Memorable Dreams
Night 10 (3/17/14) WRRW MILD woke me at end of first 90 minute cycle - unusually early awakening for me and dream content was MILD related false lucid where I was affecting the dream content with MILD-like thoughts. Odd one. WRRW=Wake, Recall, Re-enter, Write. Three minor dream signs show up in next dream recorded before WBTB: truck, grocery store, police(thoughts of only). DILD: I am in a version of what is closest to M. Blvd but 2 levels. I am making more bubbles (kids bubble bottle with bubble wand inside) and something on the label of the bubble bottle seems to tell me that you can dilute the solution up to 50% and not affect the quality, so I add water. I hear a baby crying (minor dream sign) and look out the window and I can see that the neighbor's window is open and the sound seems to be coming from there. I then see a ~1 year old boy playing in the back yard, newly walking and looks somewhat like boys of my family, even myself or son. Inside our house some lady that is at our medium-sized gathering/party blows some bubbles that apparently land on an antique television that is up against the wall and a small fire starts. I run over and unplug the tv and blow out the fire. I say that these old appliances are dangerous. I go to make a label for the new bubble solution that I apparently put in a pill bottle and am looking for a marker write directly on the bottle but it is writing too light. I then decide to use post-it's and I notice writing already on the top post-it note and then the next 3 or 4. Something feels off. I think "wait a minute (my father-in-law) is here, this must be a dream." I don't remember seeing him or thinking about him during this dream before this point. I am still in a bit of disbelief due to how wrapped up I had been in this scenario up until this point. I look over to my wife kind of testing her reaction "hey your Dad is here, this must be a dream" and she looks at me like he is supposed to be here and with a "what are you going on about" look. Nope, this is definitely a dream, he passed away. I head over towards the living room and I see one of my son's college friends "E" and I take a lengthy detour but it doesn't derail me! I give her that look like "you know you want it too" and we start going at it. A good test to my lucidity is approaching. It is my son and a friend coming down the stairs and I think to myself, no worries, this is just a dream and I continue. Spoiler for sexual content: Super-paraphrased: I remove her top then pants, then intercourse on the couch along with kissing while being careful not to get too lost in all of it. It is so realistic, the sensations are amazing. I decide it is time to move on and I fly up and phase straight through the ceiling/2nd story/roof as if it wasn't even there. I see a body of water and decide it would be fun to swoop down and do a little partial dip into the water still 'naked as a jaybird.' I then fly back up and hover above the water. I think about my 3 step tasks for the competition and still need to do steps 2 & 3 so I do a closed eye teleport (step 2) to space! Awesome!! I went from a daylight scene over the water to immediately being in dark outer space!! I think about step 3, mass telekinesis and something that I have been wanting to do for a while, moving a planet! I looked over to a grayish planet (the vividness of the dream was somewhat reduced at this point) and I am beaming with confidence and moved the planet what looked like a meter or so...but I am guessing it was what must have been the equivalent of thousands of kilometers considering the distance that I must have been from the planet which took up maybe 5-10% of the area immediately visible (without looking around)...but definitely larger than the typical moon display from Earth. While floating there excited over my success and considering what I want to do next I feel myself fading back to bed quickly. I try to DEILD but I only get minor vibrations and just lay there smiling and recalling all that just happened and how the dream started. The part before becoming lucid took some effort to bring it all back. Night 6 (3/13/14) excerpt/from competition thread: I am flying in an airplane over water and enjoying the view from the cockpit. We get into a cloudy spot and I start to become concerned that I am flying too low as the water didn't look too far down before hitting the clouds so I looked for the altimeter but didn't find it and decided I better start pulling up. The clouds break and we are approaching a large city on the coast with skyscrapers. I feel like I already suspicious of this being an unusual situation and something about the scenario cues me in that I am dreaming. I think it was seeing this sign down below that got me thinking sexually all of the sudden and realizing that I can take action on that feeling in situations like dreaming. Either way I realize that this is a dream and phase through the cockpit and start flying with my dream body in a more gliding way enjoying my new freedom of movement. I swoop down towards the city and i am on the ground on the wrong side of the building. I fly up and over the building and back down to this place that is set up like a carnival side show with DCs all around. There is this woman that is part of the show who is supposedly from Syria with belly dancing like attire and she is getting undressed. It was very realistic and decide to get undressed and join her. I stop and do a quick finger through palm RC but it indicates awake so I float up a little and then continue getting undressed before fading back to bed. I felt I could re-enter the dream but my shoulder was so sore that I just had to move and I could feel my body shake a bit and my muscles become fully functional but I try anyway and eventually have to get up for a while like a 2nd wbtb but mainly to allow myself to get back to sleep later. 118&119
3/4*! I feel like this earlier dream was an important reminder (from my subconscious I assume) to let the family of the deceased know that they are still in our thoughts and prayers(done this morning!). The deceased died very unexpectedly and way too young! In it I dreamed of M from A again, along with G who died almost 5 years ago this month (I think he was memorialized in dream the night before (foggy memory night before) that also had M from A for sure and who ties in closely with G). Yesterday it seemed like his name might have memorialized on jerseys which were green and blue. Tonight it was a memorial in a grassy hilly area and M gave me a State tie pin that was supposed to be connected to G. DILD: there is a party with family there and quite a few unknown people, quite crowded in some version of M Blvd but not really, perhaps my childhood home had some elements here as well. Someone says hey that sounds like a baby, do you hear that? I look around and I also then hear the crying and look down over my left shoulder and see very small baby newborn in a carrier on the ground. I go to pick up the baby with a big smile and very happy but then I realize that this baby showed up out of the blue and that I am definitely dreaming. I think of DutchRaptor-style