Memorable Dreams
Wed, 25 Mar 2015: 1am(late game) 545 (4h45) skip apple juice not expecting much opportunity after tiring game. My #brother, #mom and #dad all #exchanging #gifts. Some gift that has been great for something since some past time period. Spending $90 for a gift seems like an odd amount and if it came up more than once. Ex KM's family, her mom was taking a rest after hosting me and now I am talking to P, ex's brother. It is great to see them. Occasion? Recalling if a trip dream sign involved: feels right. * this feels too real! But we're totally awake! These were the feelings when I started to question the dream when I start to question if I was dreaming! I'm with my wife and she is driving into like a grocery store parking lot and she tries to pull into one space but I say that that car is just pulled in really far and there's a car in front of him so there's already 2 cars head to head and you can't park there. another car is moving a little bit so we think he's about to pull through but no he's just adjusting his space and I also interact with one of the drivers who seems to be apologizing and I say no worries . We eventually go around and park down one of the aisles a bit further away from the store but as we walk back we see there are now three spaces close and for some reason we decide to move the car. It seems like we're in then the truck today. As we walk back to the car/truck I tell my wife I don't think it was this far down but she says yes we parked all the way over by such and such. but now we're walking out of the parking lot and down the strip of stores on the main street and she says "through here" and it's an old decrepit fabric store, looks like it's been shut down but maybe you can go through back into the parking lot from here. I'm looking at it and my wife is so willingly going in through this way that I start to doubt that maybe this is a dream. She is so clean-conscious and this place looks dirty that she would be worried about cleanliness plus it doesn't look very safe. but this feels so real this can't be a dream. I looked down at my hands to RC and I have trouble seeing my hand clearly but I keep looking and eventually I can see six fingers and I realize I'm dreaming! I start rubbing my hands together to get the visuals going stronger and the friction between my hands feels so real! That feels too real but yes I am dreaming! now I'm by myself in what looks more like the layout of a house and there are 4 bedroom doors or what I assume are bedroom doors and I go to them one by one opening them seeing what's inside by the time I get to the second one I'm already thinking about Girl Friday but nothing in the second or third room. so outside the fourth room I say Girl Friday will definitely be in there and I open it up and it looks like just an empty bed with a lot of big blankets on top and I tell myself oh yes she is definitely under those blankets and as I go to the bed and start to pull back the blankets the visuals start fading but I stay confident and calm and reach under the sheets expecting to feel her warm body and sure enough I feel her warmth and then her body and the visual start coming back. I tell her how she's been expecting me, and we are so happy to see each other and I start kissing her. we kiss for quite a while and I feel something a little bit strange with one of her teeth and I pull back to take a look and it is a small chip out of one of her front teeth it looks like she's a bit self conscious about it and to keep this realistic and like a real experience I tell her it's fine it looks very cute and that I actually have a small chip in one of my teeth as well. Spoiler for sexual content: I pull up her shirt and look at her beautiful breasts after having only reached under there caressing them previously while kissing. I then start to get up to take off my clothes and I think about the conversation on DV in the Lucid sex thread and I try to rip off my clothes in one swoop of my hand but I have to actually pull them off this time! I also told girl Friday to remove her shorts and her top completely while I'm undressing and she looks so gorgeous laying there!! She is lying on her back Spoiler for sexual content: with her breasts compressed back little bit due to the "gravity" but they are so nicely shaped and perfect and her ahem looks so inviting with just the right amount of hair! as I crawl into position to make love to her I do Spoiler for possible schema poison side notes but with explanation to shoot down such schema: start to wake up and I can feel myself actually back in bed but I try to deild. But I'm too awake now too late in the morning and I know that like so many times before I can definitely have sex and stay in the dream! This one was just the end of REM and we interacted for quite a while! No.297 No apple juice, continuation of the "switch" in my mind allowing me lucid dreams and that they don't have to preclude taking care of my business, better day practices, late night after my game, but the key may have been being able to sleep in this morning that's when the lucid dream happened before waking about 9:20 a.m. Late to bed and late to rise does also seem to help in the past. Possibly just changing sleeping schedule what helps possibly? *Also, this dream reminded me that any moment could be a dream and made my RC's have more impact the day I woke up from this LD.
2/23/15 Cool amusement park attraction where everyone is standing in the room and the room starts falling apart and there's a big elephant like creature that comes crashing down from the ceiling. I'm not afraid but it seems to be more because I feel I'm in an amusement park attraction although I do remember thinking in a dream like way that it would be cool to explore this place. As we exit there's confusing directions about which way to go and we almost get back into the same line but then get the corrected directions exiting properly and we end up at a school where a bunch of kids are getting ready to leave loading into school buses, like elementary age 2nd or 3rd grade probably and almost all of them are wearing white sheet ghost costumes old-fashioned pretty cool but didn't seem to wake me up within the dream. * after wake back to bed and drifting off, at some point I notice vibrations and I notice they are fairly strong and I'm confident about heading straight into a dream. They fade but I stay calm and patient and find myself sitting up on a big square bed and my son in a younger version just sitting on the bed also but I have no confusion over whether or not this is dream. I jump out of bed and start looking for Girl Friday. During wake back to bed I was thinking about her and how I last saw her provocatively giving a clear view up her skirt. I go around the corner expecting her to be there but nothing. I'm now all alone. I keep saying: well she will be around the next corner or the next corner. It is not working so I decided to just explore. I find this huge set of figurines - small, smaller than Star Wars figures for example and they're all plastic not unlike little green non-articulating army men but each one colored differently with different colored clothes etc and I picked the one that would look most like Girl Friday and try to convert it into her. I think about CanisLucidus or was it NyxCC's focus of keeping the eyes moving and not fixed and I intentionally move them around while I observe the figurines. Perhaps just thinking of a stabilization technique may have done me in or I may have been at the end of an REM cycle. I woke up maybe around 4-something?. #284 * after my wife left I'm tossing and turning a little bit in bed trying to get comfortable and I decide to try the reverse eye blink that someone mentioned using successfully. Basically just opening your eyes for an instant and closing them super quick. It may have helped here, I'm not sure. The thought is that it could work to help to go back in to sleep more quickly with awareness somewhat intact and get back to dreaming more quickly as well. The next thing I remember I am in a non lucid dream and this guy is sitting across from me in a classroom and he says the word "lucid." At first my excitement is just in the idea that maybe I found someone to talk about lucid dreams with. I asked him if he has "heard of lucid dreams? You can do An-y-thing you want!" He starts to look at me like a lot of people do when you talk about dreams but my awareness is rising and I start to notice the fluid nature of the visuals at first saying to myself this could be a dream...but quickly realizing this is a dream! I decide to explore outside of the room into the hall. I seem to be in a school with 20-something year old DC's , it is a college. There are so many DC's and I am passing so many beautiful women! There are redheads, blondes and brunettes. As they pass I notice the wispy nature of the visuals like a stream of colors behind the ones I focus on at least. I see a beautiful brunette that looks quite a bit like this: with less makeup but similar complexion. I reach out to embrace her and at first she looks at me like "do I know you?" I look at her passionately and she starts to look back in kind! We start kissing there in the busy hallway up against the wall with DC's passing left and right. Like my last sexual exploration I decide to take it slow and enjoy every moment. She is wearing a creamy pink long sleeve cardigan which I slowly unbutton, one button at a time. I slowly sweep my hands over her shoulders and down her arms removing the cardigan and caressing her back and her beautiful soft skin. I unclasp her bra which has the clasp in the front and sweep it back over her shoulders and down her arms caressing her skin on the way down. This is so incredibly sensual. I softly Spoiler for sexual content: kiss her breasts which are perfectly shaped and perky and they feel so wonderful in my hands and on my lips and tongue. The visuals fade a little in and out at this point but I can still feel the experience especially and I reach down into her pants and I feel her underwear which is silky. It reminds me of my wife's underwear she's