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    1. Tiny cat

      by , 03-08-2015 at 07:16 PM
      I dreamed we had a tiny cat. Apparently had had it all along. She was a stray or rescue cat. Despite being tinier than a kitten, she was full grown. I was worried once we adopt two kittens, how will this cat react to being smaller than them despite being older. I realized I was not sure whether our cat had had any immunizations, and we would need to make up for that before we got the kittens.
    2. Brief lucid: flying

      by , 03-05-2015 at 01:26 PM
      I was flying, and I noticed I had a broom stick sticking out between my legs in the front, so I looked behind me, and sure enough there was the head of the broom. I realized I was flying on a broom stick. I realized this must be a dream. I think I briefly continued flying but soon after that woke up.
    3. Son drinks liquid meant for iron tarnish

      by , 02-03-2015 at 11:51 AM
      In this dream I was working on a liquid that would cause silver to no longer tarnish. I left the bottle of this liquid out, and one of my sons drank it. He was in horrible pain as the liquid attacked his stomach. He told me he thought he would be ok because he made sure to keep himself grounded. I corrected him that grounding is against electricity but would not help at all against chemicals. I did not feel emotions in this dream, and I failed to call doctor's for help, though I remember wondering if my son would die.

      There is an interesting parallel between this dream and another dream I had recently where I left my kids unattended at a playground, and when I returned one or both of them had severe burns from dyeing shirts, and instead of calling for help, I pointed out to them which part of directions they did not follow.

      Dream self interpretation attempt: Is my subconscious blaming me for being a negligent parent somehow? For focusing too much on teaching and not enough on protecting and nurturing? I think I do protect and nurture my kids though, so why does my subconscious raise this problem? Ah, I think I got it: my dream could be telling me that I am not nurturing the new and creative parts of myself, that self criticism is not what is needed and that I need to ask for help and take care of myself like a mother takes care of a child. This could be about my failure to self improve. And to be honest it may also be that due to my failure to self improve to pay enough attention I am not being as good a mother also as I should be toward my sons after all. Not endangering lives but not nurturing full potential maybe.

      Updated 02-03-2015 at 12:00 PM by 61501

    4. Fragment based on Heroes

      by , 01-29-2015 at 12:19 PM
      (I have been watching Heroes a lot, too much.)

      The time traveler is given a note with the instruction to kill. He does kill who he is supposed to but then does something else, and that is a problem because he was supposed to kill and nothing else.
    5. 3rd night of Sensei's comp: Heroes like fragment

      by , 01-27-2015 at 01:44 PM
      Monday to Tuesday night:
      (before going to sleep watched TV series Heroes.)

      I was male and I think I was a bad guy. I think I was in love with a woman who had special powers, and I think I was either trying to steal them or trying to take them away from her. That's all I recall.
    6. 2nd night of Sensei's comp: weird vitamins, underwater prison, too much pasta, no lobsters!

      by , 01-26-2015 at 12:25 PM
      Dream fragments Sunday to Monday night:
      I was emptying out my husband's pants pockets prior to laundry, but instead of putting the contents aside for him to sort through, I tried to sort through them to determine what is trash and what is not. There were a few leftover pills which were all part of one package but different colors and shapes, and I knew they must be a kind of vitamin pill that changes the composition of the vitamins over time, but he had taken some from the middle rather than taking them in the correct order, and I wondered whether that rendered the rest of them trash or not.

      I was an inmate in some kind of underwater prison. But the water level was dropping, and I had hopes that I could in the confusion be confused for a guard not an inmate and be able to escape.

      I was a student and I don't remember much except that it looked like we were going to have pasta every day next week, some in restaurant and some in dorm but all pasta all the time.

      Failed WBTB around 2am

      I thought the renovation was almost done and so did the couple we had hired to do it. But my husband saw that a tile was broken near the fireplace and wanted it replaced. And then he noticed some burned looking wood on the wall that wood need to be sanded down. And he did not like the decorative lobsters.
    7. 1st nap Sensei's competition: election campaign

      by , 01-25-2015 at 09:36 PM
      Sunday afternoon nap: as part of election campaign the candidate was handing out bag of groceries to people. I had not received mine yet. In the crowd during the election campaign I was explaining to someone where my neighbor's kids went to school, that they went to three different schools (elementary, middle, high).
    8. Fragments, especially manure

      by , 01-24-2015 at 11:49 AM
      My mom was criticizing me for buying a house (totally out of character).

      I had left my son in some sort of daycamp or after school care and forgot to pick him up.

