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    3 way shared dream

    by , 09-27-2010 at 02:48 PM (769 Views)
    Magic tricks

    I briefly Remember going to Manuel's house, he was invisible but his Nagual woman was around. Mnuel was invisible but his presence was undeniably there.

    "Alright Nagual!" I yelled. "Show me your stuff. I wanna see what all this fuss is about. Show me a trick or something, Tun into a Dog like romano did."

    NW(Nagual Woman) "uhh he's not here, please go away". I can hear them telepathically communicating. Manuel is telling her to get rid of me. He flies out of nowhere as a crow and goes on top of the fridge.

    "I can hear you guys... you think i'm some random dreamer that showed up or, some dream character created by your mind. I can assure I am not Death Defier. now come on what can you guys do?" He telepathically tells her to do something just so I will be satisfied and will go away. "I can still hear you guys, come on!" the NW looks a bit frantic and grabs my attention. She goes to a kitchen sink and places a tennis ball by the sink. she then says "look at this", and opens hecupboard under the sink. i look up and now the tennis ball is gone. "ta daa!" She says.

    I summon a tennis ball, teleport to the sink, and perform the same trick. Which is really telling the person to look under the sink, on hand opens the door and the other hand snatches the ball. At first I seem amused by the trick. But I shake my head and snap out of it. "If I let them play with me like this they'll eventually convince me that I'm a turnip."

    "Alright." I say, "So that's your magic trick? Where'd you learn that one... Clownology 101? I don't mean THAT kind of magic. I'll show you magic." They look at each other confused and then look at me.

    I pull off my head with my hands, throw it in the air an catch it, and then perform acrobatics tricks with my detached head. Kind of like in the "snake in the eagle's shadow" movie where the old drunkard throws around a bowl.

    They are both staring at me like "WTF" by now. I put my head back on. They are just staring. i'm thinking "oh yeah.. I should show them that trick that don juan taught me... if only I could remember what it was... oh yeah! got it". I then morph into a Japanese girl with pigtails, laugh maniacally, jump in the air and start twirling like a top as I slowly descend to the ground. When I land a blue shock wave emanates from me and knocks me, and possibly them, out of the dream. As the dream fades out i hear Manuel go, "OHHH FUUUUU..."


    I'm a dream like the movie "knowing". At first I see there are Archangels capturing kids to take them to the new planet after the earth is destroyed.

    time speeds up and I'm in a playground at night time. The Cusp has long hair and is driving a Bobcat construction thingy, and he's knocking over the playground, picking up swingsets and ossing them. "If it's he end of the world i'm going to tear shit up first.

    After he's done we go to pile in my dad's pickup truck. I'm looking into the sky and i can see stars like from the mario game falling to earth. I can see them hitting the earth and ripping huge holes in the continent. we decide to go out of the world driving the pickup towards the chaos. I say "I'm happing we're spending the last few minutes together as a family like this."

    The Cusp:

    End Times
    Clarity: 4/10
    Sleep: OK
    Sleep Position: Unknown

    The world is ending, sort of. I see to be the only person who's planning on surviving, but I'm not clear on whether that's going to be on the ruined earth of in space somewhere. Either way, I fill up several 2 litre pop bottles with water and grab as much food as I can carry.

    The time comes, and I'm standing next to some sort of tall demon/monster thing. The earth begins to crumble and fall away beneath us in chunks. The monstrosity and I are left standing at the edge of a cliff, and we know the ground beneath us will fall away too. The monstrosity says falling down will give him a good view of the earth being destroyed.

    The ground give way beneath us and we fall. As I fall, I see all the waters of the earth being compressed far below me into a glowing white singularity, accompanied by a voice like in a nature documentary describing the process. The waters expand again into a large sphere, and the remaining debris of the falling earth rains down into it creating new land masses.

    The monster and I both land on this pristine new world. All pollution is gone now. The planet has been reborn fresh and pristine.
    "I'm looking into the sky and i can see stars like from the mario game falling to earth. I can see them hitting the earth and ripping huge holes in the continent"

    Very similar to my end of the world dream from the same night. At least the destruction part.

    Actually, I was riding around in a truck in my dream at one point. I left that part out because i couldn't figure out how to fit it into the narrative. We stopped in the truck, someone leaped out to chase a demon with a sword, and then we kept going, leaving the sword guy behind.

    Encounter with Mosh?
    Then I’m inside this big black truck. Some guy drove me over but right now we’re parked on the side of the road and he is outside doing something (maybe peeing?). We’re on a semi-desert place, no houses, just sand around. As another big truck passes by us on the road, there’s a panel on the truck where a pink or red light starts blinking, like signalling the proximity of something and I realise it’s this other big truck that just passed by. They signal the presence to each other. The guy on the other truck probably just saw the same signal on his truck and he breaks violently and makes a very fast U-turn.
    The guy who is with me also sees this and runs to “our” truck. As the other guy parks they both meet outside and make quite a party for finding each other. I am now coming out of the truck and I realise I have feelings for this guy who is with me. I approach him by his right side and kind of encircle him with my arms. Both guys are with shorts and a t-shirt and actually look very similar. Then the guy who arrived looks at me surprised, like asking who am I. And “my” guy says I’m his new girl friend. I don’t recall he mentioning his or my name but then he clearly introduces me to his friend and says: “This is Mosh” and I’m like "what? I know that name!"
    But Mosh is not really accepting me. He keeps looking sideways to me. Later we are on some building, looks like an office floor, people are running around working on something and I’m on some common living room on the end of some corridor, where there’s coffee machine and so on. I’m planning to make some coffee but then I see Mosh at the other end of the corridor, again not looking so friendly to me. Then he sends out this kind of energy blast that comes in my direction. It’s kind of transparent wave that is about to hit me, but I block it and it doesn’t hit me or harm me. I tell him to please stop it, because he has no reasons to distrust me. He then steps back a little, maybe because “my” guy then appears and Mosh behaves better in front of his friend, and maybe also because his friend seems to fully trust me and even have feelings for me. Then we start making coffee and I climb some chair to get some toffees that are on some high shelf.

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