tests of lucidity level and think to myself, since I am dreaming I have no problem dropping this baby back to the ground (from about 2 feet up) and I did so but it felt awkward and wrong before reminding myself...hey it's just a dream, move on. I think of the basic TOTM and I walk over from the living room to the kitchen and ask a female DC what her middle name is, there is a delay and I say nicely, I just need a name, your middle name. She says what sounds like "Frando." Then I am feeling a bit frisky and go around the house looking for an attractive DC passing my brother in law (one who moved about 1 year ago) and mother in law in a family room type area behind the kitchen and to the right of that my son is half awake on a bed in an odd spot in the open asking me what I am doing but I just keep going. I circle back around to the kitchen and two of my son's college age friends are there and I think, why not. I start kissing one after some flirtation and she gets a little too tongue-y for my taste and the other friend joins in kissing me as becomes a little odd (too much tongue) and I fly up and out of the house. Looking at the night sky I think of the Bonus TOTM, alien abduction. I decide I will call out for them to come and get me but my voice doesn't come out right and it is garbled and I think that I was just talking to the DC with the middle name after becoming lucid, perhaps my SC doesn't want me to call out for aliens?? I think what the heck and I try again and I can talk clearly: "Aliens, come and get me" as I am floating maybe 200 feet up. I see a orangish-red circular coloration in the sky with a smaller circle in the middle but definitely not a ship, more like an aurora and nothing is happening so I say it again and then move on. I fly back down over a country-like neighborhood with maybe 4 houses including the one I came out of with the party. There is lots of space and land in-between and green rolling hills lit up in what looks like moon-light though I hadn't seen a moon so far. Out in front of one of the homes up and to the left from my downward view I see a woman in a long flowing gown with a young child just behind her and I swoop down. We talk and there is an obvious connection between us, I tell her that she is very beautiful. She looks a little like Scarlett Johansson (who I have been incubating an image of) but her cheeks are less pronounced and her nose more narrow. She grabs my hand and says, let me show you to your room. I say that I would like to stay with her and she says "but I have the kids (two) to look after" and I say that I can help her look after them but first I lean in for a kiss and we have a passionate kiss and I am so enthralled by the realism. I can hardly believe this is only a dream. She is so beautiful, she is so natural and not the least bit mindless and as we start to get on towards more sexual activity there in the moonlit grass I return to bed and I can tell that I am fully awake and there is no going back in but I am smiling from ear to ear, very enthralled. Perhaps this was my SC giving me a "true love" DC related to last months TOTM. A little different: Awareness work type: retracing my steps (&looking at myself from the outside) Pre bed: quick review of recent dream signs: stars, tram/variation, my fam, ex's wbtb: none planned but trouble sleeping around 6.5 hours(odd cycle, REM rebound?)
2/10/14 Excited and carefree witnessing the end of the world. Exhilirating non-lucid turned lucid (dild)..."overjoyed!!?" is what I wrote in my bedside journal.- It might have been influenced by day residue of seeing a listing for the movie Melancholia in my on screen guide over the weekend and recalling the movie of which I had seen parts of (featuring a glowingly beautiful and bare Kirsten Dunst in one scene). I guess I need to go back and watch the whole movie. Very unusual awakenings tonight either due to an unusual (for me) and more extensive pre-sleep/in bed/closed eye review of recent dream signs, day recall, and some mantras and visualization of diving off a cliff softly onto a beach and floating back up, repeat. Unusual awakening #1 was after only 1 hour of sleep and directly from a non lucid dream. I don't remember waking up that quickly after going to bed anytime at least in the last year. Unusual awakening #2 was 40 minutes later (perhaps end of normal 90 minute cycle with some interruption time in between making it approximately 100 minutes from going to bed.) Earliest possible part of dream was in a version of my office where I always seem to be coming back from training sessions and SC (who I haven't seen in a long time) was in a cubicle nearby and I could hear her leaving me a voicemail (could hear by way of the sound travelling from her mouth a short distance across the room). Possible transition or new dream to a group setting perhaps in a conference room with families present and someone hands me a camera asking me to take pictures of everyone. I see two cute babies across on the far side of the room and zoom in on them and snap a shot but the baby on the left's head disappears. I think "what?" but my mind fills in an explanation "ah, the baby tilted her head behind the other baby's head...there it is now" (or very similar thought). Moments later, while looking at the front of the camera it accidentally takes a picture and I look at the screen and it features a woman in the room looking provocatively towards the camera and her dress is purposely revealing in more ways than one. This scene somehow transitions to a large group walking outside at night time. The provocateur is there with her boyfriend and my wife just in front of me. The provocateur walks close to me and then in front of me as if she wants me to check her out and I grab her from behind in a flirty way but then move to my wife and grab her from behind in a loving way. I can hear someone talking about how some planet (or other celestial object) is crashing into Earth and I am looking into the sky. Everyone starts running but my wife and I seem to have no fear more like a joyful running through this field and there are flashes in the sky, beautiful flashes and I realize that I am definitely dreaming. My wife says something like "lets make love one last time" and we are now running in a different direction from the group deep into the field for privacy I assume. I remember the TOTM (true love) but I think I said it wrong or she heard me wrong and she answered "It is to give others what you can not." I remember thinking that perhaps she meant "give what you think you are not able to give." I woke up shortly after and just had to write it down before trying to re-enter that dream or any dreams. The most memorable part for me was running through that field and looking up at the sky lighting up...breath-taking! Afterwards I managed to get various dreamlets of 2 to 10 seconds in length, some of which I found fascinating at the time but eventually had to get up. 105 Got lucid at the very end of a dream 2/8/14 but decided not to count it. It involved my computer acting strange (dild) but my awareness was low as it had been recently until this morning.