wearing this very night and I look up for some visuals of the face and now she looks a little more like my wife. I reach around the front of the underwear to inspect them further and I find that instead of the embroidery on the front it is silky smooth front and back , so it is definitely different and I'm not somehow interacting with my wife in bed right now. The visuals are now fully back but somehow we have ended up outside the school in the parking lot going at it against one of the parked cars. I unbutton her pants and Spoiler for sexual content: slide my hands down over her buttocks slipping her pants and underwear down to about her knees a little more quickly now. We are now getting the attention of two security guards or police officers. I don't want them to mess up this steamy moment and I think perhaps they'll just walk on past but I keep my eyes on them just in case I need to keep them from interfering. I think that I can use my time stopwatch that will be in my hand when needed, to freeze them if I need to. They both lock eyes on me and are heading towards me and getting closer. I try my time freezing stopwatch twice in quick sucession (freeze then unfreeze perhaps?) but it does not stop them and I instead shoot them both with my finger guns and they both collapse to the ground. I turn my attention back towards the beauty and we are Spoiler for sexual content: both naked and having intercourse up against the car on a beautiful day...the visuals are holding up. Suddenly the larger stocky officer, the black officer, pushes himself up on one knee and calls for help and I look over towards the school and there are a line of officers walking towards the front door of the school, probably about 6 or 8 of them. When he calls out to them I decide it's time to take my damsel and fly up into the sky away from all this potential interference. I hold her in my left arm extend my right arm Superman style and float up about 20 yards into the air looking back down towards the officers and taking a few shots for fun since this is all a dream anyway. It doesn't seem like I hit any of them and we swoop past a few trees and higher up into the air and the visuals start fading again. Not long after, I feel myself back in bed exhilarated to have the experience I just had and I start going over the details from beginning to end in my mind while thinking about whether or not I should try to go back in and I decide I'm probably too much awake to go back in quickly at this point and I want to remember as many details as possible. After laying still recalling for a little while, I get up a little earlier than normal for the day just about 15 minutes...but I went to bed early and I feel very rested and smiling broadly at the experience I just had and I decide to start recording my dreams from the latter half of the night. #285 Yesterday I had a stronger than normal sense of "Dang was I asleep just then! (IWL)..and now I am really awake (aware)!" at a random moment when I was just sitting on the couch. Between that and the reverse eye blink and the apple juice, they may have assisted with two lucids tonight including that second wonderful one! 2/21/15 awesome trip to Sweden and returned two more times intentionally in the next two dreams. Non lucid I'd say...but awesome! 2/19/15 No.283 Mustard or intention for vividness!? Image+rc many times at wbtb. 1015? 340(~5hrs25) wbtb then toss and turn. Wake from LD ~605. Awesome escape from lab dream before wbtb. *2 women escort me to 12th floor. Why? Even when i worked here i didn't know anyone on 12th. Where are my department remnants now? 1st floor! Pass locked fridge wondering if free sodas there and then come to an open cool box shaped like a square freezer box but no lid and full of bottled drinks but large like wine and champagne. Definitely dreaming! I float a little and think about phasing through the big window out to the beautiful city night scene but the scene fades and I instead shortly after find myself standing in a classroom full of college aged people looking like they're all getting up to leave the classroom or just got there standing not sitting. I am near a cute one and I turn her around to face me still fully aware I'm dreaming and I start to kiss her. She looks vaguely a thin sexy version of D from my favorite job so far. She seems reluctant at first but I convince her this is what she wants and she is now going along with it. I physically pull off her clothes one item at a time, no need to rush. Spoiler for sexual content: I first take off her top and then her bra and then her pants. I take off my clothes all in one quick dream swoop. As I am caressing her body I remember one of my priority goals to ask a specific question of my subconscious and I asked the question just using my mind and then think about saying it out loud but while I'm paused doing this and focusing on this I seem to cause the dream to end or possibly I was just at the end of my REM cycle. Wake from ~605 #283
Updated 02-26-2015 at 12:26 AM by 61674
2/13/15 325am wake from fantastic flying lucid dream. Starts with wife and I getting separated on these outdoor terraces and stairs in a nice setting somewhere overseas it seems like. I retrace my steps and try going where I think she ended up by going a new way and eventually find her with our fashion friend G who is having a show. The models are coming. We are inside this huge and busy fancy conference center wide hallway area and wife and G jump up on side wall to space for me so I stand. At some point I something catches my eye maybe this train carrying stuff for a traveling pro soccer team. We may be in England. I get on the train unknowingly and a guy comes delivering a slice of pizza like at a sporting event and I say not my order. Guy to my left claims it and I switch to a train going back the other direction so I can rejoin wife. I start swinging out from the train involuntarily at first but as it gets more and more fantastic flying and hanging on, I realize I'm dreaming and let go and fly. No longer concerned where my wife is I explore this huge conference center by air. It has different sections with different themes. Huge atrium. Huge auditorium. Big outdoor "Polish training" area on the rocky underside exterior (left side of complex). On same side is a parking garage and this is where I start to get the attention of security and start having flying issues where I decide I have a jet pack to assist and reach around my right back side to push the ignition button. That helps for a little while but I am now flying in a limited height area in the parking garage and security is trying to grab me. I throw a few bursts of energy from my hand but I feel a little tired of all of this chasing and let them pull me down and I wake up smiling. I am leaving a good deal of detail out (lazy, sorry) but the lucid section went on a good 10 minutes or more. Wow! Apple juice I think played a part in the vividness and wealth of visuals and scenes built after an early 3 hour WBTB. 353 *Jacuzzi threesome!! Walking past freshmen but big sports recruited freshmen and I convince a few of my group to call out "we smell (freshmen)!" (nothing like me to do this back in high school, much less now.) One guy with us says those guys will kick your ass. I think maybe they are recruited out of the ghetto and he probably has a point. Enough of that and we walk on. Memory gap and myself, wife and a sexy woman go into a separate hotel room from the rest of the group - this must be a dream! I head towards the big jacuzzi in our room get undressed and ask if anyone wants to join me. My wife climbs in and my hand motions to the sexy woman with us to climb in also. Their clothes disappeared in an instant when I looked back to invite them in. My wife didn't object and I held them each - wife on left and other woman on right and gently nudged them towards each other for a kiss. So hot!!! I think this went into an FA because I don't remember anything more after this. I had one other sexual dream of a woman stripping bare in front of me but the memory is hazy I think I tried to go back in too many times and it was also a late late dream where I sometimes (but no more if I can help it) get a reduction of vividness and clarity. Not clear enough to mark as a 3rd LD, so I won't. 2/12/15 9am S has a little sister? No that's S (herself), her hair is just cut shorter. So cute in her bobbed haircut. Others here sitting in family room. Someone is performing or drawing attention and #deceasedFatherInLaw comes in standing tall and so much like I remember him. I almost say this is a dream out loud but I decide no need to. I am firmly lucid. I mess with a few DC's in the room and head towards the front of the house but that section is dark and the whole dream goes black. I stay calm and can feel I am still in the dream realm and decide to start to imagine my favorite water "rebirth." At first I get a slightly musty smell. Interesting. I start to feel the slight sensation of being in water and I wanted it to be significant waves but near shore and I started feeling it more and more but when I expected to see the shore I instead found myself indoors standing between a kitchen and family room. I see a door and am intrigued as to what might be on the other side. I open the door and it is dark and I don't want to lose visuals again so I keep one foot in the door and peek left and right. Visuals form down to the right but no DC's. It is 3 cubicle looking sections each with an old fashioned school desk facing a teachers desk in a very classic stereotypical scene. I look back inside the door where I came from and see a few DC's now including an attractive woman. I start to make out with her and lift up her top and while I am caressing her breasts her head becomes a boiling cooking pot full of some delicious looking beef stew. Weird! I then remember that I had some goals I wanted to do and I think about my memory pegs. I skip past peg 1 and 2 for some reason, perhaps because peg 3 was an older important goal I had forgotten about and hadn't re-prioritized until a day or two ago. The goal is to heal my back with a ball of white light. I decide two is better than one so I hold out both hands and just know and feel the white light in each hand and reach around to my back and place the white light on each side of my lower spine. It feels like it did something and I decide to reinforce the idea by bounding around the room pain free. (It seemed as if I hardly noticed the pain the next day, though I was sure the damage was still there based on less direct signs). After relishing my pain free back I pause to think about the next peg I wanted to do and seem to have trouble in the few seconds before fading all the way back to bed. 1045?Amazing dreamlets I continued with amazingly vivid clarity and very imaginative. Deep kitchen sink and swimming in clean water as a miniature. Me tiny at my water fountain. Me as a human looking at a tiny me to that me and then again down to an ant wondering into the nest through the tunnels and down to the queen ant. Me in my bathroom downstairs. Enter toilet, nah. Sink drain, nah. Fresh water plumbing yes! House pipes to big main to treatment plant to aqueducts to reservoir to waterfall and river feeding reservoir to swimming with the salmon upstream!!! 