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    Dec 17th - Jan 10th 2015 Super Brief Notes LD's #254 to 263 With Dry Spell

    by , 01-19-2015 at 05:10 AM (634 Views)
    Dec 17th - Jan 19th 2015 Super Brief Notes LD's #254 to 270 With Dry Spell

    Super quick notes to catch up.

    12/17/14 FA "back to sleep" vibrations, stay patient then visuals with eyes closed. Flight to Girl Friday's house and lose patience. Decide to fly up to moon but can't find it and decide I will drop down a bit and land on the moon but end up in a living room with my son about 12 years younger! Hold his hand and talk. #254


    12/18 cute DC gets me thinking about dream options turns into LD. woman in black is creepy and other weird DC's. Talk to them all searching for SC insight but dumb answers. I mostly ignore woman in black until she re-asserts herself. 255

    12/19 with Wife on bench, a sexy woman approaches. Semi to full LD. Boldness initiated. Telepathically tell them to kiss and remove clothes. Sexy! 256

    <vacation starts and I change everything I'm doing and pay the price with a dry streak after which I am slow to get back in the groove. Up to this point I was rolling strong 16 LD's in the first 19 days of December.>

    12/30 I feel bold early in dream probably assisted by bold visualizations after WBTB. I tell all of the female DC's to follow and gather around me and I float up to a mezzanine overlooking a wide open library-like indoor space to get a good look around at the women. Sex and watching another woman undress sexily. 257

    12/31 lucid at seeing deceased father-in-law. Happy to see this dream sign back! 258

    Trying to DEILD. Clump of simple images in mostly empty void becomes more complete and I start air swimming towards the scene. Explore a video game-like green landscape by air. 259

    1/5/15 become lucid in doctors office probably from seeing cute woman. 260

    FA caught: semi to full LD. Crawl over bed. What if someone in bed? Sure enough. Must be a dream! End up in void. Another FA in bed caught due to unlikely scenario. Nudge vibrations. Void. Closed eye teleport. Eventually scene forms in bedroom. Cool courtyard between buildings do backwards TOTM while attempting to find crystal ball for other advanced task. Western shoot'em up! See TOTM thread 1/5 for more complete description. Only counting one LD in this FA series. 261

    1/10 on couch with Wife I get dreamy ideas bring another woman in. Sexual then end up outdoors confusion then regain lucidity. Dance with beautiful woman and she becomes this glowing gorgeous bright eyed blonde. 262

    Riding down street trucks passing I recognize the street from earlier dream and realize I'm dreaming. Billboard. 263

    Praying for someone who seemed to get news of terminal illness my eyes are closed and I see the words "me too" and right below "smile." I take this as a sign that I am being given the opportunity to be lucid but wake. Not counting.

    1/11 epic night...to be continued...
    NyxCC likes this.

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    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Nice catch up, congrats on all the lds and totm fogelbise! I liked how you decided to combine the two tasks, so simple, yet I didn't consider this at all. Must have been fun playing a bit of a bad guy too.

      Can totally relate to the vacation dry spell. Changing almost everything was terrible for my recall (though I stubbornly tried for some lds I also had difficulty recalling). Now that the holidays are behind us, wish you a productive and very lucid 2015!
      fogelbise likes this.
      Updated 01-22-2015 at 12:51 AM by NyxCC
    2. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thank you Nyx! A productive and very lucid 2015 to you as well!! I have missed conversing with you...I have been more of a ghost around here lately...I will have to change that! It was fun playing a bad "cowboy!" I should go back and get that crystal ball task though.
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thank you! Happy to see you back here as well. Good luck on the competition!
      fogelbise likes this.