked up my car and throw it across the road. In mid-air it transformed into a VW Beetle.

      This is the one: Vehicle Fire - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      Unfortunately it didn't contain cool statues like yours though!
      fogelbise and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    6. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thank you CL! But I like your 'lick arm' idea! You almost always have an arm...seldom french fries laying in weird places but I did use your old hand rub on the way down the stairs (even if you didn't make it up I think I was originally inspired to start using it from your DJ's).

      I responded in your DJ with more detail but it was some other cool car you had more recently...maybe not a VW Beetle...I think it had some out of this world feature...but no worries trying to track it down...who knows what I could be remembering! But yeah, those statues were quite cool and probably led to me observing them a little too closely and may have been better off looking and moving. Speaking of which...your lucids seem to usually run longer than mine...do you think are the keys there? Stability plus place in REM. You don't seem to get real short ones...or do you just not count/journal them? Sorry so wordy...a quick response is just fine.
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thank you CL! But I like your 'lick arm' idea! You almost always have an arm...seldom french fries laying in weird places but I did use your old hand rub on the way down the stairs (even if you didn't make it up I think I was originally inspired to start using it from your DJ's).
      Ha ha, yeah, that's true... there's something kinda cool about the arm lick, I have to admit. I did that really early on, too, and still have no clue where it came from. I remember that I was still an LD baby when I first did this. Ophelia was helping me take some of those first steps and she observed then how odd/unique that was.

      I guess since this is a dream, we could start learning that french fries are always there conveniently at hand to our dream body! I should start "learning" that my dream body always wears a lucid backpack filled with all kinds of goodies like french fries, a portal gun, etc.

      I responded in your DJ with more detail but it was some other cool car you had more recently...maybe not a VW Beetle...I think it had some out of this world feature...but no worries trying to track it down...who knows what I could be remembering! But yeah, those statues were quite cool and probably led to me observing them a little too closely and may have been better off looking and moving. Speaking of which...your lucids seem to usually run longer than mine...do you think are the keys there? Stability plus place in REM. You don't seem to get real short ones...or do you just not count/journal them? Sorry so wordy...a quick response is just fine.
      You know, there was one fairly recent dream where a blue 50s Chevy talked to me! (I thought it might be my dad.) I wonder if this was perhaps it! Here it is: Chrome - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      LD length... man, I always wish that they were longer! One thing that I'm usually big on is hand-rubbing, and I feel like this might help me sometimes. I also try to keep from getting frustrated (not always successfully) and emotionally on an even keel.)

      It's true that I don't journal "micro-lucids", but these are only the very short ones that are 15 seconds or less. I keep them in my private journal but I don't do them here unless I manage some kind of activity.

      And I always feel like your dreams are generally pretty stable! I actually think you set a very good example for the fact that it's completely possible to have LDs with a nice length even when you spend time with attractive DCs. (Even several of them at once! ) People have a lot of hang-ups and self-fulfilling doubts about this.
      fogelbise and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    8. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thank you CL! Also, that was the dream I was thinking of, the 50's Chevy, thanks!

      I should start "learning" that my dream body always wears a lucid backpack filled with all kinds of goodies like french fries, a portal gun, etc.
      I really like that idea! I will have to add something like that to my to do list.

      I am definitely a believer that self-fulfilling doubts are a significant factor in LDs...not having them for things like flying and attractive DCs have definitely helped me but I do seem to sometimes find myself wondering about how long a dream has gone or something similar and it too often has a negative impact. I think that whole NREM line of thinking can help in the short term and removing thoughts of LD length during the dream might be my long term solution.
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      You know, that's a great point, fogelbise! By becoming so interested in navigating NREM experiences, there's nothing to fear from a dream scene "ending". It's just a transition into NREM, an invitation to a brand new type of experience.

      I'd never thought of it this way until you said it, but that's really cool! I'm looking forward to seeing how this weaves into your lucids now.
      ThreeCat, ~Dreamer~ and fogelbise like this.
    10. ThreeCat's Avatar
      I think that whole NREM line of thinking can help in the short term and removing thoughts of LD length during the dream might be my long term solution.
      I agree with CL on this, and fogelbise, this may be a solution for me as well. Thanks for thinking outside the box!
      ~Dreamer~ and fogelbise like this.
    11. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Just echoing the other comments, but I'm really excited to follow your NREM experiments!

      I'm glad I saw the discussion on this entry, there's some really great ideas being shared here.

      Congrats on the LDs fogelbise, keep up that positivity!
      fogelbise likes this.
    12. fogelbise's Avatar
      CanisLucidus, ThreeCat & Dreamer: Thank you for the nice comments and I think we could definitely use this to our advantage as it has already helped me on a few occasions I think. Though it is not unlike my past use of the closed-eye teleport (a la Sensei) at fades like Nyx mentioned in one of my other DJ entries that I connected to this NREM mindset: 11/15 & 11/20/14 Fun DILD With Many "NREM-like" Transitions - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views
      I think most of you saw that one already...besides it has a fogelbise-appropriate "69" views...haha!

      But really, whatever mindset we can use to keep the dream going. Closed eye teleport led to two of my favorite lucid dreams and I really should put some focus back into it as well. I need to figure out if the efficacy of it is on how I close my eyes (softly with visualization as opposed to the more firm clench I use when playing with vibrations)...or if the efficacy simply depends on where the sleep cycle is at. There are so many things I want to experiment with.
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    13. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      besides it has a fogelbise-appropriate "69" views...haha!

      Thanks for the inspiration on the closed-eye teleport! I've only successfully done it once, I believe, and only because I've let my nerves get the best of me in LDs. This prevents me from really trying it properly. The one time I did it, I literally had a smart DC walking me through how to do it! It's time that I worked up the guts for an unaided one!
      fogelbise likes this.
    14. fogelbise's Avatar
      Well I did get it from Sensei and there are different ways to handle the void so I would only try it when it feels right to try it...besides you are obviously doing something, or rather a lot, right already!
      CanisLucidus likes this.