1104 wake. (Not as good as an LD but amazing vividness for daydreaming). 2/11/15 sharing a bed with several people perhaps a hotel on a trip and I suggest laying sideways for more room for all. I end up next to #wifeSister #sisterInLaw and she doesn't mind that I see her in bra - I am dreaming - and we both get frisky. I touch her breasts and think about going downtown but not appealing to me. But! I stick my ahem in her mouth and she starts slow as if falling asleep then starts doing it how my very nicely like she is getting rather excited. Nice! Others on bed start moving around including wife. I don't seem worried. #GirlFriday is here also! She sits up on her knees on the bed and starts unbuttoning her red short shorts! She gets up and goes to corner just behind the door and finishes removing her shorts but just out of view. So hot! I think about shining my phone light over at her but have some doubt now. Trippy elevator ride! Going up at angle again. Warpy feeling. We want to stop at 164th floor and we seem excited? Goes one past. stops several other floors before 165(?) picking up passengers. Side notes: Got a very bright white light at awakening in right corner of my right eye both 2/11 and 2/13 long before sunrise - completely dark!. Weird! Very strong hypnopompic hallucination. On 2/11 I noted: Bright light! I thought moon was shining through window into my eye but no! Even considered if a flashlight could have been weilded by someone. On 2/13 it was still fascinating but I had a better idea of what was happening. My use of SSILD seems to have become too rote and I have switched over to dream control and dream sign based visualization as I fall to sleep especially at WBTB but it has also worked (resulted in an LD) after a seemingly too early WBTB after only 3 hours of sleep. Visualizations seem to be instrumental in creating DILD triggers. Some quick dream sign mantras the night of my most reliable dream sign (deceased father in law) may have played a part that night. I pretty much dependent on some form or length of WBTB to become lucid reliably. Changing up RC triggers.
Going for a DEILD and an image forms and it becomes apparent that it is more than HI and lasts several minutes. A series of notes are brought to me related to dreams. The components are in an unusually wide pyramid shaped "monument". The notes are read to me in a weird written/spoken hybrid one by one but the info seems to be slipping away from me. The crowning note is projecting out from the competition semi-glowing monument. I was trying to remember the words as they seemed somewhat profound. The last part or crown was something like "(something...something) just under the surface." Possible NREM before waking fully. Timing makes sense that I may have been done with 3rd REM cycle before this as I had a mini-awakening and went for a DEILD and got a lucid NREM or just a weird disembodied LD. My total focus was on soaking in the experience and remembering the words/ thoughts of scoring points for the competition. I only wish I didn't wake up so fully afterwards.
I realized I am condensing my DJ entries down too much recently making them a bad read so going back to a more free flowing entry here. ~610am Wake from longish LD string. Work meeting scene. The board member shouldn't need to take video. CW there. I have a headache (bleeding through from IWL?) and massage my temples. Next memory is FA caught by "record skipping" FA. I am arriving to the wake up sensation at least 3 times in quick succession each lasting about the amount of time it takes for a vinyl record to rotate once...and repeating like a skipping record! I get up out of bed happy to have received this gift in this FA. As I make my way through the house with visuals not perfect I get the partial visual of my sleep mask covering my face as I walk, and I rip it off and throw it behind me. As I get to the front door I see there is a note on an index card by the door. I pause for a moment thinking if I'm awake I don't want to open the store and leave it open or unlocked putting my family security at risk so I better RC. I start to do the finger through palm and as it shows I'm awake I realize how inconsistent that one is and just look at both my hands but focus on my left one where one of my middle two fingers was noticeably longer than IWL . I grabbed the note by the door and start to read it but then look down what looks like an apartment building hall and the note is narrated to me in what is supposed to be my wife's voice saying "today is the day to bring out the garbage."(which it is!) I float fly through multiple halls and it is completely barren so far. I quickly peek over an overlook down to the floor below me hoping to catch a DC down there but it is also barren. I fly down to the lower floor and explore a little bit finding what looks like a door to the outside and when I open it it is a bright sunny summer day. I look across a big grassy open park-like area and see a building on the other side of it with lots of DC's gathered inside but starting to come out. I dump off all my clothes feeling free and fly their way thinking about what kind of reactions I might get. I approach a couple of young women and start to interact with them telling them it's time to remove their dresses but I seem to be too much inside my head thinking about something and the visuals fade but I do not fear waking up but rather hang on for the visuals to come back. (Something I am getting better and better at and following Sageous' suggestion to avoid following the more common path back to your sleeping body-NREM thread, possibly NREM reality check thread). During this quiet time in a void I reflect on the fact that I didn't get to any competition goals. The visuals eventually come back and I soon have a vivid sunny summertime scene again but this time it seems like I'm at of family reunion. I'm looking around at all of the DC's enjoying this vivid beautiful world and I look over to my right and see my grandmother who passed away several years ago sitting down and I go to greet her. It is so wonderful to see you I tell her as we each clasped the others hands facing each other. It's so feels like her hands warm and wrinkly! (I am choking up while reliving this lucid moment while transcribing this dream!) I asked her to hold on a moment and I release her hands since I use a certain motion of my hands as part of my recall of goals. I think of my mnemonic (memory) pegs and peg number 1 brings me to time control, stopping time. I know my trusty pocket watch with amazing time control is in my right hand and I start clicking it while looking around. At first it is not doing anything very much like the very first time I used this. I eventually get the DC's to freeze in time!..and they unfreeze as I release the "clicker." I play around with it a little bit more and then think about peg number 2 and decide to skip it and go to peg number 3. Neither 2 nor 3 are part of my 3 step task anyway only peg 1 then peg 6 and 8. I grabbed a football that is being thrown around and say check this out. I punt the ball with super strength way up into the sky and out of sight! Cool! I look back over at my grandmother and just behind her and to the right is my grandfather who passed away quite a number of years ago and who I thought about last time I thought about my grandmother and how I haven't been seeing him in my dreams. This time he is there!..but he starts morphing a little bit maybe looking more like his younger self when he was a teenager and then a boy! I grasp my grandmother's hands again realizing I should have spent more time in the dream with her asking her questions I'm saying what kind of responses I might get. The dream starts to fade. I hold on again and I arrive outside of a room indoors it's a little bit dark, dimly lit. There is a young black boy in the room and I walk in there and ask him what does he represent? He only says there's someone over here and I follow him around and out of the room and sitting on the bench is a short humanoid creature that looks like a weird boy, a little bit stocky with a large-ish head with dark short thick hair and black eyes. I asked him what it represents and try not to get freaked out by his unusual appearance and I realize I can wake up if I want to but I don't remember making the decision to. Either way I wake up for good this time. I think reading a couple of dream journals of other competition participants may have helped me recognize the false awakening at the beginning. One person, I forget who, was talking about some kind of incongruity being a common dream sign as a dream tries to adjust and readjust to fit the situation. Also maybe the same person or someone else mentioned how they handled a false awakening by quickly getting up and doing an RC when normally I would try to do a motionless RC but maybe I need to be more aggressive like I was when I noticed my FA and immediately took off.