      I was using a pitchfork to spread manure in a large bin. I briefly wondered how come I had all this manure, but my dream self figured my home must come with a manure delivery service.
    9. Major burns on playground making shirts

      by , 01-23-2015 at 12:40 PM
      I was reviewing non-animated movies that would be appropriate for kids to see. My husband warned me that the cousins would have seen anything recent so they would have to be older movies.
      There was some interaction with a Polish woman whom I did not know before.
      I left my kids on a playground in a park, telling them where I was going and were the porta-potties were if needed, and I went through the park to the car. As I was walking I wondered briefly why I needed to go to the car but decided I needed some time on my own and a walk. When I got back to the playground after having been to the car my sons were hiding inside some sort of structure. When they came out they had major burns and bloody chest. I asked what happened but was not nearly as alarmed as I should have been. They told me they were making a shirt and showed me the instructions. I read them and pointed out to them the step they left out which was to not put it on until it had cooled down. We left the playground. I do not know whether we were heading to the ER - we should have been.
    10. Tennis lessons, restaurant leftovers, step out of moving car, family photos

      by , 01-22-2015 at 11:51 AM
      I wanted to take tennis lessons. My mom was taking tennis lessons with an instructor who I had also talked with over the phone. So my mom, me, and my two sons went to talk to him. The weather was gorgeous and there was an ocean right next to where he was. He was an Asian looking older man more like someone one would expect to teach martial arts stereotypically. When we came he was lounging on top of a low wall that encircled the fitness center. As we talked my younger son who is six was hanging off my back piggy back style, and my older son who is nine was hanging off the back of a stroller (?! Why a stroller?). I asked the instructor whether he could teach me tennis during weekends because I work during weekdays. He said not during the summer because the local students swim in the pools during the weekend and thus there are no tennis lessons. ( It was apparently summer in my dream even though it is winter here now in waking life.) So I asked about classes in the Fall, and he said no problem. In the meantime I said you could continue to give me lessons over the phone (?!). He suggested that I do weight training and that carrying a child in front of me would be good weight training (yeah, right). Visually this dream was quite vivid, but I did not hear the ocean nor feel my son's full weight.

      My husband and sons and I discovered that a local restaurant of ours had been tracking our left over food and we were expected to order that. There was for example a left over steak I had had last week.

      I was looking at a very professionally looking website which in my dream was my dad's and he had a section with our family photos and his photos.

      I was driving and my mom was a passanger. Suddenly she stepped out of the car while it was in motion, as if that was a thing commonly done. I was a bit shocked, but she seemed quite ok.

      Updated 01-22-2015 at 12:03 PM by 61501

    11. Backseat driving a runaway car

      by , 01-21-2015 at 11:54 AM
      Without explanation my husband stepped out of the car in mid traffic without putting the car on park or putting a break on, and the car just kept going. I was sitting in the back seat behind the driver's seat for some reason. I could reach the stearing wheel but not the pedals. So I steered the car through heavy traffic without the ability to break. I avoided cars barely, and had to go onto the sidewalk to not hit a car. Then my husband caught up with the car by foot, and the car was finally standing, and he said something like "I must have not put the hand break on. Sorry my mistake."

      When I woke up I also remembered a fragment or two but I was tired and did not immediately record it, and lost those memory fragments.
    12. Using another's superpower

      by , 01-19-2015 at 01:14 PM
      Note: Before going to bed I was rewatching some episodes of "Heroes" so a dream with superpowers is unsurprising.

      Fragment: all I remember is something about using another's superpower and pretending it was one's own (and I do not know whether it was me or a dream character who did it).

      Edit: I remember that the idea was to pretend that the other's superpower was one's own, so subterfuge.

      Updated 01-19-2015 at 01:42 PM by 61501

    13. Dark superpowers underattended reunion

      by , 01-18-2015 at 01:50 PM
      Fragment: I (and others) had some kind of superpowers but they were not necessarily good, there was something dark about them. They were not something one was born with but someone had adjusted us to have them. A school we had attended had a reunion, but it was underattended and that was bad but I do not know why.
    14. Swimming pool apartment + growing pill

      by , 01-16-2015 at 02:19 PM
      I lived in an apartment that had a glass wall looking out on the community swimming pool from my living room, and there was a door there that was not locked. So others would invade my home. I told management but they refused to do anything about it.

      Fragment 2: I had a tiny pill, and it magically grew to be a large fruity candy sandwich with separate parts. It was tasty.
    15. Fragment: bad nails, bequest, dead body

      by , 01-04-2015 at 01:42 PM
      Fragment 1: someone at work said I had to deal with my fingernails, so I examined them at home. There was something dearly wrong with each of them. Two nails were entirely coming off. One had a plastic fake nail in front of it that was ingrown into my finger. The others were way too long and dirty.

      Fragment 2: someone wanted to give something to the company I worked for, and we had to figure out whether we could legally accept the gift since it was way more valuable than what it was replacing. Also had to figure out who the companies owners and heirs really were. Another thing we knew was that last year a coworker and I had discovered a dead body at the work place after hours, and we reported it to upper management, who made the body disappear and it was never reported to the police.
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