1/11*? + *!!! Wow! Had a great wild. Previously I am fairly sure I wild into a dream of me doing the ssild cycles thinking I'm still awake but not true LD since I didn't realize already asleep but was conscious of my last known condition-attempting a wild in bed...just waiting for a dream to start. I suspect this because of the amount of time that has passed and I get up go to the bathroom and go back to bed. I then think maybe what I experienced right before I woke up was hypnopompic...voices and vibrations. It feels like I may not be too far from REM because it is later in the morning maybe just over 7 hours after first going to bed. Sure enough it doesn't take long to start getting a dreamy feeling and HH audio first I wonder if it is my wife saying something to me or talking in her sleep but then I hear what sounds more like a crowd of people talking. I feel like I'm close and I decide to try to move my dream hands and sure enough I get a glimpse of my dream hands then a good view of them. But it seems like my dream isn't ready like I am in the void. Could this be delta sleep on the way to REM instead? I recall what Sageous said about having a specific scene in mind on wild attempts. My go to scene is a beach. Visualize a beach but it is not anything like what I wanted. I do closed eye teleporting or changing of the beach scene maybe six to seven times. Most of the first scenes were night time and then I got one with a very odd creature in the water and I say no on earth, but had morning light! Close eyes again and say no I want white sand! I get it and sunny! I decide to go in the buff but at first the ladies are in bikinis. There should be nude waitresses...thank you. I pick one out she looks mildly Polynesian perhaps mixed with white. She is beautiful. We get straight down to intercourse. I have a pre-orgasm like feeling and decide I want to spawn the woman I met two nights ago but then I say no let me do the task of the month - I'm already by a body of water. I only think of the water in my immediate view so as to block out the idea that I can't freeze this body of water or that it may be too big or something. Like in my previous attempt I hold out my hands superhero style and freeze the water and I quickly spawn pointed saw again cutting a hole in the ice super fast pushing the ice down and over under the ice sheet and I quickly spawn fishing pole with bait already attached as planned, drop the line in the hole and very quickly start to feel a tug though not really strong. I fished out a purple fish or eel like creature! I was rushing through this process expecting I may not have too much time and this expectation creates a false awakening what at first I thought was my actual awakening. I was lying in bed recalling my wonderful LD for several minutes before waking into another false awakening in church at the funeral we're going to today! Awesome! Previously most significant dream I was extremely angry at a company I am dealing with in real life. I do not remember last time I felt this much anger during a dream. No idea where this emotion came from! Perhaps it was due to an underlying fear that something would go wrong with this business and I got a phone call during the dream and my mind thought one of the possible reasons for me receiving a phone call and created the scenario which then brought up the real anger I would have felt in real life if I got that call! I hope this was not a premonition ! It is probably just due to the fear. 97; 96 was short paper journal
Updated 01-11-2014 at 06:22 PM by 61674 (add color)
1/3 snip...For the second day in a row I get up after maybe 6 hours of sleep, eat some oatmeal, watch a little TV and then go back to bed and for the second day in a row I have a lucid dream. I think both were either due to the nap schedule or my tweak to my self awareness check-ins but I also performed SSILD cycles each time. This felt more like a morning nap than a wake back to bed because I normally don't stay up for a long time for my wake back to beds staying up 1 hour yesterday and about 1.5 hours today (got into a movie). I'm driving down a busy road with three lanes going the same direction as I am. The right lane slows down to almost zero and I get over into one of the faster lanes and I see there's a car that is slowing down just barely going . As I continue along I see more and more cars driving strangely in curve patterns on a straight road some of them also curving into the side of the road and stopping. As I get more and more suspicious the question pops up that must be dreaming. The finger through my palm tries to tell me that I am awake but I just know that I'm dreaming and I told myself if I'm dreaming I can pull back on the steering wheel and the car will start flying like an airplane. I lift off just above the ground at first and wonder if I've actually lifted it off at all and I pull back a little more and sure enough I'm flying up in the air higher and higher flying around a beautiful green hilled landscape in a daylight scene. It is so much fun it reminds me of the dream where I took off from the roller coaster flying over a similar landscape. I am checking out different views and after a while my vision starts to get fuzzy and I felt like I cracked open my eyes in waking life and maybe saw a little light and my room but I later realized that was a false awakening since when I actually woke up my sleep mask was firmly in place and my first do was dark by the sleep mask. At the time I