Another quick recap...gotta keep up with my DJ with Sensei's competition starting tomorrow night (for my time zone). I can move whole cars to get around traffic jam (like imaginings IWL)! Aha. then fly around cityscape! Void or DEILD without sense of body IWL...felt different from normal void and a little uncomfortable making me wonder if slight sense of REM atonia but not return to bed feeling present normal dream exits. Scene reforms at a parking garage try to fly, odd back to ground to slither. Awnry old ladies...prank them a bit. Homeless guy-think of past LD punches on DC's but no interest. Float around fun. Find a petite 20's Jennifer Aniston longer hair in a nice silky short dress. Undress multiple sexy layers. Touch. Super Sex.
Updated 01-23-2015 at 09:11 PM by 61674 (add color, forgot on last 2 DJ entries)
Dec 17th - Jan 19th 2015 Super Brief Notes LD's #254 to 270 With Dry Spell Super quick notes to catch up. 12/17/14 FA "back to sleep" vibrations, stay patient then visuals with eyes closed. Flight to Girl Friday's house and lose patience. Decide to fly up to moon but can't find it and decide I will drop down a bit and land on the moon but end up in a living room with my son about 12 years younger! Hold his hand and talk. #254 quicker... 12/18 cute DC gets me thinking about dream options turns into LD. woman in black is creepy and other weird DC's. Talk to them all searching for SC insight but dumb answers. I mostly ignore woman in black until she re-asserts herself. 255 12/19 with Wife on bench, a sexy woman approaches. Semi to full LD. Boldness initiated. Telepathically tell them to kiss and remove clothes. Sexy! 256 <vacation starts and I change everything I'm doing and pay the price with a dry streak after which I am slow to get back in the groove. Up to this point I was rolling strong 16 LD's in the first 19 days of December.> 12/30 I feel bold early in dream probably assisted by bold visualizations after WBTB. I tell all of the female DC's to follow and gather around me and I float up to a mezzanine overlooking a wide open library-like indoor space to get a good look around at the women. Sex and watching another woman undress sexily. 257 12/31 lucid at seeing deceased father-in-law. Happy to see this dream sign back! 258 Trying to DEILD. Clump of simple images in mostly empty void becomes more complete and I start air swimming towards the scene. Explore a video game-like green landscape by air. 259 1/5/15 become lucid in doctors office probably from seeing cute woman. 260 FA caught: semi to full LD. Crawl over bed. What if someone in bed? Sure enough. Must be a dream! End up in void. Another FA in bed caught due to unlikely scenario. Nudge vibrations. Void. Closed eye teleport. Eventually scene forms in bedroom. Cool courtyard between buildings do backwards TOTM while attempting to find crystal ball for other advanced task. Western shoot'em up! See TOTM thread 1/5 for more complete description. Only counting one LD in this FA series. 261 1/10 on couch with Wife I get dreamy ideas bring another woman in. Sexual then end up outdoors confusion then regain lucidity. Dance with beautiful woman and she becomes this glowing gorgeous bright eyed blonde. 262 Riding down street trucks passing I recognize the street from earlier dream and realize I'm dreaming. Billboard. 263 Praying for someone who seemed to get news of terminal illness my eyes are closed and I see the words "me too" and right below "smile." I take this as a sign that I am being given the opportunity to be lucid but wake. Not counting. 1/11 epic be continued...
Dude! That was awesome! To bed ~11pm. Dance studio at a school too small. Older male teacher dancing next to student hip hop style calls up one of his older students a taller Hispanic guy...maybe has already graduated. He dances impressively. They asked us to leave for the private part of the class and I go down the stairs and then up a different set of stairs and there are some guys playing pool. I head back down the stairs. The way I'm running back down the stairs or the cute female I see when I get down the stairs gets me thinking about dreams. She goes out the door with some other people with me exiting also. It is nice and sunny and another very similar female goes in through the door and is heading back up the stairs towards where that dance studio was, but now this is all more like a hardware store with multi levels but narrow. I get the idea that I can fly to catch up to her more quickly and fully realize that I'm dreaming. I lose track of her but a, make that beautiful, sexy petite blonde, Russian perhaps, is walking up and we seem instantly attracted to each other and we start going at it. Surprisingly the dream starts to fade but I hold on to it thinking about my theory of why my romantic / sexual dreams tend to keep going and how I think it's all about the tactile contact but I also remember to not become overly focused on one thing and to not focus/worry about time in dream and I tell myself "I got this!" I start rubbing her back and all over quite enthusiastically and after a while the store starts coming back into view and we have some passionate kisses and more. Her body is silky smooth! She has straddled me while I'm leaning against the counter off and on, at times just holding her off of the ground...the dream does not create the sensation of any significant weight and it is effortless to hold her up while active. The counter is somewhat egg shaped and is in the middle of this main room, laying between the entrance and the stairs. The narrow store continues down beyond the stairs on this ground floor. There are DC's all around us but none of them are paying attention. There's a cute girl behind the counter working the cash registers but not helping anyone at the moment so I call out "hey everyone" several times and eventually raise my voice on the fourth time and she looked right at me with a smile surprisingly. She also looked like she was attracted to me and I said you see what's going on here? She just smiled again. Her eyes we're beautiful brown and seem to sparkle a little bit. She was a brunette... Dark brown hair a little over shoulder length. I start looking around the store for other things to remember and one was a product labeled UTW I think it was. I think about how interesting it is how thee store came back into focus well I wasn't really paying attention too much more focused on the sensations and touch with my partner in the dream. It was more like well I can see everything again though perhaps a little blurry at first. I use the word blurry but that's not really the best way to describe it. Nothing is really blurred but all the details have not caught up when I first notice the store coming back into view. Anyway we continue to have sex for quite a while kissing some more and I am just thrilled at how realistic everything feels especially the sensation of her tongue in my mouth and my tongue in her mouth along know. Eventually I feel myself back in bed smiling ear to ear. Not only was it an exhilarating LD but it came on a night when I told myself to go straight back to sleep after any awakenings due to my game today and wanting to make sure I get a full night's sleep. My wife did wake me up a little bit just before she left for her day and that may have helped me become lucid as I became a little more awake than I planned to be. This was another right before getting up for the day lucid when I'm normally a little more spaced out. Wake 7:40am Maybe 10 minutes being lucid. #253 Pretty good sleep schedule, day work: RRC, meditating on dreams after wife woke me later morning ~6:40am to aid quicker back to sleep blocking out thoughts of waking life. Earlier friend of M from 45 minutes north leans against me on couch watching movie on TV. M looks but brushes it off.
