Lucid Robbery, Rainy Cityscape, Bank Party Sex, 2 FA's Caught, Lady's Locker Room
, 04-26-2016 at 07:34 PM (744 Views)
Non-Lucid Lucid Semi-lucid
24th April 2016
I'm going to try to get back to posting my DJ's at least occasionally. No frills, just raw from my DJ (but with sexual spoilers and color added). Reverse order memory/recall (from end of experience, working backwards for transitions). End: I recite my full name and address with so much ease that I think for a second could I be awake in, I can still see the store I'm robbing. I do think for a second earlier in this scene, is there any way that because my dream image might look quite a bit like my waking self that someone in the store could report me, thinking along the lines of how Robert Waggoner believes that there may be other people in your dreams but I quickly dismiss that and it's a dream anyway so who would report something done in a dream especially something that causes no harm in the (real) world. Obviously I was getting a little bit off track and my lucidity was being challenged a little bit. Rob store, closing, darkish. So when I first was kind of pulled towards the store after flying outside in the rain at night I see at the store is somewhat dark like they're getting ready to close and I get the idea to see what it feels like to rob the store and I summon a gun and say give me all the money and there are two different cash registers counting money and they start piling the money up on the counter. It's not as fun as I thought it could be but of course I knew it was a dream and the money is meaningless. It went rather slow and boring, they put the money together matter-of-factly and I asked for a bag to put it in and I got one of those plastic grocery bags. I thought about summoning a big canvas bag but lost interest. Prior: Flying outside in the rain!! with 2 ladies. I think about how I hardly ever experienced rain in my lucid dreams and I relish the fact but I wouldn't say that the rain felt super realistic. I definitely got the sound and the visuals very realistically but not so much the water patterning off my skin. Dream pulling me where to fly. Prior: Left 3 story bank building party. Russian lady please choose a lady to come with us… chooses Shirley, Asian somewhat nerdy but cute 30 year old as I was thinking she should choose (mind suggest to her maybe). Russian best dreamever! When I fly up to the Russian looking lady with dirty blonde hair, but more blonde than not, I look into her beautiful eyes, somewhat blue and probably inspired by the beautiful young lady sitting in front of me last night iwl at the musical. I see she wants mySpoiler for sexual content:in Dreamland. I am so infatuated by her that I pull her face up to mine and I kiss her passionately . She has strawberry taste in her mouth probably inspired by the strawberry soap sniffed strongly while washing my hands IWL while repeating my mantra to get Lucid tonight.Spoiler for sexual content:After void and attempting beach and getting some ocean water floating I see myself in a mirror across the bare room as a sexy woman in a white short simple dress. I walk up to the mirror and want to see her/me naked soSpoiler for sexual transformed into a ecstatic state that took me into the void again, this void felt like I wanted to stay there in the simple enjoyment for a while. (To bank party). The ocean movement void came fromSpoiler for sexual content:
**spoiler for minor schema poisoning, read at your own schema's risk:
but despite feeling some weak attempts from my brain to tell me that I'm waking and feeling parts of my bed, I say not so fast and immediately feel my feet dragging along and then lifting off the bed. I knew it!...and felt a little pride. Before the ceiling phase through which seems most like it was involuntarily, I caught two FA's in my bedroom. One involved dream recall and pulling out my earplugs and noticing my ears still feel plugged and after at first thinking my ear plugs did my ears some harm thus still feeling plugged, then found that I could pull out another pair of earplugs and realized I was dreaming. And the other false Awakening I walked up to my sink and open the drawer to get a Q-tip and found that the drawer was completely empty and realized I was dreaming again. <<Beginning of Lucid period for night.Spoiler for minor schema poisoning, read at your own schema's risk:
26th April 2016
Shorter LD where I am in a lady's locker room and I am basically invisible through expectation that I won't get any reaction. I create a soft pad of grass (maybe not entirely intentionally and maybe why it worked so well) to lay on inside the locker room and just relax and enjoy the beauty and variety of the female form.