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    Turquoise Dreams

    Japanese knife, Japanese invasion

    , 02-21-2016 at 12:20 PM (155 Views)

    Yesterday work 5am-1:30pm. Slept from 4pm -3am : D

    I kept waking up and recalling the dreams. But I sitll forgot details and some dreams.

    DR 1:
    Japanese Invasion
    We are getting together at school. Younger kids going into older kids classrooms. They are moving there from classrooms on lover levels of the building, because we expect invasion.

    Japanese army is suppose to be near and coming closer. They told us to stay indoors. I really want to see the news so I go outside between some bushes to go get my tablet, because that's where we hid them. We were not allowed to keep any.

    I see a few open-top military vehicles coming by. I met a japanese man and his daughter on a dirt path through those bushes. I put my hands together, bow down and say some japanese word. I know it's not correct, but I'm hoping it will do. And it does, they greet me also and we just pass each other.

    DR 2:
    Japanese knife

    I open a long package and it's a japanese cooking knife with white handle. The blade is intricate and designed to cut different things in different parts of the blade. I think I got it from a friend. But in next dream my mom tells me that she got herself one too and I ask her how does it cut.

    DR 3:

    Spoiler for girl:

    DR 4:
    Movie set
    I'm standing outside and women next to me are talking about directors. I ask them which studio they work for and they say "the new one, but they can't really say the name".

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