thought I'd barely woke up so I decided to try to go back into the dream but later ended up in another false awakening where my wife was coming back to bed for a little sexy time. I pull up her sweatshirt and she has an undershirt on and by the time my son starts calling out from downstairs (in the dream only because he's not at the house at the moment) we are completely naked and I am worried that he is going to walk up the stairs into our room just like the episode of Modern Family rerun that we watched last night. He is calling her asking her for something and I try to call out to him what is he looking for but he keeps calling to her (I also hear is cousin downstairs) and I tell my wife hey why don't you respond (at least 3 times) before he comes upstairs and I look at her and her eyes are closed and it looks kind of like she's having a light seizure or something with her lips puckered kind of like a fish and I start to get ready to call my son to ask him to call 911 when I realize again I'm dreaming...I must be but there's just enough doubt that I make myself wake up just in case she is having some kind of medical emergency in waking life. Did not count this as a lucid dream...not this false awakening.
I thought I posted this already in my DJ but I don't see it... From Christmas Morning! 12/25/13 quick excerpt: I was driving down the street and I saw my friend M from A outside his garage. I stop to say hi and he is telling me about something he invited me to recently. I look around I notice there are a lot of people there and it is a party. I don't think much of this at first but then I see my aunt L and D and at first I think he must've met them before but wait a minute what are they doing here they are hundreds of miles away I am dreaming! Almost immediately I think of my goal, the next task for the competition, mass telekinesis and I teleport out of there thinking about a cityscape. I am fairly sure I closed my eyes Boss style. Either way I went from a day time scene in a town a good ways away from the city over to a moonlight scene and some version of a city. There were only two large skyscrapers at first and a green patch of grass in between & in front of them. It all seems a little fuzzy or cloudy so I get down on my hands and knees and feel the grass to stabilize it feels so nice and cool that I almost was tempted to lay n roll around in it but no I got back up and proceeded with my task I used to telekinesis to pick up one skyscraper and throw it into the other. Awesome!!! I fly over to another group of buildings and I see quite a few more I threw a couple of them together with telekinesis. I stop and think about my next goal, Scionox would like it and it was starting to work but then I started fading back to bed. Felt I could definitely re-enter a dream but I feel my wife next to me and switch priorities which turned out nice. Also had to get going with Christmas activities.
Updated 12-30-2013 at 05:38 AM by 61674
First Nap WILD occurred on #80, I was beginning to think LDs during naps was not for me! 12/4/13 I lay down about 1 hour & 45 minutes after waking for the day...morning nap. Before laying down I read this one time: Why You Fail at WILDs - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views (I had read it before, keys in article for me: customize WILD attempt to you and FALL ASLEEP). I then read Naiya's sub-post #7 of 8 here: The part that carried into my attempt the most was changing the noises you hear to something you want them to be. For me I was hearing the bed creaking like someone getting into it and I just quickly noted the sound and imagined Girl Friday getting into bed...though I probably carried the visualizations too far which probably kept me too awake longer. The process may have taken an hour as I was holding on to too much consciousness, but I am confident I can fall asleep quicker next time. I also heard city noises (probably actual WL noises) and kept them what they were only changing the scene from which I was hearing them to something other than my bed during a WILD attempt. I probably need to do this quicker and then let go. Earlier as I was getting ready to lay down I repeated a mantra that I recognize the vibrations. I think lately my consciousness was gone by the time they arrived (if they arrived at all). My gut feeling is that they were not showing up as much because I had gotten beyond the novelty of the sensation, but not sure. Either way, they had been a big part in me entering WILDs in the past and I thought a mantra to keep an eye out for them would help and I think the mantra did help. For me once the vibrations start in earnest you are at the door of the dream. By the end of the process it was barely a tiny thread of consciousness still there when I felt the vibrations which ramped up my consciousness, but in a smooth non-jolting way. I nudged the vibrations on and soon felt my dream body but no scene and started paddling forward with both dream arms and in the beginning with each stroke propelling myself forward I was still getting fairly strong vibrations as if I needed to keep paddling forward to keep from returning to my sleeping body and propel myself further into the dream. Eventually the vibrations faded and I could feel myself in the water and kept paddling but felt like I didn't want to just keep doing this so I imagined that I was paddling towards a beach (did this in a previous LD as well). I imagined also that Girl Friday would be on the beach, she was