Quick recaps...I will try not to be too wordy but keeping some notes I feel are important to know how I am getting lucid/tools I am using. 12/15/14 1115pm 1145 330 Office. Sign up for contribution. I gotta a game. Flirt..woman: can you help me? Just call me..4 wrong business cards before dog eared correct one. Game tonight? Confusion...wasn't it Sunday night last I remember...oh but woke from that=FA: oh no, 2 nights in a row no LD(wrong due to FA). I am walking outside still thinking darn no I approach an unfamiliar(?) doorway...wait this could is a dream. Awesome flying LD. Fly over guy on 2nd try. Meadow and large trees. I land and eat grass to stabilize. Fly. To a set of peaks...see what lies below. Jump off and fly. This LD is so silent...Sound added! (Wind blowing by, bird chirping) Meadow with woman laying in grass. start then stop sexual actions to keep going. Fly more. Beautiful green valleys flying low to ground to keep stable. This was a good length LD despite the short notes. FA phone record. 555 wake. #251 I stay sleepyish after my wife leaves and we interact a little bit and I try to stay with the dreaming mindset and not go off into waking life thoughts and focus on the LD I just had. I wake up from several short dreams thinking go back to sleep while repeating I'm dreaming I'm dreaming. Eventually I have one where I realize I'm dreaming again. I and being followed by a guy driving...we are both driving and I pull over to see if he will go around me and he does probably so he doesn't look too suspicious I think. As we continue again we are both walking now and I hear him say something on his radio that he hopes that the event will be over or something like that and I see that he goes up the stairs but doesn't go up the second flight of stairs and is lying in wait for me so instead of continuing I go back the other way and I'm heading towards exit quickly jumping through...flying through! opening that is like a bar between 2 rooms and I realize I'm dreaming again I don't need to run from this guy so I turn around and I start to go after him. I shoot up through the floors busting through the floors and it gets a bit blurry and I think this doesn't have to make it harder to find him...this is my dream after all! With that in mind I decided that the next ceiling or wall and bust through he will be there and he is but still nothing is very clear and I start wailing on him before I wake up smiling that I nabbed another LD before getting up...about 5 minutes before I normally get up which is unusual and the when my dreams are usually too short to realize I'm dreaming. This makes me wonder if the last REM periods are supposed to be longer, why do I have all these short dreams with little mini awakenings in the late morning. Perhaps something to do with getting close to the beginning of the day and my wife leaving earlier than me and everything. I don't know. 745am wake #252 12/13/14 #250 early dream: An Olafian error (an error befitting Olaf). Waiting for an elevator in a busy courtyard. I see two versions of my #MotherInLaw and realize I am dreaming and I float up. One mother in law is with my wife across the courtyard and I tell the one closest to me that "there are two of you!" When I look over at the over at the other version across the courtyard she now looks noticeably older. I float over to a woman and (sex). 12/12/14 #249 early dream: Making a statement wrong by altering the way something is heading. Rioters and astray looks. I am driving with my wife and son during the day and up ahead we hear someone talking agitated over a loud speaker and assume protests are up ahead and turn around to go a different way. Next thing I remember I am walking out of a store and heading to vehicle where wife and son are waiting. As I exit 6-8 hoodlum looking people are nearby as I am trying to clean off my sunglasses. I think they may notice that they are nice Ray-Ban sunglasses and see me as one of the enemies that they think about when protesting and rioting. I keep walking and turn my head just enough to see if anyone is following me. I plan to pick up the pace when I hit that corner but they can still see me through a chain link fence so I try to make it look like I am walking normal but speed up markedly and eventually run in a walking pose. The walk run feels so odd that I realize that I'm dreaming. The scene goes dark and I seem to be in the void. I walk forward and imagine that my vehicle, wife and son are still ahead of me and eventually get to a point where it feels like I am opening the door to the vehicle and getting in but instead I get a night time scene in a city with a good size two story brick building in front of me. I decide to float up above it for a better view but maybe too soon as the dream starts to fade again but not completely...only more foggy-like. I decide to land and stabilize and the first thing that looks good is the brick wall of the building. As I get up close to the brick wall there is some "electro magnetic-like interference" in the image of the details of the brick which I thought was interesting. It went away as I got a good feel on the bricks and they felt very realistic to the touch. Behind me to my right is a short natural stone and mortar wall like a retaining wall and I feel on that and get excited...just kidding...but maybe that is why my sexual dreams with lots of contact are often stable. But again the stone wall feels very natural. I see plenty of loose dirt on the ground and scoop it up like a handful of sand and pop it into my mouth for further stabilization. It tastes like what I would expect it to taste like...bland earthy but not terrible. I decide to see if I can make it taste like skittles candy and grab another scoop and pop it in swirling it around in my mouth but it tastes the same as the first time. Dream starts fading and a do my squirming animal swim that got me through a void or NREM in a recent LD but this time I eventually found myself uncomfortable in bed. I remembered that I decided to not try to DEILD too long in an uncomfortable position lest it wakes me up too much making it harder to reenter dreamland this time of the morning. I opt to reposition after maybe 20 seconds. 12/11/14 1130 535am early dream: You might not want to confront them directly about it. lucid in the dark...doors visible. After being in a #dangerous area at night and realizing no worries I'm dreaming. I go into a door that is supposed to be work related nothing much to see and back out of it all dark outside but stay patient. FA alarm 8am! Late for work not caught. #248 12/9/14 A young woman gets out of the car wearing only a men's cardigan exposing a lot as a treat for her boyfriend or is making something up to him but he is embarrassed. Office meeting x2 <snip...other NLDs> Coming "home" through a back door I find my front door ajar (it is daylight outside) and unlocked and become suspicious this is a dream and when heading down the hall to check for intruders I feel somewhat emboldened and I recognize the layout of the home as childhood home but with craftsman interior features instead and fully realize that I'm dreaming. I pause and consider hunting down bad guys and I enter my brother's old bedroom (per the layout) which is the first door you come to from the front door and it is completely empty with white walls, no furniture and no wallpaper and I decide to move on. I think the fastest way out to explore the dream is to phase up through the ceiling. It is kind of fun but I don't make it through in two different tries. While considering maybe going through front door or other options I eventually wake up. Need to make decisions quicker I think or just end of REM. I wasn't planning on trying wbtb and did no pre-bed intentions last night due to league game the next day. I did however become more awake than planning during nighttime bathroom visit. #247 12/8/14 ~1150 ~445 of the $100 bills and I noticed it looked a little odd...ah just an older bill. (Near miss) Wake from LD#1 ~615? The showroom boldness DILD. I am in some kind of showroom near a beach and there is a sexy woman behind the counter and I think about what I would do in a bold I would be...ah yes I'm dreaming...I'm walking around this showroom only in underwear after all. I have a very exciting interaction with her starting by floating up to offer her a healthy appetizer. Some more craziness and eventually seemed to lose lucidity and was looking for someone who was..."oh he's sleeping in that car over there." I look in and see my #youngestBrotherInLaw in the front seat asleep awkwardly before waking up with my wife turning off her alarm clock. #245 Wake from LD#2 ~645? The hotel meeting room. Didn't spend time trying to recall the NLD portion before seeing the following clue headline as I was focusing on reentering sleep for another LD. Large font title on paper read "Lucidity Chronicle Institute Daily" (my first thought: LCID almost an acronym...before looking it up IWL and being reminded that you can use the first few letters of each word to form a different word LUCID). Anyway, when I saw the headline I instantly realize I'm dreaming. I walk to my right and #GirlFriday is there with a small boy. I tell he to remove that sexy skin tight dress and she looks at me incredulously but I Jedi mind her saying "this is something you want to do." She removes her dress and is extremely sexy standing there in nice lace underwear. We start to go at it with me removing a bra revealing probably larger than normal breasts and I think some of the recent fantasizing about her got me a little more excited than normal and may have resulted in the subsequent wake up. I tried to immediately go back to sleep but struggled and when I woke up for the day it seemed like there was one additional faint memory of lucidity but I'm not able to recall. #246 Some of these were kind of short and not just shorter due to quick recaps. Finally catching up on my LD DJ entries since my basic TOTM entry.
