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    Escape/Game Session/The Bookshelf

    by , 11-23-2013 at 10:30 AM (512 Views)
    Date: 11-23-13
    Techniqu(s) Used: N/A
    The dream started out with me running through tight corridors in a city. Enforcers were after me, for I was a part of a renegade group within the city. The exact reason I was being chased was unknown.

    I ran across stone-paved roads, up walls, and across rooftops, all to get away from the officers.

    I eventually made my way to a beach that had a train station on it. The rest of my group was waiting there, so I figured it was a rendevouz point. We were to board the train, and escape the confines of this city.

    We heard the engine roar, as it was approaching our stop. However, the train suddenly jerked, and went off the rails. Bodies spewed out of the cabins, as if to be blood for the train. My group managed to evade the crash.

    Out from the train steps a shady figure - my mind instantly knew it was an assassin. He had a large trenchcoat on, all black attire, which made it hard to see his face.

    I made a snap decision, and picked up a toy-sized katana (About the size of an action-figure's accessory). I lunge at him, and stab him a multitude of times in the front and back. Sastisfied, I drop the weapon, and turn back to my group.

    That was my fatal mistake.

    The assassin was on top of me in an instant, and penetrated my side with the same weapon. I fell over, my side numb.

    All of a sudden, a flock of creatures called Death Vultures descended on the remains of those that had passed on. The birds were completely black, featherless, and had white skulls as heads.

    The assassin was trying to say something, but I hush him abruptly; if they saw someone alive, they'd tear us to shreads. We stay still as one lands on a fallen segment of a train to inspect the spoils.

    It soon took flight, and dived at me. It picked me up in its powerful talons, and carried me off into my next dream.
    The scenario changes to me with a group of people that were gaming. The game resembled a mixture of Mario and Megaman, with different characters.

    The 'head' of the group was having trouble collecting 200 coins for a achievement, since we'd already beat the game. I swipe the controller away from him, and complete the mission. I hand it back to him, and we move on to the next achievement.

    For this next one, we had to eat a difficult boss, a demonic doctor, with a certain character, whose main attacks were up close punches. We all had a hard time beating him.

    Eventually, our lives depleted, and it switched to a cutscene. It looked as if it was rendered for PS1.

    It started out with a zoom in on some doors, guesome sounds emitting from them. I covered my eyes, mortified to know what was going on in there. The camera goes inside the room, and it starts to get a view of our characters. I uncovered them for a second, and when I saw the main character tied to a table, I recovered my eyes with my hands, which caused me to transition into a new scenario.
    I uncover my eyes, and end up back in my room. I was sitting in my chair, which had wheels.

    Someone began to push me around. Assuming it was someone from the group, I ask, "How long have you been in the group?" I recieved no responce.

    The movement stopped shortly after I'd asked, and I noticed somehting strange: My booksheld was messy, books all around it. I begna to clean it up, when I saw somehting else that was not right: There was a bunch of pink, paperback Stephen King books. I didn't remember having these.

    I opened one up, and was surprised to see that it was a guide to an RPG game. Something wasn't right.

    I began to clean up the rest of the books, and realized tha thte pink books were a part of a series. Some other books I didn't recognize.

    I soon woke up in the midst of cleaning.

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