fresh on my mind from the HH bed creaking tweaks I mentioned earlier. I crawl my way onto shore and there she was in a sexy bikini red with white polka dots matching top and bottom. To cement the idea that she was ready for me I said something like I am sorry it took me so long, I know you have been waiting for me in a sexy deep voice. I caress her face and push back her hair and wipe bits of almost glowing sand from her cheeks and we begin to kiss for a while. I then reach back behind her back and untie her bikini top and Spoiler for X-rated: caress and kiss her beautiful breasts slowly. After a while she turns around 69 style and she still has her bikini bottom on. I move the fabric to one side to expose her beautiful "ahem" and begin to perform oral. After a while I notice that she doesn't seem to be doing anything oral to me and I slowly felt myself returning to my bed where I heard a woman with a frantic, unintelligible cry that morphed into the dog I could hear barking in waking life! Very interesting. I made a quick DEILD attempt and did 2 motionless RCs even though I was sure I was awake and then a few physical RCs to keep true to my new goal to catch as many FAs as possible. I failed to do that when I got up for the day earlier before this sure that I was awake, but I got to get better at RCing every single time. Other recent LDs not journaled on DV were all DILDs. Quick recap of DILD realization moments: FA and saw hands and arms raised up behind a tv and realized I am dreaming; talking to my brother and his old roommate I notice that the roommate has these weird marking on his face that look drawn on and realize I am dreaming; paying for items at convenience store and I notice all of my coins are very old from the 1700's and I realize I am dreaming - one odd coin might not have done it; can't reach the brake pedal in my big old Impala like car (never owned one but saw some nice ones at a car show within the last few months) and realized I am dreaming; sitting talking with my son and his cousins I think to bring up lucid dreaming and realize I am dreaming.
11/24/13 * ~1145 ~340 wbtb mild+ssild (not meant to be done in the same wbtb at least when learning ssild) sexy strip game turns into incredibly sensual and realistic feeling at times threesome with wife and a very supple skinned blonde woman// I am in a good sized rectangular shaped room with about a dozen or so people and there is some sexy strip game that I either don't know the rules to or have forgotten them since waking and there is one very beautiful but very very game "monkey in the middle" a beautiful blonde woman with delicate features, smallish but beautifully formed breasts who has slowly been losing one item of clothing after another. She has a small wrap around her waste covering the last little bit. Something happens and she loses that last piece covering her and she seems to be loving it. Someone informs me that I am next. I already have my shirt off and I look over to my wife and ask something like "what am I allowed to do with her?" she looks like she is not sure what to say. I tell my wife "all I want to do is feel my skin up against hers" and I go for it. I lay down with her and her skin is so incredibly soft. My wife says "let me get on top" and we somehow partly meld together and I realize I am dreaming (took this long??) and I am already completely naked and I begin to (I will put the rest in a spoiler as it could read X-rated with a little imagination of the specific details that I left out) Spoiler for sexual content: have intercourse with the blonde while I - lets just say perform oral - on my wife's p...primary sexual region. After a while I pull back and offer up my now re-exposed member and they both begin to perform oral on me and it feels incredibly realistic, I can't get over how incredible it feels despite being "just a dream!" and I slowly feel my awareness returning to my sleeping body and attempt to re-enter that dream and at some point I somehow re-emerge in a dark parking lot surrounded by a chain-link fence and apparently not lucid and don't seem to have any memory of the lucid previously as I am naked and I am concerned with pulling my pants on but they are incredibly tight. I am guessing this started as a false awakening. I barely get my pants on before a couple of kids pass by but they are lost in their own conversation thankfully. Slowly people of all ages start flowing into the parking lot and I get the feeling that it is a church parking lot and the sun is getting ready to come up and these people are on the way to church (a little dose of shame on me perhaps). One man is saying to I assume the wife that I think that is the same guy except he was wearing brown or green or something. I wake up and I quickly go back to the previous dream and I am just so exhilarated and the pep in my step is still going as I finally post this. I had another interesting dream before this, but probably only interesting to me. Up maybe an hour after not getting back to sleep after writing down the above in my paper journal and had a snack. I also briefly got lucid in a late morning nap but I don't think it deserves counting and was low awareness. It felt more like a late and 2nd wbtb than a nap so I don't even want to call it a lucid nap. I remembered some more dreams after this but this whole night solidified the idea that although my lucidity increases late in the morning if I start going too much beyond 8 hours my lucidity starts waning again.
