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    DJ of lucid goals and how it goes

    False awakening...

    by , 06-20-2020 at 11:55 AM (515 Views)

    I'm in a farm and I know it's a dream. I fly over the trees and look at the red barn. I remember I wanted to meet up with and create a permanent DC. I thought of a new experiment. I have a distinct favorite color and some lucky numbers I always go with. I would like to have an interview with a DC in my dream and ask him or her what his or her favorite colour is, what their lucky number is and try to memorise their face as well as I can. When I wake up I want to make a painting of the DC's face, write down the name of the DC, her or his favorite color and lucky number. I also would want to create some notes about what I think about the DC and what he or she likes to do. By doing this I will create a deeper connection with the DC and much more easily create a permanent DC. I wake up in a bed and there are Diego and some other people. We play a game and Diego wants us to pray.
    monsa199a likes this.

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    1. monsa199a's Avatar
      Yep, I've been there but in a different project and situation..Anything is possible, none the less we've got to really commit to it, to make it happen. Great insights!
      JakeMcDake likes this.
    2. JakeMcDake's Avatar
      Thanks a lot Monsa! Please tell me about your project, I would appreciate to hear about how you managed.
    3. monsa199a's Avatar
      oh man! that was very long time ago, I didn't even write it down..all I remember was a very detailed invention, in this case with soda cans! when I woke up I was so excited and confident, but no action no results..
    4. JakeMcDake's Avatar
      oh man! that was very long time ago, I didn't even write it down..all I remember was a very detailed invention, in this case with soda cans! when I woke up I was so excited and confident, but no action no results..

      Aww, that's too bad. Better luck next time. I understand what you mean with that commitment. gotta do it or no results.