11/28/14 Epic sex LD. I am walking around the inside and outside of a house and seem to have trouble figuring out the layout and what leads to the backyard what leads to the front yard. When I make my way outside I go through what looks like the front but it is actually a fenced in backyard I guess and the gate leads to another unit I guess it is a duplex. I make my way back through what seems like the back and out onto the street and this whole time its just me walking around. I think that I'm already getting suspicious that this is a dream. I run into a guy out front and something about the previous scenario and something about this guy makes me realize I am dreaming. I float up into the air and get ready to fly but the guy grabs hold of my ankle and I motion and shoot an energy burst at him and he let's go but then another guy comes and I decided to try a more traditional flying left hook. After a few hits I'm able to get away and I fly off. I wonder if there was something I should have stayed there for and perhaps I could have asked those DC's why they were trying to hold me back and what they represent. (But then I probably wouldn't have had the experience that comes next.) I'm flying and the visuals have gone a bit gray on me so I decide to visualize where I'd like to end up. I visualize a huge crowd of beautiful women in bikinis and before long they start forming but not real clear but good enough and I land in the middle of the crowd of beautiful women, and just send out the message that we'll Spoiler for sexual content: have one big orgy. It is using something like telepathy but not exactly since this is all happening inside my brain, this is all my dream so of course all I have to do is think what I want to happen! I feel around on quite a few different women before I choose one woman to focus on and she has nice size breasts and beautiful silky skin and her nipples are little bit pale but so beautiful. She looks like a natural blonde petite and very sexy. There are two sexy Asian women nearby and I will them to come over and Spoiler for sexual content: lick her breasts while I have intercourse with the blonde. They are a little bit foggy but the blonde is not in the least! She is very vivid! I will another woman to come up behind me and hold me and Spoiler for sexual content: touch me while I continue to thrust into the blonde. I notice that the blonde seems a bit disinterested and even at one point reaches over to a pen and notebook and writes a few quick notes. Funny I guess...but I want you at least pretending like you are enjoying this! At this point I actually speak with my mouth and I say I want Spoiler for sexual content: you to moan <snip>, it is quite sexy. She does it a little bit and I look around and back down and I seem to lose the visuals but I still have some of the feeling and I continue to thrust and eventually the visuals come back but I am in a bedroom and the woman is now my wife. Spoiler for sexual content: We continue having sex but at some point my wife says that someone is coming and I forget what name she used but it sounded like someone important. This is one of those moments that can try to pull you away from lucidity especially after the fading transition from that extra-ordinary scene to this more normal setting. The person comes in, she is a butch stocky short haired blonde woman and my wife seems concerned. I say it is ok this is all just a dream and I decide to float up just to confirm it in my head. Sure enough I float up and decided to Spoiler for sexual content: pull back out my "ahem" and offer it up to my wife's mouth. She looks at it like that thing has been so many places just recently. It looks significant but slightly flaccid and an image of a child size one shows up on the opposite side of what is becoming more of a narrowed tunnel vision. Eventually the visuals fade and I decide not to fight it and at first feel like I am in a void but then feel myself back in bed, I've already had a terrific experience and I want to make sure I commit as much as I can of that experience to memory and record it. 238
11/20/14 Earlier an incredibly vivid non-lucid and possibly a little semi-lucid in spots before my LD. I'm on a trip to a hauntingly beautiful Pacific Northwest town of "Ted"...was that correct? is there such a town? Town name given to me when told where I would take my blood to a "lab nurse assistant" in town..."Where's Ted?" "It's this area we are in." "how much do I have to pay?"(for the lab work) -I just put the hotel on my amex and wondered if i will have enough credit for the whole trip. (Rushed notes mostly for myself...sorry so sloppy...feel free to skip to the blue text=lucid dream) My #Dad is there. We have at least two rooms. A 2nd employee came shortly after I got in line to check in at hotel and he helped me quickly. At check-in they gave us a black vinyl record with a label indicating it is about the local area. "So each room has a record player??" Transition to us "watching" the record (record has an ability more like an old video laser disc?). So I am watching this tour of the beautiful local area in what is revealed at the end to be a VR motion simulator. The simulator is apparently where I am seeing the beautiful images of the coastal area and thickets that we are now flying over..."we would call those thickets because they are areas hard to walk through." The scenery and beautiful/gloomy slightly foggy "air" of everything makes me think of a dark crime movie where a young girl's death was being investigated. I even have the thought that this experience (which in hindsight is definitely a dream) could be affected by that if I am semi-lucid..? (About a week ago I was reading about the director's more recent movie and thought about having seen this older movie years before when reading about the director). People in lobby with a suitcase open, is it theirs?...girl friday I pretend I don't particularly care that she just arrived...where was she? oh yeah she drove separately and left later...I'm naked on bottom and I put my underwear back on and seemed confused as if I was in the middle of changing. My #eldestNephew is next to me on couch...larger group on trip than it seemed at first. #eldestBrotherInLaw says the #4 needle was perfect but the #2 needle hurt (bad) which makes no sense (possibly record needle to medical needle dream transition). Transition to where I draw blood in bathroom, no pain. blood spill...blood bag too full. 2 different hotel workers come by as I am now in hotel hallway. First one I tell him it's blood...2nd one named Hank is very curious about my cup...I now claim it's juice (after I moved blood into small white paper cup). Blood quite red at first but with 2nd guy Hank, in hotel cleaner garb, blood was purplish and cup barely filled now...blood seeping through paper? Wake. Previous dream was one of those dreams that launches a thousand ships due to its awesome vividness...or at least a dozen!..launching a nice longish LD with multiple scenes! : Later-morning LD... (I think this is the beginning of my dream, so possibly quick DILD realization) I'm in a bedroom/living room combination and I hear the answering machine come on and it is "Jane Green of Columbia" asking me to call her back and I immediately recognize her name from my previous dream (though I can't remember the context...possibly false memory) and realize that this is a dream. On the other side of the room is my brother and I tell him how glad I am to see him and I interact with him a little bit . The dream then fades into what at first seems similar to dreamlets but I am able to enter most of them and watch many of them form in front of my eyes including a school hallway scene and in between would be void-like darkness where I used a rhythmic squirming motion (dream body is present) much like what I imagine a mammal with it's appendages would use to swim underwater or may be based on videos of such swimming. Weird! But it kept me moving and felt great moving me into scene after scene. I am hopeful that I was navigating some very brief NREM moments...otherwise my dreaming mind simply created such a dream with void-like gaps. Anyway some of the other scenes include being in a hallway and seeing the door that had a beach scene on the entire door kind of like a poster but more like a professionally designed door that led to a spa facility perhaps. I was completely expecting to phase through it and into a beach like scene but I think I did have in the back of my mind that phasing could collapse the visuals even though I have had no issue phasing at other times...I got a dark void again but wasn't the least bit concerned and I squirm/swim my way to the next scene. There was a scene with a bad guy in a black cloak and hooded outfit and I fly towards him throwing energy bursts at him. I get another bad guy in the next scene but ignore him and look around. There are quite a few scene changes that I am losing some of the details. Scenes with a sexy woman. And one of the last scenes I got caught up reading aloud a fairly long passage of text and seem to be lost in the moment before my awareness kicks back in and I realize that I'm back to dreaming again. I pause in order to commit all of these scene changes to memory and the blackness this time is the back of my eyelids....Counting as one long-ish LD and I am sure I am forgetting some details due to the vastly different scene changes. 233 I had a wake back to bed between that really vivid non lucid dream possibly becoming semi lucid and the subsequent series of lucid dream scenes. Instead of my normal SSILD I go back to bed and lightly and dreamily think about my previous vivid dream and go through my memories of it and this seems to keep my head in the right place to allow me to quickly become lucid when dreaming starts. Yesterday I also played with self awareness through a little silly dance or silly faces which seems to allow me to see myself from the outside more quickly than my usual clear light based perspective and found it clearly bringing more awareness to my self. 11/15/14 Unstable OBE after SSILD and vibrations, didn't get very far, should have been more patient at the beginning. 232 I had to put this somewhere...I just saw Jessica Chastain in last night's Daily Show interview...and I must say my heart fluttered...dang is she so lovable and stunningly beautiful in that interview! Maybe I can go on a date with her in dreamland!