11/18/13 LD #72 Late morning quick wbtb led to an awareness dild where I floated around the room and structure(drew it un-artistically), found Girl Friday and had a great time between the sheets. Dream sign mantra seems to be yielding some results but this one had more to do with awareness that the location was not in the same condition as it is in waking life...basically it was in the middle of remodeling. 11/19/13 What is really strange is that one of my dream signs that only comes around maybe once a month but is usually a lucidity inducer (my deceased father in law) has shown up the last 2 nights and went right over my head (I assume my mantra incubated him into my dreams)...yet last night it may have kept me going in a more meaningful dream that was really quite special to me was my wife as a 2 year old coming up to me and she was just so darn cute...I didn't know her that young but I assume the DC was created from pictures I have seen of her around that age...(I am not posting my other dreams, getting lazy to and besides I have them in my personal journal) The dream: Special one, false awakening into a fluffy bed with lots of comforters I can hear the train outside and I think that is strange this is not a place where I normally hear a train, it feels like its a house near (next town south) but perhaps it is the house on M. I get up and go to the living room and sit on the couch...later father-in-law gets up from bed I assume and comes and sits next to me as well as someone else gets up at the same time (feels like it is the strange version of my mother in law from the previous night's dream). He's telling me that he was seeing (this mother-in-law DC) or whoever doing something like a yoga pose where she's starts off on her back and legs up in the air and he's kind of wondering why does she do that, it seems like it has something to do with being able to lucid dream. A little kid walks by in the hall on the far side of the room, maybe about 2 years old and I hold my hands out and say come here about 3 times quickly and the kid comes towards me and surprisingly it looks like a young little (my wife's name)!! She is just so adorable. She has short hair and it just looks like her, like her pictures or like a really good representation of what my mind would think she would look when she was that age. She comes towards me but my father-in-law(her father) picks her up and it looks like she's fussing a little bit like she wants to come over to me and I say no its okay stay with (father-in-law) about 3 times as I rub her shoulder and arm in assurance. It feels like this was about to make me lucid as I woke up. As I'm laying in bed awake I think about how neat it is almost like traveling back in time to see her when she was young when she looked so darling. I also wondered if perhaps it was supposed to be our baby since I've been dreaming a lot about babies lately (no baby expected that I know of!).
110313*+ 11 ~4? time chg SSILD WILD patience. "The next time I see , I am dreaming!" (and I mean really see not just images flashing by). Fragment remembered when getting up to go to the bathroom involved a group and making sure that everyone is showing that they are thankful. I walk around a little bit go back to bed and think about new goals since I hit one of my biggest short term ones but I didn't make any of the goals real concrete so need to work on that. Anyway I was patiently laying in bed not the least bit worried getting to sleep- maybe a few times and put it out of my head. After a while I feel like I am about to enter the dream state and I get what I assume now were just convincing HH's of my wife getting out of bed probably to go to the bathroom I assume. Since I feel like I'm almost there I try to will myself out of bed and it seems like I can't move out I do get the sense that can rotate parallel to the bed in my sideways position laying on my side and I began to rotate and it feels like fun and then I think this feels like a rollercoaster and I imagined I really long dive on a coaster and before I knew it I am flying along holding on to the rails of a rollercoaster kind of like my hands became rollers on the track I am enjoying going up and down the roller coaster. Is one of those coasters where you're hanging below the track. Is daytime and it is just incredible when I reach the bottom and the track is getting ready to go back up I release and start flying over a beautiful cream landscape feels like suburban area there's a lot of green rolling hills but there is also plenty of activities cars driving on their way to wherever. This was one of my new goals I thought about when I'm back to bed I wanted to see crowds of DCs is it seems like they're usually just small groups of people in my lucid dreams. I'm focusing on one particular truck like a big cargo truck just too see what the DC is doing and the truck has an accident and flips over upside down and I think no not interested in seeing what an accident victim looks like in a dream and I continue flying.But then I hear sound from my bathroom that I thought was waking life...I feel some vibrations...and I even thought I sensed the light was on in the bathroom but it seems like so long ago that my wife seemingly got up but it was just a false awakening. FA continued: When she came back towards the bed I asked her where she was for so long and she said that she had to go to the store to buy some medicine and I looked at the clock and it was something like 130 in the morning (in the dream, it was really much closer to 530 or 630 IWL according to the time I actually woke up later). I ask why would you go at this time of the night? And then I started looking for my dream journal to record the incredible lucid experience I just had and it was missing. Ask my wife did you do something with my papers over there. Where is it? My wife threw it away. Where is it actually gone? And I start imagining all of the journal entries that may be forever lost. I feel heartbroken. She asked me does it give you release before your games? I said yes okay so do you still have it? Then Girl Friday appears to my right completely naked mostly with her back to me (I included her in my new goals also) . Her body looks so beautiful. I realize it's a dream! I start to hold her and we both move towards the bed but now the room seems different . We're kissing and touching each other enjoying each others naked skin and at some point I'm looking at her face and I realize how incredibly vivid and beautiful her face is and then she starts acting strange as if she doesn't know what is happening. We have our tongues in each others mouths and she pushes mine back out with her tongue and I think that is strange, look on her face is strange and I wake up. When thinking about what just happened I was obviously exhilarated I also wonder what happened at the end there and with my mind running wild it made me question if only for half a second whether or not we were both and some shared dream experience and she realized hell real or weird it was and have that reaction. One of the other goals is to continue the second part of traveling above the earth and continue on to the moon for some fun. I also thought it would be cool to fly around over to Paris or some other places around the world. I also remembered what I wanted to be able to freeze group of DC's in time while I continue to be able to walk around like in the old Twilight Zone episode.
