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    Turquoise Dreams

    Disney; Actress

    , 10-30-2017 at 04:37 PM (344 Views)
    I'm at some place outdoors. Like an outdoor market or amusement park. On our way back, we have to go through same areas, but now they are full of Disney "attractions". The basically stuffed the place with all kinds of stuff, like racks of shirts and things I couldn't identify. We had to push our way through all that, it was so tightly packed. We were pissed.

    There were also some bad guys infiltrating the area, so we climbed on the roofs and watched them from there.

    Now I'm in a huge restaurant type of a room. Lots of people. I go after someone who sprayed tomato sauce all over everybody. I'm organizing it.

    Suddenly I'm this buff chick, very strong. I'm also a lead actress in this badass action movie they are about to tape. Tons of production people are around. We try some scenes on the ground, in the pool and me swinging on some bars and jumping to other bars. I look up and there is a huge crane next to a high rise building and that's where I'm suppose to do it. I'm feeling pretty good about myself.
    MortalTrinity likes this.

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