11/1/14 I feel myself back in bed and start getting a WILD-like transition. I feel myself floating just millimeters off of my bed with my wife's arm around me as if it is holding me from floating off. I am fairly sure her arm is also just part of the transition and will myself to float up further to make sure I am fully in the dream and not just imagining that I am feeling a little light. I then start willing myself to propel forward through the darkness and settle on attempting to arrive at my favorite grassy sea beach. I fly for a good while but eventually have a false awakening of my son making a good deal of noise downstairs. I have a good amount of awareness and memory and remember that he went to bed already and it is highly unlikely that he is having a loud conversation downstairs in the middle of the night and that I should be dreaming. I go out of my room and try to float down the stairs but maybe I kind of float inches above the staircase on the way down. When I get to the bottom I hear my wife coming out of the room upstairs and decide to do a float from my living room up into the vaulted ceiling with a view to the loft area to show off to my wife's DC (any doubt that I am dreaming is fully erased by this point). I hear more than one person in the family room and float back down to go in there and half expect to see my son and his college girlfriend and maybe have some fun with her. Instead, I see Girl Friday get off of the couch and my son is there also. I tell her to "come here, remember how you really wanted to (give me oral)?" She looks like she recollects the same and I whip it out and she starts doing an okay job with it in her mouth. I say "oh remember, you wanted to lick it" and she starts to lick it and it is very, very nice! I look over and say to my son "she is good" and my wife starts to come down and still fully lucid I tell her to check out what is happening. This eventually comes to an end and I wake. I then have a series of short dreams with continued good awareness, some lucid, some semi-lucid, some unclear as my recall wanes: cherry pie like treat, I pour milk over it and add cereal flakes; Outside my house and I note how realistic the trees look and how well the dream replicated how they look; re-coated aluminum pan at M Blvd, I start to write down my dreams so far (in the dream) first on the table cloth, then on an envelope (later did just that IWL) ; amusement ride, swinging boat, cameraman acting tough and taking video of guy in middle seats (less thrilling) yet he is also in the middle seats on the other side of the center of the boat; in the back seat of an SUV with a video game screen in the middle just behind the front seats; short dream with a distant explosion; lots of short forced dreamlets related to all of the beautiful women who will be at an even I am attending IWL. During this series of short dreams it felt like I was on the edge of wake/sleep in an unusual way and I was testing my state at times finding that I could transition out of a scene with my eye clenches with accompanying vibrations. Very odd and I felt much more on the dream side of things than when I am trying to do similar things after a WBTB or late awakening and getting more traditional dreamlets that seem to occur more on the waking side of the equation. Hopefully I was actually finding success in staying aware but away from my waking body at times when I would normally return to bed and wake up too much, hopefully bridging the gap between the now shorter gaps between REM periods. Possible reasons for good night of lucidity: repeatedly asking myself what was I dreaming (earlier in the night); daytime awareness work with more dream actions (like RRCIS); some playing with CanisLucidus' "looking for the dream" may have been key in getting good replications of my home featured in the Girl Friday lucid and the lucid moment outside of my house with the trees later. Will just count 2 lucids tonight. 223 & 224 10/31 early lucid. Sexy women around. "If this were a lucid dream, I would...ah...I am dreaming." I interact caveman style with several women before focusing on one turning her on with dirty talk and actions before doing some float-flying. 222 10/30 Exhilarating, romantic and sexual lucid with a younger woman with small breasts. I particularly enjoyed cupping her breasts much like early sexual experiences. 221
10/22/14 Multiple FA's caught and a-ha moments but not sure how many LD's to count, so just count 2. *Ironing, water pooling on stairs, Son gets out of bed and starts frantically brushing teeth-weird...wait he's not home. Started 3rd person, Threesome negotiated between husband, wife and another woman, I come into the scene as the husband, 1st person. Memory of a first a-ha moment in this last series of lucidity in the late morning but not able to retrace the memory back far enough to recall, probably due to a series of FA's. Parts remembered: FA: laying in bed holding a large round stick about waist level and twirling it around in the air realizing I am dreaming and how real it feels. Like guitar the other night. FA to WILD like transition with various HH's, one scene forms with a little boy who I think looks maybe like a girl and I try to morph her into Girl Friday. FA Apartment/Motel-like - I "wake up" and at first think something along the lines of ok this is my apartment, this is normal/IWL (even though I don't live in an apartment...FA's can be tricky!) I hear water the sound of a shower running and walk that way. Door to shower room is closed. Sink outside is running/filling, water is orangish. Weird...hmm I'm dreaming again, look at mirror and confirmed by feeling sleep mask but not showing in mirror image. Decide Girl Friday will be in shower but dream fades when opening door. Spin out of fading dream into outdoor courtyard and restaurant and waiter that looks familiar before fading to bed for good. 218 & 219 Night time intention seems more important than ever. Using memory list tool to remember dreams during night. Did not list them all here. Daniel Love's peg system. (okay that took too long, need to find quicker way to document LD's. Maybe one picture images.) 10/21/14 FA thinking about previous dream, caught, stunning Angelina Jolie look-alike, romance, sex, nice butt, most awesome dream breasts ever!(nice size, awesome shape, the size and color of areola, vivid), vivid close up of her"ahem". Wowzers! 217 10/18/14 lucid at seeing a baby or toddlers arm in a position in which it would be propping up his head, but only the arm is visible. Aha. <memory gap> Find a dream guitar and start playing it like I am an awesome guitarist. Three notes using lower strings, three notes using upper strings and then slide my other finger up the guitar (sorry I don't know the musician...yet!). Was able to remember the basic sound/rhythm IWL. Feel myself back in bed with my fingers grasping the edge of the bed and I can still almost feel the guitar but it is fading. 216 <gap in lucid nights: late nights, travelling, even a 0 recall night in here with only a memory that I was just dreaming something but can't remember what on that night; other nights varying degrees of recall but most notably low during late late to bed nights and during travel> 10/8/14 Seeing a ghost sitting at the foot of my bed with his head bowed down in shame. I think about my big goal question mentally: "What is the biggest thing holding me back in life?" and start verbalizing by asking the ghost/dc what his name is several times. The name Eric pops into my head. This brings up conflict which I assume is pointing to an inner conflict within myself and this comes in the form of a struggle with the "ghost." This struggle claws at my lucidity until I wake into an FA not caught. Same house, my grandmother's or somewhere visiting her. 215 10/6/14 ja han ska liva; In car and decide with turmoil around the best place to park is just above the ground - okay...I'm dreaming. Get out girl named Becky, about 15, keep going and get onto a bus, mooning people as they get on and go to a dark haired Hispanic? woman and she gives me a bj. I even think for a moment, what if she were to take a bite but I suppressed it well and went on in pleasure! 214
