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    Odd Message Pyramid-ish Monument - Sensei's Competition Night 11

    by , 02-04-2015 at 08:48 PM (727 Views)
    Going for a DEILD and an image forms and it becomes apparent that it is more than HI and lasts several minutes. A series of notes are brought to me related to dreams. The components are in an unusually wide pyramid shaped "monument". The notes are read to me in a weird written/spoken hybrid one by one but the info seems to be slipping away from me. The crowning note is projecting out from the competition semi-glowing monument. I was trying to remember the words as they seemed somewhat profound. The last part or crown was something like "(something...something) just under the surface." Possible NREM before waking fully. Timing makes sense that I may have been done with 3rd REM cycle before this as I had a mini-awakening and went for a DEILD and got a lucid NREM or just a weird disembodied LD. My total focus was on soaking in the experience and remembering the words/message...no thoughts of scoring points for the competition. I only wish I didn't wake up so fully afterwards.
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    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      That was a very cool and mysterious ld, congrats fogelbise!
      fogelbise likes this.