110213**+ 1030 ~3 mini-wbtb ~5 wbtb SSILD WILD. On my first noticed awakening I only remember a fragment of a dream where I was wondering why would the church be teaching this(what?, I wonder if it was LD related as it feels like I forgot something important). I remember a title or something: "Witchcraft in the Church." I get up go to the bathroom remind myself the date and quick review of goals and go back to bed and do my variation of SSILD cycles...shorter version. I get the HH visuals fairly quickly and am mostly letting them float by but attempt to engage a few of them later on. Eventually I get one with N's friend M in it...usually they don't make any sense or are not recognizable so I engage this one but was probably already dreaming whether I engaged it or not. M is sitting on the ground in a flirty pose in a dress with her left knee up and the other laying mostly flat exposing her underwear. Another woman thinking it is unintentional tries to push her dress down with her foot but M lifts up her knee again and this time I can see even more clearly...white lacey underwear. Knowing this is a dream I tell her to remove them with my thoughts. Next thing I know we are both completely naked and sitting on a seat or could it have been a toilet (weird) but we were rubbing out bodies together enjoying each others naked skin on skin when I woke up. I turn over and write down my lucid and I get up go to the bathroom, go to my home office where I thought about reading a few pages from "Are You Dreaming" but realize the light will be too bright and is shining across the hall and might wake my wife. I walk around a little then lay down and think about my goals and focus on the back of my eyes thinking the next time I see I am dreaming over and over maybe 15 times. Do my SSILD, longer version and decide to enjoy the quiet time and patiently wait like Sageous talked about. Again I start getting the HH visuals and some audio fairly quickly but they don't seem to be going anywhere so I decide to roll over and hope for a DILD but then it happens I half suspect I am dreaming but worried I might still be awake but decide to will myself out of bed and I roll out of bed without actually engaging any muscles lest I wake myself. Sure enough I am light as a feather where as I normally feel very heavy when getting up and know I am dreaming but my vision is very foggy so I pause and decide to do one of the TOTM I just read about last night. I recited the months from November backwards starting slowly got a few of them more quickly and going faster almost tripped me up at April to March as I thought what comes before April but slowed down and finished. I continue out of my room slowly float walking and I see the railing from the overlook and everything is very clear now. I fly down over the railing down to the first floor. As I open the front door I think for a moment if my wife might hear the door opening and should I lock the door and I remind myself no worries, no need to even lock it my dream for any reason I can think of...keep going! I fly/float down my street kind of sluggishly and think that I must have read too much about how some people have various trouble with flying and realize I have flown well for as long as I can remember and I zoom off quickly to Girl Friday's. I think for a moment if I should go direct to my goal of flying out into space to look back at the earth but the temptation is too great. I arrive at Girl Friday's and I see a few other people outside that are often around her and might look sideways at the married man coming here at night but remind myself it is a dream - no worries (something I have been working on - reminding myself it is a dream - in conjunction with my daytime awareness check-ins and RCs). I float around back up to the back room and imagine that she will be there getting undressed. Sure enough when I look in the window she is unbuttoning her blouse. I knock on the window and give her the big eyes look and she is into it. I continue to float out side and she continues to undress one item at a time. I feel myself getting excited and I ask: you want to see this don't you. And as I start to pull it out I imagine it will be abnormally large and it is! And then I noticed that kind of hurts as if has expanded too much. I say you want this but I decide it is time to move on and I fly up into the atmosphere at super speed probably for 10 or 15 seconds towards my goal. As planned I look back down towards Earth but I must have flown too far earth is tiny and not the site I imagined so I flew back down towards Earth and stopped when it was in nice view. I could not make out the continents, the atmosphere was cloudy just blue ocean and clouds it seems, but so beautiful. The planet was glowing...I just sat there completely in awe and actually started to cry overwhelmed with emotion and I woke up. I get teary eyes just recalling it. I had planned to also fly to the moon and do a little bounding around on the moon and surgery with a piece of moon rock...but maybe another time. A little later on after laying in bed while recalling what a wonderful lucid dream I just had on top of a good one earlier in the evening I have a dream where I'm laying down on the floor on my side and I am apparently at work as I hear several of my coworkers talking and going by and R greets me in his normal up-beat way and I realize its Saturday there's no way I'm at work I'm dreaming again I tell him I'm sleeping and I notice how cool is this but then I focus on drool that seems to be coming out of the corner of my mouth and I wake up. I must have dozed off because I did not enter the dream consciously as I normally do with a DEILD, so I am thinking it is a DILD and possibly an FA caught(since I was in the sleeping position in the dream). I decided that's probably it for the night and decide to get up. Sweeeeet!!!!
