The Dream of the Doctor, the War, the Flying Policemen and the Pink Pebbles
, 03-07-2011 at 11:54 PM (1150 Views)
In this dream I was a man, who took part in the Cold War, except the Cold War was more like the Blitz, seeing as I was fighting an air battle over London. The Doctor was in my plane with me and I asked him to change history so as to stop the war. He went back in time, did something, came back and voilą, the storm clouds had disappeared, the birds were singing and my plane was the only one in London's sky.
Then three flying bobbies came towards us to check what we were doing up there. Flying as in, standing straight in the air and hover.
I realized that policemen don't fly, and in turn it made me realize... [the Unreveal] that the Doctor had fudged something up when he went back in time. He himself confessed to making an error, recognizing that these flying policemen were actually aliens who were supposed to invade and subdue Earth a century from now. Something he'd done in the past to stop the war had made them come earlier.
Time Lapse.
We're down to earth, in a town that looks a bit like my home town. We walk to the river, sit on a quay. The Doctor explains that those aliens have (/would have) mentally subdued humans. The key to freeing them is finding what the aliens have done to us. We then have to look in the river. We dived and check the wall of the quay. There's a small pipe in which we find two pink granite pebbles. The Doctor rambles about how they mean that the aliens have changed the human anatomy. Yeah, sure.