The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy
I have a new* naming convention for characters:
J - first appears in Issues and was my enemy for a while. (Jacob)
N - my former crush. (Nicole)
M - my ex. She convinced me that school ended after third period in one of my dreams. (Maddy)
C - his first appearance is in Lost in the Green Building. (Carter)
mmkk - His first appearance was in The UFO. (Kia)
Z - While he isn't really a friend of mine, his first appearance is in Fake Gangs, a small Laptop, a crappy movie, and Bull of Heaven. (Zoe)
A - mmkk's little sister. She first appeared in the same dream as Z. (Aliza)
K - C's friend. (Kyle)
MB - another friend of mine. (Megan)
V - K and C's friend.
W - C's Ex (Willow, now William)
Ed - J's new name (Edynn)
*this is actually outdated and I'll be calling them by their real names.