Paraphrasing most entries so no hashtags...some just cut & pasted from digital DJ. *Sexual content in many spots. 10/1 DILD: I was so angry at people cutting in front of me at an elevator line that the emotion instantly lifted me about 1 yard/meter off the ground which immediately clued me in that I was dreaming. I let the anger carry over into my lucidity and was venting telling them how I can just fly to the top of the building...I don't need this f-ing elevator...and I can smack you around if I want to, rip off your clothes, so there it turned sexual and I ripped of a few women's clothes with TK floating above the crowd feeling omnipotent. It was quite fun but I should have moved straight to some goals and ended up waking up as my wife got out of bed (99% sure that wasn't an FA). 213 9/27 I believe 3 separate lucid events and that HH's SSILD and visualization were the keys. After low key game. Waited 1 hour after waking to record dreams due to breakfast ready. The first one I went back to sleep trying to get more and I think I forgot too many details. I think it was the dream in the #shopping area and I'm #lookingFor #lostItem shopping bag I set down on this couch or chair and its missing when I go back. The lucid part is sexual with a sexy woman something about her curves and fine body. 210 The second lucidity event I am walking past the #school that is having a big sports or Olympics day with all the students competing in different events but I paid particular attention to students playing #rugby. When I first look at them I wondered if they weren't wearing football pads but upon further examination or dream transitioning they were clearly not wearing football pads and I could see them doing a rugby scrum. This transitioned to me playing with them and narrator talking about how one of the ways to score is kicking the ball through the uprights and one of the guys kicks the ball forward and I leap up to catch it but a taller guy catches it first I continue running down the field leaping into the air and I realize that I'm dreaming I have a lot of fun bounding across the field. 211 Third lucid event seems to start as a DEILD As I am visualizing in bed and I get the scene of a sexy woman and as I enter the scene there is a table, paper and a pointed plastic writing pen and ink that you dip it into and I write different messages to see how well I can write in a lucid dream. I forget exactly the first words I wrote but they came out pretty good but when I tried to write "dream" and it was very hard to read and I had more trouble with the ink getting more runny and not sticking to the writing device and the colors were getting too light to show on the white piece of paper. I've then start to remember that there was a sexy woman when I first came into the scene and I could see her sitting on the far end of the table. As I go to move towards her it gets a little foggy but I stay patient and focus first on her toes and her toenails painted with nail polish and slowly work my way up her leg with her body reforming. I reach under her dress and caress her sexy legs and butt and remove her underwear. I reach for her wonderful warm moisture before working my way up to her top before waking up. 212 Stats from app: 12:15-10am xyz spikes113, 335 356 417 445 wbtb@530recall slipped away; 604 recheck app@620-625 xyz: 658?dild 712?dild 805 840deild 908wife up audio+xyz spike, 920 925 952 (late more tossing and turning? Earlier c/b combo of my and wife's movements?) 9/21 Lucid #sex with perfect, perky #Russian girl. Her breasts her butt! Her skin so soft after some hesitation from her I showed her she wanted me bad and she let me touch her everywhere. Thought about fingering her behind but afraid the dream might come up with a surprise there. Later sex with M, the friend of wife with twin sister. I told her it is's just a dream! She says "Your c*ck is so big! After exploding inside her my wife and I walk out of party and through a #shopping area with various #stores with groceries and #restaurants and my DC wife is proud of her stud "since it is all a dream" my new pick up line. I am scanning all of the DC's we pass. One lady looks interesting but I'm looking for a certain type since I already had 2 women so far this dream. 209 9/20 Awesome vivid tsunami dream where I am calm and lead a rescue. WILD/LD 1: I thought I was just visualizing when a dream materialized. I hear Girl Friday downstairs and go down to hook up. Go semi-lucid as various people judge my interest in her but regain it when I see a girl in lingerie laying on the floor trying to seduce me. She is too young. I pick her up and hold her like a father would. 206 LD 2: I think that I WILD again. I am laying in bed visualizing when I find myself in a scene laying under the stars. I remember the striking feeling and realism of opening my dream eyes wide to soak in the whole view with so many stars in every direction. It was extremely beautiful and felt like a spiritual experience. I remembered my personal goal that I tied into the TOTM. 207 LD 3: Awake again visualizing and enter non-lucid dream at some point turned DILD.<snip> He leaves it unattended on oven to overflow and the oven starts to fill up with water like a clothes washer but it's open so the water would flow out onto the floor. I start to try to turn it off and then realize this is a dream the oven can't just turn into clothes washer. I fly up from there up out of the house but then I remember Girl Friday was there and I fly back down into the house but I seem to have messed up the visuals but I stay patient. I go into the living room in a bit of a fog I go sit down on the couch next to where Girl Friday was in the dream. I reach out for her and she seems to be forming back into my dream and I'm looking down at the floor and there's this round item rolling back and forth by itself that was cool. I think I'm forgetting a lot because I waited until the morning to record everything until I'm actually getting up. I did record the tsunami dream during wake back to bed which I'm doing shorter now. Factors for improved multiples? Vivid dream at beginning of night. DEILD focus. Visualization at each awakening. Stop and ask if dream. More frequent random natural self awareness. Back to lumosity. Adding a little fat back into my diet. 208 9/19 LD 1: This whole thing, this whole discussion and scenario has all been a dream! Start to get naked then decide to do nose plug=can breathe but am I fully plugging it, do finger through palm and proceed to get naked. I call for Girl Friday to come in and as I hear her (or someone approaching) I wake up. 204 LD 2: A noise (my wife leaving) wakes me up and I DEILD back into what looks like the same scene as my previous dream except I notice a mirror and look into it to see myself as a woman who looks like a thinner version of Julia Louis-Dreyfus. I decide to open my blouse and check out my breasts. They are small but nicely shaped. I sit down and take off my pants with plans to check out down there but I transform back to myself with my normal junk down there and all. I fade back to bed and fade in and out of some dreamlets including one with a little Asian girl I felt drawn to protect named Ashikara. I am trying to find her again in the fog and a little blonde girl pokes her head around a corner and disappears. Possible NREM lucid but not counting this part after the LD with me as a woman. 205 9/18 Examining source of smoke makes me lucid. Smoke coming from underneath carpet, pull it back, embers present, hole under carpet, look closer and hole gets bigger, think it looks like mouse hole and a mouse comes out. There are many orange ear plugs down this hole. Earlier I attempted the glottal RC and had trouble hinting a dream already but the above scenario confirmed it. Convincing FA. 203 9/15 Standing over bed seeing fleas on bed made me lucid. Wife there also. 202 9/12 I see Cameron Diaz and realize I am dreaming. I walk up to her and give her a kiss on the lips and then look at her again and she still looks mostly like her but with no make-up. I think FA after. Also DEILD focus bleeding into NLDs. 201
I don't know what to call this. It seemed that I was in a state between awake and asleep in the late morning in a somewhat meditative state watching dreamlets and my favorite one was this person with a coat of butterflies that flew off of the person with the multitude of colorful butterflies flooding my field of vision. Absolutely beautiful! It was more multi-colored than these images I found above and very vibrant.