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    Dream #2 of 2 Today

    by , 04-01-2016 at 12:39 AM (432 Views)
    So in my dream I was at this country music concert & gonna perform with a bunch of other ppl & Blake Shelton was there. We were all in a big dressing room & I dropped my eye shadow that had a bunch of colors in it & they all got jumbled & broken inside. Some woman suddenly started asking me for eye shadow & I told her mine broke but I have another one & she got all hoity toity & said she needed "high quality" eye shadow & I said sorry but I can't afford "high quality" eye shadow but she used it anyway. And I was thinking what a Bitch she was, lol. But after that we all went out to perform w/ Blake on the stage & per usual, my cat Meesha came & woke me up... Oh well, it was not lucid & it was only more of a sleep fragment anyway.. Hopefully tomorrow will be diffferent.
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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. Nebulus's Avatar
      You were performing, Wow! ok that's cool