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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Huge store, toilet theft; Ophelia

      , 11-05-2017 at 08:27 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Miles long store

      I'm working in a store of a size of a small city. There is thousands of workers, separate departments, shelves incredibly high, conveyor belts transporting goods and people.

      We have 2 toilets and sleeping quarters near our department, so we don't even need to leave. Someone took our second toilet out and put shelves there. I don't like it and I set off to look for it. I walk for what seems like hours. I go so far, that I kinda get lost and I come to some kind of a border, where you need passports to get back into a store. I'm like I just left to find our toilet, didn't take my passport with me. But luckily I'm in my uniform and they let the bus with me and other people in uniform through.

      Someone shows me a map of where I am and how to get back to my department. They make a mark with invisible ink which slowly starts to turn yellow. I gather that I need to follow yellow marks on the floor to get back.

      I hop on a huge conveyor belt and then on another one. Map shows that I'm an 839 miles away from my department. I ask a guy how the hell did I walk that far?

      I'm walking through a storage area. Look up and there are palets stacked 10 high and a bit leaning, leaving just a very narrow and winding passage through there. I hope an earthquake won't hit at that time.

      I get to talk some girls and I find out they work in the thin mints isles. I'm like whoa, this place is huge, if 5-6 people stack just one item and it has so much shelf space. We make a plan to get together later.

      I remembered this when I got up, all I remember now is what I wrote down.

      work watter
      I leave
      it's you
    2. Full house, shot, fire

      , 11-05-2017 at 06:12 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      This was few days ago. Quite a powerful dream, not sure why. Long and detailed, full of feelings.

      So, I'm either living or house sitting this large house. I go to a guest house or garage for a few min to get something, and when I get back, the house is full of people.

      I don't know them. They are all behaving civilly, but I feel danger from them. They invaded a house, like "occupy house", haha. They have an agenda, but I don't know what it is. They will leave after they get their wish. I'm trying to call for help, but they took my mobil and all communication devices. Other than they, they are just sitting, walking around, not even talking much. I try to talk to them, but they ignore me. I'm getting frustrated from complete lack of control.

      I go to neighbors, and they already called the cops. I see them coming down the road with sirens on. I start to cheer and yell "suck on this, assholes" , but cops roll by to another incident.

      Now I'm in a large, industrial setting. Same people milling around. I throw something in the corner and it starts a growing fire. I don't want anybody to get hurt, so I rush over there and extinguish it with a hand extinguisher. But another smaller fire already started from the first one, I rush over there and again, use the extinguisher. It sprays only about a foot away, but I KNOW it will be enough.

      Commotion starts and I get shot 3 times in the chest. One of them is a doctor and even if she doesn't have her tools there, she treats me as I'm laying down. I don't want any help from her, but I think I need it.
      Tags: shot