10/23* indoor sports again. This time indoor soccer I scored a goal vs 2 other players but they said no it didn't go in I say but wait the ball won't even fit all the way inside the small goal and I demonstrated that it went in through the front of the goal just couldn't go all the way in because the goal was too small. Now if it came from the side hit the post or side netting then I would not have counted it. Huge game bureau or cabinet I remember there was a ping pong drawer which probably has ping pong balls in it and to the right of that was a drawer with a change machine, a way to get change I assume for any games that require coin operation there were other drawers labeled as well. This bureau became my wife's grandmother's bureau of stuff. She's close to passing away in waking life. Inside there are stacks of 1 yen bills on one of the shelves and my wife says yes there's like ten thousand yen in there. The stacks look uncirculated and perhaps in sequential order . Supposedly they're from the 70's. I tell my wife that they're worth more than that probably. My wife tells her mother and my son who is sitting on a couch facing away from the Bureau says shhh, she will spend it all. I think hmm is my son worried about inheritance? My wife tells her mother and her mother points to a zip lock bag full of a couple of wads of euros. My wife says no the yen's. I wake up. Fragment: perhaps a false memory of a break in to the back area of a garage. The house is different, a ranch style home but the garage is on the left like IWL. I wake up lying in bed thinking about why some short term memories come through to our dreams? And how some dreams are influenced by that very day's events. I wonder if it could be like one theory holds that dreams are part of the filing away of memories process. Perhaps during the filing away of the memory it gets included in our dream. That day I was watching a news story about a neighborhood that was having a lot of burglaries but the culprits were caught on surveillance camera. I guess this would be a fragment because I do not remember how the dream started but I have a sneaking suspicion that I was lucid or semi-lucid before becoming lucid at the end. A guy and myself are escaping from group of pursuers and he is leading the way we come into some kind of warehouse and he walks up to a wall and it becomes a device that looks kind of like an elevator he pushes a buttonthe door opens I look inside and there are golden grid lines in an otherwise black void I follow him inside the door closes behind us and I wonder if anyone else got through that was chasing us. I realize I am dreaming as I seem to be zooming through space or perhaps a wormhole at very high speed and then all the sudden I'm shaken and I am just sitting there in a void of black, the shake and perhaps also the starkness of the surrounding is probably what woke me up and I'm back in bed.
Updated 10-23-2013 at 05:45 PM by 61674
**My first DJ entry with tags & categories** 10/16* My family, at least my wife &I in the beginning, are spending time with my mother in law and my now deceased father in law. It felt like we were spending most of the day with them but I don't recall any specifics so perhaps my mind filling in that part or that thought like a false memory. Anyway we are in the kitchen area mostly is like the house on M. My father in law is sitting in a recliner and I stop and think wait a minute why are you here you passed on at least in my head I said this not sure if I did out loud. I do my float reality check (semi-lucid>>and I don't seem to float (much like when I do the reality check in waking life of course.) I then tried the finger through the palm and it does not pass through the palm. This weakens my lucidity but I move forward in a way that still recognizes that he is passed on because I ask him if I can give him a hug he gets up and I give him a hug and he hugs me back warmly. I then tell my wife to give him a hug too and she doesn't seem to understand why but she goes along with it and I say or think something like this is something you will or would have wanted to do. I decide to reality check once more the nose plug. I can breathe!!! I do it two more times each time making sure I'm really pinching my nose and each time I can breathe! My father in law is so realistic, in the warm embrace, warm to the touch also, and in the way that he looks. This time he looks much closer to the way he looked before he passed on. The only difference is tlhe looked a little bit healthier and not sluggish. Although the experience before confirming for sure that I was dreaming was very touching and emotional as soon as I realized I was definitely dreaming I got overly excited as usual I still need to work on that. I told my son look I can fly and flew up out of the house and back down as if the roof was in there or wasn't a hindrance more like it wasn't there as I did not have to phase through the roof or anything remember looking up at the open sky . At first I had tried to float like I do in my float RC but it did not work at first so I went for the full fly and that worked. I get a phone call and it is an automated message something about by now you've received your new phone some users have reported trouble with voice quality and a number of OBEs!! Odd!! Forgetting some details here and I think that this LD is going longer than the recent ones. I see a woman in the kitchen that I did not see before dark hair 30's wearing a button up blouse that was somewhat silky feeling. She's attractive so I go up to her and start to caress her and she shakes a little bit side to side like she's not sure she wants to be held but then I say you like this in kind of a Jedi mind trick way and then she is totally into it. I start to unbutton her blouse and then I tell her to unbutton it the rest of the way and she continues unbuttoning her blouse as I reach for her pants unbutton and unzip them and slide them down. At this point she has her blouse off and is removing her bra as I put her up on the island in the kitchen . We begin to have intercourse and the dream starts to fade. I attempt to go back into the dream imagining the motion of the intercourse we were just having but I realize I'm too awake and exhilarated by the emotional dream with my father in law and the lucid dream! Also IWL my wife is touching me down there. It makes me wonder if that was what triggered the sexual part of the dream. So many interesting thoughts and theories about this dream turned LD that happened on a night when I only planned to get a good night's sleep after going to bed too late around midnight, later than usual lately. I may post the theories in the comments or on a separate thread.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 04:28 AM by 61674 (add color coding)